An awkward atmosphere gradually spread in the infirmary, but the most heartbreaking thing was Isis lying on the sickbed.

"Doctor, the situation is not what you said."

As a duelist of the gravekeeper clan, Isis naturally has the pride of a gravekeeper.

Being misunderstood like this, because she rushed up to fight the opponent in anger after losing the duel, such rumors cannot be attached to her anyway.

"In fact, the wound on my face was caused by the opponent's duel monster."

Although it was a bit embarrassing, compared to the honor of the gravekeepers, Isis chose the latter. Although she explained the truth of the matter with a sincere face, in fact, whether her words could make the other party believe it was another matter.

"Haha, ma'am, to be honest, I am also a duelist. With my personal experience with the duel disk and 20 years of experience as a doctor, how could I not see an injury like yours?"

"We have to believe in science. The bruises on your face are obviously caused by being beaten!"

"You, you should be more careful from now on. A girl shouldn't be so impulsive! But don't worry, this bruise ointment is passed down from my ancestors. If you apply it and sleep for a night, there should be no problem."

""Okay, the ointment has been applied. You should have a good rest. If you have any questions, ask the nurse to call me."

After saying these words, the doctor turned and walked out of the room. Facing the complicated looks of Yugi and others, Li Youfeng, the culprit, seemed even more embarrassed.

In fact, strictly speaking, this accident can definitely be said to be the personal behavior of the duel elf Atlas Worm Demon, and he, Li Youfeng, just played the role of a scapegoat.

Having completely lost the game and personally experienced Li Youfeng's unfathomable duel skills, Isis now vaguely understood something.

Slowly sitting up from the sickbed, Isis, whose dizziness in her head had been reduced by most, stood up and walked towards Li Youfeng and others.

After seeing this scene, the gentle Yugi hurriedly stood in front of Li Youfeng and lowered his head to Isis who had walked in front of him.


""X2 looked at Isis who said the same thing as him, and raised his head with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, Miss Isis, aren't you here to call for an explanation?"

"Why should I go to war to accuse you?"

After shaking her head in confusion, Isis bowed again and apologized,"I'm sorry, everyone. The whole thing was caused by my brother. If anyone wants to apologize, it should be me who should apologize to you."


After hearing Isis's words, except for Li Youfeng, all the protagonists showed puzzled expressions.

Just like in the original story, Isis took off the thousand-year-old jewelry on her neck and told the protagonists, led by Biao Yugi, the whole story.

"This is what happened. Nameless Pharaoh, please forgive my mistake. I did this to save my brother."

"I should also be responsible for Jonouchi's injuries. I will definitely compensate him later. Please forgive me."

After handing the Millennium Jewelry to Pyo Yugi, Isis bowed to Pyo Yugi again, then turned around and walked out of the door of the infirmary with some melancholy.

Looking at the Millennium Jewelry in his hand and Isis's back as she left, Pyo Yugi's face gradually revealed a look of heavy worries.

After listening to Isis's confession, except for Peacock Dance who showed an indignant expression because she felt sorry for Jonouchi, the protagonists all looked at Pyo Yugi with surprised expressions.

After all, according to the normal thinking of modern people, the reincarnation of the soul is too illusory.

If it weren't for Yami Yugi's personal admission, I'm afraid no one would easily believe such a thing that goes against science.

After learning the truth, Pyo Yugi was obviously in a bad mood.

After saying goodbye to everyone simply, he went straight back.

His own player lounge.

Except for Peacock Dance who said that he would stay here to take care of Jonouchi, Anzi, Honda and Miga Ryuji also wisely chose to leave.

After parting with his friends, Li Youfeng ran to the restaurant of the airship to take away some food as a midnight snack. After all, these delicious meals were provided by Kaiba Seto for free. Based on the principle of not eating if it's a waste, Li Youfeng naturally couldn't miss such a good opportunity.

Bakura was easily defeated by the greatly increased Yami Yugi, and Jonouchi also completed the feat of killing the first god without any danger. Malik was even eliminated early. All these changes made Li Youfeng feel better.

Without these unstable factors, Li Youfeng can now be said to be completely relaxed, and began to enjoy the real fun of dueling monsters.

"Three guillotines and one order to take me out of Bianliang~!"

