"Humph, I'll settle with you later!" Staring coldly at Li Youfeng, Kaiba Seto shifted his gaze to the Mask of Light and Darkness,"You two despicable villains, I have come here as agreed, quickly release Keipi!"

"Hehehe~, President Kaiba, you are too naive. If you want to save Keipi, you must defeat us first!"

"Hehehe~, that's right! We are Gurus's chief assassins, the Mask of Darkness and the Mask of Light. This duel must be conducted in team mode. The loser will only die!"

Pointing to the bombs placed in their respective health areas, both Light and Dark Masks laughed the unique laughter that only villains can have. However, in Li Youfeng's eyes, this scene was full of complaints!

Let's not talk about the random kidnapping of hostages. The fact that you installed four explosive packs on the top of the building should be considered a terrorist attack, right?

You know, this is the city center, and it's a modern city now. You are so arrogant in other people's countries. Aren't you afraid of being shot? What on earth did Tong Shiye's runners do?

Things have come to this point, let alone the problem of rescue. Li Youfeng hasn't even found a police car until now. How outrageous is this?

Just when Li Youfeng was secretly complaining, President Kaiba sneered and spoke directly:"After all, you are just two maggots in the gutter, and you can only use such despicable means! Come on, I will soon let you know how stupid it is to challenge me! You Feng, although I don’t need your help, but if you dare to hold me back, I will never let you go!"

""Yes! Yes! You are right!"

Li Youfeng was no longer in the mood to complain about the arrogant President Kaiba. He took out a deck of cards from the card bag on his waist and inserted it directly on the duel disk.


Mask of Light LP4000

Li Youfeng LP4000

Mask of Darkness LP4000

Kaiba Seto LP4000

After declaring the duel, Mask of Light started his turn first.

"My turn, draw a card! Since no one can attack in the first round of a team duel, I cover two cards on the back field, and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn now, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there are 2 remaining duels in this game.

After taking a look at the card he just drew, Li Youfeng took it in his hand and then played another monster card.

"I Normal Summon Atlas Bug Demon, Attack Position!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1000) appeared on the duel field again. Atlas Bug Demon seemed very excited. After turning around and blowing a kiss to Li Youfeng, she crossed her arms and looked up at the Light and Dark Masks with a proud look on her face.

"Atlas Worm Demon? Humph, I didn't expect it to be this monster. It seems that You Feng is going to use that despicable tactic again."

Seeing this monster that once made him suffer a great loss appear on the field, Kaiba Seto said he disliked it, but he was secretly glad in his heart, because he knew very well what this monster meant to Li Youfeng.

However, just when Kaiba Seto thought that Li Youfeng's turn was just like this, he saw the latter immediately played a card that he was very familiar with.

"Activate magic card, bitter choice!"

"This card allows you to select five cards from your deck and show them to your opponent. After that, your opponent selects one card from those cards and adds it to your hand. The rest of the cards are discarded to the graveyard."

"I choose Witch Craft Narrow Alley, Witch Craft Creation, Witch Craft Bitlei, Witch Craft Master Weier, and Antlion Worm Demon!"

"Come on, Mask of Light, now it's your turn to choose one for me!"

"Haha, what kind of Duel Kingdom Tournament champion is this? He actually took the initiative to send his card to the graveyard. Partner, do you think this guy named Li Youfeng is stupid?"

"Haha, buddy, you are so right. I didn't expect that Li Youfeng, this idiot, would choose a card with such a big side effect. Is he crazy? Oh, you must not choose a monster card. I want to see how this idiot can defend without a monster card."

When Li Youfeng played this card, the two people, Light and Dark Mask, who didn't understand, laughed immediately.

"Humph, what an idiot!"Looking coldly at the laughing Light and Dark Mask, Kaiba Seto immediately chuckled sarcastically. After all, he had personally experienced this card and naturally knew what it meant.

After laughing for a while, the Light Mask's mood finally eased, and he pointed at Li Youfeng, and then the Light Mask stated his choice.

