(Note: Izayoi Kaoru's pictures have been added in chapters 2, 35, 42, and 48. I'm so tired!)

This duel that makes people complain ends so dramatically. At the same time, because of the envy of Keipi and Kaiba's relationship, after experiencing various despicable means such as instigation, alienation, and memory killing, Noa still chooses to play dirty tricks directly, and uses mental power to control Keipi's mind, so that the latter believes that he is his brother.

(Li Youfeng: What the hell have you been doing before? You spent so much effort and chose the most direct and crude means? In this regard, the five giants definitely see it more clearly than Noa, otherwise they would not have designed Kaiba Keipi as a princess in the previous game world with such a bad taste.)

Well, it's quite speechless and full of passion!

Therefore, the Yu-Gi-Oh anime is still not very related to female characters in its bones, and the friendship between men is also established in playing cards or being controlled.

Recalling the famous saying that men and women are only for the continuation of offspring, and true love is between men and men, Li Youfeng said it directly without any pretense.

Look, in order to get back his stupid idol, Kaiba Seto's eyes are red with anxiety.

Seeing a tunnel with lights on at the end of the bridge, Kaiba Seto shouted Keipi loudly and rushed in alone without looking back.

It feels like our Thor learned E at level 1, and he can't stop when he sees the line of soldiers.

(First Blood!)

"Seahorse! Don't act alone without permission!"

As a veteran first-blood cannon fodder player, this act of sending heads alone also directly led to our C position. I don't know what was wrong with An Yugi at this time. He actually left his companions and chased in.

"Yugi, wait for me!"

Seeing that Yami Yugi, who had just saved her, was actually chasing Kaiba Seto, Mazaki Kyoko was not to be outdone and actually followed suit.

A touching brotherly love suddenly turned into a love triangle, which made Li Youfeng, who was watching Mazaki Kyoko's back as she left, stunned on the spot.

You have to know that in this love drama, Kaiba Seto and Yami Yugi are the couple with thousands of years of grievances and hatreds.

The third person who intervened was you, Mazaki Kyoko!

"You guys~ can't play like this!"

Looking back at the remaining four people, Li Youfeng secretly felt that being a nanny was really not easy. There was no need to say much about Jonouchi and Kongquewu. After all, they were real duelists, and their relationship was also heating up.

But Yuuga Ryuji and Honda were just two burdens. To be honest, Li Youfeng really didn't understand. It wasn't like they were going on a tour as a group. Why did the two of you get involved in such a dangerous thing?

"Hmm? What's going on? Why is it suddenly foggy?"

"That's not right. This is a virtual world of computer networks. It's impossible to change the environment for no reason, right?"

Just when Li Youfeng was complaining, fog suddenly rose around the trailer. Perhaps because of their intuition as duelists, Jonouchi and Peacock Dance reacted immediately.

As if he had discovered something, Honda, who was standing on the trailer, suddenly pointed at the fog on one side of the overpass and shouted loudly:"Everyone look over there, there seems to be something glowing in the fog!"

Following the direction Honda pointed, Li Youfeng and others immediately turned their heads to look. As Honda said, five monsters suddenly rushed out of the fog.

And these monsters were exactly the images of the deck leaders used by the five giants that everyone had defeated before. Even the android Soga, who had just lost the duel with Kaiba Seto, shamelessly participated in it.

"Haha~! Don't even think about leaving this virtual world, just hand over your body!"

"Is it a warrior from the deep sea?! Is this bastard resurrected again?"

Just as Li Youfeng expected, for the Big Five, a duel is just a gimmick to take over your body, because these five shameless old men never intended to reason with you from the beginning.

"Damn it, look at my power!"

Seeing the five giants besieging him, Jonouchi, as a duelist, was the first to react. Unlike the original novel where he summoned five small monsters to serve the five giants, Jonouchi was now even more ferocious than in the original novel.

""Come out, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

He slapped his favorite card on the duel disk. Under a flash of electronic light, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon suddenly appeared in front of Jonouchi. He confirmed the current situation in a very humane way. While spitting out fireballs, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon directly used the dragon clan's signature moves!

Just like swinging a whip, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon turned around beautifully and swung its tail, directly turning the Judge and Nightmare Penguin who were trying to get close to the trailer into a ball of data fragments.

"Well done, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

Seeing that his soul monster was still so powerful, Jonouchi was very proud of himself. However, he didn't expect that when he relaxed his vigilance, a whip suddenly flew out from the other side of the fog.

"Honda, watch out!"


There was a crisp sound, and Honda, who was standing on the trailer, was hit on the arm by a whip. It was thanks to Yuga Ryuji's quick reaction that he pulled him back, otherwise Honda would have been seriously injured.


The nightmare penguin's sinister laughter was heard again in the fog, and the figures of the two monsters that had just been destroyed also appeared from the fog. Their bodies were intact, and it seemed that their attack power had been greatly improved.

"Oh no, it seems they can be resurrected infinitely in this fog!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Li Youfeng immediately shouted:"Peacock Dance, start the car quickly, we have to get out of here!"

"Leave it to me!"

While talking, Kong Que Wu also hurriedly started the car. Unlike Jonouchi, who was a jack of all trades, Kong Que Wu had a proper driver's license.

"Jonouchi, get in the car quickly!"

""Here they come!"

Facing this endless attack, Li Youfeng climbed onto the truck bed and quickly stretched out his hand to Jonouchi. Knowing that he couldn't get rid of the five giants here anyway, Jonouchi quickly turned around and grabbed Yujia Long'er and Li Youfeng's hands.

"Jonouchi is already in the car, Peacock Dance, let’s go!"

"No problem!"

She stepped hard on the accelerator, showing her powerful racing skills. She drove an old-fashioned trailer like a car god in Akina Mountain.

