Without noticing Isis' murderous gaze, Li Youfeng gently touched Atla's head, and at the end of his turn, he collected four Witchcraft cards from the graveyard.

Covering her eyes and climbing up from the ground with difficulty, the angry Isis placed her hand directly on the deck of cards on the duel disk. Of course, if it weren't for her blackened left eye, she would have looked quite imposing.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After taking a look at the cards she had just drawn, Isis, who had completely lost her mind, pointed her finger at Li Youfeng and shouted angrily,"Li Youfeng, no matter whether you have the ability to change the trajectory of your destiny, today, I will make you pay the price for what you have done!"

"I activate the Spell Card Pot of Greed and draw two cards from my deck!"

"Then activate the Magic Card from your hand, Angel's Gift, draw three cards from your deck, and discard two!"

"The cards I chose to discard are Ancient Guard Agito and Ancient Vanguard Kyle Burke!"

"The special effects of Ancient Guard Agito and Ancient Vanguard Kyle Burke are activated!"

"Both of these monsters have the ability to send five cards from the top of both decks to the Graveyard after being sent from the hand to the Graveyard due to their effects!"

"Li Youfeng, come with me and send the top ten cards of the deck to the graveyard!"

"Okay, no problem!"As if he was trying to hold back a laugh, Li Youfeng raised his hand and pulled out ten cards from the top of his deck.

"Damn it, I'm going to make you never laugh again!"

Li Youfeng's expression naturally did not escape Isis's eyes. Looking at her own graveyard, Isis secretly complained:"Damn it, there are only eighteen cards? I can't help it. This bastard Li Youfeng is too abnormal. If it drags on, I will probably lose, so I can only activate the effect in this round!"

"Activate the special effect of Sword Priest Mdora in the graveyard!"

"This card can be removed from the Graveyard, and when there is a reversal of the world and the underworld in my Graveyard, you can return five cards from your own or your opponent's Graveyard to the holder's Deck. I choose to remove the Sword Priest M'dora from the Graveyard, and return five cards from your Graveyard to the Deck!"

"The special effect of the Statue of the God Keldor is activated!"

"This card has the same effect as Sword Priest M'dora. Both of them can return five cards from your own or your opponent's graveyard to the deck when there is a reversal of the world and the underworld in your graveyard. I choose to exclude the Statue of the God Keld in the graveyard, and return five cards from your graveyard to the deck!"

"Ten cards?"After a mental calculation, Li Youfeng immediately understood,"There are a total of fourteen cards in my graveyard. So, there are only four? Yes, that's enough."

Just as Li Youfeng expected, Isis really opened the cover card on her field.

"Trap Card Activated!"

"Reversal of the living world and the underworld!"

(The effect of this card in the original anime is that it can be activated after there are 15 cards in your graveyard, exchanging all the cards in the decks and graveyards of both players, and then shuffling the decks.)

Unlike Li Youfeng who was still very calm, Otomo Yugi and Kaiba Seto widened their eyes at the same time when they saw this scene. However, what shocked them even more was that after that, Isis played her last magic card from her hand.

"Activate the magic card, Light Sealing Sword!"

Everyone:"What? Light Sealing Sword?!"

"Damn, there are not many cards left in You Feng's deck, and his attack is blocked, so You Feng is in danger now!"Because he also has this card in his deck, he knows the effect of this card very well.

And in many early story lines of the first generation of Yu-Gi-Oh, as long as Wang Yang uses this Sword of Sealing Light, he will really delay you for three rounds, it feels like he is possessed, and there is no negotiation at all.

(Don't doubt that in the original anime, this card represents a kind of belief!)

"You↗Feng↘! Are you going to lose here? No, I don't admit it, I absolutely don't admit it!"Seto

Kaiba, who claims to be Li Youfeng's nemesis, secretly broke into a cold sweat. After all, for him, there is nothing more humiliating than his own nemesis being suddenly defeated by an unknown duelist.

