Seeing the giant claw of the devil stretched out from the black fog above the duel field and grabbed the Black Dragon Ninja in his hand, Pandora was so excited that he almost laughed out loud. However, just when he thought that this wave was definitely stable, Li Youfeng's very annoying voice came from the opposite side again.

"The special effect of the Black Dragon Ninja is activated. I send the Golden Ninja in my hand and the Secret Ninja Scroll on the field to the graveyard and choose to exclude the Black Dragon Ninja!"


In Pandora's confused eyes, the Black Dragon Ninja, who had been caught in the devil's giant claws, disappeared again in the air with a"slip" sound like a slippery loach!

"Why? Why is this happening?!"

Since it had lost its target, the demon's giant claws grabbed a lonely monster once again without any suspense. Three consecutive magic cards failed to kill the opponent's monster. At this time, Pandora was almost driven to the brink of a mental breakdown by Li Youfeng!

"Another special effect of the Black Dragon Ninja is activated. Hehe, I don't need to explain it to you this time. Come back, jumping ninja!"

As Li Youfeng spoke, the Black Dragon Ninja appeared on Li Youfeng's field again in another new JO-like posture!

Please refer to this posture.

Really~! Ninja jumping back and forth!

Pandora was completely numb when she saw this scene, because the series of operations of the Black Dragon Ninja was like a pervert who deserved a beating. While constantly provoking herself, she kept saying to herself, Alas, I jumped in, and I jumped out again, and I couldn't hit him! Hehe, I jumped in again, but you are useless when I give you a chance!

This disgusting feeling, are you performing an escape show for me here?

Are you a magician or am I a magician?

Stretching out her trembling right hand, Pandora pointed at the Black Dragon Ninja who was jumping back and forth on the duel field, and asked in an unbelievable tone:"Didn't you just say that the special effect of this ninja monster can only be used once per round? How could it be activated twice in a row?"

"Haha~ Are you stupid?"

Looking at Pandora, whose spirit had completely collapsed, Li Youfeng replied with a sly grin:"My Black Dragon Ninja excluded himself. After returning to the field, can't he only activate it once per round?"

"So that's how it is!"

After hearing Li Youfeng's explanation, Pandora suddenly realized that the jumping ninja was so terrifying. It was not until this moment that Pandora truly understood what kind of special effect this monster had.

Although she had heard of Li Youfeng's despicable deeds before, it was not until she personally experienced how despicable he was that Pandora understood what kind of mood those opponents who were mentally broken by Li Youfeng were in at that time.

"My turn is over!"

I summoned the Black Magician and activated the magic card three times in a row, but I still couldn't do anything to the wretched ninja in front of me. You can imagine how frustrated Pandora, who used to perform escape shows as a profession, felt.

Oh, so I activated the magic card three times in a row, and you showed off all of them to me?

What is this? This is a provocation!

What is this called? This is called being a jerk!

What is this? This is humiliation!

Is this called a duel?

This is not a duel, okay!

Looking at Li Youfeng with a smirk on his face, Pandora almost understood the meaning of the expression on his face in seconds. The blue veins on his face almost broke through the funny mask. If the rules did not allow it, Pandora would have to rush up and let Li Youfeng taste what the British old boxing tasted like!

"Hehe~ My turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, 1 time left in this game.

Looking at Li Youfeng's sinister smile, Pandora had a question at this time, that is, compared with the two of us, who is the fucking villain?

"The magic card Life-threatening Treasure Card is activated!"(Original animation effect)

"I can draw cards from my deck until I have 5 cards in my hand, but at the beginning of my 5th Standby Phase after activating this card, I must send all the cards in my hand to the Graveyard."

"I Normal Summon Yellow Ninja!"(Attack 1900 Defense 1800)

"The special effect of Yellow Ninja is activated. If this card is successfully summoned, you can Special Summon a 4-level or lower Ninja monster from your hand."

"Come out, Masked Ninja Ebisu!" (Attack 1200 Defense 1800)

"Damn it!"

Seeing that Li Youfeng instantly added five more cards to his hand, Pandora realized that the opponent was going to decide the outcome in this round. She looked at the black magician with sweat on her forehead. At this time, Pandora could only pin her hopes on her front court.

