Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 198 I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light

Awesome, is this what you call a city?

So many people, so many wonderful sights!

After being temporarily liberated from his long-term repressed life, Malik came to the earthly world with Isis and breathed in the air of freedom that filled his body.

Although Isis warned Malik not to come into contact with outside objects or have too much contact with the outside world, Malik, who was still a child, did not take her warning to heart.

Randomly picking up a magazine discarded by tourists on the ground, Malik saw the animals and motorcycle patterns depicted on it. Malik, who was deeply curious about this prop that could sit on people, borrowed some information from a vendor next to him. The TV on display shows another side of the world.

Looking at the man riding a motorcycle wantonly on the TV screen, what appeared in Malik's eyes was a deep yearning and envy.

"Little brother? Is TV such a novel thing?"

Noticing the excitement on Malik's face, the stall owner couldn't help but ask Malik curiously as he stood beside the stall.

Just when Malik was subconsciously about to answer, Isis, who came after hearing the news, quickly grabbed his arm and took him away.

"It's amazing, sister, you can see things in that box! Why don't we have such magical props at home?"

Being led away from the crowd by Isis, Malik, who was still in a state of excitement, shared his happy mood with her.

"That thing is a 'television'."

"Really? I saw a strange thing on that TV. What was that thing that could move with someone sitting on it?"

"...That one is called a 'motorcycle'."

"It turns out to be a motorcycle~ It's so awesome!"

Recalling the handsome appearance of the motorcycles he had just seen in magazines and TV, Malik, who was led away from the market by his sister Isis, could not help but have a sad look in his eyes, "But, in my future, I'm afraid you can't ride a motorcycle in such a wide area in your life, right?"


Hearing her brother talking to himself unconsciously, Isis stopped and was silent for a moment.

After calming down, she turned around and looked at her younger brother who had a longing look on his face, "We should go back. The time we have to come out has reached the limit."

"Hey? Is it time already?"

"We can't stay any longer. Lishid is still helping us hide it, so we can't let him continue to worry."

"Is this so...I understand."

I don't know when I will have such a free opportunity in the future. When Malik heard Isis's reminder, his eyes showed uncontrollable disappointment.

Compared to the seemingly endless dark years in the underground world, the time outside now flies too fast.

I just came out and walked around for a while, without looking at anything in detail. An hour passed quietly and unknowingly.

"Sister, before I go back, would you like me to take away this motorcycle page from the magazine?"

"No, what if your father discovers it? If he knows that you have been to the outside world quietly, it will be very troublesome!"


"...There's really nothing I can do against you."

Sighing deeply, looking at her younger brother who was like a wounded puppy, longing for the care of his family, Isis finally agreed to his little wish, "If you only take this page, it should not be... Father found it, you have to hide it well...Sa, let's go back."

"Ah! I know!"

After receiving Isis's permission, Malik quickly tore off the page of the motorcycle magazine, folded it and hid it in his pocket.

However, just when the siblings were about to embark on their return journey, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Isis and Malik.

"The Pharaoh's soul will be resurrected soon..."

With the Ankh-shaped Millennium Key hanging on her chest and her eyes losing their luster, Xia Di Xin took the initiative to appear in front of the Isildar siblings.

While blocking the two people's return journey, Xia Di said some incomprehensible words to them in a tone unique to the magic stick.

"Pharaoh? How do you know this...who are you?"

Noticing the Millennium Key hanging on Xia Di's chest, Isis, who was strongly wary of this mysterious man, protected her frightened brother behind her and raised her doubts towards Xia Di.

"People of the tomb-guarding clan, the fate that will guide you and the upcoming tragedy are all the will of the Pharaoh. Just go and find the soul of the Pharaoh..."

"You are...wait!!!"

After saying this, Xia Di took the initiative to turn away from the two of them.

Thinking about the information contained in Xia Di's words, Isis suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart. She subconsciously wanted to reach out and stop Xia Di. However, the other party disappeared in the blink of an eye. In a sea of ​​people.

"Tragedy? The will of the Pharaoh?"

Although he didn't quite understand what Xia Di meant, Malik memorized the keywords contained in his words.

In other words, is the reason why their tomb-guarding clan has become what it is now, and why they have to undergo such painful inheritance rituals before, is it actually because of that pharaoh?

"The person who appeared next to you at that time was that guy Xia Di, right?"

Listening to Isis' words with everyone, after hearing the person who took the initiative to appear in front of their siblings and speaking inexplicable words in a godly tone, You Ling automatically thought of that person. The figure of a thousand-year-old magic stick dressed as an ascetic, with a turban wrapped around his head.

For some unknown reason, Xia Di would always appear mysteriously next to the holders of the Millennium Artifact, giving them intentional guidance.

The Millennium Key in You Ling's hand was the trophy he had won from Xia Di during his previous duel.

Along the way, this thousand-year-old artifact can be said to have helped You Ling a lot.

If it weren't for this thing, the current You Ling might have fallen into Malik's unexpected trick and disappeared into the darkness of defeat...