In Kaiba's opinion, even if Li Youfeng fails, you have to lose to me, otherwise, wouldn't it make me look even more incompetent?

"My turn is over, Li Youfeng. The Sword of Sealing Light is the countdown to your complete defeat. Enjoy your last few turns!"

"The last few rounds?~!"

He couldn't hold it back any longer. At this moment, Li Youfeng said that he really couldn't hold it back any longer!

"Isis~haha! I~oh no, I'm dying of laughter!"

"Damn it, what are you laughing at? Your deck is almost empty, and you're still laughing?"

""Suo Lie Wa Duo Gan Na!"

Li Youfeng's action undoubtedly provoked the latter's already very fragile mental state again. Looking at Li Youfeng who was laughing, Isis's face was full of anger.

Feeling the stabbing pain from her left eye, if the referee was not still watching her, Isis would have rushed over to PK with Li Youfeng.

"I'll tell you why I'm laughing!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Li Youfeng held back his smile and casually pulled out a card from the deck without even looking at it. After all, the graves were already full, so it didn't really matter whether he looked at the card he had drawn or not.

"Miss Isis, I am very sorry to inform you that you will not have the next round!"

"I Normal Summon, Tio's Bug Demon!"(Attack 1700 Defense 1100)

"The special effect of Tio's Bug Magic is activated. When this card is successfully summoned, you can select a Bug Magic monster in the Graveyard and Special Summon it in Defense Position. I Special Summon, Antlion Bug Magic!" (Attack 1600 Defense 1200)

"The special effect of Antlion Bug Demon is activated. When this monster is successfully Special Summoned, it can destroy a Trap Card or Spell Card on the opponent's field. I choose to destroy it, Sword of Sealing Light!"

After receiving the order from its master, Antlion Bug Demon raised his hand and pointed at Isis's backfield. Then, a ball of black sand wrapped around Sword of Sealing Light and dragged this card into the sand hole that appeared out of thin air.

"How could this happen!?"

Stupid! Isis was dumbfounded after seeing this scene! Biao

Yuyi, who was watching the duel carefully under the stage, was also stunned. Seeing that the Light Sealing Sword, which had always been invincible, could not do anything to Li Youfeng, Biao Yuyi, who was not sure what he was thinking, touched his chin with one hand, and his eyes were flashing with the light of"wisdom (black) and wisdom (heart)"

"Isis~Actually I really want to say to you, thank you for helping me build the grave, this warmth really caught me off guard!"

"In fact, in addition to using the antlion bewitching demon, I have several other ways to unlock the Sword of Light Sealing. Due to time constraints, I will not show you."

"Now, to thank you for your selfless act of warmth, I decided to completely kill you in this round!"

"Magic card slacking activated!"

(The witch craft tailor Heine in the cemetery can also destroy the Light Sealing Sword)

"This card can be Special Summoned by selecting a Witchcraft Monster in the Graveyard!"

"Well, just summon one with higher attack power!"

"Witchcraft Golem Alulu, come out!"(Attack 2800 Defense 0)

"Well, this is enough. Atlas, Tio, and Alulu, attack directly!"


It's time to attack again!

After hearing Li Youfeng's order, Atlas, a duel elf, rushed towards Isis with a gloating smile on his face.

The other two monsters were not to be outdone. Under Atlas's instructions, the two monsters actually pushed Isis to the ground.


After being treated like this, Isis, who was pressed to the ground, understood even though she was stupid. There was definitely something wrong with the monster in front of her called Atlas Worm Demon. However, what was even more horrifying was that the monster actually rode on her body and slowly raised her pink little fist with a sinister smile.

"Oh no! Stop it!"



With her hands held down by the golem Alulu and the Dio worm demon, Isis couldn't even defend herself at this moment. Amidst the horrified gazes and heart-wrenching screams, she saw the little fist suddenly fall down and hit her right eye heavily.

