"I still have 1500 health points left. I still have a chance to turn the tables in the next round. Li Youfeng, don't be happy too soon!"

The deep sea warrior ended his round unwillingly, staring at Li Youfeng with an almost cannibalistic look.

"My turn, oh, I forgot, it seems that I can't draw cards!"

Shrugged his shoulders indifferently, Li Youfeng smiled and shook his head

"But it doesn't matter! (broken voice)"

"Because I have decided to completely kill you in this round!"

"I activate the magic card"Lord of the Sky" from my hand!" (The original effect of the anime, everyone knows it, so I won't explain it.)

"This card can replenish both players' hands to six cards!"

"Of course, because of the effect of the treasure falling from the sky, I will take 300 points of damage."

Li Youfeng LP4000>3700

"Next I'm going to open the cover card!"

"Built-in machine gun!"

"The effect of this card is that each card on the opponent's field and in their hand will receive 200 points of damage!"

"You have six cards in your hand and four cards on the field, so the total damage you will receive is 2000 points!"

"I~ Shit!"

Looking down at his hand and the four cards on the field, the Deep Sea Warrior was completely numb.

Due to the activation of the built-in machine gun, his health value also dropped to zero.

The Deep Sea Warrior's LP1500>-500

"How could I have imagined that there would be someone in this world who would use such a cheap trick? I really don't accept it!!!"

I thought I could still hold on until the next round, but Li Youfeng actually launched a fatal attack. Amid the unwilling roar of the deep sea warrior, its body began to gradually become illusory.

Due to Li Youfeng's autistic operation, until the health value returned to zero, the deep sea warrior had no chance to activate the deck leadership effect once, which shows how big his psychological shadow area is.

The body was extremely reluctant to turn into a group of scattered electronic data, and the deep sea warrior just disappeared in front of Li Youfeng in the wailing.

Deep Sea Warrior LP1500﹥0

"The main silver is so powerful that it is so easy to defeat that moldy shit. To celebrate the victory, let's happily do some embarrassing things."

"Oh my gosh! Can you please not drive so fast? I have a bad heart and I can't handle it!"

Looking at this serious and silent maid, Li Youfeng felt his stomach ache again.

"But sir, there is one thing I don't quite understand."

"Huh? If you don't understand anything, just tell me. I will tell you everything I know."

"So that's it!" Hearing Li Youfeng's words, the big eyes on the expressionless face of the laundry dragon girl instantly bloomed with light,"Then I would like to ask my master, do you like original black silk or original white silk?"

"I poof!!!"

I knew it!

You can't ask any serious questions at all.

Without waiting for Li Youfeng to catch his breath, the washerwoman lifted her maid skirt to her knees.

"But don't worry, my lord. I'm wearing one pair of black and one pair of white stockings today. No matter which one you like, I'll do it. Oops!"

With veins popping out of his forehead, Li Youfeng gave the washerwoman a slap on the head. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the washerwoman's shoulders, widening his eyes.

"If you race too fast again, I'm going to call those guys out. I believe you know what I mean!"


Covering her head with both hands, the expression on the washerwoman's face seemed to shift slightly as she knew what Li Youfeng meant.

"Well, actually what I want to ask is, why didn't the main silver use my ability in the game just now? In addition, you obviously had the opportunity, but why didn't you take the initiative to attack?"

Seeing that the laundry dragon girl finally got serious for once, Li Youfeng was also very relieved and replied:"Your ability was not used because the opponent used a card-cutting style of play. It deliberately put two monsters with an attack power of 500 points on the field. Even a fool can know that this was deliberately luring me to attack!"

"I am not a brat. If I attack rashly before knowing what special effects the leader of the opponent's deck has, I may suffer a great loss. So according to my judgment, it is safer to play with blood reduction."


After hearing Li Youfeng's explanation, the washerwoman clapped her hands and clapped her hands with shining eyes.

"The main silver is awesome!"

"So, Master, to celebrate your victory, let's take this time to do something shameful~~ Oops!"

Li Youfeng punched the washerwoman on the head and said that such an old driver must not be indulged!

