(Since Absolute Zero will appear in this book later, I will share some information in advance. Around April 2021, the official new rules will be announced. Absolute Zero will not trigger the departure effect when it is bounced back to the extra deck by the opponent's effect. Please bear with me, card masters. After all, you must know this information.)

After showing his six puzzle cards, Tapir also boarded the airship without any danger. Although he finally got all the puzzle cards together, the process was more difficult than he imagined. At this time, Tapir was already sweating profusely.

After wiping the sweat from his face, Tapir, who was running so hard that he almost fell on the floor of the airship. Although Tapir is now in the state of the Great Evil God Zok, his body is only a teenager after all.

Such high-intensity running around undoubtedly caused him great trouble. There was even a moment when the Great Evil God Zok was desperate to give up participating in this competition.

The fact that even the Great Evil God Zok felt so desperate was enough to show how much of a jerk Li Youfeng was!

With his physical strength exhausted, Baliang stood up shakily with the help of the handrail of the airship. He glanced at his ID card and just when he wanted to return to his contestant room to rest for a while, the person he least wanted to see appeared.

"Fortune Teller~Oh no, rabbit ears~Oh my god, that Tapir, I never expected to meet you here, I am so~happy"

""Li Youfeng!!"

Yes, it was Li Youfeng who appeared in front of Mo Liang at this time.

Looking at Li Youfeng with a happy water in his hand and a smirk on his face, Mo Liang couldn't help but twitch slightly. He knew that it was not the time to completely turn against Li Youfeng, so after showing a harmless smile, Mo Liang walked up to Li Youfeng.

"Hey, You Feng, I didn't expect to meet you here. We are really destined to meet."

"Well, you are right, we are indeed destined to be together. After all, two slaps can't kill you, you are really tough."

Drinking the happy water in his hand, Li Youfeng smiled and gave Mo Liang a meaningful look.

"And I've dug such a big hole for you in advance, but I didn't expect you to be able to collect all the puzzle cards. Should I praise you for your perseverance? Or should I say you're just lucky?"

"Li Youfeng~ It's you again!"

After hearing these words, Baliang knew that he must have been exposed again this time. When he thought of the hardships he had to endure in order to complete the puzzle cards, several blue veins instantly appeared on his face.

"Why do you always pick on me? Do I have a grudge against you? And who the hell are you?"

"Huh? Didn't I tell you? Well, in fact, many people call me the True Lord of Taking Off on the Spot. How about it, the clue is obvious enough."

Li Youfeng showed a sinister smile to Mo Liang and patted his shoulder.

"But I can tell you responsibly that there is no hatred between us. My purpose of playing tricks on you is actually very pure, that is, every time I see your bunny ears, I can't help but want to bully you. Well, in fact, it is really like that."

After saying this, Li Youfeng turned and left amidst the standard villain's"hehe" laughter. Looking at Li Youfeng's back as he left, Mo Liang couldn't help but doubt himself while he was burning with anger. Judging from the current situation, who is the big evil god between us? Why are you playing more tricks than me?

"Hey, Baliang, it seems that there is a conflict between you and Li Youfeng."

Soon after Li Youfeng left, Malik appeared behind Baliang. Although the time of their meeting was changed due to Li Youfeng's interference, the powerful will of this world inevitably brought the two together.

"Malik? What do you want to do?"

Having keenly sensed the dark power in Malik, Baliang immediately became alert. After all, for the dark natives like them, there is no such concept as companions. Unless you are a fool, no one would easily believe what a"companion" says.

"Don't be so nervous, Moliang. Actually, I think it's possible for us to become good partners. After all, we have the same goal. It's just that it's a little inconvenient to talk here. Why don't we go somewhere else to talk?"

"Are you going to deal with Li Youfeng too?" Seeing Malik nodded slightly, Baliang couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile on his face,"Hmph, okay, then I'll see what you're up to."

Following Malik, Bakura came to his room, and the two villains with dark powers united again.

