Li Youfeng leaned forward slightly in front of the broken glass floor and looked at the two Masked Men of Light and Dark who were falling. He touched his chin and said to himself,"Huh, that's not right. I remember these two guys seemed to have hidden parachutes."

As expected, just when Li Youfeng just remembered this, the two Masked Men of Light and Dark opened their parachutes at the same time. Just when Li Youfeng was secretly cursing them for being dirty, Kaiba Seto suddenly made an unexpected move!

"Bastards, you two despicable villains, don't even think about escaping!"

With an angry shout from the Kaiba president, there was a whoosh, and the Kaiba president jumped directly from the broken glass floor.

"Oh my god, is this still a human being?"

Looking at the president of Haima who was constantly descending using the beams between the stairs as steps, Li Youfeng said that he almost knelt down in front of the president.

You have to know that the height of this building is at least 50 floors. Not to mention whether the beams between the floors will slip, I'm afraid no one would dare to do it at this height.

And as for your agile skills, I've never seen you practice them. Are you really gifted as the old people say?


Li Youfeng silently gave a thumbs up to President Kaiba in his heart, and turned around and ran to the elevator. He thought that the explosion might have caused a commotion in the building, so Li Youfeng waited in front of the elevator for fifteen minutes but didn't see the elevator coming up. About ten minutes later

, Li Youfeng, who had finally waited for the elevator, finally came to the first floor from the roof of the building. At this time, President Kaiba had already detained the two people, Light and Dark Mask, and left here.

"What a heartless bastard!"

Li Youfeng, who had been thinking about taking a helicopter ride, cursed indignantly in his heart.

After all, the place where he was now was quite far away from the seaport west of Tongshiye City. By the time he ran over from here, it would be too late.

In fact, since the start of the Duel City Competition, Li Youfeng was not unprepared. During this period of time, he not only worked hard to learn the current duel rules, but also took advantage of his free time to travel around the entire Tongshiye.

In particular, he found that the warehouse near the western seaport and the location of the duel with the game in the city in the anime were too similar, so Li Youfeng secretly remembered this place in his heart.

As for why Li Youfeng did not interfere with the occurrence of this incident in advance, it was because Li Youfeng had clearly realized that his excessive interference in the growth of the protagonists would inevitably cause a huge butterfly reaction.

Although it may be a bit superstitious to think so There are elements mixed in it, but you have to understand one thing, that is, in this world where playing cards is respected, everything here revolves around a series of Yu-Gi-Oh protagonists such as Muto Yugi.

To put it simply, these protagonists are the biological sons of this world. The development of the entire humanities and technology of this world is centered around them. For example, President Kaiba, how many generations of Yu-Gi-Oh have been directly affected by the research results of a duel disk?

Do you dare to say that the duel disks in the hands of the protagonists of later generations are not developed based on the prototype invented by the president?

It can be seen that if these children of destiny do not grow up, the consequences, haha, can be imagined.

Based on the idea that small things can be reversed but big things cannot be violated, Li Youfeng, who really had no choice, could only take out his mobile phone and make a call. After all, being a nanny to this extent, he is worthy of friends like Yugi and Jonouchi.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Boss, it's me"

"You Feng!"

Hearing Li You Feng's voice, Izayoi Kaoru, who was lying on the bed, immediately showed a happy smile.

"What's wrong, You Feng? Is there anything wrong?"

"The thing is, those criminals from Gurus may have controlled the city, and they also kidnapped Kyoko and Kaiba Keipi. I hope you can transfer some bodyguards from your family to see if they can help. The location is near the dock of the western harbor."

"OK, You Feng, I will call home right away. Don't worry, our family's bodyguards are not pushovers. This matter will be fine."

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you, boss."

After hanging up the phone, Li Youfeng looked at the sky to the west and breathed a sigh of relief. He had made so many arrangements, and President Kaiba had already rushed over. This wave should be stable no matter what.

Looking back, Li Youfeng continued to rush towards the cemetery. After all, he didn't know whether the rabbit-eared devil had returned from the sea, so Li Youfeng had to rush ahead of him and create a little"trouble" for him!

Leshan General Hospital.

