Oshita Konosuke's words made the washerwoman sneer again, and she even started to mock him without any disguise.

"Ha, these boring things can be called all the cards? Oh, shitty scum and shitty computer equipment, I really don't know where your naive sense of superiority comes from!"

"Damn! You damn idiot! Li Youfeng, you did that on purpose, didn't you? You actually have such an infuriating idiot by your side, what kind of bad taste do you have?"


Li Youfeng was completely numb to Oshita Konosuke's words.

"Master, we don't need the cards provided by that piece of shit. In this world, all the cards in your deck can be used!"

"Huh? Is that really the case?"

Looking at the washerwoman who finally got serious, Li Youfeng regained some spirit and opened his own void deck. Only then did Li Youfeng realize that the cards he had assembled and stored in the deck were really not affected by this electronic world at all.

Because he got Malik's signature monster, Li Youfeng also unlocked many autistic cards that were closely related to it.

"Phew, it’s more comfortable to use my own cards. Hehe, I can’t wait to see the opponent get Xiaorong!"

While choosing the cards he was going to use, Li Youfeng asked the Washer Dragon Girl in a negotiating tone:"Seriously, what is your deck leader?" Ignoring

Li Youfeng's extremely humble expression, the Washer Dragon Girl said without any emotion:"Don't worry, master, my deck leader effect is definitely your favorite, that is, you can unconditionally throw three cards in the deck into the graveyard every round, and I also have the effect of transforming on the field once a round. As for me before the transformation, I can return to the position of deck leader after the transformation."

"Well~ Actually, this special skill is not what I am really good at. Among my sisters, my pole stripping is the best.……"

"Stop! The following words are superfluous!"

Li Youfeng covered the washerwoman's mouth with his hand. He didn't want to be poisoned by this duel elf again.

"Deep Sea Warrior, right? My deck is ready, let me start the duel!"

Yes, in order to get rid of the troubles of the Washer Dragon Girl as soon as possible, Li Youfeng decided to speed up the resolution of this incident. Although he didn't know why the other duel elves didn't show up, Li Youfeng, who didn't want to make things worse again, chose not to delve into it.

After all, his other duel elves were all problematic players with problems!

"Humph, Li Youfeng, this time I will definitely keep you here and let you taste the pain I have suffered!"


Deep Sea Warrior LP4000

Li Youfeng LP4000

"I got the first strike!"

After declaring the first strike, the deep sea warrior raised his hand and drew a card from the deck of the duel disk.

"I cover this card face-down in Defense Position!"

"My turn is over!"

"Haha? You want to play autism with me? Interesting!"

After sneering, Li Youfeng also started his turn.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, 2 times remaining in this game

"Pot of Greed is activated, and I can draw two cards from my deck!"

"I summon this monster face-down."

"Cover two cards in the backfield at the same time"

"My turn is over."

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be such a cautious person? Interesting, my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card in his hand, the deep sea warrior sneered and said to Li Youfeng:"This is a good progress. In the past, during the Renaissance, an Italian political thinker once said that if you want to win continuously, there are three conditions."

"One is to seize the opportunity, I usually summon the Rainbow Lizard!" (Attack 500 Defense 500)

"The special effect of the Rainbow Lizard is activated. When this card is successfully summoned, I can draw a card from the deck."

"Next, I will Flip Summon the Face Up Card on the Field!"

"Soul Sniper Bird!" (Attack Power 500 Defense Power 500)

"The special effect of Soul Sniper Bird is activated. When this card is successfully reverse summoned, the opponent must discard a card in his hand. Okay, You Feng, discard a card in your hand!"

""Tsk, what did I think it was? It turned out to be such a trick!" After sneering, Li Youfeng threw a hand card into the cemetery.

As if noticing Li Youfeng's disdainful attitude, the deep sea warrior shook his finger slightly at the former.

"You Feng, to tell you the truth, although the attack power of my Sniper Soul Bird is not strong, it can still exert the power of thousands of troops depending on the way it is used."

