Kaiba Group Central Building.

While the Duel City Tournament was in full swing, the monitoring center of Kaiba Entertainment Group also entered 24-hour monitoring work, and the task of the highest person in charge of the monitoring center fell on Kaiba Keihei.

As the elevator door opened, Kaiba Seto strode into the monitoring hall, looking at the image displayed on the satellite monitoring screen, Kaiba Seto said coldly:"How is it, Kei Ma, is there any news about the appearance of the God Card?"

"Not yet, but don't worry, brother, our satellites have covered the entire Tongshiye. As long as the God Card appears, it will definitely not escape our surveillance."

"Well, you did very well."

After a few seconds of silence, Kaiba Seto asked unwillingly:"The city competition has already started for nearly two hours. Has that bastard You Feng participated in the competition?"

"Uh, this~!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and Kaiba Keipi immediately called up the image of the Lavender Game Store from the satellite surveillance.

"This morning, apart from a postman who went in and out of the Lavender Game Store, Brother Youfeng did not come out, but our surveillance satellite accidentally captured this picture."

While speaking, Kaiba Keipi immediately called up the photo, and saw Li Youfeng drinking fat otaku happy water, wearing headphones, listening to music and reading comic books in front of the billboard near the window of the Lavender Game Store. The comfortable expression on his face made Kaiba Seto's teeth itch for no reason.

"This bastard! He is a coward! A despicable man!"He punched the table, and Seto Kaiba felt extremely aggrieved at this moment.

You know, Seto Kaiba was planning to beat Li Youfeng up in public in this duel tournament, especially after getting the Giant God Soldier of Obelisk. When Seto Kaiba went to bed these nights, he could wake up laughing in his dream because he punched Li Youfeng away.

But who knew that plans could not keep up with changes, and the enemy he thought was his lifelong enemy was now staying at home as a otaku.

This feeling is like you took a stick and called a few buddies to hold a sack at the school gate to block people, but after blocking for a few days, you suddenly learned that the bastard who gave you a big bag had transferred to another school and disappeared!

This feeling is really like eating a fly.

In short, Kaiba is really annoyed in his heart now!

"Damn it, do you think it's okay? I'll go find him myself!"

After gritting his teeth, Kaiba Seto suddenly made up his mind. Although it was really embarrassing for him to do this, compared with the humiliation he had suffered before, Kaiba suddenly felt that this was actually nothing.

""Wait a minute, brother, there's something new!"

Suddenly discovering something, Kaiba Keipi quickly zoomed in on one of the many surveillance screens on the big screen.

On the screen, a red-haired girl in Chinese casual clothes was standing in front of an old factory that had long been abandoned. At the same time, three men in black and purple robes had surrounded her.

"Izayoi Kaori?"

Recognizing the girl in the picture, Kaiba Seto sneered with disdain.

"Guiping, why are you showing her to me? I have no interest in such a superficial woman. What's more, I don't think her duel level is qualified to appear in front of me."

"No, brother, look, these people in robes are dressed very much like the mysterious card hunting organization you mentioned!"


After hearing Keipi's words, Kaiba Seto immediately became interested.

"Zoom in for me!"

Following Kaiba's order, Keihei quickly zoomed in on the screen again. After confirming that the three people in the picture did look like Gurus' men, an idea quickly emerged from Kaiba Seto's mind.

"Haha, great, it's really wonderful. I've never been so happy to see these rats from Gurus like today!"

Looking at Kaiba Seto with a puzzled look, Kaiba Keihei said worriedly:"Brother, I heard that the cards used by Gurus people are mostly fake cards. Do we need to stop this duel? Moreover, I am very worried that Sister Xun will be in danger."

"Danger? Haha, you're right, that's what I want!"

A hint of viciousness flashed across his face, and Kaiba Seto immediately said:"No need to stop this duel, because I already have a better idea!"

Turning and walking towards the elevator door, Kaiba's face was full of excitement that was difficult to conceal

"Just when I was sleepy, someone brought me a pillow. Gurus, I have to say you did a really good job this time!"

"You↗Feng↘! You want to stay out of it? Haha, I want to see how you can stay out of it this time!"

Lavender Game Shop.

Having just added the cards sent by Pegasus to his own deck, Li Youfeng looked out the window at the street out of boredom. Looking at the two duelists dueling in the middle of the street, Li Youfeng was already too tired to complain.

"Alas, I did not expect that the current duel rules are still so crude. Normally, magic cards can be released directly during the opponent's turn. What's the point of quick-attack magic and trap cards?"

