On the top floor of the duel airship, in the sky arena wrapped in a dark barrier, bursts of shrill screams continued to be heard!

"Draw cards! Equip more cards!"

"A boy with facial expressions, right?"


Li Youfeng LP8000UP!

"Activate the chain effect of Earth Goddess Alice and draw a card!"

"Draw cards! Equip more cards!"

"There's nothing wrong with provoking me, right?"


Li Youfeng LP10000UP!

"You're such a jerk!"


"Bullying Xiaoxun, right?"

"Stop~stop hitting me!"

"Give it to the black chicken, right?"

"One bag of rice means carrying several baskets, right?"

"Sister R can only last two minutes, right?"

"Who is Sister R?!"

"You're asked to talk too much?! Equip Cardo!"


Malik's screams resounded through the night sky. Just as Li Youfeng said before, Malik's dark personality really saw what real cruelty was this time.

Because the noise was too loud, Dark Game and Isis, who felt the dark energy, noticed something at the same time and rushed to the Sky Arena at the same time.

"Stop it! Stop it! Please stop hitting me!"

Looking at Li Youfeng who was constantly attacking Malik like a corpse, Isis rushed to the Sky Arena in a state of extreme fear and stood in front of Malik.

"Go away, today I'm going to let this bastard know the consequences of angering me!"

"You Feng, stop it, Malik has already lost!" Seeing that Li You Feng seemed to want to attack again, An Youxi hurried over to hold him back.

"Games? Well, for your sake, I'll let him go."Seeing the worry in An Yugi's eyes, Li Youfeng exhaled a breath of turbid air and slowly put down the card in his hand.

Malik, whose health had long been reduced to zero, slowly fell down. In the surprised eyes of An Yugi and Isis, a ball of white flame suddenly wrapped Malik's body. The white flame gradually floated up from Malik's body, and a dark soul visible to the naked eye was also pulled out of Malik's body by the white flame. Perhaps because of the heavy injury, this black soul had basically no resistance and was swallowed up by the white flame.

Like lightning, after completely destroying the black soul, the white flame returned to the card pendant on Li Youfeng's chest. Malik, who was lying on the ground unconscious at this time, also returned to his original gentle appearance.

Isis, who noticed these changes, cried with joy, just because she could feel that the fate of her brother had been completely rewritten, and the gentle and kind Malik had returned to her side again.

"Mr. You Feng, thank you! My brother is back, and that terrible dark personality has completely disappeared!"

Standing up from in front of Malik, Isis bowed deeply to Li You Feng.


Seeing Isis thanking him so sincerely, Li Youfeng felt guilty for two seconds and then suddenly remembered something.

"Miss Isis, you don't have to be so polite. After all, this is what I promised you before."

Yes, for Li Youfeng, the reason why he chose to take the initiative to deal with Malik and Bakura, in addition to promising Isis, there are two important purposes.

In addition to revenge for Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng suddenly recalled the upcoming plot.

That is, in the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime, as the biological son of Kaiba Gosaburo, Kaiba Noa is about to take revenge on Kaiba Seto!

Although the plot has changed a lot again, for Li Youfeng, he will never let Malik and Bakura go and enter the virtual game world again without any preparation. Although these two people in the original anime look stupid, compared with the original comics, these two guys really dare to kill people!

Solving Malik once and for all and letting the great evil god Zok fall into a deep sleep again, this is a three-birds-with-one-stone deal for Li Youfeng.

What's not worthwhile about such a deal?

"If you really feel embarrassed, how about letting me choose a card from Malik's deck?"

Beating up someone's brother and then getting his card for free, only someone as shameless as Li Youfeng could do this.

"No problem."

It was not easy to save her brother. For Isis, the cards were no longer important. She took Malik's deck and handed it to Li Youfeng.

"Mr. You Feng, this is my brother's deck. I can't repay you for saving my life. If you like it, you can take the whole deck."

""Uh, no, no, I just need to pick one!"

For Li Youfeng, all he needed was a card that could unlock the Void Deck. After flipping through Malik's deck, Li Youfeng found the card he had long coveted!

Lava Golem!

This is a card that all players who have come into contact with Yu-Gi-Oh hate the most, but for those players in the underworld who like to play tricks on others for fun, it is a card that they can't put down.

It can be said that basically, as long as there are players who have played Yu-Gi-Oh, there is no one who has not been disgusted by this card!

Just like the name of this card, while sending warmth to the opponent, this monster can also reduce your life value by 1,000 points per round, thereby truly bringing the roar to the opponent's player.

Although this monster has an attack power of 3,000 points, in fact, after fighting Duel Monsters for so many years, Li Youfeng has never seen this monster seriously hit its original owner. As a symbol of peace and warmth, this card can be said to be well deserved!

(This monster will not attack its original owner, but it is unclear whether the opponent will PK you in real life. The author can only advise you not to use it when playing real cards, otherwise you will be beaten! ) After getting the cards he wanted and completely solving his worries, Li Youfeng, An Yugi and Isis sent the unconscious Malik and Tapir to the infirmary.

After the doctor's examination, Isis and An Yugi breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that Malik and Tapir were just unconscious due to excessive fatigue. After saying goodbye to Isis and An Yugi, Li Youfeng returned to his lounge with satisfaction. However, just when he took off his coat and just lay down on the bed, the void board suddenly popped up in front of him.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: 6

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (limited to 3 times per game), High Star Start, Low Star Start, Destined to Draw (HP less than 2000 and limited to 1 time per game), Dark Resistance (Passive: Greatly reduce the soul damage received in duels under special circumstances), Fighter's Soul (Active: Open a special duel barrier that can be controlled to damage in three modes: slight, severe, and death.

