"Let's go somewhere else, Pandora. You should know that I'm not here to chat with a third-rate magician like you."

"Bastard~ Since you want to die, I will grant your wish!"

Following Pandora's footsteps, Li Youfeng came to a circular underground duel arena. Looking at this classic venue that appeared in the original anime, Li Youfeng knew very well that Pandora was definitely going to play a trick that didn't follow martial ethics.

"You Feng, welcome to my place, Pandora's Despair!"

Standing in front of the square table engraved with the golden eye, Pandora pretended to introduce herself.

"As a top magician, I have performed many breathtaking magic escape shows. Everyone was amazed by my talent, so Mr. Malik chose me!"

"Ah, today is my lucky day. Just when Lord Malik ordered us rare card hunters to kill you, I didn't expect you to come to me."

"A lucky day? Maybe, but how can you be so sure that I am here to get killed?"

Although it is difficult to complain about why the content of the kill order is to play cards with you, this does not affect Li Youfeng's card playing style of wanting to break the opponent's mentality. After all, he has promised Izayoi Kaoru that he will get the title of Duel King, so when he is playing cards, he must enjoy the"smile" of the opponent, right?

"The reason is very simple, that is, until now, no one has been able to escape from my Pandora's hands, and you are no exception."

"Come on, You Feng, for the sake of fairness in the duel, let's shuffle the cards first."

"Well, since you want fairness, then I will give you fairness!" (A tribute to the classics, you know what I mean!)

Li Youfeng also walked to the square table with a sinister smile on his face, only because Li Youfeng had long known that Pandora had cut the corners on the black mode master's cards, so fairness did not exist for him at all.

After watching the other party shuffle the cards, Pandora said with a sinister smile:"Youfeng, do you trust me so much? Don't you plan to cut a card or something?"

Shaking his head slightly, Li Youfeng said with a sarcastic smile:"No need, you have already marked it anyway, it's boring to play that fake thing, let's just start."

"Bastard! You are such an irritating guy."

Realizing that her tricks seemed to have been seen through by Li Youfeng, Pandora's tone was quite angry.

"Hehe, but even if you see through it, so what? You are destined to die here. Come on, the great magician Pandora's personal escape show is about to begin!"

As Pandora spoke, the floor under his feet began to slowly retreat like an elevator. Looking at Pandora's eyes that seemed to have succeeded in her conspiracy, Li Youfeng smiled with disdain.

"I jump!"


As he was about to reach the edge of the duel field, Li Youfeng jumped up directly. In Pandora's confused eyes, he saw that the two shackles extending from his calves that wanted to clamp Li Youfeng had already locked up.



"What about you?"


"What about me?"

"Fuck you!!!" Pandora looked down at the buckle that barely locked her calf, and now she felt like a fool.

"Haha, you want to play dirty tricks on me? Don't think I don't know, you must have another spare key in your sleeve, sorry, I really don't buy it! What, hey, I jumped in, I jumped out again, what can you do to me?"

Looking at Li Youfeng jumping back and forth in the duel arena, Pandora said that his mentality was a little broken at this moment.

"Damn it!"

Although she didn't know why Li Youfeng saw through her trick, Pandora said at this time that if he locked her up, wouldn't she be a fool?

She quickly took out the key from her sleeve and opened the shackles on her calves. Pandora raised her duel disk to Li Youfeng.

Although there was no saw disk like in the anime, it didn't affect the duel between the two at all.

"Duel!" X2

Li Youfeng LP4000

Pandora LP4000

After a faint smile, Li Youfeng said:"Since I am the guest you invited, I will take the first attack!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, 2 times remaining in this game

"I activate the magic card Pot of Greed and draw two cards from my deck!"

"Activate Angel's Charity, I draw three cards from my deck, and then choose two to discard"

"The cards I want to discard are Masked Ninja Ebisu and Golden Ninja!"

"Field magic card, Hidden Village - the place to practice ninjutsu is activated!"

"I usually summon the ninja leader Hanzo to attack." (Attack 1800 Defense 1000)

Seeing that the monster summoned by Li Youfeng was actually a ninja, Pandora immediately laughed at him in a somewhat sarcastic tone:"I didn't expect you to use a ninja to deal with my black magician. Should I say you are ignorant or brave?"

"What? Do you look down on ninjas? These ninjas are like Hayabusa, they are all dragon ninjas, have you heard of them?" With a sly smile, he glanced at Pandora and continued his operation.

"When you successfully summon the Ninja Leader Hanzo, you can add a card with the Ninja Character from your deck to your hand!"

"The special effect of the Field Magic Hidden Village is activated. Once per turn, when you have a Ninja Monster Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned on your side of the field, you can activate it by targeting a Ninja Monster or a Ninja Card in your Graveyard and adding that card to your hand."

"I choose to add the Golden Ninja to my hand"

"The continuous magic card secret ninja sticker is activated!"

"Once per turn, you can send a Ninja Monster from your hand to the Graveyard to activate this effect, and select a Ninja Magic/Trap Card from your Deck other than the Hidden Ninja Scrolls and place it on your field."

"I sent the Mecha Ninja Water to the graveyard"

"Then choose to cover this card!"(Ninja Transformation Technique)

"Next, I cover two cards again and my turn is over!"

"Humph, it's my turn, draw a card!"

Since Pandora didn't use the card eraser like in the original game, she already had a black magician in her hand. Of course, all this was completely expected for Li Youfeng. As for why he watched Pandora use black magic without stopping her, it was because Li Youfeng had already begun to enjoy the fun of the underworld duel.

Yes, for the underworld card players, being able to completely break the opponent's mentality is the greatest fun of the monster duel.

"You Feng, now I will show you what a top magician is."

"I activate from my hand, Black Magic Veil!"

