Yes, you read it right. Based on the halo bonus of the protagonist members and the world law that you can't play cards unless you have low health, Anko Masaki, who has been desperate, is constantly mocked by the Nightmare Penguin that the Black Magician Girl is just a clown in COSPLAY without the existence of a Black Magician.

The angry Black Magician Girl said, I have no problem with you insulting Anko, but you can't insult me.

(Anko: Then I will leave?)

So in Anko's confused eyes, this duel monster actually jumped off the field by itself and activated its own deck control effect without authorization.

With the activation of the deck control effect, five cards appeared next to Anko, pointing to one of the cards, and the Black Magician Girl even blatantly reminded Anko.

(Author's statement: This is a foul operation, everyone knows it!)

"Quick, it's the card you chose at first, use it quickly!"

As if a lily flower was blooming, Kyoko and the Black Magician Girl looked at each other affectionately, and then, regardless of whether there was a Black Magician card in her deck, Masaki Kyoko confidently slapped the card hard on the duel disk she had arrived!

The Sage's Gem!

That was the name of this card. Its effect was that as long as there was a Black Magician Girl on your field, no matter whether there was a Black Magician card in your deck, it would always call out one out of thin air for you, oh no, that's wrong, two Black Magicians!

Li Youfeng said, this is really nonsense!!!

(This is definitely a foul, I don't need to tell you all know!)

As the magic card was activated, two purple lights flew towards Li Youfeng and Yugi's deck inside the ice wall.

Just because the Black Magician (red robe version) in Li Youfeng's void deck was not willing to be lonely, based on the principle of rescuing (pretending) his own disciples, this duel elf actually rushed out with the Black Magician in Yugi's hand!

Borrowing card scene!!!


After raising their staffs at the same time and looking at each other unhappily, the two As if they were secretly fighting, the two black magicians used their best black magic to smash the thick ice wall into pieces.

Then, in the game, under the confused eyes of Li Youfeng and Mazaki Anzi, the two black magicians rushed to the side of the black magic girl like gangsters.

Oh, by the way, Li Youfeng forgot two.

One was the initiator of this matter, Mazaki Anzi. The black magic girl on the field was also confused at this time, because she really couldn't expect that her nonsense could actually fool two big guys!

"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on here?"

The other one was a nightmare penguin with his eyes almost bulging out of his head and his mouth wide open with an incredible look on his face.

"This is impossible. There shouldn't be this card in the deck of Anko Mazaki when she was 16 years old. And why are there two of them at once? Where did these two cards come from? Are there still rules? Are there still laws? This is really the way of playing by village rules, right?"

Borrowed cards!

What can you do about it?

Yes, Anko Mazaki is blatantly borrowing cards. So what if there is no Black Magician in the deck? As long as the power of bond exists, it can be called upon at any time, right?

(Please forgive me, the author really can't make up any more nonsense. In addition, don't borrow cards off the field during real card competitions, or you will definitely be beaten!)

Facing the question of Nightmare Penguin, Anko, the Black Magician girl on the field, spoke with a smug look on her face.

"As long as I am on the field, the Sage's Gem can ignore the conditions and directly summon one of my ~ no! It's two masters, how about it, are you scared!"

Really! A cloud-piercing arrow, the two masters come to meet!

""Shit, you just said one, didn’t you?" Nightmare Penguin suddenly reacted and pointed at the Black Magic Girl with veins on his face,"Don’t f*cking think I didn’t hear you, you clearly just said one!"

""Eh? Is there?" Scratching her forehead gently, the black magic girl stuck out her tongue and started to play dumb,"You must have heard it wrong!"

(Mazaki Anko: I'm almost freezing to death, and you're still here discussing who's talking nonsense?)

Although she didn't understand the situation, it didn't affect Mazaki Anko's on-the-spot performance at all. It might be because she was wearing too little and couldn't stand the cold.

So Mazaki Anko was not vague and directly issued an attack order.

