"Game, welcome to my home turf!"

"Now, I will be the judge and you will be the defendant!"

"I am the defendant? Humph, what a bad taste of self-deception!"

Looking around, An Yugi's face was full of contempt.

"That's right, according to convention, I usually serve as the defense lawyer, but today, I will serve as the chief justice. Yugi, are you ready to duel with me?"

Unfolding his duel disk, An Yugi sneered:"Huh, if I say no, will you let me go obediently?"

"Haha, that's of course impossible!"

"In that case, why are you still wasting time talking to me?"

"Haha, since your cards cannot enter the virtual world, the defendant Muto Yugi will quickly assemble your deck now!"

Unlike Li Youfeng, Yugi, who was forcibly pulled in, did not bring his own deck with him. Looking at the cards that suddenly appeared in front of him, An Yugi also took the time to start choosing the cards he wanted to use.

"Okay, my deck is complete!"After more than ten minutes of careful selection, Yami Yugi finally formed his own deck and took a stance for the duel.

"Let’s get started!"

"Now, Yugi Muto, you must choose a card from your deck as your deck leader."

"Deck leader? If you hadn't told me, I would have almost forgotten about it."

Taking out his deck from the duel disk, Yami Yugi fell into deep thought.

"I have no idea what deck-leading effects these cards have, so how should I choose?"

Looking through the cards in his hand, Yami Yugi suddenly stopped his gaze on a card.

"Is this the friendship card that You Feng gave me?"

After pulling out the card, a confident smile appeared on Yami Yugi's face.

"I choose the Black Magic Wand as the leader of my deck!"

Accompanied by Yami Yugi's voice, the Black Magic Wand rose out of thin air and floated directly behind him. At the same time, an illusory figure resembling a black magician also appeared and grabbed the staff in front of him.

"Is this the Wand of Black Magic? Yo! Wand of Black Magic, now, tell me what the command effect of your deck is!"

After hearing Yami Yugi's question, the phantom of the Black Magician answered with an illusory voice:"My master, the command effect of my deck is that once per round, you can select any Trap Card or Magic Card with the Black Magic character from the deck and add it to your hand."

"Great, it's such a powerful effect!"After hearing the answer from the Black Magic Wand, Yami Yugi's smile widened.

"Now that you are ready, let's start the duel!"

"Just what I want!"


Judge LP4000

Dark Game LP4000

In fact, the incarnation of Ooka Chikuzen is this card

"I am the judge in this court, so I will take the first attack. Draw a card!"

As the incarnation of Ooka Chikuzen, the judge launched the first attack.

"I summon, the hysterical angel!" (Attack 1800 Defense 500)

"Attack indication!"

"My turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After taking a look at the monsters on the field, Yami Yugi first turned his attention to the Black Magic Wand behind him.

"Activate the deck leader ability of the Black Magic Wand and select a trap card or magic card with the Black Magic character from the deck."

"Next, I Normal Summon, Skilled Black Magician!"(Attack 1900 Defense 1700)

"Next, I activated the Magic Card, Pot of Greed, from my hand and drew two cards from my deck!"

"The special effect of the skilled black magician is activated. When you or your opponent activates a magic card, you can place a magic indicator on this card!"

As the magic card was activated, a white light spot appeared on the left shoulder of the skilled black magician.

"Next, I will activate the magic card Angel's Charity, draw three cards from the deck and choose two to discard."

"Since the Angel's Charity was activated, the Black Magician gained another magic indicator!"

Yami Yugi raised his hand and pointed at the Black Magician on the field, and a white light spot lit up on his right shoulder again.

"Finally, I will activate the magic card Maul!"

"The effect of this card is that you can put any cards in your hand back into the deck, shuffle them, and then draw the same number of cards as those put back into the deck."

"I chose to put the two cards back into the deck and then draw two cards!"

"Due to the effect of the Maul, the skilled black magician can get another magic counter!"

As the third magic card was activated, the staff in the skilled black magician's hand lit up.

In the surprised eyes of the judge, Yami Yugi waved his hand and shouted loudly:"The special effect of the skilled black magician is activated. When this card has three magic counters, it can be activated by releasing this card to special summon a black magician from the deck!"

"My most loyal and powerful servant!"

"Come at the call of your master!"

"Black Magician!" (Attack 2500 Defense 2100)

"What? ? ?"

Seeing that Yami Yugi actually summoned the Black Magician in the first round, the Judge immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

"Damn it, this brat is totally different from what was reported in the intelligence. Didn't they say he was always reckless? Why did he become so powerful now?"

"Unbelievable, really unbelievable!"

Just as the judge was in self-doubt, Yami Yugi was still carrying out his turn.

"Do you think that's the end? Hum, next I'm going to use the effect of the Black Magic Wand to add this card to my hand!"

"Judge, let me show you how powerful the bond card between You Feng and I is!"

"I activate the magic card from my hand, Thousand Knives, to destroy a monster on your field unconditionally!"

As Yami Yugi played the magic card in his hand, the black magician on the field brazenly launched his best black magic.

Countless sharp knives appeared beside the black magician, and he waved the magic wand in his hand, and these sharp knives immediately destroyed the hysterical angel without leaving any residue.

"The Inquisitor, huh? You fooled me and threatened my best friends, and I'm going to make you pay for it now!"

"Black magician, attack directly!"

"Black magic!"

"No, not good! Ah!!!"

The powerful black magic mercilessly bombarded the Judge, and coupled with its enhanced tactile system, the Judge's controller, Ooka Chikuzen, let out a miserable wail.