"My Black Magician has an attack power of 2500 points, and my Demonic Kairi also has an attack power of 1300 points. A Black Dragon Ninja Monster alone cannot kill me instantly, absolutely cannot kill me instantly!"


After a sneer, Li Youfeng immediately began his attack

"Do you think that a single Black Dragon Ninja can't kill you in this round? In that case, let me increase the number of ninjas first!"

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Li Youfeng's confident look, Pandora began to panic. Unconsciously, his back was already wet with sweat.

Pandora knew very well that as a rare card hunter of Gurus, if he failed, there would be unimaginable punishment waiting for him.

"Continuous Trap Card is activated, Ninjutsu - Super Transformation Technique!"

You should know that Li Youfeng covered three cards in his last round, and this Super Transformation Technique was naturally covered at that time.

"The effect of this card is that you can select 1 Ninja monster you control and 1 face-up monster your opponent controls to activate"

"Send the selected monster to the Graveyard, and Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type, Dinosaur-Type, or Sea Dragon-Type monster from your Deck to your side of the field with a total level lower than that of the selected monster."

"I will send Ebisu on my field and the Black Magician on your field to the graveyard together!"

"Come out, Yellow Dragon Ninja!"(Attack 3000 Defense 1500)

Following Li Youfeng's call, another Dragon Ninja emerged from the smoke in a JO-like posture!

"Hehehe, next, I'm going to activate the last trap card!"

"Open the cover card, continuous trap ninjutsu - demon transformation technique!"

"You can only activate one card of this name per turn. At the same time, you need to release 1 Ninja Monster on your field and target 1 monster in the opponent's Graveyard to activate this card."

"As the target, that monster is Special Summoned on my field, and the monster Special Summoned by this effect is also treated as a Ninja Monster while this card is face-up."

"I release the Yellow Ninja and Special Summon the Ninja Black Magician!" (Attack 2500 Defense 2100)

(The familiar BGM music has sounded, please search for"Three Brothers Under the Moon" by yourself! )

Please refer to this posture

"What the F¥%K!"


Seeing the black magician in a tight ninja suit, Pandora was completely broken!

What is this?

Winning the duel is not enough.

Do you still want to kill people and destroy their hearts?

Especially the black magician in a ninja suit also posed in a JO-like posture. Are you damn sure you are serious?

(Black Magician: So the power of a magician has its limits! Pandora, I don't want to be a magician anymore!)

Looking at the trembling Mage-like Rishin (1300 attack and 1500 defense) in front of the three JO-like bosses, Pandora asked, why did she bring this despicable villain here?

"Ninjas, attack!"

Black Dragon Ninja:"Ola!"

Yellow Dragon Ninja:"Dula!"

Black Magician Ninja:"Luzerolada!" (The steamroller is coming!)

For reference only

(Li Youfeng: Damn, it seems like something incredible has sneaked in?!)

"This is not scientific!!!!"

Pandora LP3000>0

It should be said that it is worthy of being a duel disk developed by Kaiba Seto himself. The manual clearly states that the simulated attack caused by the duel will not cause much harm to the human body.

However, in fact, this steamroller that appeared from nowhere was thrown over, and Pandora, whose health value was reduced to zero, was knocked unconscious directly. This is a bit unbelievable.

He walked up and pulled out the deck used by Pandora. Just when Li Youfeng was about to look for the black magician card, suddenly a card in Pandora's deck turned into black light and came to Li Youfeng's hand.

"Duel Spirit?!"

Li Youfeng threw away the other cards with a look of surprise, and turned the card in his hand over. As he expected, the card that flew to his hand was really the red-robed version of the Black Magician!

Looking at this Black Magician, Li Youfeng suddenly remembered that when he was a child, there was a scene when Pandora sacrificed the Black Magician to attack the game with her soul.

This Black Magician, who was supposed to have no emotions, actually had obvious fear.

When he saw this scene, Li Youfeng thought it was the result of Wang Yang's nonsense.

However, it was not until he experienced it personally that Li Youfeng completely understood that the powerful Duel Spirit had already been hosted in this Black Magic card.