Holding the midnight snack tray in both hands, Li Youfeng returned to his room humming a familiar song.

"Shit, I forgot I have to use the room card. What should I do now that I have no hands?"

Since the food he took was a little too much, Li Youfeng had to drag the plate with one hand and carefully put his other hand into his pocket. However, at this moment, a familiar voice appeared behind him.

"Do you need help?"


Hearing this voice, Li Youfeng shuddered instinctively. In fact, just as he guessed, Isis Ishdar was standing behind him.


With an awkward smile, Li Youfeng was in a dilemma. It was conceivable that if Isis came to seek revenge on him, Li Youfeng, who was unable to free his hands, would definitely be the one to be beaten passively.


Seeing Li Youfeng's frightened expression, Isis sighed and probably understood something. Since you are so afraid of being beaten, then you shouldn't deliberately mess with your opponent's mentality when you are on the duel stage. Isn't this asking for trouble?

"Mr. You Feng, you misunderstood. I am not here to take revenge on you. In fact, I came here to find you and ask for your help."

After helping Li Youfeng open the door of the lounge with the room card, Isis bowed her head to Li Youfeng with a sincere face.

"Looking for me for help?"

Puzzled as to why Isis came to him, Li Youfeng nodded and said after pushing open the door of his room,"If that's the case, then come in and talk."

After entering the room, Li Youfeng put his midnight snack on the table, turned around and looked at Isis who was a little restrained, Li Youfeng asked with some doubt,"Just say whatever you want to say, but I have to say it first, my ability is limited, and I really can't do anything about things that are beyond my ability."

"No, if you do it, there will be no problem.

Seeing that Li Youfeng was still looking at her with suspicion, Isis also directly explained her purpose.

"Actually, Mr. You Feng, I would like to ask you to help save my brother."

"Save your brother? Malik? Didn't he lose to Jonouchi? Besides, how do you know I have the ability to save your brother?"

Shaking her head with a smile, Isis looked into Li Youfeng's eyes and said slowly:"Mr. Youfeng, there are some things I won't hide from you. The thousand-year-old jewelry I own has the ability to peek into the future, so before the duel, I used this ability to peek into your future."

"Unfortunately, I failed and lost the ability to see the future. You carry a mysterious power that can help others change their destiny to a small extent."

"Although the trajectory of the stars cannot be easily changed, the road ahead can be made smoother. With your help, Jonouchi, who was originally going to fail and whose life was hanging by a thread, overcame his original fate and defeated Malik to become the first person to kill a god."

"However, who could have imagined that the person behind Jonouchi's great feat would be you?"

""Gulp!" Li Youfeng swallowed hard, and now he had a confused expression on his face.

What the hell?

What do you mean?

Am I so awesome?

Why don't I know it myself?

Li Youfeng, who was a little inflated, suddenly remembered the president of Kaiba who jumped down from a fifty-story building.


The bitch misled my heart.���

It’s safer to be more cautious these days. After all, when playing cards in this world where dueling is respected, one careless move could really result in death!

"So, how do you want me to save your brother?"Looking into Isis's eyes, Li Youfeng asked the biggest question in his mind.

"I have no idea"

"Don't know?"

From Isis's expression, Li Youfeng knew she was not lying.


Isis nodded heavily and then said,"The trajectory of fate has long been deviated from its original path because of your intervention. The future I know has completely turned into chaos."

"Although Malik's dark personality has been defeated by Jonouchi, I can feel that this dark power has not dissipated."

"Although I don't know what method should be used, I have a hunch that only you can completely eliminate this dark force and truly save my brother."

"Mr. You Feng, my brother is not a bad person, so I beg you to help me and save my brother."

Looking at Isis who lowered her head again, Li You Feng slowly recalled the plot in the original Yu-Gi-Oh.

Although it is not clear whether such a situation will occur now that the plot has been greatly changed, since the incident came from himself, he should bear all the consequences.

"Miss Isis, I understand your request. I will give it a try, but I have a small request. You should have three of your trap cards, Reversal of the World and the Underworld. Can you give me one?"

Thinking of his previous determination, Li Youfeng looked at Isis and nodded happily.

"That's no problem! Thank you so much, Mr. You Feng. I will always remember your kindness."

