After summoning the Swordsman of Destruction (2600 ATK, 2300 DEF), Dark Yugi immediately said to Malik that the attack power of this card can increase the attack power of the Dragon monsters on the opponent's field and in the graveyard by 500 points, so the attack power of the Dragon Swordsman of Destruction is 3100 points.

(In the original plot of the anime, the author knelt down to read this part, don't ask me why!)

Malik was immediately unhappy after hearing this. He opened his mouth to refute that Osiris's Sky Dragon is a god, not a monster, so this statement is not true.

Then at this time, Dark Yugi was also unconvinced. He pointed at the Sky Dragon and said that its name is Sky Dragon, so it has the blood of the dragon clan!

What do you mean, are you going to change the name of the god on the spot?

Or do you not recognize the name of the god at all?

You know, the three god cards in this world are real gods. Malik can only control the Winged Dragon of the Sun God because he has the orthodox bloodline of the gravekeeper clan!

Please note that the reason why the word"control" is used here is because even if Malik has the orthodox bloodline of the tomb-keeping family, he is not qualified to command the gods, just because these three god cards will only obey the orders of the Pharaoh.

(Those who have read the original anime know that the three mythical gods are basically the same as pre-determined, and the users are all people related to ancient Egypt 3,000 years ago. Malik can use the three mythical gods purely because of his bloodline. )

So, even if you give Malik a hundred courages, he dare not change the name of the god for such murderous words as Yami Yugi.

If he really did that, Osiris's sky dragon would probably turn around and spray him with electric saliva, and let him know what the majesty of the gods is and what is inviolable!

In fact, just as Li Youfeng expected, Malik still sent warmth to Muto Yugi. After realizing the limit of the god, Yami Yugi decisively adopted the card-cutting tactic. Malik, who had no cards to draw, and after seeing Yami Yugi's mind-blowing nonsense ability, could only reluctantly admit his failure.

(There was once a saying that the rules of Duel City were chaotic, and there was no race with the God attribute at that time, but the anime said that this was Kami, so in general it was incredible! )

Although there were slight deviations, the trajectory of fate was still unconsciously corrected according to the original route. When Yugi and Malik's puppet were dueling, the lucky Jonouchi also started his winning streak.

After defeating the insect feather moth that used the insect deck and played a dirty trick, and the genius Lu Chang who let his brother peek at the cards behind his back, Jonouchi seemed to have awakened his talent and officially started his own gambling god road! On the ship to the Duel Kingdom, Li Youfeng gave Jonouchi the card of Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon to help him get rid of the title of Gambler.

Especially in the last few duels that changed the plot in the Duel Kingdom, Jonouchi decisively used the Red-Eyes series of decks due to the funding of Pegasus.

Seeing that Jonouchi was gradually getting on the right track under his intervention, Li Youfeng was once very pleased. However, as if there was a destiny in the dark, Jonouchi still played dice irreversibly in the Duel City chapter.

Relying on strong luck, Jonouchi defeated Kajiki Yuta in the aquarium, and not only got the legendary fisherman, but also got Kajiki Yuta's puzzle card. But at this time, Jonouchi, who had just met with Anzi, met a boy named Namu (Malik). Jonouchi and Anzi, who fell into the trap of"Namu" without knowing it, were attacked by Gurus, and the two were taken hostage and fell into Malik's hands.

At the same time, Keihei Kaiba, who was responsible for the discipline of the Duel City competition, was captured by Gurus. As for how he was captured, it was actually a very painful thing.

In short, Keihei Haiba, who was patrolling, found that a duelist violated the rules. Then he jumped out and pointed at the duelist who violated the rules and said loudly:"Boy, you violated the rules. As the disciplinary committee of the competition, I have the right to punish you!"

The hunter of Gurus on the opposite side was also very happy when he saw this scene. He immediately took out the rope and tied Keihei Haiba with a tortoise shell, and said with a smile:"Yoshi! I didn't expect that this hostage was so easy to catch. Our mission is completed!"

