That night, three figures in purple-black robes appeared in front of the Lavender Game Shop. Li Youfeng, who was just about to close the shop, saw them.

"Are you Li Youfeng?"

Looking at the three burly men who suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Youfeng, who was dressed as a waiter, was a little confused for a moment, because he really couldn't figure out how the three of you brothers, dressed like this, could have strolled here from the street.

Although Tongshiye is very large, there are only a handful of well-known card game stores. Unfortunately, the lavender game store is really among those few. You know, Izayoi Kaoru's lavender card store is located in a prosperous area of Tongshiye.

Look at the three of you brothers, each with a cloak covering your face, wearing black in the middle of the night and dressed like a ghost, strolling around on the street. With your unconventional behavior, if you were not invited to have tea in the yamen by a passing yamen runner on the grounds of suspected illegal association, then Li Youfeng didn't believe it no matter what.

You can think about a guy named Niuwei. Although he was born in a bad family, he was definitely doing his job well after he got into the uniform of the sheriff, right?

Although it is true that Brother Crab is the protagonist, everyone must know very well what his identity was at that time.

Of course, due to his lack of strength and the needs of the plot, Niuwei was defeated by Brother Crab repeatedly, but based on his efficiency in responding to police calls and his serious and responsible work attitude, you can't give him a bad review in all conscience, right?

Who said that you had to play cards before catching a thief in those days?

It's a pity that you can't pull out a gun when you are a yamen runner!

After severely complaining about the extremely poor security environment in Tong Shiye, Li Youfeng nodded calmly and replied:"Yes, I am. Do you have something to do with me?"

"Haha, since you admit it, it will be easy!"

One of the men in black showed the duel disk on his left arm, suddenly pointed at Li Youfeng and said loudly:"Bet your rare card, let's duel!"


Rubbing his temples with a headache, Li Youfeng now finally understood why Tong Shiye's runners didn't arrest the three brothers. With this reason and this momentum, tell me, how to arrest them?

How to sentence them after they are caught?

Force people to play cards?

Isn't this nonsense!

To be honest, Li Youfeng never dreamed that the real purpose of the three muscular men blocking your door in the middle of the night was to drag you to play cards!

"Sorry, I'm busy now, you should find someone else."

Li Youfeng waved his hand helplessly and was about to move the sign at the door back to the store. However, at this moment, two other strong men suddenly blocked the door of the game store from the left and right.

"Hehe, as Gurus's rare card hunters, we have no right to refuse the targets we have set our eyes on!"

"ha~!"With a helpless sigh, Li Youfeng turned around and said,"I didn't sign up for the duel competition, so I don't have a duel disk with me. The game center is closed at night. What do you think? How about I go get two forks and we can sit on the floor and play cards?"

Fool~ Fool~!

It was as if a few crows flew over the heads of the three muscular men. The atmosphere on the scene was once awkward because of Li Youfeng.

Although he couldn't see the expression of the man in front of him, Li Youfeng could feel that the man in front of him seemed to have made up his mind after a slight tremor.

In Li Youfeng's surprised eyes, he saw the sturdy man in front of him decisively took off the duel disk on his left arm. After taking off his deck and handing the duel disk to Li Youfeng, he turned to another companion and said,"Lend me your duel disk!"

"Why? Can't you buy another one yourself? Why do you have to use mine? No loan!"

"You! Okay, you have guts!"

After hearing the conversation between the two men, Li Youfeng's face was instantly black. It can be seen that the rare card hunters in the Gurus organization are not all united. After seeing that this companion was unwilling to lend him the duel disk, the strong man had to shift his attention to another person, but who could have thought that this buddy was more direct and actually publicly marked the price!

"I can lend it to you. Give you money first, 50,000 yuan. Pay the money in one hand and take the plate in the other!"

"OK, sure, but you have to owe it to me first. I'll transfer it to you when I get back."

"Haha, are you kidding me? With your character? Impossible! Either give me money or find a way yourself! Of course, if you want to give up your target, I can take your place!"


Yes, the buddy who heard this was completely silent.

The air around was filled with an awkward atmosphere again.

Turning his head to look at Li Youfeng, the buddy said to Li Youfeng with some hesitation:"How about you return the duel disk to me first, and I will come to you tomorrow after I get a spare duel disk?"

"Hey! Stop it!" Li Youfeng quickly held the duel disk in his arms and said,"Don't even think about taking back what's in my hands!"

"It was you who proposed the duel first. Unless you beat me in the duel, forget it. And let me be frank with you. Although I run a game store, you should know how popular duel disks are right now. I have run out of stock in my store for a long time!"


