
Seeing Li Youfeng's calm appearance, Malik's heart was already in turmoil.

""Ah? Malik? Who is that?"

You have to know that when Malik met Li Youfeng's soul body, he was wearing a cloak to cover his face. Li Youfeng had never seen his face at that time. How could he recognize him at a glance?

It doesn't make sense!

It absolutely doesn't make sense!

He must be lying to me!

"Haha, my friend, you have recognized the wrong person, right? My name is Namu, not Malik!"Thinking that Li Youfeng was lying to him, Malik laughed as if he was struggling to death. Recognized the wrong person?

What a joke, in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh anime, besides you and Yugi, who else wears such distinctive clothes?

Although it is true that I am face-blind, but what does it mean that you are wearing all those jewelry?

Oh, you really think I am stupid and can't guess it at all, right?

As if looking at Malik like a clown, Li Youfeng crossed his arms with a calm face, as if he was not talking to him, Li Youfeng asked in an emotionless tone:"Why did you attack Izayoi Kaoru? If you want to seek revenge on me, you can just send someone over. I will neither hide nor run away! Then again, haven't you heard the saying that misfortune will not affect family members?"

"The incident with Thief Keith was purely a surprise to me. After all, you were the one who tried to control my soul first. It is only natural for me to fight back to protect myself, right?"

"Besides, wasn't your original target the nameless Pharaoh? Do you think it's appropriate to provoke me without knowing the enemy?"

"Or do I feel like I'm a soft persimmon, so you can squeeze me however you want?"

"Mr. Malik Ishdar!"


It's confirmed!

He really knows me!


After listening to Li Youfeng's words, Malik immediately stood up from his seat, and put on a vigilant posture. Because of excessive shock, a layer of fine beads of sweat had even seeped out of his forehead.

"Li Youfeng! Who are you? I see, this information should have been told to you by Lishid, right? Damn, this traitor!"

I can't pretend anymore. Malik knew that he was exposed. Malik, who received the tip-off, naturally knew that it was Li Youfeng who defeated Lishid, so Malik thought that Lishid had betrayed him.

"Lishide? Humph, it's already good enough that he can save his life, and the doctor also said that this guy is very weak now, and he probably won't wake up in ten days or half a month. And you don't have to guess blindly. With your character, you are not qualified to be compared with Lishide. Compared with you, at least he still has the honor and integrity that belongs only to the gravekeepers, and you, haha, forget it, it's better not to mention it."

"What do you want?"

Malik slowly raised his duel disk. He knew that the feud had already been established, and now only a duel could completely solve the problem.

"What do I want? Haha, that's ridiculous!"

"Don't worry, I don't want to do anything to you now."

Li Youfeng stood up slowly from his seat and looked at Malik expressionlessly.

"The account of hurting Xiaoxun won’t be let go so easily. Since you took action first, don’t blame me!"

"In addition, I want to say that I don't want to get involved in the feud between your grave-keeping clan and the nameless pharaoh. The feud between you and me is just a personal one. In addition, you'd better pray that you don't run into me in the first round of the preliminaries, otherwise, I will let you see what real cruelty is!"

After saying these words, Li Youfeng turned and walked down the stands. Looking at Li Youfeng's back as he left, Malik's face gradually revealed a ferocious expression.

Due to the influence of the black personality, Malik's mind at this time has been completely affected by hatred. Looking at the third card of God in his hand, Malik grinned and gritted his teeth:"Li Youfeng, right? This is exactly what I want to say. When you see the true power of God, you will find out how ridiculous what you said just now is!"

As the roar came from the sky, a helicopter with the logo of the Kaiba Group slowly appeared above the arena. As the helicopter slowly landed, Kaiba Seto and Kaiba Keipi also walked down from the plane.

"Humph, it seems that I am the first person to arrive here!"

Finding that the surroundings were still quiet, Kaiba Seto, who wanted to be the first in everything, immediately crossed his arms and laughed proudly.

"No, brother, look who that is!"

Looking in the direction that Kaiba Guiping pointed, he saw Li Youfeng leaning against the wall at the entrance of the arena and waving at him.

"Hey, President Kaiba, you’re taking so long to get here even with a helicopter. Your dueling skills are not that good!"