"I choose Witch Craft Creation. Okay, throw the other cards into the graveyard!"

He threw the four cards into the graveyard expressionlessly, and then Li Youfeng began his own operation.

"I activate Witchcraft Genesis from my hand, adding a Witchcraft monster from my deck to my hand."

"I choose to add Witchcraft Schmidt to my hand."

"Then I activated Witchcraft Slowdown, which allowed me to Special Summon a Witchcraft Monster from my Graveyard. Come out! I Special Summon Witchcraft Master Weir in Defense Position!"(Attack 1000 Defense 2800)

At the moment Weir appeared on the field, Atlas Bug Demon frowned and glanced at him unhappily. Noticing this little action, Li Youfeng immediately smiled bitterly. However, before he could react, Weir gave Atlas a very humane sneer of disdain. Seeing this scene clearly, Li Youfeng said that his scalp was a little numb. After all, judging from the current situation, the Witchcraft deck he used in his previous life might have had Duel Elves born in it.

"What's going on? A monster with such strong defense was Special Summoned in the first turn!"

"2800 points of defense, almost catching up with the attack power of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, what a terrifying monster!"

(Blue-Eyes White Dragon: Screw you, I am the benchmark for your comparison, right? Do you really think I have no temper?)

After hearing the evaluation of the Light and Dark Mask, Kaiba immediately expressed his dissatisfaction

"Humph, it's only 2800 points of defense, no match for the Blue-Eyes White Dragon (my wife), but I'll give you a compliment for being able to summon such a powerful monster in the first round, You Feng."

"I cover a card and my turn is over!"

"My Turn……"

"Wait a minute!"

Just when Dark Mask was about to draw a card, Li Youfeng reached out to stop him. Seeing Dark Mask's expression of almost shitting and Li Youfeng's extremely familiar operation routine, Kaiba Seto's mouth corners also slightly raised in an extremely subtle way.

"What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, I just want to activate the card effect!"Without noticing the constipated expression on Dark Mask's face, Li Youfeng continued,"Activate the special effect of the continuous magic card Witchcraft Alley. At the end of my turn, if there is a Witchcraft monster on the field, this card can be placed in my backfield! Okay, I'm done, please!"

""Shit! Is this your turn or mine?"

He cursed inwardly, and then the Mask of Darkness drew a card from the deck.

"Summon Shining Abyss in Defense Position!"(Attack 1600 Defense 1800) (Note: Monsters in this period can be directly summoned in face-up Defense Position)

"At this moment!" X2

Just when the Dark Mask summoned the monster, the Light Mask and Li Youfeng spoke at the same time.

After a slight pause, the Light Mask immediately said loudly to Li Youfeng:"I opened the cover card first, so I should activate it first!"

After shrugged his shoulders, Li Youfeng said indifferently:"Anyway, my monster effect has entered the chain, so it should be before yours!"

"Damn it, then let’s attack together!"

"Okay, I have no objection, then we will activate the effect together!"

Looking at the Mask of Light's relentless look, Li Youfeng said, it was you who insisted on agreeing to join the chain, this is none of my business!

"Hehe, Li Youfeng, you will regret it!"After a sinister laugh, the Mask of Light immediately announced his own cover card effect,"Magic Card, Violent Mask is activated!"

"I equip this card to Glorious Abyss, increasing its attack power by 1000 points!"

Glorious Abyss's attack power 2600 UP!

"What? A monster with 2600 attack points was summoned in the first round!" Seeing the attack power of this monster, Kaiba Seto panicked.

Kaiba's expression naturally caught the eyes of Dark Mask. After sneering, Dark Mask showed a card from his hand.

"Hehe, the violent mask must pay 1000 life points every turn to maintain, but then I will activate the continuous magic card masked doll from my hand."

"In this way, the masked curse that befalls us will be borne by this card!"

"Haha, what do you think, You Feng, Kaiba, this is our combined tactics. Under our offensive, you have no chance of winning!"

"That’s right, our cooperation is invincible, and your defeat is doomed!"

