After finishing the conversation with the game, Dark Game played a card

"I normally summon the Elf Swordsman in attack mode!"(Attack 1400 Defense 1200)

Godlike Thunder Swordsman

"Next I cover a card!"


"The Elf Swordsman attacks the lurker in the painting!"

"Cross Sword Slash!"


Two sword lights flashed, and the Lurker in the painting on the field of Tapir had no room for resistance and was directly chopped into pieces.

Tapir LP4000>3800

Seeing that Tapir did not activate any cover cards, Yami Yugi frowned in surprise.

(Elf Swordsman: So you are quite unhappy that I didn't step on the landmine?)

"My turn is over!"

"Hey, it's my turn, draw a card!"

He drew a card from his deck, added it to his hand with a sinister laugh, and then took out another card and slapped it on the duel disk.

"I Normal Summon a Gargoyle."(Attack 1000 Defense 500)

"Attack indication!"

"Next, I cover a card again!"

"My turn is over!"

"Damn? Three blocks in the backcourt? When did Mo Liang learn this trick?"Feeling this familiar trick, Li Youfeng was surprised."By the way, doesn't this guy always like to block the frontcourt? Why did he change his style? Is this trick what he wants to do?"

"You Feng, what's wrong with the backcourt three-block? Is there anything worth noting in such a duel?"Since he was going to fight Malik, Jonouchi also wanted to take the opportunity to learn from Li Youfeng in advance.

"Yes, you just need to be careful. People who play cards like this must have dirty hearts!"

Although he had roughly guessed Mo Liang's routine, Li Youfeng couldn't remind him. After all, if he did so, he would be directly judged as a foul.

"Damn, if that's the case, then you have a dirty heart too?" Jonouchi said this in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

"My turn, draw a card!"At this moment, Yami Yugi drew a card from the deck.

"Aibo, I think Tapir is deliberately luring us to attack"

"Well, I also found out, but Tapir certainly wouldn't have thought that we have already made preparations! Since he wants us to attack, let's take advantage of him." After a brief discussion with Oshige Yugi, Yami Yugi launched an offensive.

"I Normal Summon Magnet Warrior β, Attack Position!" (Attack 1700 Defense 1600)

"Humph, Bakura, I want to see what tricks you can come up with this time!"

Waving his hands at his two monsters, Dark Yugi launched an attack directly.


"Elf swordsman attacks the gargoyle!"

"Cross Sword Slash!"


He killed another monster on the opposite field. The Elf Swordsman said that he had reached the peak of Duel Monsters at this moment. After all, he had not retired in two rounds. With this point, he had completely gotten rid of the identity of a cannon fodder swordsman.

Tapir LP3800﹥3400

"Magnet Warrior β, attack directly!"

"Magnetic shock!"


The body was hit by a burst of electromagnetic pulses, and Tapir screamed.

Tapir LP3400 > 1700

"My turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!" He drew another card from the deck, laughed sinisterly, and slapped it directly onto the field.

"I summon the purple-haired nightmare!"(Attack 1300 Defense 1800)

"Attack again!"

Just as Tapirara was about to attack again, Yami Yugi's mouth slightly raised

"Tapir, I now understand completely. You deliberately attacked the monsters just to make a graveyard, right?"

"What?"When Yami Yugi spoke his thoughts, Bakura's eyes widened.

"Humph, judging from your expression, it seems that what I said was right. You must have some trump card monster in your hand, which must be piled up in the graveyard before it can be special summoned, right? What a pity, I will finish you off this turn!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

He drew a card from his deck, added it to his hand, and then played his trump card without hesitation!

"I offer the Elf Swordsman and Magnet Warrior β as sacrifices, and summon them to a higher level!"

"Come out, my most powerful servant!"

"Black Magician!"(Attack 2500 Defense 2100)

Everyone:"Black Magician!"

"Yay, the game is won!"

"Come on, Yugi!"

Seeing the Black Magician appear on Dark Yugi's field, Jonouchi, Kyoko and others, who were supporting him, immediately cheered.

"Damn, it's the Black Magician!"Realizing that Yami Yugi wanted to kill him instantly in this round, Bakura was also a little panicked.

