
She hurried to Jonouchi's side, and after checking that the wound on Jonouchi's forehead was not serious, Kawai Shizuka finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, Shizuka, for showing you my ugly side."

Looking at the game with some guilt, Jonouchi lowered his head towards Izayoi Kaoru who was sitting in a wheelchair.

"Thank you, Miss Xun. If you hadn't helped me, Yugi and I would have been in real danger this time."

Waving her hands generously, Xun Izayoi said with a smile,"Let's not be so polite to each other. In fact, if You Feng hadn't called me, I wouldn't have known that this would happen. So if you want to thank someone, thank You Feng."

"You Feng is also participating in the duel competition?"

"I remember he said before that he didn't want to participate in the competition, didn't he?"

Hearing this, Jonouchi and Otagi looked at each other again.

"Hey hey~"Scratching his face awkwardly, Izayoi Kaoru explained,"Maybe You Feng was angry because of the attack by Gurus, so he participated in the competition. Although I don't know what You Feng is thinking, I always feel like he seems to be hiding something from me."

"In that case, we have to work harder too."Looking at Jonouchi, Biao Yugi said excitedly,"You Feng is our friend. This time, he discovered Gurus's conspiracy in advance so we were able to escape. Since he participated in the competition, he must have his reasons. Now we just need to speed up and catch up with him!"

"Yugi is right, and I think things are definitely not that simple!" After nodding, Jonouchi continued,"Although it's a bit hard to say, the fact is that when I was fighting Yugi just now, there was a person who claimed to be Malik talking to me in my mind, but I didn't understand it. I didn't know this person, so why did he have to kidnap me?"

"So that's how it is."

After a short silence, the public suddenly changed his personality. After the dark public came out, he looked at everyone and said solemnly:"I have something to tell you. In fact, I have already contacted the mysterious man named Malik. Although I don't know what he wants to do, I can be sure that he must be coming for me."

"And I also have something to confess to everyone, that is, my true identity is actually another soul living in the Millennium Bricks, but when I woke up, I lost all my previous memories. The reason why aibo agreed to participate in the Urban Duel Competition was actually to help me find my lost memories."

Hearing Dark Yugi's confession, everyone present also understood the ins and outs of some things. Because Pandora was defeated by Li Youfeng in advance, Yugi has not yet collected all the puzzle cards.

Smiling, he gave Yugi one of the puzzle cards he had already collected on the grounds of losing the duel, and Yugi smiled and said that this duel was a draw, and in exchange for the puzzle card, Dark Yugi used this as an excuse to hand the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon to Jonouchi.

The feeling of regaining what was lost was simply too happy. Jonouchi hugged the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon tightly to his chest with both hands and cried with joy.

After saying goodbye to each other, Jonouchi and Dark Yugi began to look for their duel opponents again, and at this time Li Youfeng also came to a cemetery in the north of Tongshiye alone.

"Wow, how could anyone come to a place like this?"

Recalling that in the original book, Bulara, who was already late for the duel competition, actually got five puzzle cards in Ghost Bone Mound in one go, Li Youfeng, who was already in the cemetery, didn't know where to start complaining.

Look at the surrounding environment, with tombstones everywhere and a spooky atmosphere. How could anyone come to such a place under normal circumstances? And with Ghost Bone Mound's duel skills, how did he get five puzzle cards?

Well, except for idiots!

After all, as long as they are a little more normal, who the hell would come to the cemetery to play cards for you?!

Isn't it creepy?

You really want to experience this kind of feeling, right?

What's even more ridiculous is that after getting five puzzle cards, Ghost Bone Mound didn't take the initiative to attack, and was still waiting here when the game time was about to end? He really owed his IQ to give five puzzle cards to the Rabbit Ear Demon King, right?


This damn plot kill!

"Leave the duel disk behind!"

Just as Li Youfeng was looking for the trace of the Ghost Bone Mound, a ghostly voice came from behind him.