Looking at the two masked men of light and darkness who were getting carried away with pride, Li Youfeng crossed his arms and said indifferently:"Hey, you two idiots, are you still going to activate the effect cards?"

"Well, what do you mean?"Li Youfeng's words immediately made Dark Mask unhappy.

"It seems that it is over. Well, your monster should explode now!"

As Li Youfeng said this, the Glorious Abyss, which was armed to the teeth by the Mask of Light and Darkness, suddenly fell into a pit. After a scream, the monster exploded into pieces. Then, the card rolled smoothly from the duel disk of the Mask of Darkness into the graveyard.

"What the hell? What's going on?"X2

""Haha, you still ask me what's going on. I've already told you that the effect has been activated, but you two idiots still insisted on snatching it from me. Oh my god, just with this, you two can make me laugh for a year!"

Surprised by the mysterious operation of Light and Dark Mask, Li Youfeng immediately laughed out loud.

Then he tried hard to hold back his laughter and pointed at Atla Bug Fiend and said,"As long as Atla is face-up on the field, even if I don't have a covered card, I can still activate a Normal Trap Card with a Cave character from my hand.

It can be said that when you summoned Glorious Abyss, I had already thrown a Cave Trap Card into the Graveyard.

As for your subsequent operations, you are all forcing the chain.

To be honest, this is the first time I've seen you guys add BUFFs to the air like this.

Haha, it really made me laugh to death!


"What the hell! Are you kidding me? I didn't even notice it!"

""Shit! There is such a thing? There is a monster effect that can activate a trap card from the hand?"

After looking at each other, both Light and Dark Mask felt that their partner was indeed a bit stupid. They lost two cards inexplicably. Li Youfeng's operation undoubtedly made Light and Dark Mask a little upset.

"Ugh! Damn it, I covered three cards and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After drawing a card from the deck, Kaiba Seto looked at Li Youfeng with a proud face and said,"Humph, Youfeng, as a decoration to celebrate my upcoming victory, you did a great job, but to deal with these small fry of Gurus, I will be enough on my own from now on!"

"I cover two cards!"

"Next I summon the bloody orcs!" (Attack 1900 Defense 1200)

"Attack indication!"

"My turn is over!"

���Swallowing hard, the Dark Mask said fearfully in the intercom inside the mask:"Buddy, there is not even a single monster on our field. You Feng will definitely attack me next time. You have to protect me!"

"I understand. Don't worry, partner. I won't ignore you!"

Although he said that he would, the Mask of Light was actually very scared. Especially when he saw Li Youfeng's calm and nonchalant look, the Mask of Light immediately made a decision.

"No, I have to find a way to protect myself in this round. Partner, I feel a little sorry for you, but there is nothing I can do!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew, the Mask of Light laughed sinisterly.

"Hehe, You Feng, the card I just drew is Mask of the Cursed Soul!"

"The monster equipped with this card cannot attack and will receive 500 LP damage every turn!"

"I will equip this card to Atka the Insect Demon!"

"Haha, this won’t do. How can my little cutie wear such an ugly thing?"

Seeing that this extremely ugly mask was about to be put on the head of Atlas Worm Demon, Li Youfeng immediately opened his cover card!

"The counter attack trap card is activated, and the eight styles counter the magic multiple barriers!"

"This card can negate and destroy the opponent's magic that targets a monster!"


As the counter trap card was activated, a layer of cold sweat seeped out of the face of the Mask of Light.

"Damn You Feng, his defense was so flawless!"

"In that case, I activate Mask of Magic Neutralization and cover Witch Craft Alley with this card!"

"This card's effect can deal 500 LP damage to you every time you prepare for your turn!" (Original effect in the anime, you can reduce your health in the turn you activate it)

"Take 500 points of damage, You Feng!"

Li You Feng LP4000 > 3500

"Next, I Normal Summon Masked Sorcerer in Defense Position."(Attack 1500 Defense 800)

"I covered two cards!"

"My turn is over!"

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