Then~, Keihei Haiba, who was looking for excitement, was tied to a helicopter to play bungee jumping, and experienced what real excitement is for free!

And this scene was also hit by Li Youfeng who was passing by!

Keihei Haiba, who was hung by a rope under the helicopter, also found Li Youfeng at this time, and immediately asked Li Youfeng for help with an excited face:"Brother Youfeng, save me! These people are not martial arts, and they are sneaking up. I was careless for a while and didn't dodge!"

Dead fish face!

Yes, looking at Haiba Keipi who kept asking for help on the helicopter, Li Youfeng, who was already too weak to complain, showed a dead fish face!

I really don't understand, how come you, a rich son of a large group, don't even bring a bodyguard with you when you go out?

When you sent the bodyguard to point a gun at my head, where did that energy go? You are really inflated, don't take yourself seriously?

This ten thousand years of hostage number two is really admirable!

"Yo! You are Li Youfeng, it's really easy for you to get everything!"

After being called by Kaiba Keipi, Li Youfeng, who originally wanted to pretend not to know him, was immediately stopped by three Gulus hunters.

Li Youfeng, whose martial arts value was basically negative, had never seen such a scene before. He immediately raised his duel disk and said with forced calmness:"What do you want to do? I warn you, don't think I'm a soft persimmon!" Li

Youfeng, who originally had no hope and was basically sure that he would be in trouble, never expected that his move not only made the three Gulus hunters feel like they were facing a great enemy, but also made them retreat in fear!

"Everyone, be careful. This guy is a very powerful duelist. The three of us are no match for him."

(Li Youfeng: No, the three of you can definitely beat me alone. I think you got this wrong.)

"What should we do? Are the three of us going to be beaten by him here today?"

(Li Youfeng: Please, I don't have that ability. You three should just get out of here. I beg you!)

"Li~Li Youfeng! Don't be so arrogant, even if the three of us are killed by you here, Lord Dark Mask and Lord Light Mask will avenge us!"

(Li Youfeng: So I said, I don't have that ability, you have the time to talk nonsense, why don't you get out of here!)

The current situation is really like using straw to fight a wolf, both sides are scared to death!

Hearing this, Li Youfeng, who was already scared to death, immediately showed a fierce look, and with an extremely disdainful expression, he imitated the tone of President Kaiba and said:"Oh? Light Mask and Dark Mask? Interesting, tell me where they are, I……"

""Hehe~! No need to look for me, Li Youfeng, I'm right here!"

Before he could finish his words, a tall man with half a black mask appeared behind Li Youfeng, pointing to the top of a tall building not far away. The Dark Mask sneered and said,"Come on, Li Youfeng, my friends and I are waiting for you at the top of that building. If you want to rescue Kaiba Keipi, then just come over. We Gurus will treat you well!""

""Fuck you!"

After saying this, the Dark Mask, like Spider-Man in a sci-fi movie, swooshed to the rooftop. Li Youfeng, who saw this scene, said that he was a little numb."Why do you need to play cards with such skills?

If you have any evil intentions, I will lie on the ground immediately with this punch."

(Li Youfeng: If I don't extort you a few hundred thousand, do you think I can stand up?)

Should we say that this is a world that is respected for playing cards? Is it really so important to play cards?

I really don't understand whether you are a villain with high quality or low quality.

So in the world of playing cards, weaklings really have no human rights!

For example, Jijiang and Guiping.

Well, they have no human rights.

Seeing that their boss made a harsh remark and diverted Li Youfeng's sight, the three rare card hunters of Gurus immediately felt as if they had been pardoned. They looked at each other with sweat on their heads. The three losers almost didn't even dare to turn their heads and hurriedly fled from here.

Li Youfeng's mouth twitched slightly when he saw this scene. To be honest, his legs are also very soft now. After all, he has never fought with anyone. If he really wants to fight, Li Youfeng can swear to the sky with his dog life that he will definitely be the one who gets beaten unilaterally!

""Beep, beep, beep!"