"Compared with Xia Di's matter, the thing I care more about is that Malik, who makes people shudder, actually has such a past..."

Hearing the scene from Malik's past for the first time, a strange light appeared in his eyes, "At that time, he was still a child who yearned for the outside world, right, but why did he become like this?"

"What happened to him during this time?"

Shizuka, who couldn't understand how a person could change so much, asked Isis, the person involved, on behalf of everyone who was also curious about this.

"... Regarding this, it happened after Malik and I returned home after coming to the outside world."

With a sad look on her face, Isis continued: "Because I broke the family rules and allowed Malik, as the heir, to see the outside world, the fate of destruction befell the Isildar family... …”

"Sister, that person just now disappeared? That strange person with a cross around his neck..."

Malik, who was chasing Shadi with Isis, was very curious about the Millennium Key hanging on his chest, "Speaking of which, the thing hanging on his chest is really the same as the Millennium Jewelry and Millennium Tin Staff that our family protects. They look similar, could it be that they are also other thousand-year-old artifacts?"

"...Malik, you can't talk about the Millennium Artifact outside!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, sister..."

"Hey, forget about all these things today, including what we saw outside and what happened to the person we just met... just treat us as if we have never been here before."

"I see……"

After failing to find any trace of Xia Di, the two siblings searched to no avail, and then returned to the secret entrance known only to the tomb-guarding clan.

"I have to go back in here again."

"Malik, you have to follow me quietly."

"Ah...sister! Wait for me!"

Just when Isis was about to take Malik back to her residence quietly, Malik suddenly discovered something and called out to Isis who was taking a step forward.

Under Isis's confused gaze, Malik, holding a motorcycle flyer in his hand, came to a broken stone wall and started driving it as a motorcycle.

Unfolding the color page with the motorcycle pattern that he had torn out from the magazine, Malik closed his eyes and tried to imagine the beautiful scene of himself riding a motorcycle in his mind.

If he had a choice, he hoped that his life could be different.

He was not interested in the mission of the tomb-guarding clan or the responsibilities and privileges of the Isildar family at all.

In the final analysis, all he wants is freedom.

"Malik? Are you satisfied? Time is running out."

"I know, sister...I'll be here right away..."

With Isis' urging words echoing in his ears, Malik stood up reluctantly and followed behind Isis.

Just as he stepped into the secret entrance, Malik, who felt something, subconsciously raised his head and looked in the direction above his head: "Hey? Sister, look, what is that gear? Is it some kind of mechanism?"

"What... mechanism?!"

Hearing Malik's voice, Isis reacted quickly and raised her head in the direction of his finger.

Then, like Malik, she noticed the stone door mechanism that was open at the moment. The other side of the mechanism extended toward the end of the passage.

When she came out just now, Isis didn't notice this because it was too dark.

After being reminded by Malik at this moment, Isis, who noticed this, suddenly had a look of astonishment on her face.

Oops! In this case... Lishid's side...

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Why does your expression suddenly become so scary?"

Seeing Isis' face gradually turning pale, Malik couldn't help but slowly asked a question, "Did something happen at home?"


"Sister, what happened?"

Under the gaze of Malik, who looked puzzled, Isis suddenly quickened her pace and ran towards the inside of the passage.

Malik, who followed Isis diligently and listened to her shouting to himself, "Forgive us, Father," and "We won't do this again next time," had doubts on his face. It couldn't help but become even worse.

What happened suddenly?

Aren't you just going out for a walk? Even if it's discovered, it's not a big deal, right?

Why is my sister so nervous?


"Lishid? Why is he missing?"

Returning to her room with Isis, looking at the messy scene in the room, Isis, who had a bad premonition coming true before her eyes, immediately covered her mouth.

Not finding the figure of Lishid who treated him tenderly like an older brother and was here to cover for them, Malik, who felt a little anxious in his heart, immediately began to search for him in each room one by one.

Finally, following the direction of a certain scream that kept ringing out, Malik finally saw Lishid's body being restrained.

His own father, the man who was extremely harsh to their siblings and the man who had carved indelible marks on his back with his own hands, was swinging the long whip in his hand with a fierce look on his face at this moment, punishing Li who had lost the ability to resist. Sid.

Compared with when Isis and Malik left before, Lishid now only had half a breath left and could die on the spot at any time.

However, even so, Malik's father still had no plans to stop.

"Lishid, you damn bitch! Sure enough, I shouldn't have adopted you, a beast!"

There was strong hatred in his words, and even though he noticed Malik returning and rushing here, and Isis who came with him behind him, Malik's father, the patriarch of the Isildar family, still didn't take any care.

After waving the whip vigorously and whipping Lishid who screamed until he passed out, panting, he turned to the two siblings at the entrance and shook the whip in his hand at them: "Malik...and Isis, have you two seen this? This is the fate of those who dare to violate the clan rules!"

"The reason why Lixide was punished was because you two broke the clan rules!!!"

"how come……"

Isis, who heard her father say this with her own ears, could not accept the current reality and covered her cheeks with her hands.

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