"It doesn’t matter, I still have 1,700 health points, and I still have the monsters in the front field. He can’t defeat me in this round no matter what!"

"Hum, Bakura, do you think that I can't kill you in one second because of the monsters in the front field?"After a slight smile, Yami Yugi once again showed a hand card from his hand.

"Magic card activated, Thousand Swords!"

"Destroy a monster on your field!"


As the Thousand Blades were activated, the monsters on Tapir's field were directly stabbed into hedgehogs by the Black Magician's flying knives.

After a scream, the purple-haired nightmare was smashed into pieces by the effect of the card. Facing the Black Magician with 2500 attack points, Tapir had no monsters on the field to protect him.

"Black Magician!"At this moment, Dark Game also issued an order to attack,"Directly attack the player, black magic!"

"Don't even think about it!"Faced with the magic missile attack, Baku Liang directly opened a backcourt cover card

"Trap Card activated, armor exploded!"

"I'm going to destroy your Black Magician on the field!"

Everyone:"What? He actually laid a trap a long time ago but never used it?"

Just when everyone in the audience thought that the Black Magician would definitely be destroyed by the trap card, Yami Yugi grinned again.

"Humph, I am so tired!"

"Tapir, do you think I haven't seen through your tricks?"

"Counterattack Trap Card activated, trap interference!"

"This card can be activated during the Battle Phase to negate and destroy a Trap Card on your opponent's field!"

"What I want to destroy is the Explosive Armor!"

"Great! This game is awesome!"Jounouchi cheered when he saw that the game had such a hidden trick.

"Well, well, it's really worthy of being Yugi. As expected, he had already guessed that Baliang would have an ambush!"Peacock Dance, who had suffered a great loss at the hands of Yugi, said that this wave was completely familiar.

"Damn it! Open another cover card!"

Seeing that the Explosive Armor was ineffective, Baliang had no choice but to open another cover card.

"Damage to weight loss!"

"This round, all the damage I received was halved! Ah!!"

At the moment when the trap card was activated, the black magician's attack also hit Tapirara. Under the impact of the black magic, Tapirara once again let out a miserable wail.

Tapirara LP1700﹥450

"Humph, you really have other tricks up your sleeve."

It seems that not being able to get rid of Tapirara in this round was also within Yami Yugi's calculations. Seeing that the attack was over, Yami Yugi had no choice but to end his round.


At the moment when Yami Yugi ended his turn, Bakura also laughed.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I banish three Demon-Type monsters from my Graveyard and Special Summon them!"

"Dark Doll—Nico Luofeiya!" (Attack Power 2200 Defense Power 2800)

"Attack Display!" (This is the original animation effect, which is different from the real card effect)

"I cover a card and my turn is over!"

"Great! Tapir's life is almost gone. We've definitely won the game this time! Seeing Tapir only having 450 health points left, Jonouchi cheered excitedly.

"Yes, Jonouchi, you said it very well! Come on, Yugi, beat him!"After hearing this, Peacock Dance, who was dating Jonouchi, also waved her hands to cheer for Yami Yugi.

"Humph, Yugi, I admit that you have some talent, but if you want to be my rival, you are not qualified now!" Kaiba Seto, with his arms folded and a proud look on his face, suddenly remembered the mural he had seen before after taking a look at the black magician on the game field. However, in his heart, Yugi now is still not as good as Li Youfeng.

"Hey, Tapir, you are not qualified to be my ally with your strength. Do you want me to help you, such as controlling your host or something?" Malik, who also thought Tapir had already lost, sent a voice transmission through the Millennium Tin Staff, and his words were full of sarcasm.

Just when everyone was not optimistic about Tapir, among the people watching the fight under the ring, only Li Youfeng himself showed a stunned expression.

The reason why Li Youfeng had such an expression was actually very simple, that is, he could never have imagined that this sentence that must not be said would actually come from Jonouchi's mouth. His behavior can be said to be a backstab to An Yugi.

"Jonouchi, please take back what you said. You can't…"

"Don't worry, everyone. I have seen through Mo Liang's tactics. I have every confidence that I can win this duel!"