"Fortunately, I had foresight and took advantage of the past few days to make up for the current game rules, otherwise, I might have made a fool of myself."

Yes, as a time traveler, Li Youfeng knew the plot of Yu-Gi-Oh, but for Li Youfeng, who watched anime just for fun at that time, why would he worry about the problem of 2,000 blood and 4,000 blood?

Not to mention that the rules of urban duels are so confusing.

(Li Youfeng: There is no point in worrying about it, because I have never played in an environment of 2,000 and 4,000 blood!)

Watching the protagonist Muto Yugi's various nonsense opponents, for the young Li Youfeng at that time, he could only say with stars in his eyes, such as"How awesome!""Sguoyi!""Sago!"Such words of praise.

When he grew up and came into contact with Yu-Gi-Oh, the environment was already 8,000 blood. For his favorite Yu-Gi-Oh game, Li Youfeng would of course study the existing rules carefully.

Moreover, the gap between the dueling environment of the era he lived in and the current one was too big. After all, who would have the time to study the earliest game rules?

Of course, there are two exceptions!

One is really idle and bored.

Under the rules of 8,000 blood, you have to study the village rules of 2,000 blood. Aren't you bored?

The other is especially fond of arguing.

Because this kind of person will be in a duel with you. When you are in a daze, he will directly play a big monster with twelve stars, and then point at your nose with a proud face and tell you that this is how the rules I am familiar with are played.

Then, when you are confused and don’t know why, he will directly deduct all your health and play the card that says to take away your entire set of cards. (The author had a lot of fights because of this card!)

The author was always robbed at the beginning, so he had to buy one too!

As for the final result, if nothing unexpected happens, he will be beaten into the hospital by the right fist you just summoned in attack position. After all, he deducted all your 8,000 health in one go.

(I summoned the right fist in attack position and special summoned the left fist at the same time!)

"Ding Ding~!"

Just as Li Youfeng was thinking about the past, the phone on the counter rang. Thinking it was a call from the deliveryman, Li Youfeng picked up the phone without thinking.

"Hello, Lavender Game Shop"

"You Feng↘!"


Hearing this sound, Li Youfeng hung it up again at lightning speed.

"There's no reason. Given the president's personality, he shouldn't start digging graves so early, right?"

"Ding Ding~!"

Seeing the phone ringing again, Li Youfeng couldn't help but flash a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"Hello, Lavender Game Shop"

"You bastard, you dare to hang up on me! Are you looking for death?"

Well, it's confirmed, it's the president.

"Misunderstanding~ It was just a misunderstanding! My hands were shaking just now. What’s wrong with you?"

"Hum~ Why don’t you come and participate in the Duel City competition?"

"Hi, I'm just watching the store. I'm busy. If you don't believe me, you can come and see. My store is out of stock. I just had a quarrel with the deliveryman."

As if he had expected Li Youfeng to shirk his responsibilities, Kaiba Seto suddenly changed his tone.

"I see. Since Keima owes you a favor last time, I will reveal a piece of information to you. The stupid woman, Izayoi Kaoru, was attacked by a rare card hunter from Gurus. The location is near the abandoned factory in the southern old city. As for whether to go there or not, it’s up to you!"

After saying this, Kaiba hung up the phone.���machine

"Humph, You Feng, this way I will not only repay you a favor, but you will also have to willingly fall into the trap I set. If you want to escape from me, haha, it's impossible! Hahahaha~!"

Putting the phone back into his trouser pocket, Kaiba Seto, who was standing on the top of the Kaiba Group building, seemed to have guessed Li Youfeng's reaction. Looking towards the southern old town, Kaiba couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Just as Kaiba Seto expected, Li Youfeng was stunned when he heard this. His pupils suddenly shrank, and a few drops of cold sweat instantly appeared on his forehead.

"Xiaoxun! Damn it, Xiaoxun didn't appear in the original story of Yu-Gi-Oh. Why did the story change again? Malik, that bastard, didn't go after Jonouchi but went after Xiaoxun instead?"

Putting the duel disk next to the counter on his left arm, Li Youfeng rushed out of the game store at a very fast speed.

"Malik, I hope you can be more rational, otherwise, I will never let you go! Xiaoxun, hold on, I'll be there soon!"

Abandoned factory in the old town in the south

"Oh, haha~ I already have two puzzle cards. If you can't take out the puzzle cards of equivalent value, I won't duel with you!"

