"You're so brave to play autism with me!"

After a cold snort, Li Youfeng immediately put his hand on the deck.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

""Wait a minute!" Just as Li Youfeng drew a card, Mask of Light opened a cover card,"I activate the Continuous Trap Card, Sealing Mask of Sacrifice! The effect of this card is that as long as it exists on the field, neither side can release the monster for a higher summon."

"Hehe, in this case, you can forget about summoning god cards or Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"


Seeing this trap card, Kaiba Seto immediately showed a solemn look. For him at this time, sealing the Higher Level Summoning was equivalent to completely blocking the possibility of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon appearing. Of course, although Kaiba can also use the graveyard to specially summon Blue-Eyes, he just hasn't drawn that card yet.

"What will You Feng do?"

Turning his head to look at Li You Feng, Kaiba Seto found that the former was still���After showing a calm and composed look, he immediately chuckled. He had to admit that although he hated Li Youfeng very much on weekdays, as a teammate, there was indeed no one more reliable than him.

"Haha, you really dare to show your cover card! Okay!"

After a light laugh, Li Youfeng started his turn.

"I Normal Summon Tio Bug Demon!"(Attack 1700 Defense 1100)

"When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon a Bug Demon from your Graveyard in Defense Position!"

"Come out, Antlion!"(Attack 1600 Defense 1200)

"The special effect of the Antlion Bug Demon is activated. When this card is successfully Special Summoned, it can destroy a Magic Card or Trap Card on the opponent's field. I choose to destroy the Mask of the Sealed Sacrifice!"


With Li Youfeng's order, the Antlion Bug Demon immediately activated its special effect. The Mask of the Sealed Sacrifice was broken, and the Light and Dark Masks broke out in cold sweats again.

"Hey! Hey! Buddy, I've never heard of this Li Youfeng being so powerful! What should we do next?"

"It's okay, partner. The card I covered is Resurrection of the Dead. Don't you have Ritual of the Masked Monster in your hand? Even if he can destroy the monsters on my field, as long as we can summon the trump card, we can definitely turn the tables!"

"I hope so, you must not make mistakes again!"

Showing a card from his hand, Li Youfeng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:"Next, I will activate the special effect of Witch Craft Bitte in the graveyard, banish this card and draw a card from the deck, then throw a Witch Craft monster from the hand into the graveyard!"

"I threw Witch Craft Schmidt into the Graveyard and banished it. When this card is banished, you can activate it and send a card with the Witch Craft character on it from the deck to the Graveyard. I chose Witch Craft Tailor Heine!"

"Then I activate the Spell Card from my hand, Witchcraft Slowdown, which Special Summon a Witchcraft monster from my Graveyard. Come out, Witchcraft Tailor Heine!" (Attack 2400 Defense 1000)

"Hehe, who should we fight first?"

His wretched eyes swept over the two Masks of Light and Dark, and Li Youfeng suddenly pointed his finger at the Mask of Darkness, who was no longer protected by monsters on the field!

"It's you, Dark Mask! Atla, Tio, Tailor Heine, beat him to death!"

With Li Youfeng's order, the three monsters rushed towards Dark Mask with red eyes. Seeing this, Dark Mask quickly asked Light Mask for help:"Partner, didn't you say there was a way? Save me quickly, if this round of attack passes, I will be dead directly!"

"I'm sorry, partner, I can't protect myself right now. If I lose my monster, I'll definitely be attacked by that bastard You Feng!"

"Damn it!" Seeing that the Mask of Light refused to save him, the Mask of Darkness quickly opened a cover card!

"Trap Card activated, Damage Reduction, all damage I take this round is halved!"



""Huh! Not bad!"

As the attacks of Dio and Tailor Heine came, Dark Mask quickly covered his head with both hands.

However, just when he thought the attacks were over and his face was exposed, he saw Atla standing in front of him, holding up his hands and raising his eyebrows at him with a smirk.

""Oh~ Da!""


After a delicate cry, I saw this small slap hit the Dark Mask's face hard!


The severe pain came, and Dark Mask could not help but let out a scream. His body was involuntarily whipped away by Atla.