With great excitement, Li Youfeng quickly put this card into his own Void Deck. After the card marked with the position of the Black Magician lit up, the attribute layout frame popped up directly in front of Li Youfeng.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: 5

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (limited to 3 times per game), High Star Start, Low Star Start, Destined to Draw (HP less than 2000 and limited to 1 time per game), Dark Resistance (Passive: Greatly reduce the soul damage in duels under special circumstances), Fighter's Soul (Active: Open a special duel barrier that can destroy the dark barrier with adjustable damage of three modes: slight, severe, and death.)

Bonds: Atlas Bug Demon, Vampire Lady, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Nephthys's Connector, Black Magician (Red Robe Version).

Unlock: Because the world rules limit Yugi Muto to the Lord of Black Magic, a special compensation derivative deck"Endymion's Witchcraft!》

"Witchcraft? Could it be?"

After getting this deck, Li Youfeng's eyes lit up.

"It's a pity that the pure Witchcraft deck still has too many shortcomings. If you can mix and match the unlocked deck, the effect will be much better."

"However, if Witch Craft and Black Magician work well together, they can actually do something great. Well, they are all decks I used in my previous life, so I'll keep them for now."

After searching carefully, Li Youfeng found another puzzle card from Pandora's pocket. In this way, he only needs to get one more puzzle card to advance to the preliminaries.

After walking out of the circus, Li Youfeng suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a puzzle card left in the Lavender Game Store that he had forgotten. However, just when he was thinking about whether to go back, the sky in the southeast suddenly became overcast, and in the midst of lightning and thunder, Kami descended!

It should be said that it is indeed a world favored by Duel Monsters. Although the distance was far, the shocking and oppressive feeling still made Li Youfeng sigh.

Although he had used God Cards in the duels in his previous life, the castrated God Cards were completely incomparable to the genuine ones. The huge red body penetrated the dark clouds, as if it was going to punish those ignorant people who tried to challenge the power of God. Kami roared angrily!

Yes, this card is one of the three mythical gods based on the god of Hades, the Sky Dragon of Osiris!

"Did Yugi already fight Malik's puppet? No wonder you didn't show up when Pandora was defeated, it turns out you had no time for anything else!"

""Oh, this is a warm gift, it's really something that people can't complain about!"

Yes, due to the time difference, the two duels took place at almost the same time. Because of this, Malik, who was using the God Card to fight against Yugi, didn't notice the situation on Pandora's side.

Li Youfeng despised Malik's IQ in his heart, and immediately gave up the idea of going back to the store. Although he didn't know whether the fortune-telling boy who liked to pretend had returned from the sea, it seemed quite good to dig a pit for him in advance.

You know, in the original work, Tapir, who basically couldn't catch up with the game, almost gathered six puzzle cards in a very short time, and five of these six puzzle cards were all sent by the rookie named Guiguzhong.

When he thought that Guiguzhong was directly killed by Tapir on the spot after sending five puzzle cards, Li Youfeng said, I took all your puzzles away in advance to save your life, so strictly speaking, you should thank me!

(Li Youfeng: You obviously have five puzzle cards, and the duel competition is about to end, but you are still hiding in the cemetery like a grandson. You even chose the place, so who else will die if you don’t die?)

After glancing at the second God’s Card that appeared in the sky, Li Youfeng turned around and began to rush towards the cemetery.

As for Osiris’s Sky Dragon and Obelisk’s Colossus, although these two cards are extremely powerful in this world, Li Youfeng doesn’t think they are very popular.

As a player of the underworld, the God’s Card he likes more is actually the last one, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!

As for why Li Youfeng likes this God’s Card so much, it is because in the real card environment of the original world, only this God’s Card is split into three form, which also made Li Youfeng's despicable act of sending warmth to his opponent.

As for how to send warmth, haha, that's a matter of opinion.

I just don't know what the Pterosaur in this world would feel if it found out that it had been targeted by a wretched villain in advance.

Just like the plot reflected in the original anime, Dark Game at this time was also shocked by the shocking appearance of Sky Dragon!

Due to Kami's powerful special effects, Dark Game was once trapped in a dilemma of only being able to passively defend. Under strong pressure, Dark Game, who was already at a low level, finally exerted his amazing ability to reverse life and death!

Yes, you read that right.

At the moment of life and death!

He began to talk nonsense.

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