"Woohoo~ Master~ Are you seriously ill? Listen to my advice. If a man has this problem, he should be treated as soon as possible, otherwise he will regret it when he marries a wife in the future."

"You're not done yet, are you? I can assure you that I'm absolutely not sick!"

Pulling the washerwoman's little face with both hands, Li Youfeng was almost on the verge of a mental breakdown at this time.

"Woo~ Wrong nest~ Master, please let me go~"

"Only this time!"

After hearing the laundry girl begging for mercy, Li Youfeng's anger subsided a little.

"Tsk~ a weak man!"Rubbing her face, the washerwoman kneeling on the grass looked expressionlessly at Li Youfeng who turned around and was looking for a way out, muttering in dissatisfaction.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"No~ I didn't say anything! I just said that the master is really a very weak (good reading) man"

"That's more like it."

Just as Li Youfeng was looking for a way out, a light door suddenly appeared in front of him. After seeing this familiar door, Li Youfeng suddenly remembered that in the original story, all the paths and information in this electronic world seemed to be under the control of Hippocampus.

"Did I break through this level? Well, let me see who my next opponent will be."

With a confident smile on his face, Li Youfeng turned around and stretched out his right hand to the laundry dragon girl. After all, even if her personality was dirty, she was still his card elf, and Li Youfeng would never abandon her.

Seeing Li Youfeng stretch out his hand to her, the laundry dragon girl, who was kneeling on the grass, was slightly stunned, and suddenly she seemed to have made up her mind and handed over her little hand.

Seeing the laundry dragon girl stretch out her little hand, Li Youfeng also showed a gentle smile on his face. To be honest, although this maid had a big problem, how many people would not like such a cute little maid without a mouth?

On the edge of this beautiful lake, a gentle and considerate master stretched out his hand and pulled up a petite and cute loli maid. Logically speaking, this should have been a beautiful picture!

However, in fact, Li Youfeng thought too much. Just when he thought that the laundry dragon girl would hold his hand and stand up from the grass, he saw the latter put something in his hand with a slightly red face, and then covered her face with both hands and twisted and turned on the grass a little embarrassedly.

Li Youfeng:"???"

Feeling the soft thing in his hand, Li Youfeng looked over with some doubt. However, when he stretched out the thing in his hand and unfolded it to see it clearly, his face instantly darkened.

"Fat~~ Fat times??? Or white lace???"

"Yes~ yes~! Master, my little green sister said that as a male owner, he will definitely like this! Well, this is what I just changed today, it should be very clean, so~ I am not talented, but this is just a small token of respect, please accept it."

Seeing Li Youfeng unfolding the panties in front of her, the laundry dragon girl felt even more embarrassed, and her cute face with no expression even turned red like a cute little apple.

Li Youfeng:"!!!"

"Smile and accept your sister!!!"

"You're blushing like a bubble teapot!!!"

"If you feel shy, don't give me this kind of thing!!!"


"Shit! You're so mad at me! I don't want this thing, and you better put it on quickly!!!"

"I repeat, I am not a pervert!!!"

"Can you please be serious!!!"


At this moment, Li Youfeng said that he had been completely driven crazy by this washerwoman!

"Eh? Why doesn't the master want it? Is it really like what Sister Pink said, that the master prefers to steal?"

"Damn it, I don’t want to play with you anymore!"


"Oh wow~!"

Li Youfeng threw the panties in his hand on the face of the laundry dragon girl. His blood pressure was already unstable and he turned around and walked into the portal.

Seeing this, the laundry dragon girl hurriedly chased after him. It seemed that she had misunderstood something. She held Li Youfeng's arm and asked in confusion,"Master, are you so angry because you don't like white?"


"Oh, Sister Xiaohong said that men always like to say the opposite of what they mean. In that case, I’ll just wear black next time!"

"Shut up!"

"Alas, why do you want me to shut up? Is there something wrong with your body, Master?"


"Ouch! Why did the master hit me on the head?"

"You still said!!!"

"Ouch~! Master, I was wrong! Here~ I'm giving you three cards, do you want them?"

"The card in your hand originally belongs to me, return it to me quickly!"