After falling to the ground and rolling twice, Dark Mask immediately covered his slapped face with his hands in disbelief. Until he felt the burning pain, he suddenly reacted and the attack just now did not seem to be an illusion.

Dark Mask LP4000﹥2950 finally got up from the ground. Dark Mask pointed at his face and looked at Kaiba Seto and shouted angrily:"Kaiba, is this what you call a minor injury? My face is swollen and you tell me this is a minor injury?"

""Huh? What did you say?"

Seeing such a big reaction after being attacked by a virtual monster, Kaiba Seto was immediately unhappy.

"What are you talking about? Isn't it normal for Duel Monsters to simulate some damage? If you can't stand it, go home and act like a spoiled child to your mother. Otherwise, don't embarrass yourself in front of me!"

"Kaiba! You Feng! You two bastards!"

Kaiba's words were undoubtedly heartbreaking for Dark Mask. He covered his swollen face with some grievance, and Dark Mask could only swallow his anger.

After his attack step, Li Youfeng recovered Witch Craft Creation and Sabotage from the graveyard at the end of the round. (There are two Sabotage cards in the graveyard, so one can be recovered.)

"My turn, draw a card!"

Resisting the severe pain on his face, Dark Mask drew a card from the deck.

"Partner, are you okay?"

"You bastard, can't you see my face is swollen? Do you think it's okay?"

"Partner, it really wasn't my fault just now. You know I have no means of defense. If I had saved you just now, You Feng would have directly knocked me out!"

After glaring at the Mask of Light, the Mask of Darkness said solemnly:"We must get rid of Kaiba Seto in this round, otherwise if the God Card is summoned, both of us will be finished."

"I understand what you mean, partner, let's do as you say!"

After discussing the tactics, Dark Mask nodded to Light Mask, indicating that he was ready to start.

Reaching out to wipe the cold sweat oozing from his forehead, Light Mask said loudly:"Open the cover card, and the dead will be resurrected!"

"Revive! Shining Abyss! Dark Mask, it's your turn."

Seeing his monster resurrected on the field again, Dark Mask sneered and nodded.

"Leave it to me, I'll open the cover card too!"

"Ritual of the Masked Monster!"

"I offer the Shining Abyss and the Masked Sorcerer on the Mask of Light field as sacrifices!"

"Ritual summons this monster to my field, wake up, Hell Monk!" (Attack 3200 Defense 1800)

"What? Attack power 3200?"When Kaiba Seto saw this monster, sweat instantly oozed from his forehead, because he knew very well that compared to Li Youfeng who was defending so tightly, he was now the target of the attack of the Light and Dark Mask.

Knowing that if he didn't kill Kaiba this time, he would probably be in trouble, so the Dark Mask, with the cooperation of the Light Mask, directly opened his last cover card!

"Haha, it’s not over yet. I choose to equip the violent mask to the Hell Monk!"

Hell Monk's attack power 4200UP!

"Humph, Kaiba, you're done. I'm activating the last magic card in my hand, waving to the darkness, and unconditionally destroying a monster on your field. My target is the Bloody Orc!"

As the magic card was activated, a giant demon claw grabbed down from above the duel field. The Bloody Orc was unable to resist and was directly blown into pieces.

"Damn it!"Looking at his backcourt, Kaiba Seto was already sweating profusely, because he knew very well that the only way out for him was to launch the destruction wheel.


However, just when Kaiba Seto was about to activate the trap card, Li Youfeng suddenly spoke

"Don't do anything irrational, otherwise even I can't save you. If you believe in me, find a way to draw that God's Card, because I will open the way forward for you. As for the remaining final blow, it depends on you!"

After hearing what Li Youfeng said, Kaiba Seto was stunned for a moment, then slowly stood up straight. A barely noticeable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly:"Huh~! Who asked you to meddle in other people's business, you annoying bastard!"

"Haha, Hell Monk, attack Kaiba directly!"

Seeing that Kaiba Seto had no movement, the Dark Mask thought that he had given up resistance and immediately launched an attack.

However, at this moment, Li Youfeng's voice came again.