Just as Li Youfeng reached out to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, the phone in his trouser pocket rang.

"Hello, I'm Li Youfeng"

""Brother Youfeng, something bad has happened!" Before Li Youfeng could speak, Kawai Shizuka's anxious voice came from the phone,"My brother and Miss Xingzi have been kidnapped by Gurus's people. Brother Youfeng, I beg you, please save my brother!"

"What?"Li Youfeng was slightly stunned when he heard this.

The plot had obviously been changed by him, so why was Jonouchi still kidnapped?"Shizuka, don't be anxious, talk slowly!

" After a brief understanding, Li Youfeng knew that after learning that he was not going to participate in the Duel City competition, Shizuka, who originally wanted to follow Jonouchi and cheer for him, changed her mind temporarily.

After saying goodbye to Jonouchi who looked resentful, Kawai Shizuka bought some ingredients and fruits and went to the lavender game store.

After seeing the empty game store, Shizuka realized that Li Youfeng had also gone out. When she thought that Li Youfeng might have gone to cheer for Izayoi Kaoru, Kawai Shizuka felt aggrieved for no reason.

Because her brother didn't have a mobile phone, Kawai Shizuka called Anzi, but what she didn't expect was that it was a strange man who answered the phone, and he also learned from this man that Anzi and Jonouchi had been kidnapped. All these things immediately made Kawai Shizuka nervous.

"So that's how it is. Don't worry, sister Shizuka, I'll take care of this matter!"

After learning what happened, coupled with the current time difference, knowing that Yugi, who was already overwhelmed, had no time to deal with the Mask of Darkness and the Mask of Light, Li Youfeng was now in a dilemma.

"Well, that's what happened. My boss was also hospitalized because of Gurus' attack. If you have time, go and accompany her for me. Don't worry, Kyoko and Jonouchi will be fine."

After hanging up the phone, Li Youfeng turned his head and looked at the building that the Dark Mask pointed to.

"Tsk~, do you want to play a team duel? Haha, I really want to see what you two look like when you show your snarling faces!"

They soon arrived at the building that the Dark Mask pointed to. After taking the elevator all the way to the top of the building, Li Youfeng saw the Dark Mask who had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing that Li Youfeng appeared here as agreed, the Dark Mask immediately sneered:"Hehe~ Li Youfeng, I didn't expect you to come so quickly!"

"Why are you alone? Do you want to duel with me alone?"

Li Youfeng slowly raised his left hand and aimed the duel disk at the Mask of Darkness.

""Wait! Hehe, don't be anxious, Youfeng!" He quickly reached out to stop Li Youfeng, and the Dark Mask turned his head and looked at the sky not far away.

"There is another guest on the way here. My partner has already invited him. Look, isn't that guest here now?"

Following the direction pointed by the Dark Mask, a helicopter with the logo of the Seahorse Group was seen speeding towards this side, and on the outer bracket of the aircraft, a man in a white windbreaker suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.


At this time, the short man wearing a white mask also appeared on the top of the building.

"Kaiba Seto is here"

""Oh, thank you for your hard work, buddy!"

As he was speaking, the helicopter of Kaiba Group also arrived above the building. When it was about five floors away from the top, President Kaiba jumped down from the helicopter with a whoosh.

Looking at Kaiba Seto who landed smoothly and the two people, Light and Dark Mask, who could climb the building with their bare hands, Li Youfeng's face became more and more ugly. After all this time, I was the only one who took the elevator up honestly. You three really don't take the usual route, right?

And with your skills, if you go to the World Gymnastics Competition, wouldn't you definitely take the first place?

"Humph, You↗Feng↘! I didn't expect a nasty bastard like you to show up here."

""Ah? What do you want to say? Do you think I want to be here? I'm telling you, this is just to save Keipi. If it were you, do you think I would come?"

Li Youfeng said that he would never indulge Kaiba's president who was sarcastic as soon as he opened his mouth. However, his conversation with Kaiba Seto had a different meaning after being seen by the two people, Light and Dark Mask.