) Summoner's Contract (limited to 1 time per game.

), Fusion Premonition (limited to 1 time per game.

) Bonds: Atlas Worm Demon

, Vampire Lady, Half-Dragon Maid Laundry Dragon Lady, Nephthys' Connector, Witch Craft Master Weir, Black Magician (Red Robe Version). Note

: Due to the world rules, Kaiba Seto is about to awaken as the true Lord of the White Dragon! The host cannot use any deck related to Blue-Eyes White Dragon, so special compensation is made, and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon Spirit is transformed into the Half-Dragon Maid Laundry Dragon Lady Spirit.

Unlock:"The World-Famous Samurai!》

"Oh my god, this is too overbearing. This world actually only allows Kaiba Seto to use the White Dragon deck. But fortunately, I am not a patient with advanced dragon cancer, so the impact is not too big."

"As for the newly unlocked deck, Samurai? Could it be the Six Samurai?"

Li Youfeng opened his Void Deck and fell into deep thought as he looked at the newly unlocked cards.

"I didn't expect that this deck would be unlocked for me. I rarely used this deck in my previous life, and if I couldn't adjust the stars and use Xyz, the power of this deck was really limited."

For underworld players like Li Youfeng, monster decks like the Six Samurai that can quickly spread the field are actually not his favorite.

I still remember that when I tried this deck, the opponent gave him various tricks, which led him to throw this deck into the deck. I didn't expect that after defeating Malik and Tapirara at the same time, he actually unlocked this deck again.

"Forget it, it's better to have it than not to have it."

After closing the Void Deck, Li Youfeng lay down on the bed and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, the sun slowly rose from the horizon of the sea, accompanied by a violent shaking, and Li Youfeng was instantly awakened from his sleep.

"Shit! Is the new plot starting so soon? Can’t we even have breakfast?"

After hurriedly getting dressed, Li Youfeng rushed out of the lounge room. When he arrived at the airship command room, Yugi and other main characters had already appeared here.

Seeing Li Youfeng coming over, An Yugi nodded to Li Youfeng and asked Kaiba Seto:"Kaima, why is the airship shaking so violently? What happened?"

"I don't know either."

He turned around and looked at Yami Yugi and the others. Kaiba Seto's expression was also quite ugly.

"I only know that the control system of the duel airship has been hacked and controlled, and our technicians are urgently repairing it."

After saying this, Kaiba Seto turned to the two pilots who were operating the airship and asked loudly:"What on earth are you doing? I just said that we should switch from automatic navigation to manual operation, why haven't you completed it yet?"

"Sorry, President, the system has completely failed. I have tried every possible way, but I still cannot take back control of the system!"After being asked this by Kaiba Seto, the two pilots were sweating profusely.

"Damn it!" Kaiba Seto hit the guardrail with both fists and said with gritted teeth,"Aluka Torras is right in front of us, why did this happen suddenly!"

"Aruka Trust? Is this our final venue?"Looking at the artificial island that appeared on the sea level, Yami Yugi couldn't help but ask

""What happened? Why is the airship shaking so much?" Just as Yami Yugi asked this question, the door of the cockpit was opened again, and the two people who just ran in were Jonouchi who had just woken up from a coma and Kongquewu who had been guarding him.

Ignoring Jonouchi, Kaiba Seto said solemnly:"Yes, this miserable wreckage is the remains of Kaiba Gosaburo, the founder of Kaiba Group."

"That's right!"

After taking over Kaiba Seto's words, Kaiba Keihei said:"My brother and I's foster father Kaiba Gosaburo wanted to build a powerful military production base to conquer the world by force. This artificial island is the relic of his dream."

"After his death, his brother transformed Kaiba Group into a gaming industry group, and therefore destroyed all of this place. As for the tall tower in the center of the island, it was the Duel Tower that his brother had recently built."


Just as Kaiba Keipi had just finished saying these words, he felt that a signal of information access suddenly came from the display screen of the airship. Everyone present looked up and saw that a little boy who looked like Kaiba Seto suddenly appeared on the largest display screen in the center of the airship.

"Hehe~ Seto, and all the duelists, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Who is he? Why did he call Hai Ma by his name?"

Except for Li Youfeng, everyone present was surprised by this sudden change.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the little boy on the screen, Kaiba Seto was also confused.

"My name is Noa, and I am someone who surpasses you in everything!"

"Okay, now I will invite all duelists to come to my side."

""Asshole! What on earth do you want to do?"

Amid the roar of Kaiba Seto, the duel airship shook violently again. As the altitude of the airship continued to drop, a huge steel fortress slowly rose from the sea level. After seeing this scene, Li Youfeng couldn't help but have a stomachache.

Let's not talk about how this underwater fortress like the Archangel was built. Kaiba Noa, you invested so much and made such a big show, but your real purpose was just to attract people to play cards for you?

It should be said that this is really a world where playing cards is respected. There is really nothing that can't be solved by a game of cards, right?

And then again, Noa, if you want to prove yourself, there are hundreds of ways to prove yourself. What the hell is it to prove yourself by playing cards? You are really not doing your job properly, right?

Amid Li Youfeng's complaints, the duel airship also landed smoothly inside the sea fortress. Looking at the duel airship aimed at by the automatic artillery, Li Youfeng looked at Kaiba Seto who seemed to have a constipated face and laughed secretly.

"Haha, this is what they call"If you walk by the river often, you will get your feet wet. President Kaiba, this time you should also experience what it feels like to be pointed at with a gun."

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