Li Youfeng's words made the strong man fall into silence again, and the atmosphere of embarrassment filled the air again, so that even the hand he stretched out froze in mid-air.

Yes, just as Li Youfeng expected, even though they belonged to the Gurus organization, these were just low-level rare card hunters and not���Belonging to the grave-keeping clan, there is also a very cruel competition between them.

Based on the principle of survival of the fittest, the hunters of Gurus have a certain number of shots on their targets. After all, during this period of time, the number of rare cards is still too small, which once caused the situation of rare card hunters competing for prey.

Faced with this situation of more wolves than meat, if you fail, there will be new hunters to take over immediately. The winner will be rewarded by the organization. In addition to a lot of money, he will also get rare cards rarely seen on the market, and the fate of the loser.

Haha, Gurus does not need losers. Just look at the fate of Pandora.

As if he had made up his mind, the rare card hunter looked at Li Youfeng and said,"What did you say just now?"

"I said, but you should know how popular duel disks are now.……"

"Not this one, I meant the previous one."

"I said, how about I go get two pitchforks and we can sit on the floor and play cards?"

""Well, OK, I'll do as you say!"


Li Youfeng was completely speechless by this guy!

What's even more outrageous is that this guy actually sat down on the curb and found a stone to start drawing the duel venue. This action made Li Youfeng speechless, and he couldn't help but recall the time when he played Duel Monsters when he was a child.

(Readers who think that I have lowered their intelligence by forcing this paragraph, please open the original anime of Yu-Gi-Oh, Episode 12, Black Flame! After watching this episode, come back to comment, and you will understand how objective I am as an author. Of course, if you say that I am lowering my intelligence by writing fan fiction based on the world view of the original anime, then I have nothing to say. )

Putting the duel disk on his left arm, Li Youfeng took out a deck of cards from the card holder on his waist, and squatted directly in front of this buddy. Looking at the duel field drawn on the curb, Li Youfeng was reminiscing about the past while secretly sneering in his heart. When I didn't have the conditions back then, my brother was invincible in school. Do you really think I can't play?

So, at the door of the lavender game store, an extremely harmonious scene appeared.

"I have the first move, draw a card!"

"I summon the Lion Wizard to attack!" (Attack 1350 Defense 1200)

(The author reminds that the Lion Wizard is a 5-star normal monster. Logically, it cannot be summoned directly, but the official competition rules before allowed monsters below 1400 to be summoned, so there is the saying of the noble Lion Wizard. You can just understand it.)

"Plus I cover a card and my turn is over!"

"Li Youfeng, it's your turn."

"Well, it's my turn, draw a card!"

"I activate Pot of Greed from my hand and draw two cards"

"Activate ritual magic: Nephthys's Reincarnation"

"Special Summon Nephthys's Connector."(Attack 2000 Defense 0)

"The special effect of Nephthys Connector is activated, and you can summon a Nephthys Ritual Monster from your deck unconditionally."

"Wait a minute, I need to look for it in the deck. OK, I found it. OK, I will summon Nephthys's Blue Phoenix." (Attack 3000 Defense 1000)

"Nephthys's Phoenix God effect is activated, destroy Nephthys's Prayer from your hand, and then counter your Lion Wizard. Yes, that's the one. Don't look at it anymore, just throw it to the graveyard quickly."

"Then launch a cyclone to destroy your backcourt cover. Okay, your cover is gone. Don’t be a slacker. Take it down quickly!"

"Connector and Cang Huangshen attack directly, well, you lose."

Well, the whole duel was really boring and tedious.

(I just want to ask, is this how the brothers played in the beginning?)

The three rare card hunters of Gurus temporarily retreated. As for the confused Li Youfeng, he not only got a duel disk for free, but also got a noble lion wizard and a puzzle card, although he didn't want it originally.

Six days later.

Today is a good day, and it is an extremely chaotic day for those duelists who have been ready to move.

As the airship of the Seahorse Group announced the start of the duel competition over Tong Shiye, the entire Tong Shiye immediately became the duel. Due to the limitations of the original anime, the real world of Tongshiye is not as peaceful as in the anime.

Whether it is school, street, park, or road, duelists are fighting each other everywhere. In order to strengthen their decks, these card game stores in Tongshiye have been out of stock for a while. This shows how crazy the duelists in this world are. At the same time

, on the afternoon of the day when the Duel City officially started, a boy with hair like rabbit ears walked down from a fishing boat docked at Tongshiye Pier.