However, in fact, these two guys with ulterior motives were actually calculating each other in their hearts, and their purpose was nothing more than to make the other party serve as cannon fodder to test Li Youfeng.

Just like in the original anime, because of Li Youfeng, Kaiba Seto, who had long been addicted to cards, waited patiently for half an hour before officially announcing the start of the preliminaries.

Fifteen minutes later, except for the mysterious eighth player who has not yet appeared, the remaining seven contestants all came to the largest banquet hall in the airship. After enjoying the sumptuous dinner, Uncle Isono, as Kaiba Seto's most loyal bodyguard, stepped to the front and acted as the referee.

In order to ensure the fairness of the game, yes, you read that right, fairness, or damn fairness!

(Li Youfeng: Printing cards! Off-board moves! Nonsense! God's Card!���A common person can't use the God Card! You're telling me it's fair now?)

After a simple draw, the players that everyone was going to play against also appeared on the big screen of the airship.

The first game, Yugi Muto vs. Bakura.

The second game, Seto Kaiba vs. Mame.

The third game, Jonouchi vs. Malik.

The fourth game, Li Youfeng vs. the mysterious man.

Yes, except for the player who played against Li Youfeng, the names of the other players have all been logged on the big screen of the airship. Moreover, these duels will be broadcast live by the Kaiba Group throughout the country of Sakura. At that time, all duelists can enjoy the most exciting battles between these top duelists in front of the TV.

(Li Youfeng: It is said that the Kaiba Group knows how to do business and will never forget to take the opportunity to make a fortune.)

However, what Li Youfeng couldn't complain about the most was that the machine responsible for allocating the players' draws was actually a GOGOGO Bingo machine?!

Damn, Kaiba, are you sure you are serious?

That's why you printed this thing directly into a card?

The player with advanced dragon cancer is so terrifying. Otherwise, Kaiba's love for Blue-Eyes White Dragon is absolutely true. Otherwise, who can do it to the same extent as him?

(In fact, the author has struggled before, but he encountered the Destruction Sword several times in a row. It was so funny. I won’t give you the chance to humiliate me. Just click surrender!)

"Great, my opponent is neither Yugi nor You Feng, it seems today is my lucky day!" Holding the tag with the number 4 in her hand, Kong Quewu almost cried with joy on the spot

"Mai-san, your opponent is Kaiba Seto, he is a very strong opponent."At some point, the Dark Yugi who had transformed back to the Otoyugi looked at Kongmai with a worried look on his face.

"Well, as a duelist, you should always face challenges. Otherwise, how can you become stronger? This is the peacock dance that is smiling on the surface.

"Damn it! I would rather fight Kaiba Seto with swords and guns than to meet you and You Feng, two old bastards! Fighting with you is really disgusting, that's not a duel!"This is the peacock dance of the real world in my heart

"Well, Mai-san, you are right. I didn't expect you to have such an awareness. I was rude to you for what I said just now.

"Hum, this pedal is really lucky, it actually let Kaiba pick up such a big bargain! Aibo, I can feel that there seems to be something wrong with Tapir. We have to pay more attention!"This is the dark game talking to the surface game in his heart.

(Peacock Dance: Convex(♯`∧´)

As the saying goes, some are happy while others are sad. Unlike the cheerful peacock dance and the game, Jonouchi's face suddenly turned gloomy after seeing his opponent. Turning to look at Malik, Jonouchi gritted his teeth and said," Malik

, it seems that today is really my lucky day. I didn't expect that my chance for revenge would come so soon. What you did to me and my friends, I will definitely get back from you double!"

"Haha!" Glancing at Jonouchi with disdain, Malik laughed disapprovingly,"Okay, come on, if you can do it."

"What did you say you bastard?"

"Jonouchi, calm down, he is deliberately provoking you!"

Honda quickly stopped him, and the airship was instantly filled with a tense atmosphere.

"Humph, what a boring show!"

