"Hey, Sergeant Mechanical, you're going to pay the price for your arrogance now!"

"The magic card is activated, Angel's Charity. I draw three cards from the deck and discard two!"

"Yo! Haha, ever since I got the full three of the Pot of Greed, I found that my luck with cards is really getting better and better!"

"Next, I will activate the Pot of Greed and draw two cards from the deck!"

Jounouchi happily added the cards he had just drawn to his hand, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Jonouchi, we must take care of him in this round!"

"Just leave it to me, Mai! I won't let you down!" He smiled at Kong Que Wu and showed a card.

"Activate magic card, Hurricane!"

"The effect of this card is to return all Magic or Trap Cards on the field to the owner's hand."

"What?"Seeing his two cover cards being swept back into his hands by the strong airflow, the mechanical sergeant looked at one of the exploded armors and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.��"Should I not cover this card?~"

(Exploding armor never explodes!)

Ignoring the mechanical sergeant who had completely fallen into autism, Jonouchi continued his operation.

"The special effect of the deck leader Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon is activated. Once per turn, you can revive a monster with the Red-Eyes character in your graveyard!"

"I choose to revive Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"(Attack 2400 Defense 2000)

"Magic card Black Flame Bullet activated!"

"This card can only be activated by targeting a Red-Eyes Black Dragon in your Monster Zone, inflicting damage equal to the original ATK of that Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"Mechanical Sergeant, take 2400 points of damage first!"

"Jonouchi, good job!"


""Ouch, oh shit!"

A ball of fire spewed out of the mouth of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon and hit the face of the mechanical sergeant directly, causing severe pain. The latter covered his face with his hands and screamed without caring about his image.

Mechanical Sergeant LP3850﹥1450

"What the hell, what kind of people did Noa bring in this time? She didn't realize who the rookies are!"

The health points were not enough to withstand the attack of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon. At this time, the mechanical sergeant's mentality had collapsed. Looking at the peacock dance who was flirting with him because of praising Jonouchi's operation, the double blow of mental and physical made the former curse in his heart.

"Yo! Haha~ This card You Feng gave me is pretty good, but don’t worry, my turn isn’t over yet!"

"Next, I Normal Summon Red-Eyes Iron Knight in Attack Position!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1600)


"Quick attack magic activates the angel's dice!"

"The effect of this card is that you can roll a dice, and then your monster's attack power will increase by the dice points x 100!"

Looking at the big six on the blue dice, the mechanical sergeant's face has completely changed color.

Red-Eyes Iron Knight's attack power 2400UP!

"Haha, it seems that my luck is still pretty good!"

"Shit! Jonouchi, you bastard, are you still going to whip the corpse? Don’t you have to be so excessive!"

"I'm happy, what do you care? Red Eyes Iron Knight! Attack!"

"Ah! Don't hit me in the face!!!"

Mechanical Sergeant LP1450﹥0

"Haha, Jonouchi, we won!"

"Mai-chan, this is all thanks to you!"

Excited by the victory, Kongquewu threw herself into Jonouchi's arms without restraint.

"Ah, be careful, it's very dangerous!"

He hurriedly hugged Kongquewu, and Jonouchi's face was full of panic.

"Well~well~ Anyway, you're here to catch me, so what's so dangerous about it?"

"You two, show off your skills!"

After being played a doubles match by Jonouchi and Peacock Dance, the Mechanical Sergeant not only failed to achieve his goal, but was also given a mouthful of dog food while being beaten up. Who could accept such humiliation?

"Damn it~ I hope you two will cheat on each other after marriage and stay together as a couple!"

As his body slowly turned into electronic data and disappeared, the mechanical sergeant used up his last bit of strength to raise his middle finger at the two of them and made the most vicious curse.

""Huh?" X2 heard what the mechanical sergeant said, Peacock Dance grabbed Jonouchi's face with both hands and said seriously:"You won't do that, right!"

"Of course not!" As a warm-hearted man, Jonouchi nodded his head and said,"I promise to be good to you and only you!"