"Damn it! You↗Feng↘! It's you again, you bastard!"

Seeing Li Youfeng coming over with a sly smile, Kaiba Seto's face was immediately covered with blue veins. Due to extreme unwillingness, even his blood pressure seemed a little unstable. He took out eight puzzle cards from his pocket and unfolded them directly and used them as a fan.

"Oh, look at my careless character. Six puzzle cards were obviously enough, but I accidentally won two more. Because I was too fast, I had to wait here for an extra hour in vain. If I had known you were so slow, I would have gone to eat a bowl of beef noodles before coming back!"

""Fuck! I can't stand it anymore!"

Aiming his duel disk at Li Youfeng, Kaiba Seto pointed at the former's nose and roared loudly:"Don't care about the rules, I'm going to smash your stinky face thoroughly now, come on You↗Feng↘, it's time for us to settle our grudges!"

Looking at Kaiba Seto's furious look, Li Youfeng felt secretly happy in his heart. Who told you to abandon me and run away when you defeated the Light and Dark Mask, causing me to be unable to get a helicopter. Since you are disloyal first, why should I save face for you?

Besides, if I hadn't used external tricks to ask Izayoi Kaoru for help directly, there would be no guarantee of what kind of trouble would happen.

And don't forget, the reason why I faced the Light and Dark Mask was to save your brother!

"Brother, calm down!" As if seeing through Li Youfeng's intention, Haima Guiping quickly smiled bitterly and acted as a peacemaker,"Brother Youfeng, you should also say less. By the way, there is iced happy water on the helicopter. I'll get you two bottles!"

"Did you see the seahorse? Your brother is sensible and knows what it means to repay a favor. He is not like some people who always have a sour face and act as if everyone owes you money!"

"Damn it!"

"Calm down, brother, you need to calm down!"

After finally pulling away from Kaiba Seto who wanted to PK with Li Youfeng, Keihei frantically took out two bottles of happy water from the freezer on the helicopter.

Looking at his brother gritting his teeth and Li Youfeng drinking happy water by himself, Kaiba Keihei felt that the air around him seemed to have dropped several degrees for no reason because of these two people.

Fortunately, this extremely depressing atmosphere did not last long. About ten minutes later, the protagonists including Muto Yugi, Jonouchi and Peacock Dance finally appeared from the entrance of the arena.

"You Feng! You are here too!"

Seeing Li You Feng from a distance, Biao Youxi and other protagonists hurriedly ran over with a smile.

"Ah~ Damn it, You Feng, didn’t you say before that you wouldn’t participate in the competition? This time my chances of winning the championship are going to drop again!"Seeing Li Youfeng, Jonouchi's expression was obviously a little frustrated.

"Hey, hey, no way, You Feng, do you know that when I heard from Jonouchi that you would not participate in the competition, I went to the bar to party all night. Ah~ God bless me, I don’t want to duel with you!"

Because she has witnessed Li Youfeng's tricks many times, Peacock Dance doesn't want to see Li Youfeng in such occasions.

One thing to mention here is that because of Li Youfeng's assist in the Duel Kingdom, the relationship between Peacock Dance and the protagonists at this time is far more than that in the original anime.

Before the start of the Duel City, Peacock Dance even secretly had a date with Jonouchi, so the relationship between the two is much closer than in the original anime.

In addition to Muto Yugi, Jonouchi, and Peacock Dance who need to participate in the duel, the ten thousand year support team of the protagonist group has also undergone subtle changes. In addition to

Honda and Kyoko, Ryuji Oga also got involved. Izayoi Kaoru

, who originally wanted to come to cheer for Li Youfeng, was eventually sent back to the hospital because of her weak body. At the same time, Kawai Shizuka, who was originally going to come to cheer for Jonouchi in the original work, did not come here because she had to accompany Izayoi Kaoru.

(I have to mention here that in fact, there has always been a rumor in Yu-Gi-Oh that Yugi Muto died young. Although it is just a little-known fact, it can at least let everyone know how much harm dark games can cause to the human body! Of course, these things have nothing to do with this book, because Li Youfeng will prevent all tragedies from happening, so book friends don’t have to worry too much, just understand it. )

Not only did he help heal his sister’s eyes, but he also sent family bodyguards to rescue himself and Yugi and others. Jonouchi also raised his hands on the spot to agree with Kawai Shizuka’s decision.

