Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 294 You Ling: There is no duelist more caring than me.

Just like the puppet that was killed by Yu Ling in [Oliha Gang's Barrier], Bekas, who was defeated in the duel now, will also face a similar fate.

As the duel officially ended, the turquoise hexagram barrier that sensed the existence of the loser also locked onto Becas, who had been knocked unconscious by the impact just now, and automatically contracted, completely absorbing Becas's soul. The earth package absorbed it, and planned to send it to the temple where the god Oliha Gang was sleeping.

Different from ordinary duelists, Becas, as the father of duel monsters, has a special significance and is a great tonic for the sea snake that Dazi believes in.

As long as a certain number of souls of founder-level duelists like Bekas can be absorbed, the day when the "god" will be revived will be greatly advanced.

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is that You Ling must be a person who is truly loyal to the "Doma Organization" and to Dazi, rather than a young man with ulterior motives.

"Okay, Becas has passed out now... Weier, hurry up and take action! Let us give the sea snake a surprise that cannot be refused!"

Seeing that the modified version of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that had absorbed Becas's soul was about to escape, You Ling quickly called Wei'er, who had been waiting beside him, and asked her to seize the time to get started with this thing.

After being "magically modified" by Wei Er, the biggest change in [Oliha Gang's Barrier] was the removal of the negative impact on the duelist himself.

According to Dazi's original plan, at the moment when [Oliha Gang's Barrier] is activated, You Ling will be completely washed away by the negative aura of the "dark side of the world" from beginning to end. He was reborn as an apostle.

However, with the "Great Sage of Crystallization" as his helper, You Ling directly broke this inherent concept that should have appeared and eliminated the negative effects that should have had on himself.

For the current Yu Ling, [Oliha Gang's Barrier] is just an ordinary field magic card with the effect of increasing attack power.

Of course, in order not to alert the enemy and let Dazi discover the problem, Weier did not modify the effect of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that absorbs the soul of the loser.

At this time, if You Ling does nothing, then Bekas's absorbed soul will truly be transported to the temple where Dazi is, and become a sacrifice to those who have been regarded as "gods" for tens of thousands of years. "One of the many reliefs.

This kind of result of adding attributes to the villain BOSS is something You Ling doesn't want to see.

Therefore, at this time, he decided to give Dazi and Big Sea Snake a hidden surprise so that it would no longer affect his subsequent arrangements.

"Come on, come on~ It's time for me to appear~ Let Master see my performance!"

After releasing the magic of complete invisibility, the blue-haired witch sitting on the floating crystal ball quickly flashed in front of Becas amidst You Ling's urging.

Wei'er, who gently waved her arms to guide the crystal staff floating beside her, used a method that You Ling couldn't understand to forcefully suppress the green barrier that she originally planned to escape on the spot. land.

Although he was aware of the bad [Oliha Gang's Barrier], he was running around subconsciously like a mad dog, trying to get rid of this restrained state. However, under the power of Wei Er who specializes in magic manipulation, , all its resistance, which had been magically modified in advance, were just futile and fearless actions.

Under the power of the crystallized Great Sage, this mass-produced version of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] can only be reduced to a tamed native dog.

"By the way, Weier, I want to know the relationship between Becas and Xia Di. Can you help me read his current memory?"

"Well, this kind of thing is easy for people~"

In response to You Ling's inquiry, Weier smiled and suggested: "By the way, Master, Becas is currently in a coma and has lost consciousness... In fact, not only can we completely read his memory, but we can even You can also modify his memory so that he treats you as your reincarnated parent? Why don’t you try this kind of interesting thing?"

"This... forget it."

After briefly imagining the weird scene in his mind of Becas shouting "Daddy" to himself with poor spoken English, You Ling couldn't help but feel a layer of goosebumps on his body, and decisively refused. Accepted Weier's suggestion.


This kind of thing is too low-key, so let’s forget it!

Tsk tsk tsk... Wei'er who can think of such a thing is quite powerful in every sense of the word...

"What a pity..."

I don’t know if it’s true regret or fake regret.

Anyway, Weier sighed slightly and ended the current topic.

While sealing off the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] who wanted to escape, she waved her hand to drive the crystal-colored magic flow, and presented the memory fragments in Becas's mind to You Ling in the form of image projection. Within sight.

The images of those memory fragments include the relationship between Becas and Xia Di.

As You Ling expected, Xia Di, as the "Millennium Director", guided Bekas, who was visiting Egypt, to the hidden temple where the "Rite of Duel" stone was stored underground in Egypt, and then the inspiration exploded. Becas, the card that creates duel monsters, and three "God Cards" with special meanings.

However, that meeting was not their last meeting.

The Millennium Key was indeed something that Xia Di deliberately gave to You Ling. The reason why Xia Di did this was to allow You Ling, a visitor from another world who was difficult to control, a being they called "Prana", to come to you. Assist Wang Xiang to complete his trial.

In the previous duel cities, Xia Di's presence had actually always existed.

Many events, including Malik's darkening and Gurus's death, were also promoted by Xia Di behind the scenes.

From the original point of view, Xia Di has no grudge against You Ling. His goal has always been to guide the king's soul to complete the trials in the human world, and then return to the underworld at his last moment.

However, You Ling's existence will hinder Xia Di's original arrangements and cause his script to have uncontrollable results.

That's why Xia Di, who judged You Ling as a threat, had previously launched a sacred duel challenge against You Ling.