After sending the grateful Isis out of the room, Li Youfeng took the card Isis had just given him and sat back in front of the table. He glanced at the clock on the table, and the corners of Li Youfeng's mouth gradually rose.

"Well~ If the opponents are a six-year-old mentally retarded child and a bunny-eared devil, this game shouldn't be too difficult."

"Forget it, let's have a midnight snack first. After all, you can't play cards on an empty stomach!"

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye it was past midnight.

In order to cope with the game, Kaiba Seto and Muto Yugi had already gone to bed early.

During this time when many people were resting, a figure suddenly appeared in the corridor of the cabin inside the airship.

Almost without making any sound, the figure quickly walked to the door of the infirmary, but just when he was about to open the door, a cold voice came from behind him.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so energetic after playing a dark game! Malik, are you so eager to get back the Winged Dragon of the Sun God?"

"Humph, since you are here, don't you have other ideas about the God Card?"

Malik stopped his hand that was about to open the door, and his body was dominated by the dark personality again. He slowly turned around.

""Takamura, I was also surprised. I didn't expect that you, who was also defeated, could recover so quickly."

Takamura slowly emerged from the dark corner, wearing the Millennium Wisdom Wheel on his chest and sneered at Malik.

"Sorry Malik, I'm actually more interested in your thousand-year-old tin staff than the Winged Dragon of the Sun God. Could you please give it to me?"

"You want my Millennium Staff? Oh, I almost forgot, it seems that you are also collecting Millennium Artifacts. Unfortunately, I heard that you suffered a great loss at Pegasus because of Li Youfeng, and you have not yet obtained the Millennium Eye. I didn't expect that now that you have healed the scar and forgotten the pain, you actually set your sights on me. Should I praise your bravery? Or should I say that you are ignorant?"

"I will find a way to get the Millennium Eye. As for the process, you don't have to worry about it!"

After Malik exposed his scars, Baliang's face became very ugly.

"What do you think, Malik? For your personal safety, I suggest you hand over the thousand-year-old staff to me. Otherwise, I don't mind using some slightly rough methods on you."

"Humph, what a troublesome guy!"

Looking at Tapir coldly, Malik was silent for a few seconds and then slowly said:"If you want to duel, I have no objection, but before that, I need to get my God Card back first. Of course, if you are scared, I can also duel with you now."

"Haha, Malik, you don't need to use such childish means to provoke me. The reason I'm here is not to prevent you from getting the God Card back."

"Humph, you are really generous. I promise that you will soon pay the price for your arrogance."

Shaking his head indifferently, Bakuliang made a gesture of please go ahead. However, just when Malik stretched out his hand to open the door of the infirmary, another voice suddenly came from the darkness.

Extra Chapter 2

(Note: The names of the victims of the first two rounds of book friends' interactions~ahem~are the lucky ones have been used up. The next extra chapter will end in advance. I will repeat that the extra chapter tells the pseudonymous stories of the book friends. It does not enter the main line and will not affect the main characters of this book. The extra story has the same worldview as this book, both of which are worlds that respect duels.)

The day of the Duel City Competition!

""My turn, draw a card!"

In a back street of Tongshiye, two duelists were fighting to the death, using their most precious cards as stakes.

Yes, for the duelists, the battle between them was not just a game of playing house, but a battle where they were risking everything!

"Haha, white-haired boy, there is no way you can turn the tables. You only have 500 health points left and there are no monsters on the field. How can you possibly defeat me with 2700 attack points?���Where is the robot?"

"And I heard that you seem to be from a famous Duelist Guild in China. Now it seems that your so-called second largest Duelist Guild in China is actually not that good!"

"I will take the rare card and two puzzle cards in your hand without hesitation!"

Looking at the white-haired man with only 500 health points left, the duelist who still had 2,800 health points left made a sarcastic remark without any disguise.

""Ha? You dare to insult my guild? Do you know who I am?"

The burly white-haired man was immediately furious when he heard this!

With a mad look in his eyes, the white-haired man showed the card in his hand with a grim smile.

"Magic card, Gem Knight combination activated!"

"I send Gem Knight Garnet and Gem Knight Sapphire to the graveyard for a Fusion Summon!"

