"Will my body die immediately?"

Realizing that this duel was no less severe than Dark Game's punishment, Dark Game's face became increasingly grim.

"You bastard, are my other companions the same?"

"Haha, that's right!"

The judge nodded to Yami Yugi and said with a smile:"And I guess your companions should have already fought with my colleagues. Even those who are unlucky may have already had their bodies taken away."

"You bastards, I won't forgive you!"

"Hehe, game, you should take care of yourself first, my turn is over!"

"Whether it's myself or my companions, I won't give up! My turn, draw a card!"

Drawing a card from the deck, Yami Yugi took a look at it and slapped it on the duel disk.

"I Normal Summon, the Dexterous Elven Swordsman!"(Attack 1400 Defense 1200)

"Attack indication!"

"Next, I cover both cards!"


"The nimble elven swordsman attacks the magic knight!"

"Haha, this won't do! I activate the deck leader's ability again, paying 1000 life points to banish your nimble Elf Swordsman and inflict 500 life points of damage to you!"

(A blank Mortal Bone card has such an ability, do you dare to say this is not nonsense?)

Seeing that the Judge can actually activate the deck leadership effect during his turn, Yami Yugi's eyes also showed an incredible look.

Judge LP1300>300

Yami Yugi LP1800>1300

"You can actually activate the ability of the deck leader during my turn?"

Looking at the Judge with a puzzled look, even Dark Yugi, who was known as the King of Nonsense, was a little confused. He watched his Elf Swordsman disappear on the field, and his face became more and more ugly.

(Listen to the game: Don't think it's wrong, he just can't afford it!)

"That’s right, my deck’s leadership ability can be activated at any stage as long as there is health points. Haha, how about it, isn’t it powerful!"

"Damn it, my turn is over!"

Although he was unwilling, An Yugi had no choice but to end his turn.

"Haha, it's my turn, draw a card!"

After checking the card he had drawn, the judge laughed again.

"Yugi, your luck seems to be very bad. Next, I will activate this continuous magic card!"

"Hades's leading question!"

"The effect of this card is that when your Level 4 or lower Fusion Monster battles your opponent's monster, its ATK increases by 800 points!"

"Fight, game, and you will be buried here completely!"

"Magic Knight, attack directly!"

After receiving the order from the Judge, the Magic Knight swung his weapon and rushed towards Yugi again, slashing Yugi's body with a knife.


Because of the direct attack, the intense pain made Yugi cry out in pain.

"Haha, because of the effect of the judicial transaction in the demon world, I recovered 800 health points!"

""Da me yo!!!" (That's not okay!)

Different from the tone of Yami Yugi before, a relatively gentle word suddenly came out of Yugi's mouth.

"Open the cover card and start melee combat!"

"The effect of this card can only be activated when you are damaged, inflicting 700 points of damage to your opponent!"

"What?"The Judge had an incredible expression on his face because he lost 700 health points because of the trap card.

Judge LP400

Table Game LP100 finally found that something was wrong with the game in front of him. The Judge rubbed his eyes and pointed at the table game and said in surprise:"You~you are the game in A mode? ? When did you switch to it?"

"Just when you attacked."

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Biao Yugi showed an expression of having already won.

"aibo, why did you suddenly change me back?"

"Another me, you have been hurt too much mentally, this is a battle between the two of us, I can't let you bear it alone"

"aibo~! Thank you."

Feeling the concern of Oyugi, Yayugi's heart was also warmed

"You're welcome."

After answering Dark Yugi's question, Biao Yugi looked at the Judge with a stubborn look on his face.

"Sa, your attack is over, it should be time to end the turn!"

"Damn it, my turn is over!"

After being tricked by the game, the judge's face turned visibly pale.

"No matter you are playing in A mode or B mode, with only 100 health points left you have no chance of winning. Your life is already a candle in the wind. Enjoy the last round of your life!"

"That's not necessarily true. It's my turn, draw a card!"

Without even looking at the card he had drawn, he pointed at the covered card on his field and said loudly,"Open the covered card!"

"Return from another dimension!"

"This card can be activated by paying half of its Life Points, and Special Summon as many of your own monsters as possible that were removed from play. At the End Phase, all monsters Special Summoned by this effect are removed from play."

"Now, I will pay half of my life points to Special Summon the monsters that you banished!"

Table Game LP100>50

"Come back to my field, Black Magician, Black Magician Girl, and Dexterous Elf Swordsman!"

When the Judge saw three monsters suddenly appear on the field of the game, his face turned green like a cabbage worm.

"No, that's impossible. Generally speaking, no one would put such an ambiguous card in their deck, right?"

"It's not a card with unknown meaning!"

He smiled and shook his head, then pointed at the Judge and explained,"One of my close friends likes to use cards that can exclude the opponent's monsters. After dueling with him, I realized that it is absolutely impossible to have no cards in the deck that can restrain exclusion, so I learned this trick from him!"

"Damn it, what on earth did your friend use to teach you such a trick! ?"

"Sorry, I don't have time to waste on you now!"

After waving his hand, the game opened the last card on the field again.

"Magic card activated!"

"Black Explosion Breaks Magic!"

"This card can only be activated when the monsters with the original card names Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are on your field, destroying all the cards on your opponent's field."

Bang, bang, bang!

Seeing all the monster cards and continuous magic cards on his field being blown away, the Judge was completely numb at this time.

It feels like Dark Yugi only blew up my backcourt, but you blew up my entire field as soon as you appeared. You are really awesome, right?

"My monsters!"

"Direct attack!"

"Damn you, I won't accept this!!!"

Under the bombardment of the three monsters, the Judge was directly beaten into a ball of scattered electronic data. With the flow of air, the Judge disappeared in front of the watch game.