After the incident in Duel City, before the Doma Organization appeared, Xia Di also visited Bekas again and handed him a blank card in advance, and then never appeared again. .

The card given by Xia Di, on the surface, is just a blank card, just a carrier of energy.

It doesn't have any special power.

That blank card is now hidden inside the Pot of Desire and other gadgets deep in his room by Becas. If You Ling wants it, it only takes a few seconds to get it.

In the original plot, the blank card will later become a special "Legendary Heart", awakening the true form of the three legendary dragons, and giving Wang Xiang the ability to cheat in the final decisive battle. Summon the invincible "Heshenlong Timaeus" to deliver a blow of heavenly punishment to the cult leader Dazi and the snake god with infinite attack power on his field!

The current card does not have such ability.

It seems that we have to wait for Wang Xiang to seal the card.

Thinking of this, You Ling decisively gave up on this blank card, which was basically useless to him.

If we calculate the time, Wang Yiang and his party, who were invited by Becas who sensed the crisis, should arrive in the beautiful country soon.

Just think of this blank card as a gift for them.

"So, is that guy Xia Di causing trouble again? He knew that the Doma Organization would come out to cause trouble, so he used this roundabout way to give Wang Yang and the others new help..."

"Where is Xia Di now? Is he traveling in a certain dimension, or is he watching every move in this world behind the scenes?"

In the memory fragments of Becas, You Ling noticed that Xia Di, who finally came to find Becas, was holding a square object with an edge missing in his hand, which was called the eighth thousand-year artifact— — "Quantum Cube".

Unlike several other thousand-year artifacts, the Quantum Cube (Dimensional Cube, Square Boundary) in Xia Di's hand is the eighth thousand-year item that leads to the door to the dimensional realm.

The huge power hidden in it can make the seven "Millennium Artifacts" on the Millennium Stone Tablet be reconciled into "Complete Goodness" to achieve the ascent of the dimension and thus save all mankind.

However, when the king's soul reappeared in the world, the quantum cube lost its power.

So in the original work, Xia Di Xin tried to collect seven thousand-year-old artifacts, and sent the soul of the king who had recovered his true name to the underworld, and then gradually built a new world.

It is worth mentioning that the Quantum Cube is the gateway to the Utopia for the selected people through dimensional transformation.

However, in the dimensional realm, as long as you are contaminated with a little hatred, you will be sucked into the dark dimension.

This is why in the original theatrical version, the Blue God who was defeated by Xiao Biao turned into that monster under the influence of the "Millennium Wheel of Wisdom".

If Wang Xiang hadn't come to the rescue later and smashed the Blue God controlled by the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom with one blow, at that time, maybe the whole world would really have ushered in the fall of the "Fang Realm God" under the power of evil. The end of destruction...

"...Okay, I already know the information I want."

He roughly scanned the memory fragments in Becas's mind and got the key information he wanted.

You Ling gave further instructions to Weier who was waiting quietly: "Weier, finally add some 'sleeping black tea' ingredients to the sea snake, and then let go of the barrier."


To the soul of Becas, who was bound by [Oliha Gang's Barrier], he secretly added some "secret seasoning" that was enough to make the "God of Oli Hagang" sleep for hundreds of years.

At You Ling's suggestion, Wei'er, who completed this quality operation, immediately took the initiative to release the magical restraints on [Oliha Gang's Barrier].


[Oliha Gang's Barrier], which had been liberated from Wei Er's hands, wandered and hesitated for a while, as if wondering why the hateful blue-haired witch who caught him suddenly let him go...

However, it does not have enough intelligence and is just acting based on instinct. It does not realize that it has been secretly tricked.

Driven by the sacred mission, [Oliha Gang's Barrier] immediately passed through the shackles of the ceiling, soared into the sky towards the temple where Dazi was, and disappeared from You Ling's sight.

Becas's abducted soul was secretly unearthed by Weier with a lot of "black material". Its existence itself is now almost a huge "explosive bomb" aimed at the sea snake.

Now, he can not only guide You Ling to the location of Dazi's real body, but he can also make the sleeping God of Oliha Gang fall into a deeper sleep without being noticed.

"By the way, Master, what should I do with Becas's body?"

"Ah, um... don't worry about him, just leave him alone. Anyway, those people who will come over later will naturally help us deal with these funeral affairs."

In the original work, Becas, whose soul was hunted by the peacock dance, also lost consciousness and became a vegetative state. Not long after, he noticed something strange and the security guards who came over sent him to the hospital.

As the president of the International Fantasy Society and a well-known boss in the world, You Ling doesn't have to worry about Becas's treatment at all.

Eat and drink well in a private high-end hospital, and then have a "sex scene" for a period of time.

When Becas wakes up, this incident will be over, and there is no need for him to continue to worry about the "Oliha Gang" problem.

Ah~ I came in advance to help Becas solve the problem. There is no one more caring than me in this world~

Taking one last look at Becas lying on the ground waiting for death and the place where the blank card was placed, You Ling immediately left the place with Weier.

"Hmph, that guy You Ling... finally completed tonight's mission?"

After noticing the soaring turquoise light pillar that appeared in the sky just now, and realizing that Yu Ling's mission had been completed, Amaluda crossed his arms with a look of understanding.

As a cadre of the Doma organization and one of the "Three Musketeers" like Baron, Yameruda is naturally very familiar with this light of Oliha Gang, which has a special symbolic meaning.

There is no doubt that the appearance of this beam of light means that someone was defeated in the duel, and his soul was sent to the location of the god Oliha Gang.

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