Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 197 Memories of Isis

Whether it is Tapirang who is possessed by a dark personality or Malik who shows another artistic personality, they were all selected by the "evil" camp's thousand-year-old artifact, and possess special existences that surpass ordinary human beings.

As a mortal, Jonouchi, despite having a tenacious will that cannot be killed no matter what, is like Xiao Qiang, but he is unable to pose any substantial threat to the above existences that transcend common sense.

Although I hate to admit it, the only ones who can really fight against those guys are Yu Zero, Yugi, and... that bastard Kaiba who have the same power!

"Damn it, I get angry just thinking about it! Damn it, Kaiba, why did you let that bastard Malik participate in the competition! If you just eliminate him, wouldn't there be so much trouble?"

As companions, Tapirang and Peacock Wu fell into their current state due to duels.

Looking at his sister's condition, Jonouchi suddenly thought of this, and suddenly appeared in his mind, Kaiba posing with a cold face as he held a cup, shouting to himself with disdain, "A mere mortal, he is worthy of this." Shall we fight?" is a classic scene.

Unable to understand Kaiba's intention, Jonouchi was even more angry. While gritting his teeth hard, he walked to the refrigerator in the room, opened several bottles of high-end drinks placed in it, and poured it towards his He poured it into his mouth.

"Huh? What are you doing Jonouchi?"

Seeing the confusing actions shown by Jonouchi, who likes to play cards that don't follow the rules, Yu Ling slowly asked a question: "Even if you are very thirsty, there is no need for you to act so hungry, right?"

What are you doing in the city? Now, are you planning to turn your grief and anger into appetite, and rely on this method to resolve the dissatisfaction and depression in your heart?

"Tons, tons, tons...do I need to say this?"

Jonouchi, who drank the liquid in the bottle suddenly, stopped what he was doing, wiped his mouth, and responded to Yu Ling with a matter-of-fact expression: "All this happening now is all because of that bastard Kaiba! What if? As the organizer of the competition, he directly disqualified Malik from being a birdman, so there wouldn’t be as many things happening now!”

"I have to drink that bastard Kaiba until he goes bankrupt today! Tons, tons, tons... let me teach you a lesson, stupid Kaiba!"

Everyone: "..."

Feeling a little speechless at Jonouchi's tricky remarks and slightly childish behavior, Yu Ling immediately shrugged his shoulders and explained to him who was busy gathering seahorse wool: "Although... one of the God Cards [Wings of the Sun God Dragon] is in the hands of Malik, and if he is not allowed to participate, how can Kaiba find a reasonable reason to take away the hidden cards he owns?"

Malik is not a fool. You Ling's ability to trick his Sky Dragon with an unexpected move is already the result of various coincidences.

If you still hope to rely on other methods to snatch the Winged Dragon from his increasingly cautious hands, the difficulty is indeed a bit extreme.

Moreover, from You Ling's point of view, he had promised Isis to bring Malik, the stinky brother who had gone astray, back to the right path, so he would not miss this opportunity.

Generally speaking, You Ling still agrees with Kaiba's approach of only asking about strength but not the source, so that the opponent will be convinced of the defeat.

"Well...this...what you said makes sense..."

After Yu Ling's reminder, Jonouchi realized that the current situation was indeed what it was. He opened his mouth and felt speechless.

Glancing at his sister who was being hugged by Kyoko, patting her head and comforting her, Jonouchi felt a little irritated about his current powerlessness, and then continued to drink the high-end drink in his hand, swallowing the frustrated mood that emerged in his heart. , and vented it on Kaiba's account.

It's so annoying, it's all that guy Kaiba's fault! Just because he wanted to collect the three God Cards through duel, that's why he has so many pressing matters now!

In short, Kaiba’s diss is over!

Katsuya in our castle swears to sworn sworn enemies with Seto Kaiba!

"Everyone... no matter what happens, you must remember and never take your eyes away."

Walking to the side of Shizuka who looked sad, Isis, as a close elder sister, softly comforted the little sister in front of her: "Miss Shizuka, even in this world full of sadness, there are still people who are desperately reaching out. , hoping to see the true face of this world, so what you just said is actually not quite right."

"Miss Isis..."

From Isis, everyone present suddenly felt a strong feeling of sadness.

Compared to when she witnessed her brother's evil behavior just now, Isis seems to have a stronger desire to talk in her heart.

Noticing Isis's state, You Ling immediately took the initiative to hold her hand, conveying to her the courage to speak in this silent way.

Looking at You Ling who took the initiative to hold his hand and give him courage, he realized that he was not fighting alone now, but Isis, who was accompanying him to fulfill his mission, felt an unprecedented feeling in his heart. courage.

"In fact, since ancient Egypt, our tomb-guarding clan has sacrificed many of our compatriots in order to complete a certain mission. One of that mission is to protect the huge power contained in the thousand-year-old artifact."

"The tomb-guarding clan..."

Noticing what Isis was saying about her past, everyone couldn't help but turn their gazes simultaneously, looking in the direction of Isis and You Ling beside her.

"Miss Isis, aren't you Malik's biological sister?"

Facing Isis as the client, Xiaobiao, who had had some brief exchanges with her before, recalled Malik's declaration just now and couldn't help but ask questions in confusion: "Please tell me, why did Malik do this?" So you want my life? How can he be so hostile to me?"