"Hey, buddy, did you see that You Feng and Kaiba had a quarrel? It seems that they probably didn't understand the meaning of this game at all."

"I see, hahaha~, these two idiots, this is good, we will send them to hell together later, and we will have done a great job!"


Interactive session with book lovers

(This chapter adopts the rules of the Duel City Competition. Please read it after you are familiar with the rules of the original book! )

Extra 1.

The day before the Duel City competition was about to start, in the evening, a man in a black windbreaker sat quietly on the grass on the river bank below the Tong Shiye River Bridge.

The man looked a little haggard, with dark circles under his eyes, sparse stubble and frizzy hair, all of which told that the man in the black windbreaker was a man with many stories.

The sun was setting, and due to the weather, the night was not actually warm for Tong Shiye at this time. He slightly pulled the collar of his shirt and took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket.

After opening the cigarette box, the man sighed softly at the only half cigarette left in it.

"Sigh~! I can’t buy packs mindlessly anymore, I can’t even afford cigarettes now!"

Carefully taking out the half-smoked cigarette, the man held it in his mouth and took out a lighter.


He took a deep puff, and the half-smoked cigarette burned very quickly. However, to others, the man seemed to be sucking away his own dying life.

"Damn! It smells like chrysanthemums! It's really worthy of being a two-dollar cigarette. If I hadn't been so broke, I wouldn't have bought such a disgusting thing!"

Looking at the cigarette box with"Big Back Door" written on it, a trace of resentment flashed in the man's rather decadent eyes. He cut off the half-burned cigarette and reluctantly put the half-smoked cigarette butt, which was almost only a cigarette butt, back into the cigarette box. He slowly stood up from the grass. Just when the man wanted to leave here, a voice that he least wanted to hear appeared.

"Junior brother!"

Accompanied by a tender voice, a young girl in a Chinese purple-red Tang suit appeared here.

Like a foreign creature that suddenly broke in, the girl's delicate and lovely appearance was extremely out of tune with the environment here. Her long black hair fell to her waist, and her eyes were full of reluctance and resentment.

"The wind at night is so noisy!"

"Junior Sister, actually~you shouldn't have come."

The man in the windbreaker turned his back to the girl and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Now I am no longer qualified to look back. My master is in poor health and he is already old. It is up to you to carry forward the future of the electronic flow."

"The reason I agreed to meet you today is just to end this thought with you."

"As for me, haha, I am a complete loser, you'd better forget about me!"

"Junior Brother~You!"

After saying these words, the man in the windbreaker seemed to have let go of the last burden in his heart.

Without even turning his head, he slowly let out a breath, ignored the girl's call, and turned around to leave.

"Junior Brother! Damn it! Xing Ziyang!"

Seeing that the man in black was still indifferent, the girl immediately shouted out the name she only used when they played together as children.

"Rabbit! Stop!"

After hearing this name that he had buried deep in his heart, Xing Ziyang was stunned, and his steps to leave also stopped.

He turned around slowly, and a trace of helplessness flashed in Xing Ziyang's eyes.

"Mo, I've told you so many times that we have grown up, and that name is no longer suitable for me."

The name of the delicate girl is Mo, an abandoned orphan who was accidentally picked up by the current head of the Electronic Flow in her early years. She has lived in the mountains since she was a child.

As an indispensable force in the Chinese Duelist Alliance, the Electronic Flow has always played an important role in many Chinese schools with its powerful attack power and diverse skills.

Due to the influence of her surroundings, Mo, who was only four years old, showed a strong talent for dueling.

Under the careful guidance of the current head of the Electronic Flow, Mo had never been able to defeat anyone in the mountain gate except her master, until that year, when Mo met Xing Ziyang, who was two years older than her and was studying in the mountain gate.

In just two years, the former rookie has become a behemoth that she cannot climb over.

Xing Ziyang has become a huge monster that she cannot climb over.

Zi Yang's dueling talent and cheerful and kind personality deeply influenced Mo, and at the same time, he captured Mo's heart unknowingly.