Seto Kaiba, who was leaning against a corner of the airship with his arms folded across his chest, could no longer sit still. He looked at Isono who was standing in front of the big screen and said calmly,"Don't waste time anymore, let's start the first game!"


Nodding respectfully to Kaiba, Isono immediately announced:"The first duel is about to begin, contestants please take your seats, we are going to the competition venue!"

Taking the elevator to the top of the airship, everyone followed Isono to the so-called sky duel arena. Watching the huge duel arena slowly unfolding on the top of the airship, Kaiba's second-year soul also completely erupted at this moment without any hesitation.

"Welcome to the sky duel arena. The height of the duel arena is set at a height of one thousand meters. The sudden air flow and sharp blades will inflict pain on the duelists as if cutting their bodies!"

"The duel was conducted under such harsh conditions!"

Looking at Seto Kaiba's proud look, all the contestants and the supporting staff of the protagonist group were all shocked, of course, except for one person.

Unable to complain!

Yes, Li Youfeng is really a little numb now!

I still remember that when I was in elementary school, after watching this part in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, Li Youfeng even fantasized about whether he could enjoy such a high-end game one day. Just imagine, two murderous duelists staring at each other, standing a thousand meters high to duel

, isn't this much more exciting than drawing a few grids on the ground with a straw stick to duel?

In fact, when you are really there, you will find out how ridiculous it is to duel in this situation!

Let's not talk about whether you can hold the cards in your hand firmly. It's just a card game. Why do you have to endure the pain of airflow?

What do you want to express?

What do you want to achieve? Or do you just want to feel the atmosphere?

There is no need to fight so hard to feel the atmosphere, right?

However, what made Li Youfeng even more speechless was that facing such a strong airflow at an altitude of 1,000 meters, he stood on the ring and transformed into the king of Yami Yugi. His hair was not messed up at all in the strong wind?!

(Wang Yang: I am standing in the strong wind!

How much hairspray does it take to achieve such an awesome effect? Look at your opponent. Didn’t you notice that the bunny-eared devil standing opposite you is shivering from the cold?

���Li Youfeng complained, and the referee Isono announced the start of the first match. At the same time, Bakura and Yami Yugi looked at each other with a strong fighting spirit.

At the moment when the match was about to start, a mysterious woman sitting in the airship lounge turned her eyes to the window of the duel airship, and her eyes showed an expectant look.


"I'm the first to attack, draw a card!"

As the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom hanging on his chest appeared for no reason, Mo Liangyin smiled and looked at the game.

"Hehe, game, I didn’t expect to meet you again so soon. It’s a pity that no one will help you this time. Facing this situation, I can only sigh that fate is really fickle!"

"I normally summon the Lurker in the Painting in attack mode!" (Attack 1200 Defense 1500)

"Two more cards covered, and my turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

As if he had known this would happen, he glanced at the card he had just drawn and sneered at Bakura.

"What's wrong, Tapir? Don't you plan to continue pretending this time?"

Shrugged indifferently, Tapir said calmly:"Whatever you say, but my goal in participating in the duel competition this time is actually very simple, which is the God Card you have!"

"God's Card?"

He looked at Bakura with some surprise, and then Biao Yugi, who was in Yami Yugi's mind, suddenly spoke.

"Another me, you have to be careful, I can feel that the real purpose of Baliang may be more than this"

"Don't worry, Aibo, I know what he wants to do, but he dares to attack a monster with an attack power of only 1200 points. This means there must be some trap here!"

"Another me, I think it's better to try it out first."

"Well, that's what I was planning to do."

Due to Li Youfeng's interference and the fact that they learned a lot of practical dueling skills from him in the Duel Kingdom chapter, the strength of both Dark Yugi and Otomo Yugi is now a little higher than in the original book.

In this duel environment where Axe Kings are the common choice, although the two are still a little reckless, they have actually begun to pay attention to their opponent's backcourt.

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