After school, Yugi and the others went to the Lavender Game Store. When they arrived at the store, they saw a small truck with the Kaiba Group logo parked at the store entrance. At the same time, Li Youfeng and Izayoi Kaoru were also discussing something with Kaiba Keipi who came specially at the store entrance.

"You Fengjun, Miss Xun, what are you talking about with Keiping?"

With a questioning attitude, Yugi and others walked towards the door of the game store.

"Oh, it's the game." Seeing the protagonists of the game, Li Youfeng nodded slightly, as if to say hello,"It's like this, our store is qualified to distribute the new generation of duel disks, so Guiping came to deliver the goods specially."

"But it's not just like that!"

He interrupted Li Youfeng and said to him like a professional salesman:"Brother Youfeng, are you really not going to participate in this Duel City Competition? Aren't you a duelist? Isn't it your dream to become the Duel King?""

"Let me tell you, duelists like you can get the new generation duel disk provided by Kaiba Group for free, and if you win, you can get rare cards that you can't even imagine. Don't you want to try it?"

"Sorry, not interested!" Li Youfeng said indifferently while recording the goods in a notebook.

Yes, for Li Youfeng, who had known the inside story of this competition for a long time, the entire Urban Duel Chapter was just a conspiracy set up by Kaiba to collect the Three God Cards.

Yes, a conspiracy that all duelists cannot refuse!

In this world where playing cards is respected, the Duel King is the highest honor for a duelist. Getting the title of Duel King means that you have obtained absolute wealth, whether it is money, women or power, all of these will become things that are easily obtained.

Unfortunately, these things are not what Li Youfeng is interested in.

"Hey~! Why are you like this?"

"Yes, You Feng, why don't you want to participate in such a grand competition?"

Compared to Li You Feng who had no interest, Shizaiya Xun showed great interest, and because of the announcement of the Duel City Competition, the entertainment company where she worked part-time even stopped idol activities during this period of time. This shows how much importance the entire Tong Shiye attaches to this Duel City Competition.

"Hey, Miss Xun, do you want to join? This requires gambling cards!"

"Yo! Miss Kaoru eliminated me in the last national competition. This time I can get my revenge!"

After hearing that Kaoru Izayoi has decided to participate in the competition, Yugi and Jonouchi are worried and excited respectively. But in fact, for these duelists in this world, they still want to participate in the duel competition subconsciously. After all, the gene of playing cards flows in their blood. At this moment, nothing can hinder their extremely high emotions because of playing cards.

"Xiaoxun~ Oh, forget it, as long as you are happy."

Looking at Izayoi Kaoru, whose eyes were shining with stars because she could play cards, Li Youfeng's eyes flashed with tenderness.

Thinking carefully, even if he was in a bad situation, Malik should have aimed at him at this time. As long as he behaved himself during this period of time, Malik, who was targeting the nameless pharaoh, would not come to trouble him for no reason.

Izayoi Kaoru was just a second-rate duelist. Such a player had neither rare cards nor an identity worthy of attention. To put it bluntly, he was just a cannon fodder character who provided puzzle pieces.

Such a worthless passerby character, even those of Gurus Card hunters probably wouldn't be interested in her either.

However, what Li Youfeng didn't expect was that because of his own wild imagination and too much trust in the original plot of the anime, he still misjudged Malik's bottom line.

Seeing that persuasion was fruitless, Kaiba Keppei had to leave here dejectedly after all the new generation of duel disks were moved into the warehouse of the lavender game store by the delivery employees.

As for Izayoi Kaoru, after Kaiba Keppei left, she immediately disassembled a duel disk and put it on her left arm.

Looking at the duel disk that unfolded due to the activation of the system, Izayoi Kaoru was so excited that she posed in various extremely second-year postures.

"Wow, is this the new generation of duel disk? I want it too!"

The duel disk on Izayoi Kaoru's arm has obviously attracted Jonouchi's attention. Looking at Izayoi Kaoru who was fiddling with the duel disk with envy, Jonouchi quickly turned his gaze to Li Youfeng.