"Well, it's symmetrical now!"Looking at Isis's pair of panda eyes, Atla said that he was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Satisfied, he climbed up from Isis's body and waved to the other two monsters.

"Oh no! Are you still coming?"


At Atla's signal, Dio the Insect Demon and the Golem Alulu stretched out their right feet and kicked Isis in the face fiercely.

Isis LP2200>0

(Isis: Referee, I protest, a monster took advantage of the situation and hit me one more time!)

"The winner is Li Youfeng!"

""Phew! I won. What an interesting duel!"

Imitating a certain jellyfish head, Li Youfeng smiled and gave a thumbs up to Isis, who was lying on the ground and twitching slightly. Although he was not sure whether the other party could still see this action, for Li Youfeng, this kind of heart had to be sent.

"You Feng, you can break through the blockade and win easily in such a desperate situation. You are indeed my nemesis!"

Looking at Li You Feng standing in the Sky Arena, Kaiba Seto's mood at this moment is indescribably complicated. For Kaiba Seto, who has a strong self-esteem, the stronger Li You Feng is, the more worthy he is to be defeated by himself!

Looking back, he found that Isis fell on the ring and never got up. Kaiba's face was full of mockery.

"Humph! What a useless woman, she can't even bear this level of damage!"

After all, he had watched the entire dark duel that Jonouchi had fought before, so in Kaiba's opinion, the damage Isis suffered could only be described as child's play.

You have to know that Jonouchi was hit by three sun fires but was still able to stand up. Let's not talk about duel skills, just this willpower that surpasses ordinary people is definitely not something that Kaiba Seto can underestimate now.

(Jonouchi's real strength is not only his willpower, but also his luck! )

Although he was very disgusted, at the signal of Kaiba Seto, Isono, who was acting as the referee, called the medical team and sent Isis to the infirmary.

"Tonight's Urban Duel Contest preliminaries have all been completed, and the semi-finals will be held at the third duel venue."

"I repeat, the airship will arrive at the third duel venue tomorrow morning, please prepare for the semi-finals contestants."

After learning that all the games tonight were over, the protagonists including Li Youfeng were completely relaxed.

Because they were worried about Jonouchi's injuries, Li Youfeng followed Yugi and others down from the Sky Arena and went to the infirmary together.

"Miss Mai, how is Jonouchi doing?" After arriving at the infirmary, seeing Jonouchi still lying on the bed with an IV drip, Pyoyuki hurried over.

"There is no danger to his life anymore."

Looking at Jonouchi lying on the bed with deep affection, Kongquewu smiled and nodded at Biaoyou.

"The doctor just checked Jonouchi again. He just fell asleep due to overwork. I believe he will wake up tomorrow morning."

While they were talking, the door of the infirmary was opened, and two medical staff carefully supported Isis, who was still a little dizzy, and walked in.

After placing her on the bed on the other side of the infirmary, a doctor took out a bottle of ointment from the medicine cabinet and carefully applied it on her face with a cotton swab.

"Madam, please be patient. You only have some skin injuries. Just apply some ointment and rest for a night."

The doctor was kind-hearted. Looking at the bruises on Isis's face, he carefully applied the ointment and tried to persuade her in a gentle tone,"Madam, don't blame me for being nagging. In a duel, there are always winners and losers. It doesn't matter if you lose the game, but with your body, how can you rush up to fight with others?"

"Tsk tsk~, look at your face, it has been beaten to such a state. Speaking of which, the person playing against you is also uncultured. He had the heart to use such a heavy hand on a beautiful lady. He deserves to be single for the rest of his life!"

Since the two beds were not too far apart, the doctor's words naturally fell into the ears of Li Youfeng and others.

After hearing these words, Kong Quewu, who had been guarding beside Cheng Nei and missed the game, suddenly felt the gossipy mentality of a woman.

Looking at Li Youfeng, who had a complicated expression, Kong Quewu smiled secretly and gave him a thumbs up.

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