Li Youfeng:"!!!"

Li Youfeng, who originally wanted to stop Jonouchi, never expected that he would be interrupted by Yami Yugi.

And standing on the stage, Yami Yugi didn't realize the seriousness of this sentence at all. Instead, he showed a mysterious self-confidence!

This is fucking ridiculous!!!

Compared to the meticulous and thoughtful Yugi, Yami Yugi's card playing style is sometimes really reckless. It may be due to the needs of the plot. Many times, Yami Yugi takes the initiative to step on the landmine and forces himself into a desperate situation.

If it weren't for his magical skills such as printing cards, talking nonsense, and magic draws, Yami Yugi would have been killed long ago.

You know, in the world of Duel Monsters, there has always been an unchanging truth, that is, whoever uses Yugi Muto's deck except for himself will die!!!

Don't question me, if you don't believe me, you can try it yourself

"It's over, Wang Yang is definitely going to be in trouble this time!"

After silently mourning for Wang Yang for a minute, Li Youfeng turned his head and looked at Jonouchi who was cheering.

After patting Jonouchi on the shoulder, Li Youfeng looked into the former's eyes sincerely and said word by word:"If you dare to say the previous words when I have the upper hand in the duel, I will beat you to death! Don't question me, I will really beat you to death!"

""Eh? ? ?"

Looking at Li Youfeng's serious eyes, Jonouchi said that he was a little confused now. Although he didn't understand what was wrong with this sentence, Jonouchi nodded woodenly. As

Li Youfeng expected, looking at the dark puppet on Tapir's field, Dark Yugi, who had just finished drawing cards, was a little excited.

Anyone who has watched the Yu-Gi-Oh anime basically has an impression, that is, when his monster has a higher attack than the opponent's monster, Dark Yugi has never been afraid.

Although he has noticed that the monster on Tapir's field is a little strange, based on the principle of never missing an attack, Dark Yugi decisively launched an attack this time!

"I Normal Summon the Mystical Beast King Kazel!"(Attack 1500 Defense 1200)


"The Black Magician attacks the Dark Dolls!"

"Black magic!"


Under the impact of the dark spell, the dark puppet let out a sharp scream and was directly blown into pieces. At the same time, Tapir couldn't help laughing.

Tapir LP450﹥150

"Tapir, what do you mean by this?" Relying on his intuition, Yami Yugi discovered that Tapir was different.

"Haha! Yugi, I want to thank you, thank you for destroying the Dark Doll, because you sent the Dark Doll to the graveyard, so the field magic Dark Sanctuary is activated at this time!"(Original anime effect)

Seeing that Bakura actually calmly put the field magic Dark Sanctuary from his hand card into the duel disk during the game's turn, Li Youfeng couldn't help but call him an expert.

Strictly speaking, this is actually an induced effect of the Dark Doll, so there is no problem with the rules.

With the activation of the Dark Sanctuary, the entire sky duel field seemed to be shrouded in darkness, countless eyes and demon mouths appeared above the field, and even the air was filled with a terrifying breath.

"Field magic?"

Glancing at the surroundings, An Yugi thought for a moment, but soon, when he was not sure about the effect of the Dark Sanctuary, he decided to continue rushing forward.

""Phantom Beast King, attack directly!"

Following Dark Yugi's order, the Phantom Beast King launched an attack directly. However, at this moment, the effect of the Dark Sanctuary was also activated.

"Yugi, you will reap what you sow! Evil spirit destroyed!"

With a loud shout from Tapir, a white ghost emerged from the body of the Beast King and hit Dark Yugi. The Beast King's attack also stopped because of the appearance of the white ghost.

"Haha, game, you idiot, let me tell you, in the Dark Sanctuary, there will be a ghost equipped on your monster, and every time you attack, the ghost will replace your monster to activate"

"As an attacker, you will receive damage equal to half of the original attack power of the attacking monster, and the damage points you suffer will be restored to me as health points!"

"The attack power of the Phantom Beast King is 1500 points, so you will receive 750 points of damage, and I will recover 750 points of health!"

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