It is said that most childhood promises are jokes, but this is not the case for Mo. After agreeing with Xing Zi Yang that he would come back to marry her in the future, Xing Zi Yang, who had completed his studies that year, left the gate of the electronic flow in the reluctant eyes of the little girl.

Five years passed, and Xing Zi Yang did not come back.

Another five years passed, and Xing Zi Yang still did not come back.

Fifteen years passed, and the girl became a young woman, but the man she was worried about still did not appear.

Until one day, the girl who had given up accidentally saw on TV that the man she had been thinking about had had an accident 12 years ago.

"Rabbit, answer me, why did you break our childhood promise?"

"Childhood agreement? Haha, how can you take a child's words seriously?"

Xing Ziyang avoided Mo's sight and said something against his will.

"Well, we can't take children's words seriously. Then let me ask you again, why did you leave the Holy Order of Hanno? Why did you betray the promise we made to each other?"

"Holy Hanno Knights? Humph, I just think that kind of playful guild is not suitable for me!"


Seeing Xing Ziyang's appearance at this time, Mo Qiang resisted the urge to rush up and beat him, and slowly said:"Okay, I don't care about these. Let me ask you, didn't you say you wanted to go home and inherit the family business? Why do you put yourself in this situation now?"

"Inherit the family business?"

As if recalling something, Xing Ziyang clenched his fists tightly, and after a long time, he slowly loosened his hands.

"I was defeated by my own brother, Xing Feng! He is a monster! A monster so powerful that I cannot surpass him!"

"But, I heard that you went to the United States for special training. Why did you…"


Xing Ziyang interrupted Mo and laughed out loud.

"It's because I've seen despair that I changed!"

"Mo, do you know?"

"Your ideas, as well as your teacher’s ideas, are both wrong!"

"Power, only the power that can destroy everything is the true mystery of electron flow!"

"You are talking nonsense!" Xing Ziyang's words undoubtedly made Mo's face change drastically,"Cards are the bond between duelists, they have feelings, as long as you feel them with your heart, they will not betray you!"

"Won't betray?" Xing Ziyang shook his head as if he had heard something funny."Do you know how it felt when I got stuck in five games in a row while playing professional games in the United States?"

"That's because your bond is not strong enough! And this is not a reason for you to degenerate."Fusion does not require emotions". Don't you know that the people in this guild are a bunch of unreasonable lunatics who only know how to pursue power? Why do you still want to join them?!"

After hearing Mo's rebuttal, Xing Ziyang seemed to have heard something funny and seemed to have no intention of arguing anymore. However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, Mo showed the duel disk on his left arm.

"Come on! Rabbit, let me see how strong you have become after betraying me and everyone else!"

"Mo! The only outcome of a duel with me is that you will end up in a wheelchair or I will end up in a wheelchair with you, so you are courting death!" He slowly raised his duel disk, and at this moment, Xing Ziyang's eyes were filled with endless madness!

Sparse raindrops began to fall on the grass on the riverbank. At this moment, all that existed in Mo and Xing Ziyang's eyes were people who were about to fight each other!


""It's my turn, draw a card!"

Xing Ziyang glanced at his hand and flashed a scornful smile.

Damn it, my hand is stuck again!

Damn it!

So what if I can't draw a monster card? I don't need monster cards now!

"I activate a magic card from my hand to temporarily stop the battle!"

"The effect of this card allows both players to draw 1 card from their decks. Until the end of the next turn of the other player, all damage taken by both players becomes 0."

"Next, I will activate the continuous magic card Future Fusion!"

"Finally, I cover three more cards!"

"My turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"With green jade fingers placed on her deck, Mo Jiao shouted and drew a card.

"Junior brother, although I don’t know what you want to do, let me destroy your future fusion first!"

"Magic card fusion activated!"

"Throw two Cebadragon monsters from your hand into the Graveyard to Special Summon them!"