"Catch the shrimp farmers!"

"Aiwo blew up the special forces battalion soldiers, bastard!"

Classic music emerged in my mind. Under the relentless pursuit of the five giants, a sci-fi battle no less than Transformers 3 unfolded on the overpass.

Under the protection of the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, the trailer truck suddenly came to a plain area full of mountains after rushing into the tunnel. Realizing that it had left the area where the five giants could be resurrected infinitely, Li Youfeng attacked brazenly at this time. He picked up his deck from the duel disk, and Li Youfeng selected five cards and placed them directly on the monster positions of the duel disk.

"Come out, Black Magician, Nephthys Connector, Laundry Lady, Atlas Worm Demon, Witch Craft Master Weir!"

Accompanied by Li Youfeng's shout, five duel elves suddenly appeared from the duel disk!

"Black magician?"

"You Feng actually has a black magician too?"

After seeing the red-robed black magician, not only the five giants widened their eyes, even the people in the city looked at Li You Feng in disbelief.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Li You Feng's five duel elves looked at each other and attacked the five giants at the same time.

Black magic thousand knives!

Witch craft spells!

A huge electric net that appeared out of thin air in the air!

Nephthys's Cang Huang Shen summoned by Nephthys Connector!

And the laundry dragon girl transformed into Canghe Dragon Girl!

It was rare for the master to actively summon them, and the five duel elves also exerted their greatest strength. In the incredible eyes of the five giants, they were completely blasted into pieces in just a glance!

Knowing that Li You Feng didn't want to expose the matter of the duel elves, he attacked them. After defeating the five giants, the five duel elves were very sensible and returned to Li Youfeng's duel disk.

Li Youfeng finally got rid of the pursuit of the five giants, and he breathed a sigh of relief. You know, in the original work, several people in Jonouchi were directly captured by the five giants. If it weren't for Noa's stopping, who knows what would have happened.

Although at the end of the anime plot, Noa told the five giants that no matter how hard they struggled, they could not leave here, in fact, Soichiro Ota, one of the five giants, did take Honda's body, and when he wanted to stop the missile launch at the end, Keipi Kaiba's body was also taken away by Noa.

This kind of inconsistent plot can be said to be the drawback of the original anime, and this is also the main reason why Li Youfeng did not dare to gamble on this.

(This situation is just like the plot in the sci-fi movie The Matrix 2. ) was thrown back into the electronic data stream by Li Youfeng, which was something the Big Five had never expected. However, just when the Big Five wanted to ask Naiya for help and regroup, Naiya actually took the initiative to find the Big Five.

"Lord Noya, please give us another chance. If we lose this chance, we don't know how long we will have to wait to get our bodies back. Unwilling to accept defeat, Oshita Konosuke first made a request.

"Humph, you five losers, I gave you a chance but none of you succeeded!"

Although he expected that the five giants might fail, Naiya never expected that these five idiots would fail so quickly. Although Naiya did not regard these five people as his subordinates, this feeling of exhaustion still surged into Naiya's heart.

"Lord Noa, please listen to my explanation."

As if realizing something, Ooka Chikuzen, the most eloquent of the five giants, stood up.

"The five of us are not professional duelists, so we lost in the one-on-one duel. If we can concentrate our strength, we will definitely take over the body and complete our revenge!"

"Oh? Is that really the case? Interesting, haha, it's really interesting!"

It must be said that Ooka Chikuzen's words really aroused Naiya's interest. Looking at Li Youfeng who was wiping his sweat on the surveillance screen, Naiya's eyes flashed with a cold smile.

"I can give the five of you another chance, and this time, I will agree that the five of you can share one body, but the target of your duel must be chosen by me!"

"If you can defeat that person, I will show mercy and grant you five bodies."

"Oh!!!" After hearing Naya's promise, the five giants became excited at the same time.

"Lord Naia, you are so generous. I will never forget your kindness."

"Great, now our chances of winning are even better, and this time we finally have a chance to get our bodies back!"

"Lord Naiya, please rest assured. This time it is not only for you, but also for ourselves, so the five of us will definitely go all out!"

Hearing Naiya's relief, the five giants also became excited at the same time. After all, for them now, as long as they can return to the real world,���So it doesn't seem so important to take someone's body.


Li Youfeng jumped off the trailer and said,"Isn't this more exciting than riding a roller coaster?"

However, just as he was wiping his sweat with his sleeves, Jonouchi and Peacock Dance surrounded him at the same time.

"Hey, You Feng, how come you have a black magician card? And your black magician is completely different from the black magician in the game, can you show it to me?"

"Mai is right, You Feng, I should have thought of it a long time ago. When you were able to give Yugi such a precious card on the ship to the Duel Kingdom, you must have a card of Black Magic. I didn't expect you to be so secretive and even have such a precious and rare card as the Black Magician. Hurry up and take it out and show it to us!"

"Huh?! Well then!"

Being watched expectantly by Jonouchi and Kongquewu, Li Youfeng could only take out the red-robed version of the Black Magician.

"Wow, it’s different from the Black Magician in the game!"

"That's right, but the name of the card is indeed the Black Magician, so it can't be faked."

Seeing this card, Kongquewu and Jonouchi both showed a happy smile, and this feeling was like fans getting the autograph of their idol.

As for Kongquewu and Jonouchi's reaction, Li Youfeng could understand it. Just like the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in Kaiba Seto's hand, in this world where duels are respected, the Black Magician is also an extremely rare card.

Just imagine, the fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon alone can attract countless customers in the game store, so it is not surprising that Jonouchi and Kongquewu are interested in this red-robed version of the Black Magician.

Because they were too excited, the two even overlooked a very serious problem, that is, why Li Youfeng took out this card in this virtual world where the information of the Red-Robed Black Magician had never been entered.

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