Two black magicians with 2500 attack points, a black magic girl with 2000 attack points, and only one iron wall iceberg with 2450 defense on the nightmare penguin's field.

To be honest, if you say that this monster with a defense of exactly 2450 points is not specially prepared for black magicians, Li Youfeng will never believe it, and such a plot can definitely be determined as a plot kill!

Li Youfeng said that he couldn't refuse to accept it!

"Triple Black Magic Attack!"

After receiving the order from her master, the Black Magic Girl was not polite. She nodded to the two masters respectively, and then combined the power of the two masters to launch an enhanced version of the laser cannon on the Nightmare Penguin.


The Nightmare Penguin that was hit by the laser cannon screamed

"Kuso!!! I actually lost to you shameless village rule players. I was just one step away from getting a young body. I can't accept this!"

After hearing this, Li Youfeng's face immediately showed a contemptuous expression.

"Idiot, to duel with a village rule player, even if you have 100,000 health points, it won't be enough for you. Those who dare to say this are all virgin players who have never been ravaged by Oliha Gang's God of War. As for the old-timers from that era, who doesn't have a few fake cards in his hand?"

(To be honest, in that era, would you dare to duel with others without fake cards? Don't you want the cards?)

Because his attention was always on Xingzi, Biao Yugi didn't hear Li Youfeng's muttering. After seeing Xingzi win and collapse on the ground due to exhaustion, Biao Yugi ran over with a worried look on his face.

""Anzi, how do you feel? Are you hurt anywhere?"

He took off his coat and put it on Masaki Anzi, with a worried look on his face.

"Yugi, that black magician's card is really yours. I was not mistaken. It was really you who came to save me!"

(Li Youfeng: Everyone, listen, this is not hiding the fact that he has borrowed the card! )

He opened his eyes and saw the game appeared in front of him, and Masaki Anzi threw herself into his arms.

"Uh~, Xingzi, don't be afraid, it's all right now."

Being tightly hugged by Xingzi, Biao Yugi was immediately embarrassed and didn't even know where to put his hands. It seemed that he had noticed something, and when Xingzi didn't notice, Biao Yugi silently transformed his body into Dark Yugi.

"Alas, what a bad fate."

Biao Yugi's behavior naturally did not escape Li Youfeng's eyes. Through Xingzi's behavior, Li Youfeng could naturally see something.

In fact, just as Li Youfeng guessed, the game that Xingzi was talking about was not Biao Yugi, and the gentle and emotional Biao Yugi probably knew this a long time ago.

Seeing that An Yugi was also a little embarrassed and hugged Xingzi to comfort him softly, Li Youfeng shook his head slightly and stood far away. After all, this kind of thing is a test for both Yugi. It is true that he, Li Youfeng, can change a person's fate, but he has no way to resurrect the dead.

And Li Youfeng is not an emotional expert. You can ask him to assist, but if you want to solve something that is impossible to do, it will be really difficult.

As for now, Li Youfeng can't even handle the things between himself and Izayoi Kaoru, so naturally he won't bother to get involved in the emotional disputes of three people.

Looking back slightly at his side, Li Youfeng smiled and said,"Why do you want to come out for some fresh air?"

"My master's friend needs help, so I won't stand by and watch." The black magician in red robes smiled and answered, folding his arms,"And I also want to prove that as my master's black magician, my power is definitely stronger than that fake in Yugi's hands.""

"What a pity!"

Li Youfeng lowered his head with some regret, his face full of guilt.

"The master of black magic in this world is Yugi Muto. The black magic cards I can use in the void deck are really limited. Otherwise, it might really be like what you said. It's not certain who is the most powerful black magician."

"I understand, Master, it's good that you have this intention."

Unlike the other duel elves with problems, the red robed black magician is the most normal one.

"In fact, I have always had a premonition that in the near future, I believe that the master will be able to overcome this difficulty! Then again, even when you dueled in your previous life, didn’t you use a pure black magic deck?"

After hearing the black magician's words, Li Youfeng looked up in surprise.