"Chimera Dragon!" (Attack 2100 Defense 1600)

"Haha, little sister, you are worthy of being me. Sometimes I really envy the bond between you and the cards!" Seeing the familiar monster appear in front of him, Xing Ziyang's face flashed with sadness.

"The special effect of Chimeric Dragon is activated!"

"When this card is successfully fused, you can destroy the number of Trap Cards or Spell Cards on the opponent's field equal to the number of fused monsters. Destroy them for me, and fuse in the future!"

"Don’t even think about it!" A trace of ferocity flashed across his face, and Xing Ziyang waved his hand to open a covered card,"When you Special Summoned Chimera Dragon, my Trap Card was already activated, God’s Proclamation!"

"This card can pay half of its LP to negate and destroy the opponent's special summoned monster!"

Xingziyang LP4000>2000


With the activation of God's Declaration, Chimera Dragon was directly blown into pieces.

"Rabbit, you!"I never expected that person would use such extreme means. Looking at Xing Ziyang who was breathing heavily, Mo's face instantly showed a sadness.

"In that case, I Normal Summon Cyber Dragon Core and activate its effect, adding Artificial Brain Combined Support from the Deck to my hand!"

"Activate Angel's Gift, draw three cards from the deck and discard two, activate Pot of Greed, and I draw two cards from the deck!"

"Artificial Brain Combined Support activates, by paying half of the life value, when fusing a Machine-type monster this turn, you can banish the fusion material from your hand, graveyard, or field and activate it!"

Ink LP4000﹥2000

"The effect of magic card fusion is activated!"

"I banish three Cyber Dragon monsters from the Graveyard and Special Summon them in face-up Defense Position!"

"Cyber Permanent Dragon!" (Attack 2800 Defense 4000)

"This card cannot be destroyed by effects while there is a Cyber Dragon monster in your Graveyard!"

"Next, I will activate the magic card electronic load fusion!"

"This card can return the Cyber Dragon monsters on the field and those that are banished to the deck and Special Summon a Fusion Monster!"

"I put the Cyber Dragon Core on the field and a Cyber Dragon monster in the Banished Zone back into the Deck."

"Come out, Chimera Dragon!"

"The special effect of the Chimeric Runaway Dragon is activated, destroying the Future Fusion on your field!"

Seeing that Mo's target was still his own Future Fusion, Xing Ziyang showed a smile that I could see clearly.

"Haha, you are worthy of being the junior sister of the electronic flow. You have been brought up by the master since you were a child. Sure enough, your strength is still as strong as before! But it’s a pity, open the cover card!"

"God's proclamation!"

"By paying half of its HP, the Chimera Dragon's Special Summon is negated and destroyed!"

Xing Ziyang LP2000>1000


Seeing Xing Ziyang gasping for breath because his health was reduced again, two lines of tears slowly flowed from Mo's eyes.

"Why, why do you have to fight like this? You were not like this before!"

"" Haha!"

A miserable laugh came out of Xing Ziyang's mouth. At this moment, he was so guilty that he didn't dare to look into Mo's eyes. He lowered his head and said slowly,"So, little sister, we can't go back to the past."

"Damn it, I will definitely defeat you and take you back!"

"I covered a card!"

"The round is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the tearful Mo, Xing Ziyang's eyes flashed with a trace of struggle, but it was only a moment, and he once again followed the path he was going to stick to.

"The effect of future fusion is activated!"

"In the first turn after this card is activated, you can put the fusion material into the graveyard and special summon it in the next turn."

"I just raised the deck!"

"Through the effect, I put all 30 cards of Cebadragon in my deck into the Graveyard!!!"

"What?"Xing Ziyang's crazy behavior undoubtedly shocked Mo again,"Junior brother, there are no monsters on your field. Future fusion will only summon fusion monsters in the next round. When your round ends, it will be your defeat!"


Haha , little sister, so you really know nothing about power!���The red light flashed, and Xing Ziyang immediately raised a magic card.

"Overload combined launch!"

"Junior Sister, you simply don’t understand. Dueling monsters does not require emotion. Absolute strength is the key to victory!"