"Hate it, who said I want to be with you? You are daydreaming!"Realizing the gaffe in her words, Peacock Dance also became shy on the spot

"Huh? Don't say that, Mai-chan.~!"

"What did I say? Humph, I have forgotten it!"

""Huh? ?!"

Once again trapped in their own world, Jonouchi and Kongquewu didn't notice that Honda and Yuuga Ryuji behind them both looked full.

"Hiccup! Honda, isn't it a bit inappropriate for the two of us to follow them?"

"Hiccup! You're asking me? Who should I ask? Do you think I want to follow them? Haven't we suffered enough along the way?"

"Oh~ If only Shizuka were here!~!"X2

Since the people who entered the Noa electronic world are very different from the original anime, the current plot is inevitably messed up again.

The deep sea warriors were easily defeated by Li Youfeng, and the judges also suffered because of the red pit buried by the table game. As for the nightmare penguin, it was beaten to a pulp by Xingzi's nonsense and the village rules of borrowing cards on the spot!

In the end, even the mechanical sergeant who successfully took over Honda's body in the original work was also defeated because of Jonouchi and Kong���

In fact, the five giants of Kaiba Group do have outstanding abilities in various fields of work, but if this ability is applied to duel monsters, it is really far-fetched. As the saying goes, different trades are like different mountains. The gap between them is not so easy to smooth out. If you ask an entrepreneur, a human resources consultant, a lawyer, and an arsenal director to play cards with a serious duelist, the job title alone will crush you.

Strictly speaking, the five giants can play cards, but their actual level is just like that.

The performance of the five giants naturally fell into the eyes of Noah. Seeing that four of the five giants had been eliminated in such a short time, Noah's face became more and more ugly.

Just when he was thinking about how to retaliate against Kaiba Seto, the five giants who did not abide by martial ethics also locked the target of revenge on Kaiba Seto this time.

After defeating the mechanical sergeant, the four Jonouchi people met Yugi and his three companions on their way through the portal. Knowing that their companions were all safe and sound, the friends were very happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Fearing that something might happen, Li Youfeng even walked up to Honda and pulled his face, until Honda, who was angry and embarrassed, locked Li Youfeng's neck, which made the latter quickly raise his hands in surrender.

Knowing that Honda's body was not taken away, Li Youfeng was happy and secretly thankful that he did not let Kawai Shizuka follow in, otherwise, it would be hard to say what would happen.

After following Yugi and his companions through the portal, what appeared in front of everyone was an uninhabited modern city. Just when everyone was wondering where this place was, they suddenly heard a familiar shout.

"Brother, save me!"

"Damn it, let Keipi go!"

Hearing this very familiar voice, Jonouchi was the first to react.

"Listen, this seems to be the voice of Kaiba and Keipi!"

"That's right, and it's not far from here, let's go and have a look!"

With Yami Yugi's order, everyone rushed to the scene of the incident. After turning a corner, a classic scene appeared in front of everyone.

That is, Keipi was arrested again!

Because he had no body, the one who arrested Keipi this time became a virtual monster controlled by the five giants. Speaking of this virtual image, everyone is not unfamiliar with it, because he was the duel monster who demonstrated the rules of the deck to everyone when he just entered the computer world—Absolute Defense General!

"Haha, Kaiba, this is my revenge on you, your brother's body is in our hands!"

Ota Soichiro, who fully demonstrated his fifth-degree kendo strength and was known as the"Factory Ghost Colonel", captured Kaiba Keipi after a fight with President Kaiba. Especially after seeing Yugi and others appear in front of him, he did not dare to stay for long.��

Riding a motorcycle that he had found from nowhere, Soichiro Ota rushed through the crowd and onto a broken overpass.

""Damn it, let Keipi go!"

Seeing that someone dared to show off in front of him, President Kaiba was furious. Then, he magically found a motorcycle from nowhere and chased after him with a whoosh. With such driving skills and stunts that can be called acrobatics, Li Youfeng said that with this skill, the president can definitely compete with Brother Crab!

