Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 295 Basic Training of Actors

In addition to Yameruda, one of the "Three Musketeers of Doma", who was responsible for monitoring Yu Ling under the instruction of Da Zi and came with him to perform the mission, at this moment, in the area where the International Fantasy Society is located Around the area, the only person with the power of Oriha Gang was Yu Ling, who had just joined the Doma organization and was given the Oriha Gang Stone and the card by Dazi himself.

In order to ostensibly show his loyalty to the leader of the Doma Organization, the ten thousand-year-old Yinbi Dazi, in exchange for the Doma Organization's trust in him, You Ling chose to take the initiative and take over the hunting duel monster instead of Peacock Wu. The soul of Becas, the father of this mission.

Thinking about it in Amaluda's mind, an old guy like Becas who has been abandoned by the times, even if the small universe explodes and cheats on the spot during the duel, there is absolutely no way he can be one of the "Duel Kings" in the world. Then Yu Ling's opponent possesses unshakable strength.

After such analysis, the result of this duel is obvious.

The person whose soul was taken away by Oliha Gang's barrier just now must be Bekas.

Yu Ling, who joined their Doma organization, did not fish in troubled waters in this important outpost mission. Instead, as he said, he proved his sincerity by defeating Bekas and reconciled with the past. Those relationships were completely waved goodbye.

After personally hunting Becas's soul, now, You Ling has no way to look back.

From now on, he will be completely bound to the Doma Organization...and then gradually become the enemy of the whole world through missions and battles!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Duel King You Ling is really working. It seems that even the foresighted Lord Dazi sometimes makes misjudgments..."

"In order to prevent our Doma organization from losing an important future combat capability, I must also give a complete report to Lord Dazi on what happened here."

The people who commanded the Doma organization cleared the surrounding secret posts, reported what they saw and heard to the local Oliha Gang organization branch through the communication equipment in their hands, and asked them to inform Yameruda of Dazi. , and then returned to the roof to wait for You Ling to show up.

Just as Amaluda expected, a moment later, the figure of You Ling, who had solved Becas's problem and completed the hunting mission, appeared in his field of vision without any surprise.

Waved at the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] in his hand that sealed Bekas's soul, Yu Ling raised the corners of his lips in synchronization and gestured to Yameruda who was waiting here. An "OK" gesture.

"Hey, it looks like you've already dealt with Becas, Duel King Yu Rei."

Although he had predicted this result in advance, Yameruda still habitually confirmed it again with Yu Ling himself.

Only by getting the accurate answer from You Ling in person could he completely relax and carry out his next mission.

Dazi plans to take advantage of this period to acquire the International Fantasy Club. After You Ling solves the boss, it will be his turn to perform as Ameruda.

"Ah, the mission was successfully completed... Here is the card that seals Becas's soul. Please help me pass it on to Lord Dazi."

While walking towards Amaluda, Yu Ling, who kept his face expressionless, threw the card in his hand towards Amaluda who was waiting for him.

Observing You Ling's actions, and subconsciously extending his arm, Amaluda took the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that You Ling flew towards him.

Looking carefully at the "Enochian Letters" depicted on it, as well as the image of Bekas with a desperate expression on his face and his soul sealed in the barrier printed in the card, Ameru Da suddenly raised the corners of his mouth with satisfaction, showing a meaningful expression.

During this hunting operation, You Ling successfully completed the task assigned to him by Dazi, and waved his rebellious butcher knife at Becas, the father of duel monsters, without hesitation.

With the disappearance of Bekas, who has the ability to "print cards", a huge obstacle will be reduced on the way forward for the Doma organization to achieve its great cause.

As for You Ling, after passing the numerous trials that Dazi put on him, he became official "comrades" with Barong and Amaluda, and became another member of the "Doma Organization". A sharp sword.

You Ling now has the qualifications to be trusted by them.

I believe that with the official joining of Duel King Yu Rei, the Doma Organization will become a more powerful existence than before in the future!

"By the way, Amaluda, actually I have been having a problem..."

"Oh? What's the problem?"

Looking at his colleague who was looking at him with a smile, You Ling handed the card in his hand, and asked him unconsciously: "Speaking of which, since I joined the Doma organization, I have never seen Lord Dazi. Now that he has his true form, is there any special reason why he specially uses that dark clone method to meet us newcomers?"

The look on You Ling's face at this moment was one of curiosity based on human nature.

And this question did not involve the secrets of the Doma organization, so Amaluda also gave his own answer to You Ling's question.

"Ah, that."

Yameruda raised his eyebrows habitually, and listened to You Ling's question with a wry smile on his face: "How should I put it, Lord Dazi's character is like this, even when facing many of us? Masan Swordsman is also very cautious... If you want to see his true form, you can only wait for his personal summons."

"Speaking of which, although Master Dazi is nominally the president of Paradis Company, the specific tasks are handled by our Three Musketeers and the company's secretaries.

Now Master Dazi is concentrating on the task of collecting high-quality souls from all over the world and resurrecting our great god. He can hardly leave the temple. "

"...Temple? Is the temple where Master Dazi is located the temple where the god we believe in sleeps?"

Noticing the information contained in Yameruda's words, You Ling asked another question of his own while boarding the plane with him.

If You Ling remembers it correctly, in the original plot, after the three swordsmen of Doma snatched the cards of the "Three Fantasy Gods" from Xiaobiao and the others, they flew directly to the temple where Dazi was, and took those gods away. The cards were personally given to Dazi himself, and they became the source of energy for the resurrection of the "God of Oliha Gang".

During this process, the Three Musketeers naturally had the opportunity to know the true appearance of Dazi and the true location of the temple where he was located.