Computer control room

"This maid is weird!"The scene of Li Youfeng and the washerwoman playing around naturally caught Naiya's eyes. Looking at the washerwoman on the surveillance screen, Naiya's brows knitted tightly together.

"The system showed that this maid shouldn't exist in this computer network world. Who is she? Why is she pestering Li Youfeng? Why can't I find any data about her?"Naya leaned back in her chair with her arms folded, her face full of solemnity.

"Could it be that someone has hacked into my network? Impossible, if that were the case, I shouldn't have been unaware of it."

Looking at the loli maid holding Li Youfeng's arm and telling dirty jokes tirelessly, Naya slowly had an idea in her mind.

"It seems that I have to test this Li Youfeng more."

Since Li Youfeng was also involved in the computer world dominated by Naya, the original plot of Yu-Gi-Oh has changed greatly again.

According to the original plot, it should have been a fierce duel between Dark Yugi and the Deep Sea Warrior. Because of the special deck command effect of the Deep Sea Warrior, Dark Yugi was also in a difficult battle.

Now the Deep Sea Warrior was easily solved by Li Youfeng at a very fast speed, and Dark Yugi, who was supposed to fight against him, faced Ooka Chikuzen, the former lawyer of Kaiba Group who appeared as a judge.

Just when the Kaiba brothers were wandering in the past because of Naya's bad taste, In the flashback, Madoka and Jonouchi played as a"couple" doubles against Soichiro Ota who appeared as a mechanical sergeant.

As for Honda and Ryuji Miga, who were with Jonouchi Madoka, they cheered for the two as cheerleaders.

The only one who remained unchanged was Anko Mazaki, who always acted alone and was targeted by the Nightmare Penguin.

Time went back to the beginning of the game between Li Youfeng and the warriors of the deep sea. At this time, Yami Yugi, who was looking for an exit in an unknown castle, met a man in a suit and glasses.

"Who are you? Why did you pretend to be You Feng to deceive me?"

Pointing at the man in front of him, An Yugi's face showed anger without disguising it.

"Oh, this is really rude. Let me introduce myself. My name is Ooka Chikuzen, and I am the legal consultant of Kaiba Group. Thank you for your guidance!"

While speaking, Ooka Chikuzen took out a postcard and showed it to Yami Yugi. Maybe because of his occupational disease, he began to introduce his business to Yami Yugi.

"As one of the five giants, the development of Haima Group has not been smooth sailing. It is precisely because of my eloquence that can reverse right and wrong and my skilled business ability that helped Haima Group win one lawsuit after another. It can be said that my contribution to the current success of Haima Group is absolutely indelible."

"These are not reasons for you to become my friend and deceive me!" Listening to these meaningless words, a trace of impatience flashed across Yami Yugi's face,"And I don't have time to listen to your explanation. Now I have to hurry up and find my lost friends! Tell me, what exactly do you want to do here? If you want to duel, then do it as soon as possible, otherwise let me go!"

"Is it really possible?" Ooka Chikuzen touched his glasses lightly and a sinister smile appeared on his face,"Yugi, you have to understand one thing, if you lose the duel, I will take your body!"

"Take my body? Could it be that?" Hearing Ooka Chikuzen's words, Yami Yugi suddenly realized something.

"That's right, it's exactly what you thought!" As if he had guessed Yami Yugi's idea, Ooka Chikuzen nodded slowly,"My colleagues must have already started to attack your friends. After all, if you want to escape from this virtual world, you can't do it without a body. With the means of my colleagues, your companions should have already become victims."

"Bastard, what did you say?"

Hearing this, An Yugi's face changed instantly, but in just a moment, An Yugi sneered again.

"Humph, stop bragging. The five of you are no match for You Feng, Jonouchi, Kongquewu and Kaiba. I think it's wishful thinking for you to take over their bodies!"

"Haha, children are children, they always fantasize about unrealistic things."

Looking at Yami Yugi with a bad look, Ooka Chikuzen sneered and clapped his hands.

In Yugi's surprised eyes, he saw that the house suddenly turned into a court, and he was already standing in the dock.

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