"The special effect of Witchcraft Tailor Heine is activated, throwing the continuous magic card Witchcraft Alley on the field into the graveyard, destroying a face-up card on the opponent's field. I choose to destroy Hell Monk!"


Because Witchcraft Alley was sent to the graveyard, the Magical Mask that lost its target was also destroyed at the same time. Two explosions sounded, and the Hell Monk who was armed to the teeth by the Light and Dark Mask was directly sent to the graveyard. Li Youfeng only used a card that can be recovered from the graveyard.

Light and Dark Mask, blood loss!

"What the hell? What is going on?"

"Li Youfeng! It's you again!"

Seeing the monsters that they had armed to the teeth being easily killed by Li Youfeng again, the mentality of Light Mask and Dark Mask had completely collapsed. Moreover, these two monsters exploded on the field of Dark Mask. One can imagine how big the psychological shadow area of Dark Mask is now.

Due to the loss of the monsters, Dark Mask could only end his round with an unwilling look on his face. Light Mask was sweating profusely at this time because of excessive fear.

The two people turned their eyes to Li Youfeng at the same time. While gritting their teeth, an inexplicable fear also surged into their hearts.

Just because they knew that this round seemed to be a team duel, but in fact, Li Youfeng was only With his own strength, he has already suppressed the two of them severely.

Looking at the Light and Dark Masks who have already collapsed, Li Youfeng has already laughed in a very unkind way. After all, I am a person who has won the world championship in the original world (note: not Blue Star, a parallel world). If there is only one system in the deck, it is a bit unreasonable.

You must know that the most attractive thing about Duel Monsters is how to match your own deck. It doesn’t mean that if you use Insect Demon, it must be a native card. Maybe when you are self-righteous, I suddenly use Insect Demon to synchronize a Death Dragon with you. After all, this kind of thing is still quite free. It depends on how the duelist understands it.

(For example, if a Black Magic Cavalry suddenly pops out of the Mowing Witch deck, it can easily stack the attack power to more than 4000. The magic card that jumps back and forth has the ability to prevent individual damage countless times, and your investment is only two cards.)

"Okay, President Kaiba, I have opened the way for you. You can use the five monsters on my field as you like, but I have only one request, which is to kill them with one blow. Can you do it?"

"Tsk~, do I need you to teach me something that should be taken for granted? What a long-winded bastard!"

Glazing at Li Youfeng fiercely, Kaiba Seto took a deep breath and placed his hand on his deck!


"Kamiyo! Respond to my fighting spirit!"

(Li Youfeng: I knew you could print cards!)

"Draw a card!"

After a roar, President Kaiba put the card he just drew on the duel disk without even looking at it.

"I offer the Atlas Bug Demon, the Tio Bug Demon, and the Antlion Bug Demon as sacrifices!"

"Tremble before God!"

"This is an unrivaled all-powerful creature!"

"Come on!"

""Oberisk's Giant God Soldier!"

With Kaiba Seto's call, there was a tremor like an earthquake. After receiving the sacrifice, Oberisk's Giant God Soldier landed on Kaiba Seto's field.

The prototype of Oberisk is the god Set in Egyptian mythology. He first appeared as the god of strength and war in Egyptian mythology. As a god, he naturally possesses endless power!

"My attack has just begun, Oberisk's Giant God Soldier, I will offer the witch craft master Weir and the witch craft tailor Heine as sacrifices, show your endless power!"

Oberisk's Giant God Soldier's attack power∞UP!

"You two bastards from the gutter, bear the wrath of God for your foolish actions!"

"Divine Fist Shockwave!"



Watching the giant soldier's fist getting closer and closer, the two masks of light and dark hugged each other without the protection of monsters on the field and cried miserably.


Mask of light LP4000﹥0

Mask of dark LP2950﹥0

(Really! God's card, one punch to knock down two!)

As the health value was reduced to zero, the bomb installed on the side of the light and dark mask also exploded!

A roar sounded, and the glass floor on the top floor of the building was directly blown to pieces. The two people of the light and dark mask fell from the top floor with terrified screams.

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