"My turn is over."

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the two monsters on the opponent's field with only 500 attack points, as a veteran autistic hell flow player, Li Youfeng could of course vaguely guess what tricks the opponent was going to play.

"Haha, isn't it just to lure me into attacking? What a childish trick, but unfortunately, I'm also using an autistic deck!"

"Open the cover card!"

"Continuous Trap Card, Mother of Ultraman~ Damn! It's the devil's temptation!"

"The effect of this card displayed face-up on our backfield is that every time a card is sent to the Graveyard, it will deal 300 points of damage to the card holder!"

"Next, I will Flip Summon the Face Up Card on the Field!"

""Flame Assassin!" (Attack 1500 Defense 1000)

"The Flame Assassin's Special���If activated, this card can be reverse summoned and you can remove the top three cards of your deck from the game and activate it, dealing 800 HP damage to your opponent!"

As Li Youfeng spoke, the Flame Lady Assassin raised her hand and threw three flying knives at the Deep Sea Warrior. Since it was effect damage, the two monsters on the Deep Sea Warrior's front field could only watch helplessly as the three flying knives pierced their master's heart.

(Deep Sea Warrior: It hurts, my friend!)

"Ah!"Accompanied by a scream, the deep sea warrior covered his heart with both hands. Although he knew that he would not die again without a body, the intense pain when he was hurt in the duel still made him feel a little bit miserable.

Deep Sea Warrior LP4000 ﹥ 3200

"Also, since my card is banished, it won't be harmed by the effect of Devil's Temptation!"

"Damn it! He actually played such a trick!" Seeing that Li Youfeng also used a card with a reverse effect, the deep sea warriors were also a little bit upset.

"Hehe, this is not over yet, I will give you a big treasure next!"

After a sinister smile, Li Youfeng directly slapped a card on the field of the deep sea warrior!

Yes, you read it right, Li Youfeng was indeed very considerate to send warmth to the deep sea warrior, because the name of this card is - Lava Demon Magma Golem!

"This monster can be special summoned to the opponent's field by releasing two monsters on the opponent's field. What do you think, deep-sea warrior? This monster has an attack power of 3000 points. Isn't it much more powerful than your two monsters?"

"However, since your two monsters were sent to the graveyard, you must lose another 600 HP due to the effect of Devil's Temptation!"

Deep Sea Warrior LP3200>2600

"What? Ah!"Hearing the special effect launched by Li Youfeng, the face of the deep sea warrior turned even greener. Then, the black mist produced by the devil's temptation quickly bombarded the deep sea warrior. Enduring the severe pain, looking up at the huge lava demon in front of him, the deep sea warrior clearly felt that Li Youfeng was not so kind.

However, just when he was puzzled, the washerwoman standing next to Li Youfeng actually came to make things worse at this time.

"You are worthy of being the master. You can still play such a self-contained underworld routine in such a sinister way. Look at this green shit, it is almost turning black."

Hearing the words of the laundry dragon girl, the faces of the deep sea warrior and Li Youfeng turned a little dark at the same time. The only difference is that the former was angry and the latter was dirty.

Turning his head helplessly, Li Youfeng showed a smile that was uglier than crying and said to the laundry dragon girl:"Please, laundry dragon girl, we have been together for so many years, can't we just get along well?"

""Alas!" Hearing this, the expressionless washerwoman immediately retorted seriously,"There is no such thing as sincerity for heart in this world, there is only speed for sound.""

"What the hell~!"

Li Youfeng was deeply offended when he heard this. It was not until this moment that he realized that this new duel elf was not only a faceless and sharp-tongued person, but more importantly, her personality was like a fighter among experienced drivers.

Pretending not to hear what the laundry dragon girl said, Li Youfeng immediately took out another card.

"I cover a card on my backfield and my turn is over!"

"Damn it, you insidious little brat, it’s my turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, the special effect of Lava Demon is activated!"