"This card can be activated by paying 1000 life points, and you can select a Sorcerer-type Dark attribute monster from your hand or graveyard and Special Summon it!"

Pandora LP4000>3000

"Come, Black Magician!"(Attack 2500 Defense 2100)

As Pandora spoke, a magician monster wearing a red robe and with the same complexion as Shirid appeared on the field.

"Next, I Normal Summon Magical Rishin in Attack Position!"(Attack 1300 Defense 1500)

"Hey, let me tell you that the magic transformation has a special effect. If you……"

"I know!"

Interrupting Pandora, Li Youfeng crossed his arms and said indifferently:"The special effect of this monster is that it can attack magician monsters once in addition to the general move to indicate the upper summon, but you don't have enough sacrifices now, I'm afraid you can't summon the second black magician."

"Oh, by the way, I remember that it seems to have the ability to add a normal Sorcerer-type monster from the graveyard or deck to the hand after being destroyed, so you want to lure me to destroy it and then retrieve the Black Magician from the deck? How about it? Am I right?"

"You! You! You!"

Pandora was immediately inexplicably frightened when she heard that Li Youfeng knew her monsters so well and even said"you" three times.

You know, in a duel at this time, you can't check the monster effects and the opponent's graveyard, and in a duel, unless you initiate it, no one will take the initiative to confess the special effects of their monsters to you.

"You are quite capable, I underestimated you a little bit!"

Forcing herself to calm down, a trace of haze flashed in Pandora's eyes.

"Even if you know the effects of my monsters, you should know that my black magician's attack power far exceeds that of the ninja leader Hanzo!"

"However, I don't know what special abilities Hanzo has. If I attack you rashly because I underestimate you, that would be stupid."

"So, I thought of a better way to execute him!"

"I activate the magic card from my hand, Thousand Swords, to destroy the ninja leader Hanzo on the field!"

"Prepare to die!"

As the magic card Thousand Knives was activated, countless flying knives suddenly appeared beside the Black Magician, as if he had transformed into a certain Ao. The Black Magician picked up a flying knife and revealed a completely JO face. The sinister smile seemed to say to Hanzo,"You're turning blue, have you seen these knives?"

(Li Youfeng: Bastard, he actually thought of this method!)

More than a dozen flying knives shot out from the Black Magician's hands. Seeing that the ninja leader Hanzo was about to be hit by the flying knives, Li Youfeng suddenly waved his hand and shouted with a sinister smile:"Open the continuous trap card, ninjutsu transformation technique!"

As the trap card was opened, a cloud of white smoke instantly hid the ninja leader Hanzo in it. The flying knives shot from the Black Magician's hands penetrated the smoke, and because they lost their target, they shot in vain.


Pandora's eyes widened when he saw that his magic didn't hit the target. However, before he could react, he saw a man in a black tights with a steel claw on his right arm slowly emerging from the smoke in a JO-like posture.

Please refer to this posture

Black Dragon Ninja! (Attack Power 2800 Defense Power 1600)

"Damn, this monster's attack power has surpassed the Black Magician, and what's this move? Why do I feel like this monster is provoking me?!"

Noticing the attack power of the Black Dragon Ninja, Pandora was a little panicked at this time.

"Haha, You Feng, although your monster's attack power has exceeded that of the Black Magician, my turn is not over yet. Activate the magic card, tragedy of the guillotine!" (The original effect of the anime is a magic card) As the magic card was activated, a wooden gallows appeared in the center of the duel field. Two chains shot out from the gallows, and after hitting the Black Dragon Ninja, they directly pulled it under the gate knife.

"Haha, you have no way to escape now, the execution has begun!"

"That's not necessarily true!"After a sinister smile, Li Youfeng directly activated the Jumping Ninja, oh no, it was the special effect of the Black Dragon Ninja.

"Black Dragon Ninja's special effect is activated. Once per turn, you can send a Ninja Monster and a Ninja Card from your hand and the face-up cards on your field to the Graveyard, then target a monster on the field and banish that monster."

"I choose to discard the Golden Ninja in my hand, and throw the Continuous Trap Card Ninja Transformation on the field into the graveyard to activate its effect!"

""Exclude the Black Dragon Ninja!"


A cloud of smoke enveloped the Black Dragon Ninja tied to the gallows. With a crisp sound, the guillotine's blade chopped him down directly!

(Pandora: Show!!!)

Seeing that not only Li Youfeng escaped his shackles, but also the monsters he summoned showed off their faces as smoothly as loaches, Pandora said that he was a little numb.

"But it's okay this way, you eliminated your monster, now your frontcourt is……"

"The special effect of Black Dragon Ninja is activated. When this face-up card leaves the field, you can activate it and special summon the monsters removed by the effect of this card to the field of their original owner as much as possible!"

"Come back, jumping ninja, ahem~, it’s the black dragon ninja!"

"The special effect of the field magic Hidden Village is activated, adding the Golden Ninja in your graveyard to your hand"

""Wow, your legs are so bad!!!"

Pandora looked at the black dragon ninja who jumped back from the outside of the field, holding her head with both hands in disbelief, especially when the man in the black tights kept posing in a different JO pose when he jumped back to the field, which made Pandora even more difficult to accept.

It was just this pose!

""Fuck! Are you making trouble? I have never seen such a mean ninja. Do all the ninjas of the Dragon Clan like to mess with people's mentality?!"

Pandora was completely upset by Li Youfeng at this time. Although his face could not be seen, there was no doubt that an angry"smile" appeared on his face."!

"Damn You Feng, I don’t believe you can get away with it this time!"

"Activate the magic card and wave to the darkness!"

"This card can destroy an enemy monster directly regardless of conditions. Your Black Dragon Ninja has already used a special effect once. I don't know how you can dodge it this time. Go to the graveyard!"

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