"So are you willing to be a supporting role now?"


After a gentle smile, the black magician knelt on one knee in front of Li Youfeng, with a confident smile on his face, and his eyes were filled with a strong fighting spirit.

"There is no such thing as a supporting role in the master's dictionary. As the master's most loyal servant, I should serve the master wholeheartedly and obey the master's orders! And I believe that the master will never let his card become a so-called supporting role!"

Hearing the words of the black magician, Li Youfeng's mouth corners unconsciously rose slightly

"Ah, you are right. As the strongest black magician, you are not inferior to others. And I will never have a card that becomes a supporting role in my hand."

After saying these words, the black magician slowly shrank until it became a card, and then flew back to the deck on Li Youfeng's arm. He reopened his void deck and looked at the black magic series cards. Li Youfeng couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Damn it, I have clearly collected all these cards in my previous life, but why can't I use them? This is really too much, isn't it?"

Seeing Yami Yugi comforting Hao Xingzi and standing up to wave at him, Li Youfeng quickly closed the Void Deck and walked over with some melancholy.

In fact, just as the Black Magician said, in Li Youfeng's opinion, he can be a supporting role willingly, but the cards in his hand must not become supporting roles because of some bullshit world rules! It's just because Li Youfeng's deep heart is not only about his love for the game Duel Monsters, but more importantly, he has an unimaginable obsession and emotion for these precious cards that he has collected with his hard work.

(I believe you are all in the same situation. If someone tears up the cards that you have collected with great effort, you will probably go crazy on the spot!)

"I didn't expect that You Feng also has a black magician. No wonder you gave me such a precious card."

Walking on the ice together, An Yugi looked at Li You Feng and finally expressed his doubts.

"But why have I never seen you, You Feng, use the Black Magician?"

"Haha, maybe there's a chance. I'll definitely use it well if there's a chance."

Li Youfeng laughed awkwardly and made an excuse to get away with it. After all, most of his black magic inventory is black now. Such a deck doesn't even have a starting point. How can he possibly use it to duel with others?

In a short period of time, three of the five giants had been defeated. Naturally, the entire duel process also fell into Noah's eyes.

Ignoring Li Youfeng, Yugi and Anzi who were looking for an exit on the ice field, Noah shifted his gaze to a room that looked like a military factory.

In this room where military machinery is constantly being manufactured, the person who appeared in front of Jonouchi, Peacock Dance, Honda and Miga Ryuji was none other than Oota Soichiro in the form of a mechanical sergeant.

"It looks like you four are my opponents. Let me introduce myself. I’m Soichiro Oota, one of the Big Five!"

""Ah? You are one of the Big Five? By the way, why are you dressed so strangely?" Seeing that one of the Big Five finally showed up, Jonouchi was the first to stand up.

After all, Honda and Mika Ryuji didn't even have the qualifications to duel in the city, and Peacock Dance was the girl he liked. As a man, Jonouchi certainly had his own vanity.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, this appearance is exactly my deck leader, the Mechanical Sergeant!"

"Before that damned Kaiba Seto became the president, I was the man entrusted with managing all of Kaiba Corporation's military industry. Therefore, many people also call me the"Demon Colonel of the Factory!" He showed his duel disk and the mechanical sergeant took a fighting stance.

"Come on, let's start the duel!"

Pointing at Peacock Dance who was standing behind Jonouchi, the Mechanical Sergeant sneered and said,"Then I will choose you as my opponent!"

"What? Pick me?"

When Kong Quewu heard that the mechanical sergeant had chosen him as his opponent, veins popped out on his forehead.

"OK, do you really think I'm a soft persimmon? Whoever wants to pinch me can do it?"

"Huh? You despicable guy, you actually chose Mai-chan, do you think I'm dead?"

Because of the series of events that happened on the duel airship, the relationship between Jonouchi and Kongquewu is now almost broken.

Hearing that someone wanted to bully his future wife in front of him, Jonouchi immediately stood up with veins on his forehead.

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