"You Feng, how much is this duel disk? How much is it?"

"Uh, Jonouchi, don't you know yet?" Li Youfeng smiled wickedly and said,"The rules for issuing duel disks are based on the level of the duelists. The Haima Group has posted all the duelist information online. Only duelists above the duel level 5 can get the new generation of duel disks."

"Duel level 5 or above?"Looking at Izayoi Kaoru with a face full of suspicion, Jonouchi leaned over and whispered in Li Youfeng's ear,"Based on Miss Kaoru's duel level, do you think she can reach level 5 or above?"

"Uh~?~!"Chengouchi's words immediately made Li Youfeng smile awkwardly.

"Jonouchi, who are you talking about? Are you itching for trouble?"

"Wow, can you hear that? Are you a super-eared person?"

Looking at Jonouchi being scolded for saying bad things about Izayoi Kaoru behind her back, Honda and Kyoko couldn't help but secretly give Jonouchi a thumbs up in their hearts. When they thought of Izayoi Kaoru's terrifying combat power value (physical), they couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat for Jonouchi.

"You Feng, turn on the computer and check my duel level. I am one of the top four players in the national competition. I really believe it today!" As if to prove themselves, under the insistence of Izayoi Kaoru, everyone came to the computer together.

"I say, boss, why don't we just forget it!" In order not to discourage Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng persuaded awkwardly.

"Just check it if I ask you to. Why are you so long-winded? Jonouchi, watch carefully. Today, I must prove myself well!"

Looking at the strong Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng looked sad and slowly typed out her information.

Izayoi Kaoru, level 2, rating, superficial woman!

Ace Monster, Rin Angel - Queen of Roses (attack power 2400 defense power 1300)

"What? A superficial woman?!"

"Hahaha! Ouch!"

After seeing Izayoi Kaoru's comment, Jonouchi covered his stomach and laughed without any image. Izayoi Kaoru, who was angry and embarrassed, would not tolerate him and immediately punched him in the stomach.

"Damn it, You Feng, check for me what level the city is at!"

"Haha, Ms. Xun, I'm not arrogant. Even though I'm not very good, I'm still a duelist who made it to the Duel Kingdom semi-finals. How come I'm not better than a superficial woman like you who's only level 2?"

"Kaiba Seto, this bastard, he is just taking revenge maliciously!"

Looking at Jonouchi who was laughing, Izayoi Kaoru naturally put Kaiba Seto on the blacklist.

"Jonouchi, let me see, yeah, got it!"

As Li Youfeng's keyboard tapped, Jonouchi's information appeared.

Jonouchi, level 1, rating, small fry!

Ace monster, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon (Attack 2800 Defense 2400)

"Miscellaneous~Miscellaneous fish?! And it's level 1?"

"Haha, you are just a level 1 trash. You are not as good as me!"

"Kaiba! You and I cannot coexist!" He instantly switched sides with Izayoi Kaoru, and Jonouchi's face also changed drastically. However, in Li Youfeng's view, Izayoi Kaoru's behavior was just the pot calling the kettle black.

"You Fengjun, can you help me check it out?"

"Yugi, no problem!"

Thinking that he had changed the plot of the game, Li Youfeng also opened the information about Yugi Muto with great interest. However, it seemed that fate had been corrected in the dark. Looking at the information displayed on the computer, Li Youfeng couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Yugi Muto, level 8, evaluation, huge potential!

Ace Monster, Black Magician (Attack Power 2500 Defense Power 2100)

"Wow! Level 8? What does that mean?"

"Level 8 represents the highest duelist level!"

"Is this true? Is Yugi so amazing?

Looking at Yugi Muto's profile, the friends present exclaimed at the same time.

"Well, after all, the game almost killed You Feng, so it's normal for it to have such high reviews!"

"Yes, speaking of the match in Duel Kingdom, the fight between Yugi and You Feng was so tense and exciting that it made me break out in cold sweats!"

"Damn it! I'm so unwilling. If I had known earlier, I should have gone to the Duel Kingdom to participate in the competition!"

"Thank you for your praise, I'm actually not that great."