""Gem Knight Ruby!" (Attack 2500 Defense 1300)

Looking at the Gem Knight in front of him, the duelist standing opposite the white-haired man suddenly laughed.

"Haha, you wasted three cards to fuse such a rubbish monster, are you kidding?"

"Garbage monster?" With a sickly smile on his face, the white-haired man waved his hand and pointed at the cover card on his field,"Open the cover card, Shadow Fusion!"

"The effect of this card is that you can exclude the Fusion Materials determined by the Fusion Monster in the Graveyard, and then Special Summon a Fusion Monster from the Deck!"

"I banish the three Gem Knights in the Graveyard, then Special Summon them!"

"Jewel Knight Girl Sparkling Diamond!"(Attack 3400 Defense 2000)

"The special effect of Jewel Knight Ruby is activated!"

"Once per turn, you can release a monster on your side of the field and activate it, adding the attack power of the released monster to that of Gem Knight Ruby!"

Gem Knight Ruby's attack power UP 5900!

"Attack power 5900?!"


Looking at the attack power of the Gem Knight, the duelist opposite the white-haired man was already full of surprise!

"Fight, Gem Knight Ruby, attack that monster for me!"


Seeing Ruby rushing towards him, the duelist's face was already pale, but just when he thought he was going to die, something happened that made him collapse again.

"The effect of the pig bone throw in the graveyard is activated!"

"By banishing this monster, I can negate one of Ruby's attacks!"

"Next, I activate the magic card double chance, double the ruby's attack power and attack again!"

Gem Knight Ruby's attack power 11800UP!

"What? Ah!!!"

The attack power of 11,800 points came over like this, and the man was killed instantly on the spot. Without paying attention to the frightened opponent, the white-haired man roughly took away the opponent's puzzle card, and even pulled out the former's entire deck without any hesitation.

"Remember my name, I am one of the five shadow knights of the"Fusion Does Not Need Emotions" guild in China, the second largest guild in China, no, it is about to become the largest guild. I am known as the Lord of Gems.���Ling!"

"If you want revenge, I welcome you anytime, but the stakes for the next duel will be your life, hahahaha!"

After walking out of the back alley, Diwu Ling picked out a few cards with some disgust, and threw the remaining decks of his opponent into the trash can.

"Spit! What a rubbish card, few of them are worth looking at, so who should I look for next?"

"Humph! Boy, I am a little interested in the duel skills you just used. Since you find it boring, how about a duel with me?"

Just when Diwu Ling wanted to continue looking for prey, a man wearing a white windbreaker and carrying a suitcase suddenly appeared not far from him.

""Ah? You want to challenge me, you know I am... eh?"

Turning back suddenly, Diwu Ling's blood-red pupils suddenly shrank.

"Kaiba Seto?"

"Wow~ I didn't expect you to know me. I heard that you also came from Huaxia to Tongshiye to participate in the duel competition? Hmph, interesting. I hope you don't bore me!"

"Seahorse, don't be so arrogant. Just as you expected, you are definitely the best prey for me!"

With a ferocious smile on his face, Diwu Ling immediately showed his duel disk.

"I have many rare cards here, you can use them to strengthen your deck……"

"No need!"

He suddenly interrupted Kaiba Seto and said with a wild laugh:"Duel monsters don't need emotions, and none of my cards need emotions either. I am very confident in my own strength, so I don't need your charity at all. Come on Kaiba Seto, let me see if your strength is really that strong!"


Kaiba Seto LP4000

Fifth Ling LP4000

"Seahorse, I got it if you attack first!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I activate Angel's Gift from my hand, draw three cards from my deck and discard two!"

"Then I activated the magic card Gem Knight Combine!"

"I send the Gem Knights Xiaoli, Garnet, and Jadeite in my hand to the graveyard!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"Jewel Knight Girl Sparkling Diamond!"(Attack 3400 Defense 2000)

"The special effect of Jewel Knight Xiaoli is activated!"

"When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can add a Gem Knight Normal Monster in the Graveyard to your hand!"

"I added Gem Knight Tourmaline to my hand!"

"The magic card Gem Knight's combined effect is activated!"

"When this card is in the Graveyard, you can banish a Gem Knight monster and add it to your hand!"

"I choose to exclude the Gem Knight Xiaoli!"