"Boy, I am willing to accept defeat this time. Next time I have a chance, I will definitely seek revenge from you!"

Looking at Bai Xiaoyi who was standing on the deck of the fishing boat and talking to him, Mo Liang smiled grimly and said,"Come on, you should be glad that you were still of some use to me at that time, otherwise, I would have devoured your soul long ago!"

"Hey~ I'm trying to show off to you, right? You're still practicing feudal superstition? Okay, if you're brave, let's wait and see!"

After listening to Bai Xiaoyi's harsh words, Mo Liang sneered and didn't even turn his head. He quickened his pace and ran towards Tong Shiye's urban area. After all, he had fallen behind a lot, and now he didn't have much time to waste.


"I attack directly!"

"Open the cover card!"

"Attack power 1600? What a powerful rare Kaka!"

"Ah! How could this happen!"

"My rare card!"

"I summon my right fist to attack your face directly!"

Listening to the noisy shouts outside the game store, Li Youfeng sat cross-legged in front of the signboard of the Lavender Game Store. Because the card packs were out of stock, Li Youfeng had nothing to do, so he listened to music and read comics. With the addition of the fat house happy water on the counter, his life was so comfortable.

Ding Dong!

At this moment, the door of the game store was pushed open.

"This store is out of stock. If you want to buy a card holder, please go to another store."

"I'm not here to buy card packs, I'm here to deliver the mail!"

"Oh, sorry, sorry!"

Li Youfeng walked out from behind the billboard awkwardly. After signing the receipt and sending the postman away, he looked at the small package in his hand, which was only slightly bigger than his palm, and said puzzledly:"I don't remember having any friends. Could it be an email from the boss?"

With some doubts, Li Youfeng opened the mail and saw a beautiful card box with the seal of the Illusion Society appeared in his field of vision.

"Is this a card box? Hey, Pegasus is really trustworthy!"

He opened the lid of the card box with a happy mood, and saw a postcard with a cartoon head on it placed on the top of the card.

After reading the postcard sent by Pegasus at a glance, Li Youfeng also had a general understanding of the cards in the card box.

In short, the five cards in this box were all drawn by Pegasus himself recently, and they are still in a state of not being released. Even if there are replicas in the future, these cards will be used as templates. As for the handmade originals, there are only the few in Li Youfeng's hand.

Such a gift is very valuable for this world where playing cards is respected. Looking at these precious cards in the original work, Li Youfeng is also very excited at the moment.

Since the Void Deck only stores the cards that Li Youfeng had in his previous life, some cards such as the Pot of Greed and the Angel's Charity that appeared in the original work were also obtained by Li Youfeng from the box of cards given by Kaiba Seto. He took out these five cards from the box with excitement, and Li Youfeng's eyes widened instantly.

"Da Lan, the final battle, the last knight, the mischievous twin demons, the mirage of nightmares"

"This~this is not a card at all, this is simply a nuclear weapon!"

Just for Pegasus's kindness, he deserves to be friends with him!

"Hehe~ God bless, may Mr. Pegasus live a long life!"

Knowing that these cards are just the beginning, with contempt and disdain for Pegasus in his heart (really fragrant), Li Youfeng put these cards into his own void deck while smiling obscenely.


What Li Youfeng didn't expect was that when he put these five cards into the void deck, the layout attribute frame that had not moved for a long time popped up again.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: 5

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (limited to 3 times per game), high star start, low star start, destined to draw (life value less than 2000 and limited to 1 time per game), Dark Resistance (Passive: Greatly reduce the soul damage in duels under special circumstances), Fighter's Soul (Active: Open a special duel barrier that can destroy the dark barrier with adjustable damage in three modes: slight, severe, and death.) Bonds

: Atlas Worm Demon, Vampire Lady, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Nephthys' Connector.

Unlock: Gale's Sky Fang Group! A paradise full of flower fragrance! Dragon Ninja!

"Fighter's Soul? Is this a replica of the Dark Barrier?"

""Shit, they're so generous this time?! They unlocked three decks for me at once?"

Seeing the black icons with banned cards becoming available, and the three decks just unlocked, Li Youfeng wanted to run out and find a duelist to try out whether these cards could bring them a roar.

"Oh, forget it, I'd better not make trouble."

Suddenly thinking of the group of middle school students in Gurus who couldn't even control the yamen runners, Li Youfeng finally gave up this idea. However, what he didn't know was that the assassins sent by Gurus had already started to attack Izayoi Kaoru.

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