Why is Malick's dark personality so eager to cause harm to others and destroy the world?

If the people affected by the Millennium Artifact have the same evil side as him, then why didn’t I, as the host of the Millennium Building Block, become like him?

"Mr. Game... The person Malik is hostile to is not you, but the [other me] in your mouth, your dark side personality that represents the nameless Pharaoh."

Noticing Muto Yugi's question to her, Isis was silent for a moment, looked at Xiaobiao seriously, and told him the answer she wanted to know.

The starfish-headed boy in the field of vision is named Muto Yugi, and in his body resides the soul of the unknown pharaoh.

Chosen by the Millennium Building Blocks, he is a special person like Malik and You Ling.

If it were him, if it were now, there might be no need to hide this secret.

"Malik wants the life of [another me]? Why? Isn't he a member of the tomb-keeper family like you?"

Still feeling some doubts in his heart, Xiao Biao spoke again and asked the answer he wanted to know.

In the next duel, he is likely to encounter Dark Malik.

If he didn't know why he hated himself so much and wanted to destroy everything so much, he would always have an unforgettable feeling in his heart.

"...I understand, Mr. Yugi, and everyone... taking this opportunity, I will tell you who don't know the inside story about the tragedy that happened in my Isildar family."

Sensing the emotion contained in Xiao Biao's words, Isis sighed slightly and spoke softly about what she knew about what happened in the past.

"We, the Isildar family, guard two of the seven thousand-year-old artifacts and the memory fragments of the Pharaoh. We are the orthodox descendants of the tomb-guarding clan of ancient Egypt..."

"Our clan, which shoulders a great mission, lives far away from society and secretly deep underground... And those who are responsible for inheriting the tomb-guarding clan will use the unique rituals of the tomb-guarding clan to pass the memory of the Pharaoh through a strange process. The words are engraved on the back, and contact with secular society is prohibited. This is... the life given to my younger brother who was born as the heir."

Engraved on Malik's back are the fragments of Wang Yang's lost memory.

He was originally just a simple and good boy. After going through the painful inheritance ceremony, his personality changed drastically, and this was how he developed the dark personality that everyone saw just now.

If Lishid had not taken the initiative to carve the same mark on his face and prevented Dark Malik from further rampage, it would not be surprising that something serious would have happened in the future.

"That tragedy happened five years ago, a year after Malik's inheritance ceremony."

After sorting out the memories in her heart, Isis showed a look of reminiscence and continued: "At that time, Malik had always longed for the outside world. He came to me secretly and said that he wanted to see the world on earth. See, I want to escape from this dark life of living underground."

"After discussing with Lishid and I, we made the decision and helped him hide it from his pedantic father, and quietly sent him out while the elders were sleeping."

Just going outside to play and experience the life of a normal child is not an unforgivable thing.

In Malik's view at the time, even if his father found out about sneaking out later, there would not be any too harsh punishment.

As a sister, Isis thought that Malik's life was already gloomy enough.

For him who was chosen as the heir, if nothing unexpected happens, he will spend his whole life in the dark world like his predecessors.

As the elder sister, Isis wanted to make up for the lack of care her father gave Malik to her younger brother, so she acquiesced to his willfulness and broke the strict rule that the tomb-keepers could not go to the outside world.

"It's okay, sister. If you just go to the outside world and take a look, your father won't find out!"

"Malik, what are you talking about? If the adults find out about this, it's no joke! This kind of behavior that breaks family rules cannot be forgiven by my father..."

"It doesn't matter. I'm the next heir. What else can they do to me? And even if something happens, Lishid will help us fool him, right? I said that. Makes sense, right?”


Lishid, who was not good at speaking, was standing by Malik's side. After hearing his words, he just nodded slightly, acquiescing to this.

For him, who was adopted by the Isildar family, Isis and Malik were like his younger siblings and needed the protection of his older brother.

Faced with Malik's reasonable request for a child of this age, as an older brother, he would naturally not choose to refuse.

"Sister, I want to see the outside world no matter what. No matter what...please, just once is enough, just let me see the last time..."


"elder sister!"

Just when Isis, who was also younger, was hesitant about this, Lishid, who was guarding Malik, spoke again and made his promise to her: "Miss Isis, the rest Leave these to me, and please fulfill Lord Malik’s wish.”

"Lishid, you...I understand, then let's go take a look outside together in the morning."

"Great, I knew you would agree, sister!"

"Although I agreed, one code equals one code... Listen carefully Malik, we can only go out for an hour this time. When the time is up, we must come back no matter what."

"I see!"

In this way, under the various requests of the young Malik, Lishid acted as a cover for Isis and Malik, who planned to leave the underground temporarily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the older Isis secretly took Malik outside with a torch, realizing his little wish.

It had been a long time since he had seen the sunlight from the outside world. The moment he left the underground space, Malik was blinded by the dazzling rays of the sun.

Covering his eyes with his palms, Malik squinted through his fingers to feel the morning light that appeared in the distance as the sun rose, and breathed in the fresh and free air. What emerged in his heart was... A kind of [Electronic Dragon]-like feeling of pleasure after turning on "Restrictions Lift".

The light from the sun was the first time Malik felt the light with his whole body.

After coming out of the dark underground world, he freely shuttled through the crowded market and felt a novel experience that he had not had in a long time...

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