"Next, I will continue to activate the effect of the magic card Gem Knight Combination!"

"Send the jewel knights Tourmaline and Obsidian to the graveyard!"

"Fusion Summon, Gem Knight Haoshi!" (Attack Power 2900 Defense Power 2500)

"The special effect of Jewel Knight Obsidian is activated!"

"When this card is sent from your hand to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from the Graveyard. I choose to Special Summon Garnet!"

"The special effect of Jewel Knight Girl's Sparkling Diamond is activated!"

"Once per turn, during the Main Phase of your turn, you can send a Gem Knight on the field to the Graveyard, then directly summon a Gem Knight Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck regardless of the conditions!"

"Come out, King of the Gem Knights!"

"Gem Knight Master Diamond!"

"The effect of the Gem Knight Master Diamond is activated!"

"This card's ATK increases by the number of Gem Monsters in your Graveyard x 100!"

"There are five monsters in our graveyard now, so the attack power of Master Jewel Knight is 3400 points!"

Looking at the three monsters on his field, Diwu Ling smiled at Kaiba Seto and licked the corner of his mouth.

"The fusion monster cannot attack in the first round, but according to this rule, I have perfectly avoided it! President Kaiba, the current situation is extremely unfavorable to you. How about it, do you have a way to break through my monster?"

"Haha, my turn is over!"

"Humph, such a fancy trick, it's really boring!" He hugged his arms and shook his head, with a look of contempt on his face.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"White-haired boy, now, I will show you what is a duel technique beyond the norm, watch carefully!"

After a loud shout, Kaiba Seto directly showed the fusion

"I sent three Blue-Eyes White Dragons to the graveyard!!!"

"Oh my god!!!"

Seeing that Kaiba's president started with three Blue Eyes and one Fusion, Diwu Ling's smile froze on his face instantly. The legend of not shuffling cards was so terrifying. It was not until this moment that Diwu Ling truly experienced the horror of the president!

"This is the ultimate and most perfect creature!"

"Show your powerful figure to this ignorant duelist!"

"Come on!"

"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" (Attack 4500 Defense 3800)

A strong sense of oppression came from the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Facing the roar of the three-headed dragon, Diwu Ling quickly stretched out his arms to block his face.

"It's useless. Fusion monsters cannot attack in the first round. Kaiba, you are destined to fail!"

"Humph, do you think I can't calculate such a low-level problem?"

With a contemptuous smile on his face, Kaiba Seto continued his turn.

"I cover a card on the field, and then activate a Spell Card!"

"A life-threatening treasure!"

"The effect of this card is that you draw cards from your deck until you have 5 cards in your hand, and at the start of your 5th Standby Phase after activating this card, send all cards in your hand to the Graveyard."

"Next, I will activate the Spell Card Quick Attack, and then activate the Spell Card, Ultimate Explosion!"

"This card allows Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to attack three times during one Battle Phase!"

"Take that, you ignorant bastard!"

"Explosive Gale Bomb of Triple Destruction!"

"Damn! You are such a scoundrel! Ah!!!"

Seeing the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon launching an attack, Diwu Ling quickly hugged his head with both hands.���In just a moment, the three Fusion Gem Knight monsters on his field were all destroyed by the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and sent to the graveyard.

Fifth Ling LP4000﹥200

"Phew~ Not bad!"

After the first round, he was beaten down to only 200 health points. Diwu Ling said, I have locked my health!

"Haha, President Kaiba, have you ever heard the old saying, whatever doesn't kill me will only make me stronger? Your attack is over, end your turn now!"

"Humph, who said my attack is over?"


Under the incredible gaze of Diwu Ling, President Haima directly opened the cover card on the field!

"Speed Attack Magic Fusion Released!"

(Fifth Ling: Sorry, I was showing off.)

"I will release the fusion of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Come out, my pride, my soul, my most loyal servant!"

"Blue Aizi~White Doragon!"

""Shit, this must be fake!" Looking at the three blue-eyed white dragons in front of him, Diwu Ling was completely stunned.

"Keep attacking!"

"The explosive gust of wind of destruction!"


(Fifth Ling: Glue, Inka, they are indeed so horrible!)

With a scream, the duel ended. At the same time, another poor duelist was admitted to Tong Shiye's Leping General Hospital.

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