After Li Youfeng's guidance and fine-tuning of the deck, the strength of Izayoi Kaoru's deck and dueling level have also improved to a considerable extent. From

Li Youfeng's personal perspective, although Izayoi Kaoru can't be compared with the top duelists, she is more than enough to deal with some second-rate duelists to satisfy her card addiction. However, from a practical point of view, Li Youfeng still underestimated Izayoi Kaoru's potential.

Because her idol status as the Princess of Flowers has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, many fan duelists came to the competition after hearing that Izayoi Kaoru was also participating in the competition, and hoped to have a friendly duel with their idol.

With the idea of participation as the most important thing, Izayoi Kaoru also accepted everyone who came. In nearly two hours, she even won fifteen consecutive victories.

As the Kaiba Group announced the Duel City During the competition, only duelists whose duel level on the information network is over five and who are eligible to get duel disks for free will have a puzzle card. So Izayoi Kaoru, whose information was tampered by Li Youfeng, originally did not have a puzzle card.

As for the puzzle card in Jonouchi's hand, it was because Li Youfeng did not participate in the competition that he gave his puzzle card to him.

However, surprisingly, among Izayoi Kaoru's fans, there are really two players whose duel level is over five.

After the duel according to the gambling card rules, Izayoi Kaoru, who was in good luck with cards, actually played two consecutive crushing games. In addition to obtaining their rare cards, he also got two puzzle cards. After seeing the true strength of the Princess of Flowers, the two duelists were also very happy. After asking for Izayoi Kaoru's autograph, they encouraged Izayoi Kaoru to move towards the top.

��The successive victories gave Izayoi Kaoru great confidence, and the support from her fans also directly aroused her competitive spirit. As a duelist, Izayoi Kaoru actually wanted to get the highest honor from the bottom of her heart.

When she thought that she only had four puzzle cards left to make it out of the preliminaries, and because she had someone she cared about the most in her heart, Izayoi Kaoru, who was extremely eager to prove herself in front of Li Youfeng, also actively began to look for opponents, so when facing Gurus's rare card hunter, she went all in!

"Give me your puzzle cards and let me deal with her."

Just when the three hunters of Gurus were hesitant, a sturdy man came out from behind them, stretched out his hand to lift his hood, and a big bald man with cross earrings, a braid and black ancient characters tattooed on his face appeared in front of Izayoi Kaoru.

"Lord Malik, there is no need for you to take action against such a duelist, right?"

"Yes, Lord Malik, we can handle it, please leave it to us!"

"Shut up!"

Glancing at the three of them coldly, Malik said expressionlessly,"You are not unaware of how powerful the Izayoi Group is in Sakura Country. We need to act cautiously and try to avoid unnecessary trouble! As for this girl, we only need to use her to lure Li Youfeng here, so it is safer for me to do this myself. As for you, just follow my orders and do other things."


Seeing Malik's insistence, the three rare card hunters no longer insisted. After handing their puzzle cards to Malik, they turned around and left with a respectful look on their faces.

"Little girl, here are two puzzle cards, you can start now!"

"Oh! Of course you can. Hehe, let me show you how powerful I, the Flower Princess, am!"


Izayoi Kaoru LP4000

"Malik" LP4000

"I got the first attack, draw a card!"

She drew a card from the deck on the duel disk very neatly, and then Izayoi Kaoru launched her own attack!

"I Normal Summon Senra's Narcissus Leaf!" (Attack 1500 Defense 1200)

"If this card is successfully summoned, you can reveal two cards from your deck. If a Plant-Type card appears, you can send all of them to the Graveyard!"

"Based on this effect, I will send the flipped Carrot Man and Rose Lover to the graveyard!"

"Carrot Man's special effect is activated. When this card is in the Graveyard, once per turn, you can Special Summon a Plant-Type monster on the field or in your hand by throwing it into the Graveyard."

"I choose to throw Senra's Divine Bud Sprout from my hand into the graveyard and Special Summon Carrot Man!" (Attack 1900 Defense 0)

"Rose Lover's special effect is activated!"

"While this card is in the Graveyard, you can choose to banish this card and Special Summon a Plant-Type monster from your hand!"

"Come out, my ace monster!"

""Stern Angel - Queen of Roses!" (Attack Power 2400 Defense Power 1300)

"Oh, how about that? This is the summoning technique I finally learned!"

"Did it scare you?"

"Finally, I covered a card!"

"My turn is over!"

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