Under the confused gaze of the deep sea warrior, Li Youfeng said with a sinister smile:"The special effect of the Lava Demon is to deal 1,000 health points of damage to the controller during the preparation phase of the controller's turn. How about it? I said I would give you warmth, so this effect is not bad, right?"


Seeing such a large mass of magma dripping from the body of the Lava Demon, the Deep Sea Warrior screamed in pain. Although such a scene seemed a bit cruel, for Li Youfeng, such a duel setting was not set by him, so Li Youfeng now looked completely at ease.

Deep Sea Warrior LP2600﹥1600

"Damn bastard, I knew you wouldn't be so kind!"

As an autistic player, the controller of Deep Sea Warrior, Oshita Konosuke, was already throbbing with veins on his forehead. Although he had known Li Youfeng's character for a long time, it was only after he played against the latter that Oshita Konosuke truly realized how mean the other party's style of playing cards was.

"No wonder those bastards threw this hot potato to me, it turns out they knew it all along!"

After discovering that Li Youfeng had not launched a direct attack so far, Oshita Konosuke felt like a dog. After all, the command effect of his deck was to sacrifice two monsters to rebound the attack of one of the opponent's monsters, but judging from the current situation, the opponent had no intention of attacking at all.

Knowing that this duel was being monitored by Noa, Oshita Konosuke, who was already in a dilemma, could only cheer up again.

"I Normal Summon this monster!"

"Youwei, attack display!"(Attack power 500 Defense power 500)

"The special effect of Youwei is activated. If this card is successfully summoned, it can be activated to skip the next opponent's card drawing phase!"

"Next I'm going to activate the magic card, Premature Burial!"

"By paying 800 life points, you can Special Summon a monster from the Graveyard to revive it on my field and equip this card!"

Deep Sea Warrior LP1600>800

"Come out!"

"Rainbow Lizard!"

"The special effect of the Rainbow Lizard is activated. When this card is successfully Special Summoned, I can draw a card from the deck!"

"Haha, I'm going to activate the magic card I just drew, Tianket, the God of Healing, to restore my 1,000 health points!"

"Don't be happy too soon!" Li Youfeng interrupted the deep sea warrior and said with a smile,"The God of Healing is also a card. After entering the cemetery, you still have to deduct 300 health points!"

"Tsk~ Of course I know!"

Deep Sea Warrior LP800>1500

"Humph, Li Youfeng, now it's your turn to regret sending me such a powerful monster!"

Pointing at the Flame Girl Assassin with an attack power of only 1500 points on Li Youfeng's field, the Deep Sea Warrior directly launched an attack order.

"Lava Demon, attack the Flame Lady Assassin!"

"Hey, deep sea warrior, don't you know that the Lava Demon has another nickname?"

Seeing the other party launch an attack, Li Youfeng immediately laughed sinisterly.

"Open the cover card!"

"Continuous Trap Card activated, Torture Wheel!"

"The effect of this card is to target a monster on your opponent's field and activate it. This monster cannot attack or change its position!"

"Hehe, what do you think, warrior of the deep sea? Now that things have come to this, I will mercifully tell you that another nickname of the Lava Demon is the Warm Demon. Want it to hit people? That's basically impossible, hahaha!"

"Oh~ the master is such a warm and considerate good lady (second tone)!"Looking at Li Youfeng who was constantly laughing, the washerwoman immediately stretched out her hands and clapped.

"Hey! Is there a word in the sentence you just said with the second tone?"

"Is there? How come I don't know? The master must have heard it wrong."

Sharply aware of something, Li Youfeng looked at the washerwoman with a dark face. However, for the latter, it was absolutely impossible for her to admit that she was driving so easily.

"Li Youfeng, you bastard!"

Compared to the smiling Li Youfeng, the warrior in the deep sea was already full of mourning at this time, because he knew very well in his heart that if he didn't find a way to get rid of this warm demon god, then what would be waiting for him would be a humiliating defeat.

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