"When the monsters merged, not only the cards disappeared, but also my reason and emotions!"

"I~ don't want to lose! Open your eyes and watch, little sister, this is my last struggle to survive!"

"I banish all 30 Cyber Dragon monsters in my Graveyard!"

"Fold it!"

"Chimera End Dragon!" (Attack power?)

"The defense and attack power of this card are equal to the number of all fusion materials multiplied by 800!"

"So this monster's attack power increases to 800X30!"

Chimera End Dragon's attack power 24000UP!

"Junior Sister, you can't stop me anymore!"

"Magic Card Quick Attack Activation, this card allows the fusion monster to directly attack in the turn when the fusion is successful!"


"Don’t even think about it!" Seeing Xing Ziyang declare an attack, Mo immediately opened his own face card,"Activate the trap card, Thunder Break!"

"I discard a card from my hand to destroy your Chimera End Dragon!"

"Rabbit, you lose!"


Seeing Mo open the trap card, Xing Ziyang took out the half-smoked cigarette from the cigarette box in his pocket.

After lighting the cigarette and taking a puff, Xing Ziyang said slowly,"Junior Sister, I said from the beginning that in this duel, either you sit in a wheelchair or I sit in a wheelchair with you. You want to defeat me and let me sit in a wheelchair alone? Haha~ Impossible!"

"Open the cover card!"

"Destruction Wheel Starts!"(Original Anime)

"I placed it on the Terminator Dragon!"

"Junior Sister, come and bear these 24,000 points of damage with me!"


As the destruction wheel was activated, the Chimera End Dragon exploded!

"Ah, you are cheating!!!"

(Xing Ziyang: Yes, I was just being naughty, so what!)

24,000 points of damage turned into a small mushroom cloud on the river bank, and instantly sucked Mo into it.

He flicked away the cigarette butt that had slightly burned his hand, and looked at the sparks when the Terminator Dragon exploded. Xing Ziyang, who was also sucked into it, said indifferently:"Junior sister, I can only say that you are too naive! After all, only explosions are the real art!" The next day.

Leshan General Hospital

"Miss Mo, your junior fellow student has been suffering from severe anemia for a long time due to abnormal diet. He is now very weak and needs to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time."

"Of course, if you want to take him out for a walk, I suggest you rent a wheelchair, after all, his body is not suitable for overwork now."

"OK, I understand, thank you doctor."

"Well, you're welcome."

After sending the doctor away, Mo looked at Xing Ziyang lying on the sickbed with a face full of resentment.

"Rabbit, did you hear that? I really don't know how you've been through all these years. Eating only instant noodles has ruined your health, right?"

"I don't care, do you really think you are my mother?!"

"Hehe~ Actually it doesn’t have to be your mom, your wife will do too!"

(Xing Ziyang: Hey! I treat you as a brother, but you want to have a baby for me?)

Looking at Xing Ziyang's ugly face, Mo Fei was not angry, but secretly put something in his hand.

"Big back door?"

Looking at the cigarette box that Mo stuffed into his hand, Xing Ziyang's face showed a hint of entanglement.

A cute cunning emerged on his smiling face, and Mo whispered in Xing Ziyang's ear:"Yes, I have never smoked, and I saw this cigarette box in your pocket, so I bought it according to this. You be careful, don't let the doctor find out!"

Xing Ziyang now understands what love is.

Whether he is really unfortunate or not, Xing Ziyang also has the answer in his heart.

Love is that when you smoke, someone will dislike you, on the contrary, when you are sad, someone will take the initiative to buy it for you. Sometimes when two people are together, it is really that simple.

"This? Oh~ If I had known this, I would have changed to Huazi's cigarette case."

He opened the cigarette case and took out a cigarette. Xing Ziyang lit it and took a deep puff.

"Damn! It still smells like chrysanthemum!"

(Regarding the role of the extra chapter in the book friends' interaction, the author is very objective and decides by drawing lots. Book friends who are not selected don't have to worry, because as long as you sign up, you will definitely have a chance. )

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