Judge LP4000>1500

"Finally, I cover a card and the turn is over!"

"Damn it! You little brat!"

Although he recovered, the severe pain still made the Judge feel uncomfortable. After all, Dark Game only used one strike to kill more than half of his health. This situation was something the Judge had never expected.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Damn the black magician, he is indeed the top magician, his power is really extraordinary"

"I covered two cards!"

"Then the face-down defense position summons this monster, and my turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the Judge's backcourt, Dark Yugi suddenly sneered

"Judge, it seems you still haven't learned your lesson."

"What do you want to say?"Dark Game's expression was so calm that the judge couldn't help but sweat on his forehead again.

"Haha, what I want to say is that I have already learned these tricks of yours from someone who is more powerful than you, so your backcourt cover card can't threaten me!"

Reaching out to the black mode wand beside him, An Yugi smiled and said:"The special effect of the black magic wand is activated. Once per round, you can add a card with black magic characters from the deck to your hand."


As the effect came into effect, a magic card popped out directly from the deck. An Yugi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and slapped it directly on the field.

"Magic card activated, Dark Magician!"

"The effect of this card is that when you have a Black Magician on your field, you can activate it to destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on your opponent's field!"

"What? Open the cover card!"

Hearing that Dark Yugi had actually activated such an outrageous effect, the Judge immediately shouted

"Messenger of peace!"

"The effect of this card is that during this turn, your monsters will not be destroyed by battle, and the battle damage you receive will be reduced to 0!"


As the Dark Magician was activated, the Judge activated a card, but his other card was destroyed and sent to the graveyard. At the moment when the two covered cards were destroyed, Dark Yugi also clearly saw the appearance of the other covered card.

"Hum, blasting armor? I see!"

He did not stop his attack, and Yami Yugi showed another card.

"Since I can't destroy the monsters on your field, let me take this opportunity to increase the number of monsters on my field again!"

"Also, do you really think that I can't do anything to you just because your monster cannot be destroyed by battle?"

"Haha, stop talking nonsense. I have already activated the Messenger of Peace this round. Your monsters cannot harm me, nor can they destroy the monsters on my field!"

After hearing what Yami Yugi said, even the sharp-tongued Judge felt a little timid.


The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and Yami Yugi raised his hand and played a card.

"I Normal Summon, Lemon Magic Girl!"

"Next I will launch the magic���Card, dimensional magic!"

"The effect of this card is that if you have a Spellcaster-Type monster on your field, you can target a monster on your field, and by releasing that monster, you can Special Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand. After that, you can select a monster on the field and destroy it!"

"I liberate the Lemon Magic Girl on my field and Special Summon her from my hand!"

"Black Magic Girl!" (Attack 2000 Defense 1700)

"The effect of the dimensional magic is activated, destroying the monster on your field!"

After receiving the order from Dark Yugi, the black magic girl directly waved her staff and activated the dimensional magic. Under the bombardment of the dark magic, the card on the judge's field was directly shattered into pieces and disappeared into the air.

"Oh? It's the invisible angel. Hmm, I remember the effect of this card. It seems that when it is reversed, you can draw a card from the deck. It's a pity for the judge. Your little trick doesn't work on me!"

"My turn is over!"


Just as Dark Yugi finished his turn, the Judge suddenly laughed.

"Yugi, you idiot, you've fallen into my trap!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"What?" Sensing the sudden change in the judge's aura, Yami Yugi's face also showed a solemn expression.

"I want to activate the ability of my own deck leader!"

"life imprisonment!"

"Life imprisonment?"

Hearing the words of the judge, Yami Yugi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"That's right, the effect of Life Sentence is that by paying 1,000 life points, you can remove all monsters on the opponent's field, and for each monster removed, you will inflict 500 points of damage to the opponent!"

"Oh no! There is actually such a deck command effect? "

(Table Yugi: Another me, he obviously can't afford to lose!)

Judge LP1500>500

A dazzling white light shines on the Black Magician and the Black Magician Girl. With the activation of the judgment ability, the master and apprentice disappeared directly on the field. Dark Yugi, who lost his ace monster, turned pale and a drop of cold sweat slowly fell from his forehead.

Dark Yugi LP4000>3000

"Haha, next, I'm going to activate magic card fusion!"

"By sending Iron Sword Tail Warrior and Cyclops Shield Dragon to the Graveyard, Special Summon Magic Knight Dragnis!" (Attack 1200 Defense 900)

"It’s not over yet, I’m going to activate the continuous magic card directly, the judicial transaction of the demon world!"

"The effect of this card is that during the turn when a Fusion Monster below Level 4 is successfully Special Summoned, it can directly attack the opponent, and when the Fusion Monster directly attacks the opponent successfully, it can recover 800 health points!"

"Magic Knight, attack the opposing player directly!"

"Judgment Strike!"


"Ah!" Dark Yugi screamed after being hit directly by the opponent's monster.

Judge LP500 > 1300

Dark Yugi LP3000 > 1800

"Hehe, how is it, Yugi? This feeling is painful, right? To tell you the truth, this is just the beginning!"

Pointing at Dark Yugi and sneering, the Judge said with an extremely proud expression:"In this virtual electronic world, all the damage you suffer will be fed back to your body in the real world through brain waves!"

"In other words, as long as you die in this world because your health points reach zero, the load of this impact will also be applied to your body, causing your real death. At that time, I will be able to completely replace you, and use your body to gain new life again!"

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