If Yu Ling had joined the Doma organization earlier and acted with the Three Musketeers, he might have had the opportunity to face Dazi himself while handing in the God Card.

But in that case, he will inevitably have to face his past friends. In that case, it may cause new problems...

In this kind of thing, it can only be said that there are gains and losses.

"Ah, that's right there. Master Dazi's body has always been meditating there. When we went to Tongshiye City to snatch the Three Fantasy God Cards from Muto Yugi's hand, Master Dazi was also in the temple. Driving the supreme divine power, it helped us resist the backlash brought by the God Card!"

Now that You Ling has become one of his own, there is no need for Yameruda to hide anything from him as one of his own.

After thinking for a while, Yameruda explained some of the information that could be given to the newcomer You Ling one by one.

Currently, Dazi is focusing all his energy on implementing the Ten Thousand Years Plan, while the specific affairs of Paratis Company are left to others to handle.

In the previous action of the Three Musketeers against Muto Yugi, there was also the assistance of the power of Dazi and the "God of Oliha Gang" behind it.

Therefore, Baron, Yameruda, and Rafilu were able to take away the God Card without any harm, without being punished by the thunder, and completed the mission with minimal losses.

During that card grabbing operation, the only person who was harmed was probably the last member of the Three Musketeers - Rafirou's subordinate, the Mediterranean uncle named Gulimo.

However, he lost to Wang Xiang in the card game. While buying time for the Three Musketeers to retreat, he also allowed his soul to return to the embrace of the God of Oliha Gang.

If we really want to calculate it, Dazi might still make a profit?

"Muto Yugi's three God Cards? Haha, if you really want to count them all, these cards should have been mine!"

You Ling, who disguised himself as a villain and infiltrated into the Doma organization, had a look of unwilling resentment flashing across his face at the right moment.

While looking at the gradually receding scenery outside the cabin, as the plane left the International Fantasy Club, Yu Ling let out a heartfelt sigh: "Huh! If it weren't for Yugi and Kaiba and those guys... relying on despicable means , if you force me to hand over the God Cards in my hand, now I can personally dedicate these cards to Lord Dazi!"

"Forced? Really? So there is such a thing..."

Sensing some information from You Ling's words, Amaluda raised his eyebrows and subconsciously expressed his emotion from his mouth.

His younger brother, who had been dependent on each other since childhood, died in the fire of weapons manufactured by Kaiba Company.

Because of this incident, one of the reasons why Amaluda, who had always had a huge prejudice against the Kaiba Group, joined the Doma Organization was to have the opportunity to exact revenge on Kaiba himself.

Although Gosaburo Kaiba, who used to sell weapons, has been turned into ashes, and the Kaiba Group has long since transformed from a military company to an entertainment company today, Yameruda still feels hard to let go of this.

At this moment, after learning in the chat that You Ling, like him, was a fellow traveler who had been suppressed and framed by the Kaiba Group, Ameruda could not help but feel a little sense of identification with You Ling.

As colleagues who also hated the Kaiba Group and had deep opinions on the showman Seto Kaiba, Ameluda and Yu Rei quickly became familiar with each other.

While learning some unknown secrets (just compiled by Yu Rei) from Yu Rei's mouth, Ameluda's impressions of Muto Games and Seto Kaiba also changed simultaneously. .

Recalling the time when he snatched the God Card from Muto Yugi's hand, the Muto Yugi guy still scolded him righteously, and a ridiculous thought emerged in Amaluda's heart. .

Haha...it's a good thing he has the nerve to accuse us of despicable behavior. In the final analysis, they are just a bunch of despicable people who take advantage of the situation to oppress others!

How can they, who have done what they did to You Ling at the same time, accuse our Doma organization of despicable actions?

"By the way Yu Ling, Lord Dazi said earlier that he wanted to acquire the International Fantasy Society, and I, who is in charge of this task, plan to disguise myself as Becas and confront that guy Kaiba... Wait until I send you back. After Paradis Company, your mission is officially over."

"Next, you can continue to wait in Paratis Company for the next instruction from Lord Dazi."

Amaluda has the ability to disguise himself as someone else.

After Yu Zero dealt with Becas himself, Amaluda planned to disguise himself as Becas, go to the island where the Duel Kingdom Tournament was held in the past, disguise himself as Becas, and send a message to Kaiba An invitation to challenge.

Becas turning into a vegetative state will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the International Fantasy Society. In order to prevent this impact from spreading, the people on the board of directors and Becas's adopted sons will definitely do their best. Can effectively cover up the information about Becas's accident.

And this gave Yameruda and Paradis the opportunity to take action.

Taking advantage of the period when Becas has just been dealt with and before everyone has time to react, Ameruda will directly use Becas's name and secretly use Paradis' funds to trade against the Haima Group's stocks. Make a hostile takeover...

Kaiba and Becas, who were originally rivals, had a grudge against each other, so it was very reasonable for such a conflict to occur.

In the name of Bekas, Haima's company was deliberately sanctioned, and the money in Haima's accounts continued to decrease through hostile acquisitions of stocks.

In this way, there is no fear that Kaiba himself, who discovered these things, will not come to accept the invitation to fight.

"Ah, I understand... let us carry out our respective tasks next."

Just like Ameruda deliberately concealed the secret from Yu Zero that [Olihagun's barrier] can actually be destroyed with the "Olihagan Stone".

After You Ling was done, he hid the secret from Ameruda about Becas's backhand, the blank card given by Xia Di.

You hide your secrets from me, and I will use the same tactics on you, retaliation for retaliation, very fair.

In Yu Ling's expectation, Xiao Biao and the others who came to the International Fantasy Club later should also be able to find the blank card that Beka specially left for them, the one used to communicate with Da Let's compete with the Oriha Gang deck of "Legendary Heart".

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