After hearing this voice, Li Youfeng instinctively turned his head, only to see a burly man wearing a Frankenstein mask suddenly appear behind him.

Looking at the dress that resembled the familiar haunted house in his previous life, Li Youfeng felt a pang in his heart for no reason. Speaking of it, when he was in college in his previous life, he was already extremely obsessed with Duel Monsters.

In order to be able to spend money to buy the limited-time card packs he wanted, he used the summer vacation to come to a ghost entertainment center. Working in a theme park.

Although he was indeed attracted by the high salary at that time, in fact, when he put on the ghost costumes of the staff and devoted himself to the work, he completely understood why only this theme park would pay such high wages to the staff.

When entering the haunted house, although the staff had explained that the ghosts were all disguised by professionals, in fact, irrational tourists still accounted for the majority. After being beaten, insulted, kicked, slapped, and kissed by a necrophiliac, Li Youfeng completely collapsed.

(Li Youfeng was playing a zombie at the time. Don't ask me why I wrote this, because the author doesn't want to recall the sad past when he was in college! And I advise everyone who wants to work in the summer to protect themselves, there is really no shortage of psychopaths among the tourists here!)(╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

This is a sad and tearful story!

Patting the man on the shoulder, Li Youfeng said sympathetically,"Brother! It's not easy for you either!"

"↗ trough↗!?"(Note 2.)

Because Li Youfeng's movements were extremely natural, the unknown strong man felt as if he was insulted.

"Ah! I died such a miserable death!"

"Hurry up and leave the duel disk here!"


You died so miserably that you want the duel disk? Do you have to be so unprofessional?

And three big brothers, it's broad daylight now, do you have to be so showy?

If you work like this in the ghost park, do you think your boss will fire you?


Li Youfeng sighed helplessly, watching the smallest of the three raise his duel disk helplessly.

"Gui Guzhong, I don't have time to waste here with you, let's duel, and bet all the puzzle cards in our hands!"

Yes, bet all the puzzle cards, don't be surprised, I did this to save you!

You must know that although the dark game is terrible, it also has rules that must be followed, that is, the dark game must be played.

If he knew that you didn't have a puzzle card, do you think that Bulara, who was in a hurry, would waste his time on you?

Although Gui Guzhong is a villain, it is true that this person has never done anything out of the ordinary. Strictly speaking, at best he is just a funny cannon fodder. Such a supporting role, how can you say it is not a crime worthy of death, right?


Guiguzhong was recognized at a glance, and was also a little surprised. In addition, the opponent had already shown the duel disk, so for Guiguzhong, he could not escape this duel no matter what.

Yes, after living in this world for such a long time, Li Youfeng gradually understood one thing, that is, there is nothing that cannot be solved by playing cards.

For the people in this world, as long as you show the duel disk to your opponent, even if the opponent is performing the great ceremony of creating new human life with his girlfriend, he has to get up from the bed and put on his pants to fight!

Although this analogy is a bit inappropriate, in fact, for the people in this world, it is really like this!

It's really annoying!

"Hehe, brat, since you want to die, I'll help you do it!" He unfolded his duel disk towards Li Youfeng, and Gui Guzhong showed that he was ready.

"My Goblin deck will drag you to the grave, let's get started!"


Li Youfeng LP4000

Ghost Bone Mound LP4000

"I got the first attack, draw a card!"

Drawing a card from the deck, Ghost Bone Mound took the lead in launching an attack

"I summon the ghost of Medusa!"

"Attack display!"(Attack power 1500 Defense power 1200)

"My turn is over. It's your turn now!"

Although Pegasus had announced the champion of Duel Kingdom at a press conference, he had not released Li Youfeng's photo due to Li Youfeng's request.

In addition, since he was eliminated early in Duel Kingdom, Gui Guzhong had never seen Li Youfeng's appearance, which was why Gui Guzhong had not recognized Li Youfeng until now.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there are two remaining times in this game.

In order to save time, Li Youfeng directly took out his newly assembled set of Mortal Bone Heroes deck.