What’s more, the Kaiba Group will also broadcast the remaining duels live. Even if he can’t cheer on the scene, Jonouchi can understand in his heart that his sister Shizuka will definitely cheer for him in front of the TV!

Seeing Shizuka pushing Izayoi Kaoru in a wheelchair back to the hospital, Honda and Miga Ryuji immediately expressed some dumbfoundedness.

You must know that in the original work, these two fell in love with the gentle and lovely Shizuka at the same time, and even staged a classic KOF-style duel in the sky arena of the duel airship.

So after hearing Shizuka's decision, the two of them sighed almost at the same time. You know, they are two girls, and there is no reason for two grown men to follow them to the hospital at the same time.

Not long after each of them got their ID cards, Malik also walked down from the stands alone. Seeing this familiar person, Jonouchi and Kyoko immediately greeted him with a smile.

Patting Malik's shoulder, Jonouchi said with a smile:"Namu, you're okay. I was really scared. I thought you were kidnapped as well."

"Yes, it's great that everyone is fine." Mazaki Kyoko also agreed with Jonouchi's words.

Li Youfeng, who was sitting next to him drinking happy water, felt a pang of pain in his teeth when he saw Jonouchi and Kyoko believed Malik.

You know, something like this happened in the Duel Kingdom. How did the shady Bakura mess with you? I didn't expect you to forget it so quickly. It's like the scar has healed and the pain has been forgotten, right?

"Malik, since your shadow warrior has been admitted to the hospital, I think you don't need to play such tricks anymore, right?"

Unable to bear such a stupid plot, Li Youfeng decisively chose to expose Malik.

Everyone:"What? He is Malik?"

"how come?"

"Are you Malik?"

"Haha~ That's right, I am Malik!" Since he was exposed by Li Youfeng in public, Malik simply stopped pretending,"Jounouchi, your wooden fish head is still so naive! What a pity, I didn't expect you to break my spell with your own will, this is really a bit surprising"

"You bastard!"

"Stop it, Jonouchi!"

Jonouchi flew into a rage upon hearing this, and was ready to fight Malik on the spot.���Just as he was about to punch, Yami Yugi, who had changed his personality again, grabbed his fist.

"Yugi, don’t stop me, I’m going to teach this bastard a lesson today!"

"Jonouchi, if you fight here, you will be disqualified from the competition. As a duelist, what we have to do is to defeat our opponent fairly in the duel!"

"Jonouchi, if you want revenge, then fight him in a duel!"

"Yugi~! Okay, I get it. Let's settle the score with him in a duel!" After hearing what Yami Yugi said, Jonouchi glared at Malik and reluctantly put down his fist.

"Haha, what an extremely innocent friendship, it's really disgusting!"

After a sinister smile, Malik turned his gaze to Dark Game.

"And you, nameless Pharaoh, everything you have done to our clan will be completely ended in the duel!"

"Malik, although I don't know what you want to do, but because of your selfish desires, you almost hurt my companions, so I will never forgive you!"

Pointing at Malik, An Yugi said righteously:"Since you want to make a break, let's solve this in a duel!"

"Humph, just what I want!" With a sneer at Dark Yugi, Malik stood aside after receiving his ID card.

Beep, beep!

With the sound of a whistle, a huge airship slowly landed in the center of the Tong Minye Arena. Seeing that there seemed to be no duelists, Kaiba Seto immediately announced the decision to let all contestants board the airship.

"Wait for me!"

Seeing all the contestants boarded the airship, just as it was about to take off, Baku Liang ran in from the entrance of the arena, yelling.

""Shit! How can this be possible?"

Li Youfeng, who saw the appearance of Baku Liang through the window of the airship, immediately said that he was a little annoyed.

After all, the Rabbit Ear Demon King had been dealt a heavy blow, but he was able to rush over just before the airship took off. It can be seen that the current Zork is definitely a bronze saint. After all, he can't be killed no matter what!

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