"Aibo, great job!"

"No, this cannot be attributed to me. If it weren't for the other me working so hard, I wouldn't have had the chance to defeat the Judge, so this should be the credit of both of us."

"Well said, aibo!"

Knowing what kind of personality Oo Yugi has, Ya Yugi doesn't argue anymore.

"Aibo, what do you see there?"

Following the direction pointed by Yami Yugi, a door appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the courtroom.

"This should be a portal to other areas. What should I do now, the other me?"

"Staying here is not an option. We must find other companions as soon as possible. So no matter what is waiting for us ahead, we can't stop here."

"Well, I'll listen to you."

Having reached an agreement with Dark Game, Biao Game pushed open the door and walked in. However, after passing through a dark passage, he bumped into another person.

"Ouch, my head!"

"Ah, my stomach, it's killing me!" He squatted on the ground, holding his starfish head. Biao Youxi looked up and saw Li Youfeng also lying in front of him, holding his stomach.

"You Feng? Why is it you?"

"Games? Why are you here?"

"You also defeated a Big Five?" X2 said the same thing at the same time, and Biaoyouxi and Li Youfeng laughed happily at the same time.

The joy of seeing his companions again made Li Youfeng feel much more relaxed, but suddenly he thought of something, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the laundry dragon girl beside him.

With the help of the laundry dragon girl, Li Youfeng easily opened up this section of the passage. Although she was a little frivolous in character, she was still quite reliable for serious work.

"Huh? Where are the people?"

"Lord Silver, I'm back in your deck. If you need anything, you can call me."

"Oh, so that's how it is."

Knowing that Li Youfeng didn't want Yugi and the others to notice the existence of the Duel Elf, the Laundry Dragon Girl obediently returned to the deck in advance.

"Yuyou, it's great to meet you here. By the way, did you meet other people?"

Li Youfeng helped Yuyou up and asked about the whereabouts of other people.

"No, I just defeated a lawyer named Ooka Chikuzen and haven't met other partners yet. This passage may lead to other places, so let's hurry up."


After nodding, Li Youfeng and Biao Youxi ran towards a passage with light again.

About ten minutes later, Li Youfeng and Biao Youxi rushed out of the dark passage at the same time and came to a cave covered by ice.

"Oh no, the exit of this cave is blocked by an ice wall!"

"Game, please give way and let me show you how powerful my Tiancanjiao is!"


With Biao Youxi looking at him in disbelief, Li Youfeng kicked the ice wall in front of him with a very handsome move.

"Too awesome! Is this Chinese Kung Fu?"

Although it is undeniable that Li Youfeng's movements are very coquettish, he obviously forgot that he has a very fatal flaw, that is, his martial arts value, which can be described as garbage. Slurp!

Sure enough, the goddess of martial arts did not favor Li Youfeng. As his foot kicked on the ice, there was only a sour sliding sound, and Li Youfeng, who lost his balance, fell directly to the ground with his head on the back.


"Ouch! My head!"

Li Youfeng held the back of his head with both hands, the pain almost made him cry. Looking at Biao Youxi's embarrassed expression, Li Youfeng felt so ashamed at this moment.

""I'm sorry, I brought shame to Chinese Kung Fu!"

Li Youfeng suddenly recalled that his boss's thin body could actually burst out with the power to knock him away. He fell into self-doubt on the spot. However, just as he was holding his head and doubting his life, he suddenly heard the exclamation of the watch game.

"You Feng, look, there are people dueling on the surface of the glacier!"

"Yes, you read it right, the one who is dueling with the penguin is Anzi!"

Li Youfeng and Yami Yugi quickly got up from the ground and looked through the ice wall. On the two icebergs protruding from the glacier, it was indeed Anzi Masaki who was dueling with a penguin in a suit with a duel disk.

Through the transparent ice wall, Li Youfeng and Oya Yugi watched from a close distance a classic war of words that was so shocking that it could be regarded as one of the best in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh!

It was unclear what Oya Yugi was thinking, but Li Youfeng must have been numb.

As for the specific situation, it happened like this.

First, during Anzi's card selection phase, because she didn't know the effect of the deck leader, the black magic girl took the initiative to jump out and wanted to become Anzi's deck leader.

Looking at the black magic girl floating next to Anzi, Li Youfeng could... It is obvious that it is not a duel elf at all!

Yes, because the real elf of the Black Magic Girl is now in the deck of the table game.

In addition to the Black Magic Girl, due to the loss of life points in the duel, Xingzi's body was gradually covered by ice.

Of course, after all, it is understandable that you feel cold when you are wearing so little and dueling on a glacier. However, in fact, Li Youfeng still underestimated the degree of bond between Xingzi and the cards.

Look at the fire wizard who was just summoned. He is more obedient than his own duel elf and can even control the flames to melt the ice and keep his master warm! ?

After seeing this scene, Li Youfeng even felt that it seemed that even if he called out all the duel elves, the effect would probably be just like this.

(Nephthys' Connector: Boss, please call me out. My body temperature is high and I can definitely keep you warm! Hiss~Slurp!)

(Li Youfeng: Shut up!!!

If that doesn't work, I can also explain it with a card bond.

However, what is even more incredible is that just when this idea just emerged in Li Youfeng's mind, Biao Yugi actually said with a look of relief:"Well, the bond between Xingzi and the card is really deep!"

Please, big brother!

Is this a question of the depth of the bond?

If I didn't know that you can explain everything with a bond, I would have completely understood it as a haunted place, okay!

Because she didn't understand the use of the Black Magic Girl, Xingzi was understandably trapped in a desperate situation. However, at this critical moment of life and death, Masaki Xingzi gloriously completed the three most incredible rogue behaviors in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh!

Just because, Xingzi~borrowed a card!

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