"Haha~ It's my turn, draw a card!"

Malik drew a card from the deck and said with a smile:"You Feng, I didn't expect that after all your fancy work, you only left such a small monster on your field. To be honest, I'm really disappointed!"

"I normally summon a demon soldier in attack mode!"(Attack 1900 Defense 1500)

"Next, I cover both cards!"

"My Turn……"


Interrupting Malik's words, Li Youfeng laughed sarcastically,"What's wrong with you? It seems that you didn't end your turn so easily when dealing with Jonouchi. Is it because you were afraid that you didn't start the dark game? Or, without the God Card, you no longer have the courage to play a dark game with me?"

"Li Youfeng! You are courting death!"

How could Malik, who was completely dominated by negative emotions, remain silent after being mocked by Li Youfeng?

In anger, Malik was about to start the dark game, but at this critical moment, Baliang quickly called him back.

"Malik, don't start the dark game. You Feng is a very sinister and cunning guy. He must have some ulterior motives when he mocks you. You must not be fooled by him!"

"Humph~ Baliang, I think you are afraid of ropes after being bitten by a snake once. Even if Li Youfeng is very powerful, can he kill both of us in one round when he can't attack?" Malik immediately expressed his disdain for Baliang's timid attitude.

"Malik is right. No matter how powerful I am, I don't have the ability to kill my opponent in one round without being able to attack in a melee mode."

Li Youfeng shook his head helplessly, his eyes full of sympathy for Malik.

"Tapir, I haven't seen you for such a long time. I didn't expect you to become so cowardly. Malik, I feel really sad for you to have teammates like this!"


Li Youfeng's words naturally resonated with Malik, and he glared at Baliang with some contempt. Malik sneered and replied,"Ah, I also agree with what you said now."

As if he felt something, Baliang spoke again to dissuade him,"Malik, you bastard, do you know what you are doing? Li Youfeng, this guy……"

"That’s enough, Moliang. You don’t need to teach me. If you are afraid, just hide aside and watch how I deal with this arrogant bastard!"

"Dark Game, start!"

Raising the thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand, Malik started the Dark Game at maximum power with a grim smile on his face.

"Hehe, Li Youfeng, let's play something bigger this time. In this dark game, as your health points decrease, your soul will gradually be swallowed by the darkness. The soul of the loser will fall into darkness and wander in pain and loneliness forever!"

"How about it, Li Youfeng, have you started to regret for angering me? Hahaha!"

"Damn! This idiot!"Seeing that Malik still stubbornly started the dark game despite his persuasion, Baliang suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Especially when he saw Li Youfeng's face with a familiar smile, Baliang immediately recalled the scene in the Duel Kingdom when he was crushed by the former's IQ and flipped a coin.

"Oh no, that bastard Li Youfeng is not going to play me this time, he is going to play Malik, the mentally retarded child!"

Mo Liang suddenly realized and looked at Li Youfeng standing opposite him, and an inexplicable fear instantly surged into his heart.

Cold sweat appeared on Mo Liang's forehead involuntarily, because in Mo Liang's eyes, Li Youfeng had turned into a terrifying image with goat horns on his head and devil wings spread out behind him.

Just when Mo Liang was in fear, this"devil" gave Malik a thumbs up, laughed and spoke

"Haha~ Malik, you are such a man, really worthy of you. Since you have started the dark game, let me take this opportunity to join in the fun!"

"Open the cover card!"

"The reversal of the world and the underworld!" (animation effect)

"The effect of this card is that when there are 15 or more cards in your graveyard, you can activate it and exchange the card you want with your deck. Since it is a melee mode, I have to choose a target."

"Hehe~ The target I chose is, divination~ No, rabbit ears~ Bah! It's you, Tapir!"




" Haha! What are you looking at, Tapir? Hurry up and swap the cards in your graveyard with your deck!"

Tapir said at this time.

He was completely numb!

Looking at Malik and Tapir who both widened their eyes, Li Youfeng couldn't help but burst into laughter. After all, the feeling of cheating others was too good. This was the main reason why Li Youfeng would rather be cursed by thousands of people than get tired of it!

"What? Why does Li Youfeng have his sister's card?"

"Damn! Malik, you idiot! What a stupid teammate! I fucking guessed that this would happen!"

Unlike Malik who was full of surprise, compared to Li Youfeng who was smiling, Mo Liang was already full of sorrow at this moment!

After all, his deck had been thrown into the graveyard by Li Youfeng. Just as Li Youfeng said, when it was his turn to draw a card, it was the end of him.


He turned around and looked at Baliang with some embarrassment. At this time, Malik's face was���With a very speechless expression, he was silent for a long while. Malik smacked his lips twice and said faintly,"My turn is over. Now it's up to you, Baliang. I believe you can overcome the difficulties. Come on, I'm counting on you!"

"I'm watching your mother's swearing!

Looking at the deck that had no cards to draw, Bakuliang pointed at Malik's nose and swore without any manners.

"You mentally retarded child, I have already told you that Li Youfeng must have some conspiracy, and you, an idiot, actually took the bait. It doesn’t matter if you are a fucking idiot, but you have to drag me into this. You are not satisfied with the normal duel, and you, a bastard, actually dare to start the dark game!"

"Fuck! I am so unlucky to have a teammate like you, damn it! Ahhhh~~!"

Since there were no cards to draw, the Dark Game automatically determined that Tapir was out. As the punishment of the Dark Game began, Tapir, who was cursing Malik, screamed.

In fact, for the Great Evil God Zok, who was born from darkness, the punishment of the Dark Game itself basically did not cause much damage to him. This is why he was able to make a comeback after playing the Dark Game with the Game so many times.