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, and the popular police and gangster chase movie appeared on the overpass. It may be because the president's skills are not very good, or perhaps it may be because he can't stand the praise, so after flying over a broken bridge, President Kaiba~ accidentally turned over!

As if it was a predetermined plot kill, President Kaiba, who was almost not even scratched, slowly stood up from the ground, and in front of him at this time was a man wearing sunglasses and wrapped in a windbreaker.

The flames when the motorcycle exploded burned between the two of them, as if it was a spark of hatred. The man in the windbreaker wearing sunglasses spoke.

"Long time no see, Kaiba Seto!"

"Who are you?"

"It's me, have you forgotten?"

(Seto Kaiba:"So, who the hell are you?")

Just like in the original story, when Seto Kaiba and Kogoro Daimon were playing dumb with each other, Noa appeared in front of Soichiro Ota and took Keipi away as a hostage again.

"You actually resorted to such despicable means as taking Keipi hostage!"

"Humph, it's not your turn to say that. Of course, if you want to save Keipi, then you have to defeat me first. But I'll say this beforehand: there are no God Cards among the cards I give you to use!"

Feeling that he was being looked down upon, President Kaiba's eyes were filled with ferocity.

"It's hilarious.

There's no need to use God Cards to deal with you scumbags!

" He quickly selected his own deck, and Kaiba Seto decisively chose Dragon Ruler as the leader of his deck.

Then, it was almost just a duel of memories and conspiracy theories.

Just as Kaiba Seto and his former subordinate Daimon Kogoro were fighting a desperate duel, Li Youfeng and others were not idle either.

They finally found a small trailer truck.

Under the driving of Peacock Dance, the protagonist group hurriedly chased up along the overpass.

When Li Youfeng arrived at the scene, the duel had almost reached a white-hot level.

Because he wanted to alienate the relationship between Keipi and Kaiba, Daimon Kogoro mercilessly killed Yugi and others in front of everyone after seeing Yugi and others arrive. On the other hand, he talked about the dishonorable things that Seto Kaiba did when he tried to snatch the shares of Kaiba Group.

Although Li Youfeng himself had a general understanding of these things, it was another matter when he said them out loud. The arrogant President Kaiba would naturally not easily make excuses for his actions. I don’t know if it was forced to lower his intelligence or something, but the president actually played an Axe-style game with the opponent! What shocked Li Youfeng the most was why the Satellite Cannon would not deduct health when attacking monsters in attack mode?

And why could the Satellite Cannon with only 1000 attack points kill a monster in attack mode with 1900 attack points?

What’s the reason?

It’s this card.

Don’t you feel that there is something wrong here? What

’s even more outrageous is that Kogoro Daimon actually said nonsense. Since this card attacks in space, monsters below level 7 cannot attack it.

Yes, I can take a step back and say that I really can’t attack your monster, but how did you directly penetrate my monster whose defense is higher than your attack power?

Are you really lawless in outer space?

Moreover, the effect of this card clearly states that this card will not be destroyed by battles with monsters below level 7, but when you are in attack position, if I attack you, you will at least lose some blood, right?

After all, not being destroyed by battle and not being damaged by battle are two different concepts. I still can’t hit you when you are in attack position. Isn’t that a bit too much? He really started talking nonsense.

Based on the principle of not playing cards unless you have low blood, he is in a desperate situation. President Kaiba finally exploded.

First, he replaced the Injection Angel with the Soul Dragon, and then President Kaiba summoned the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and ordered it to fly into the universe!

Yes, you read that right. Only President Kaiba can play cards to the universe.

As a bystander, after watching President Kaiba's shocking duel, Li Youfeng seriously reflected on himself. After a profound summary, he found a fatal flaw in himself!

That is, he really couldn't play the village rules.

Glancing at the watch game standing next to him, Li Youfeng finally realized his strength from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, in order to give Duel Monsters a better environment, Li Youfeng felt that after the Duel City competition was over, he had to take the initiative to find President Kaiba to discuss the issue of modifying the existing duel rules.

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