Yes, in addition to a few magic cards, this deck has all Mortal Bone Heroes and a small number of hero monsters with special effects.

"Pot of Greed activates, draw two cards from your deck!"

Magic Trap Affinity activates, 0 times remaining in this game

"I activate two Continuous Magic Cards from my hand, Will of Mortals!"

"I normally summon this monster with a guard inside, which means my turn is over!"

Seeing that Li Youfeng did not attack but ended his turn so easily, the two followers of Guiguzhong laughed immediately.

"Haha, this guy doesn’t look like a very powerful master!"

"Ghost Bone Tomb, you have to work hard. If we defeat this guy, we can collect all the puzzle cards!"

"Hehe, rest assured, leave it to me!"

After a burst of evil laughter, Gui Guzhong placed his hand on his deck.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I normally summon a dragon monster in attack mode!"(Attack 1600 Defense 0)

"Haha, what do you think, little brat? My dragon monster has an attack power of 1,600 points!"


"Dragon Monster, attack that cover card!"

With the order from Ghost Bone Mound, the Dragon Monster opened its huge mouth and bit the cover card on Li Youfeng's field.

As the Dragon Monster's attack came, the cover card also turned over. At the same time, a monster covered with clay appeared, which was in a defensive state.

Elemental Hero Clay Man (Attack Power 800 Defense Power 2000)


With a loud bang, the defensive Clay Man punched the Dragon Monster's chin.

After a painful wail, the Dragon Monster, whose teeth were almost broken, could only retreat to his own field.

Ghost Bone Mound LP4000>3600

"What? My dragon monster is a super rare card with 1600 attack points!"

Looking at the clay man on Li Youfeng's field with some disbelief, the ghost bone mound let out an incredible wail, and by the way, it was a little broken.

"Damn, there is a monster with such high defense, it must be an extremely rare card!"

Li Youfeng:"No, in fact, this is just an ordinary monster card."

"But it doesn't matter (broken voice), since you took out such a rare card, I have to take it seriously!"

Li Youfeng:"Fuck, I told you it's not a rare card, and you're still like this? Can you listen to me?"

"I activate Spell Card Fusion from my hand!"

"Merge the dragon beast and the undead of Medusa!"

"Come out, golden golem!"(Attack 2200 Defense 1800)

"Hehe, what do you think, kid? Now you know how powerful I am!"

"To tell you the truth, this is the real trump card in my deck, and I Fusion Summon it at the end of the turn, so I perfectly avoid the penalty of the Fusion Monster not being able to attack in the first turn!"

"I covered two cards in the backcourt, and the round is over!"

Looking at the Ghost Bone Mound losing three cards to fuse such a thing, Li Youfeng said that he felt a little annoyed.

Putting his hand on the deck inserted on the duel disk, Li Youfeng took a deep breath.

"Come on, it's time to test your character!"

"My turn! Draw a card!"

""Yeah!" (Sister Shui's voice!)

Looking at the elemental hero Winged Man that he had just drawn, Li Youfeng excitedly showed it to Gui Guzhong

"The effect of the continuous magic card Fanman's Will is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that it can be activated when I draw a normal monster during my normal draw phase. By showing the drawn normal monster card to my opponent, I can draw a card from the deck!"

"Since I activated two Mortal Wills, I drew two cards from my deck!"

"Draw a card! Hey, the two cards I just drew are Elemental Hero Hot Girl and Magic Card Loaded!"

"By showing you Hot Girl, so I'm drawing two cards from the deck!"

"Draw a card! Hum, there is a normal monster card. Continue to draw two cards!"

"Draw a card! Haha! So cute!"

"So cute……"




(Gui Guzhong: You're going to kill me if you don't stop!)

Under the confused gazes of Gui Guzhong and his two followers, Li Youfeng drew fifteen cards before stopping. Looking at Li Youfeng holding a hand of cards, Gui Guzhong said that his mentality was indeed beginning to break down.

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