Izayoi Kaoru, who originally wanted to hide her own affairs and didn't want to worry her family, called her father directly after receiving Li Youfeng's call.

"Well, Dad, here's the thing, I think you can just send fifty bodyguards, what? Five thousand bodyguards?"

"Dad, are you going to war? No, no, this is too much! It will cause a riot!"

"I've made it very clear, I wasn't bullied, my friend was kidnapped! What? They're all the same? Please stop making a fuss!"

"Reduce it a little bit. Well, I think 500 bodyguards will be enough. Okay, thank you, Dad. Xiaoxun will always love you!"

Hearing that his daughter was bullied, Izayoi Kaoru's father was furious on the spot.

Knowing that his father was a heavy daughter slave, Izayoi Kaoru decisively moved out and tried not to bother her father as much as possible.

After hanging up the phone, Izayoi Kaoru smiled and said to Kawai Shizuka beside her:"Don't worry, sister Shizuka, You Feng has already found the place where Jonouchi and the others were kidnapped, and our Izayoi family's bodyguards are all professionally trained.

With so many people dispatched at the same time, your brother and Yugi will definitely not be in any danger.


"Thank you, Sister Xun!"

After hearing these conversations, Kawai Shizuka finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Shizuka was still a little worried. Izayoi Xun immediately said,"Shizuka sister, if you still feel worried, I can go with you."

Shizuka quickly rejected Izayoi Xun's kindness. She waved her hands nervously and said,"No, no, Sister Xun, your body is still very weak. The doctor has told you to rest more and not walk around casually."

"Hehe, for every policy there is a countermeasure!" Covering the corner of her mouth with a sly smile, Kaoru Izayoi pointed to the wheelchair beside the bed,"Although I am indeed very weak now, I can get over there in a wheelchair. I will call my mother and ask her to send our old housekeeper over, and then everything will be settled!"


"Hehe, there’s no but. I’m not the kind of person who can sit idle. I’ll make a call right now!"

As the news that Izayoi Kaoru was admitted to the hospital spread, the Izayoi family, as the largest consortium in Sakura Country, also began to stir. Their little princess was bullied outside. This was a top priority for the Izayoi family and could not be taken lightly!

Armed transport vehicles were dispatched from the Izayoi family's base in a tense and orderly manner. The fully armed bodyguards were also fully prepared. Ten armed helicopters flew towards the western seaport in the sky of Tongshiye, which further demonstrated the powerful capabilities of the Izayoi consortium in Sakura Country.

And all of this was just because of a phone call from Izayoi Kaoru.

Just as the original plot developed, the unconscious Jonouchi was brainwashed and controlled by Malik with the thousand-year-old tin staff, and finally fought again with the hurriedly arrived An Yugi.

At the edge of the dock, Jonouchi and An Yugi had one foot chained to a huge anchor at the same time, and the life value areas of both sides were tied with explosives. It is very intelligently equipped with a life value system. In life When the life value reaches zero, the bomb will explode and drag the loser into the deep sea.

Malik felt extremely happy watching Dark Yugi fighting with Jonouchi through the Millennium Tin Staff. However, he did not expect that because of Li Youfeng's intervention, his perfect plan this time would be ruined again.

Although the yamen runners of Sakura Country did not make any moves, the 500 well-trained bodyguards of the Izayoi family quickly surrounded the dock.

Without the knowledge of Dark Yugi, Jonouchi and President Kaiba who rushed to the scene, professional bodyguards had already appeared there, whether underwater, on the roof or in the air.

With the idea of awakening Jonouchi, the self-taken body of the self-taken body ignored the dissuasion of Dark Yugi and resolutely launched the exchange of the hand.

Controlling Jonouchi's body, Malik smiled sinisterly and encouraged Jonouchi to take the true red-eyes dark iron dragon from the self-taken body. However, he did not expect that the backhand that Li Youfeng had buried on the ship of the Duel Kingdom had finally exploded at this moment.

"You are wrong, Jonouchi!"

"This Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is not only a token of my love, but also a symbol of our friendship and bond! You have great potential, and I believe that you will grow into an outstanding duelist in the future, and this Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon will be your most loyal companion and witness on your growth path!"