Seeing Jonouchi, Honda and Izayoi Kaoru's comments, Oyayuki scratched his face a little embarrassedly.

"Here, Yugi, this is your duel disk!"

Li Youfeng took out a beautifully packaged duel disk from the back of the container and handed it to Yugi.

"Also, this is your puzzle card, remember to keep it safe"

"Damn it! I'm so envious!"

Seeing that Yugi and Izayoi Kaoru both had their own duel disks, Jonouchi bit his fingers unwillingly.

"You Feng, can you please be flexible? Even if it’s not free, I can buy it with money!"


With a slight sigh, Li Youfeng directly operated the computer to put a 5 on Jonouchi's duel level. At the same time, in order to prevent his boss from getting angry, he also changed Izayoi Kaoru's duel level.

"Only this time, here is your Duel Disk."

Knowing that even if he didn't get the Duel Disk from him, Jonouchi would get it in the black shop secretly opened by the Gurus organization. In order to prevent Jonouchi from being targeted by the rare card hunters of Gurus, Li Youfeng had to give the Duel Disk to Jonouchi.

Seeing that everyone had a Duel Disk, Masaki Anko asked curiously,"By the way, Youfeng, you haven't checked what level you are yet, why don't you show it to us all?"

"I'll forget it, I'm not participating in the competition."

After shaking his head slightly, Li Youfeng wanted to turn off the computer, but at this moment, Shizayoi Kaoru pushed Li Youfeng out of the counter with an extremely strong attitude.

"Hehe, I want to see what kind of evaluation is on You Feng!"

With his hands flying on the keyboard, Izayoi Kaoru quickly retrieved Li You Feng's information.

Li You Feng, level 8, evaluation, despicable and insidious villain! (Note: a coward who dares not participate in the duel competition!)

Ace monster, Nephthys's Blue Phoenix God (attack power 3000 defense power 1000)

Everyone:"This! ? Coward?"

""Seto Kaiba, that bastard! He's making a malicious personal attack!" Li Youfeng was completely numb after seeing his own information!

For Li Youfeng, who had secretly looked at his own information last night, the note at the back must have been added by Seto Kaiba, that bastard!

Because when he looked at it last night, it was clearly not there.

It's really~ shameless!

After getting the duel disk, Yugi and others left after chatting with Youfeng for a while. Looking at Jonouchi's back, Li Youfeng touched his nose with some relief.

The reason why Li Youfeng did not participate in this urban duel competition was not because he was afraid of Kaiba, but on the contrary. The truth is, it was precisely because he knew the plot of the original novel that he chose to stay out of it.

This urban duel does look quite glamorous on the surface, but in fact, it is a battle centered around the Three God Cards and the grudges between the nameless Pharaoh.

Thinking of the duel in which he had to gamble his life with Yugi because he was controlled by Malik, Li Youfeng, who already had concerns in his heart, naturally did not want to implicate the people around him because of himself.

Although he had met Malik before, strictly speaking, it was just an accident.

Participate in the duel The reason why Li Youfeng did not show up in the Kingdom of Fighting was because Pegasus had already shown his fangs to him at that time. The reason why he did not show up now was because Li Youfeng simply did not want to provoke Malik anymore.

After all, in Li Youfeng's personal opinion, there was not much conflict between him and Malik. As long as he was a little more obedient, Malik would not cause any more trouble.

In fact, Li Youfeng was still wrong about one thing, that is, there was still a big difference between the original plot and the real world, and Malik's arrogance was something Li Youfeng did not expect at all.

The trajectory of fate is quietly changing Since he got the latest generation of duel disks from Li Youfeng, Jonouchi's information was not exposed to Gurus in advance, which allowed him to safely pass the period before the start of the competition.

Although he did not attack Jonouchi, all of Gurus' assassins had already arrived at Tongshiye.

Since the character of Izayoi Kaoru did not appear in the original work, Li Youfeng did not think too much about it. Therefore, Li Youfeng did not expect that after accepting the order to completely wipe him out, Izayoi Kaoru, as an outsider, would become their first target to threaten him!

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