However, Tapir did not expect that since meeting Li Youfeng, every time he launched the Dark Game and lost, he would inevitably be swallowed up by the white flames.

Although this part of the soul fragments is not too much if counted alone, the terrible thing is that the fragments swallowed by the white flames will take him almost a thousand years to fully recover. As the saying goes, this thing is afraid of a small accumulation. For the Great Evil God Zok, who failed twice in a row, these losses are enough to make him feel painful for a while.

And because the soul fragments were forcibly separated from the body, the pain caused him great distress. Every time he was injured, he would inevitably fall into a long period of sleep. This was the main reason why he was unwilling to provoke Li Youfeng easily.

In fact, just as Mo Liang expected, at the moment when he was defeated and eliminated, the card pendant on Li Youfeng’s chest suddenly shot out a white flame at him and wrapped Mo Liang layer by layer!

Under the burning of the white flames, with Mo Liang’s shrill screams, the Great Evil God Zok once again swallowed up a part of his soul fragments.

Because the Great Evil God Zok fell into a deep sleep again, Mo Liang, who lost his strength to support him, fainted directly to the ground. The white flames became visibly stronger, and turned around like lightning and flew back to the pendant hanging on Li Youfeng’s chest.

"What kind of power is this? It ignores the rules of the dark game and forcibly seizes souls! Li Youfeng, who are you?"Looking at this extremely strange scene, even Malik couldn't help but sweat.

"Ha ha,���Didn't I tell you before the fight?"

Ignoring the already eliminated Mo Liang, the smile on Li Youfeng's face gradually disappeared

"I am someone you cannot afford to offend, and someone you should not anger. Malik, you dare to attack my Xiaoxun. Now, are you ready to pay the price?"

"You~what do you want to do? Can you kill me in one second?"

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from Li Youfeng, Malik was a little scared at this time. After all, after watching Li Youfeng easily kill Mo Liang in a round where he couldn't make a move, Malik's mentality was a little broken at this time.

"Why don't you try and find out?"

With a ferocious smile on his face, Li Youfeng was completely dominated by anger. After all, for him, although they had not confirmed their relationship, the position of Shizayoi Kaoru in his heart could not be easily replaced by others.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, 0 times remaining in this game!

"Pot of Greed is activated, I draw two more cards from the deck!"

Due to the effects of the living world and the underworld, Li Youfeng's current deck is filled with the cards he threw into the graveyard, and now, all the pieces of the puzzle for victory have been collected by Li Youfeng.

"Malik, I will be kind enough to let you die with a clear understanding. The cards I just drew using the Pot of Greed are the continuous magic card High Morale, and the monster card Leaf Pixie!"

"Malik, let you use your own soul to experience the consequences of angering me!"

"Activate the continuous magic card to boost morale!"

"The effect of this card is that each time an Equip Magic Card is equipped, its controller will recover 1000 health points, and each time the Equip Magic Card leaves the field, the controller of the Equip Magic Card will suffer 1000 points of damage!"

"I Normal Summon!"

"Leaf Fairy!" (Attack 900 Defense 400)

"Attack indication!"

"Trap card activated, Rainbow Life!"

"The effect of this card is that you can throw a card from your hand into the Graveyard and activate it. When I take damage from battle or card effects this turn, I recover health equal to that value!"

"I choose to throw Half-Dragon Maid's Dressing from my hand into the Graveyard and activate its effect!"

"Another trap card opens!"

"The nightmare of a perpetual trap card that will last forever!"

"The venue magic is activated!"

"The magical city of Endymion!"

"Malik, I have prepared the execution ground for you, and now it is your turn to bear my wrath!"

"Don't give me that, Li Youfeng, you should bear my anger first!"Under pressure from Li Youfeng, Malik directly opened a cover card.

"Open the cover card, Mask of the Cursed Soul!"

"I equip it on the Earth Goddess Alice. The equipped monster cannot attack, and it will inflict 500 points of damage to the controller of the equipped monster every time during my preparation phase!"

""Haha!" Li Youfeng shook his head slightly, his face showing a ferocious look,"Malik, is this what you call anger? What a joke, now, I will show you what real anger is!"

"However, I still have to thank you. Because the magic card is activated, the magic city Endymion will gain a magic counter."

"As for what's next, I'm going to activate the equipment magic card, Sword of Obsession!"

"I equip this card on Leaf Fairy!"

"The morale boost effect is activated, I recover 1000 health points!"

Li Youfeng LP4000>5000

"The effect of the field magic Magic City Endymion is activated. Every time a magic card is activated, you can place a magic counter on this card!"

"The special effect of the Leaf Fairy is activated!"

"This monster can send an Equip Magic Card equipped to itself to the Graveyard and activate it, dealing 500 Life Points of damage to the opponent!"

"The effect of the magic card morale boost is activated. Since the equipment card is sent to the graveyard, I lose 1000 life points, but because of the rainbow life, I recover 1000 life points!"

Li Youfeng LP6000

Malik LP3500

"Equip the magic card Sword of Obsession and activate its special effect!"

"When this card is sent to the graveyard, it can be returned to the top of the deck."

"The nightmare effect of Eternal Sleep is activated. By paying 1000 life points, I can destroy a Spell Card or Trap Card on the field. I choose to destroy the Magic City Endymion!"

"The effect of Magic City Endymion is activated. When this card is destroyed, you can remove a Magic Counter and then destroy it instead!"

"The special effect of the Earth Goddess Alice is activated. This card can be activated when three or more chains are accumulated, and a card can be drawn from the deck!"

"Draw a card! I drew the equipment magic card, Sword of Obsession!"

(Chain order: High Morale < Sword of Obsession < Nightmare of Eternal Sleep < Magic City Endymion.)

Remake of Berserker Soul - Infinite Loop!

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