"This card will become your spiritual sustenance, it will help you all the way and grow with you. My only hope is that you will not desecrate the friendship between us, and will not do anything to disappoint Red-Eyes Black Iron Dragon!"


Looking at this True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, Jonouchi recalled what Li Youfeng had said at that time. He knelt on the ground with his hands on his head and screamed in extreme pain.

With a severe headache, he also remembered the oath he had made when he got this True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon.

"You Feng! I swear, even if it costs my life, I will never go against our friendship, and I will never do anything to let down the Red-Eyes Black Iron Dragon."

Thinking of his previous oath, the golden eye mark on Jonouchi's forehead flickered because of his fighting spirit!

"I am~ Jonouchi! I~ will never~ betray Red-Eyes~ Dark Iron Dragon! And~ I~ will never~ desecrate this~ friendship!"

""Get out of my way!!!"

After shouting, Jonouchi slammed his forehead against the ground. Blood slowly flowed from his forehead, and the mark of the golden eye also shattered because of his impact.



His spell was destroyed by Jonouchi's strong will. Malik, who was hiding in the dark, was also frightened. Just when he wanted to order his men to kill Jonouchi, Kyoko and Yugi without any martial ethics, the bodyguards of the Izayoi family who were hiding in the dark took action.



The silenced sniper rifle loaded with tranquilizer bullets accurately hit the Gulus hunter who was driving the container crane. Seeing this, Seto Kaiba, who was not far away, reacted very quickly. After making an extremely inhuman somersault, Seto Kaiba directly seized control of the crane.

Seeing that a hostage was lost, the remaining two Gulus hunters immediately detonated the bomb switch.


With an explosion, the anchor hanging on the crane beam fell directly into the sea. Yugi and Jonouchi, who had chains on their feet, were not spared and were dragged directly into the sea with screams.

"��Hey, Yugi, Jonouchi, both of you will be buried in the sea forever!"

Malik, who was hiding in the dark, naturally saw this scene. He turned and left after a cold smile. However, what he didn't expect was that at the moment when Yugi and Jonouchi fell into the water, the bodyguards of the Izayoi family lurking underwater also surrounded them at this time.

Oxygen tubes were inserted into the mouths of Yugi and Jonouchi respectively. The remaining bodyguards took the tools that had been prepared long ago and started to divide the work directly. After a brief and orderly operation, Jonouchi and Muto Yugi, whose chains were cut, were lifted out of the water by the bodyguards at the same time.

"Humph, the bodyguards of the Izayoi Group?"

Looking at these bodyguards who have completely suppressed the Gurus rare card hunter, Kaiba Seto recognized the family emblem embroidered on their clothes at a glance. At the same time, the kidnapped Kaiba Keihei was also rescued by these bodyguards.

"elder brother!"


Kaiba Keipi was also safe and sound, and Kaiba Seto also showed a trace of joy on his face. At this time, a black car with the same emblem of the Izayoi Group drove in directly after passing through the bodyguards' blockade.

The door of the car was opened, and Izayoi Kaoru, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was pushed by Kawai Shizuka and came to the front of everyone.

"Humph~ So it's this superficial woman!"

After a cold snort, Kaiba Seto, knowing that he had nothing to do here, turned and walked towards the private helicopter of his own group. Instead, Kaiba Keihei ran to Izayoi Kaoru politely and thanked him before chasing after Kaiba Seto.

"Miss Xun, thank you so much for this time!……?"

Seeing that Izayoi Kaoru appeared here, Biao Yugi immediately expressed his gratitude. However, when he saw that Izayoi Kaoru was sitting in a wheelchair, he immediately expressed his doubts.

"Oh, this, I just fought a duel in a dark game, so I am a little weak now. The doctor said that I will be fine after a few days of rest."

"Dark Game? Is it Gurus again?"

"Well, yes, that person called himself Malik, and I accidentally lost to him, but fortunately You Feng arrived in time, and he has avenged me. Now Malik is also lying in the hospital. Tsk tsk~ He is several times more miserable than me!"

Seeing the smug look on Izayoi Kaoru's face, Oyayugi and Jonouchi looked at each other in surprise at the same time. Since Malik has been admitted to the hospital, who was the one who controlled Jonouchi just now?

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