Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 304 Ritual Summoning, Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon!

"——Activate, [Oliha Gang's Barrier]!!!"

With a confident curve at the corner of his mouth, Amaluda directly held the field magic card in his hand, which was the iconic representative card of the Doma organization, and activated it at this moment.

Following his movements, the turquoise six-pointed star barrier suddenly appeared at his feet, and then spread quickly, wrapping the body of the seahorse opposite him.

The complete closed loop constitutes an absolute realm. From this moment until the end of the duel, no one can leave this divine realm.

"[Oliha Gang's Barrier]...what exactly is this?"

Looking at the green rings emerging on the ground around him, and feeling the negative aura coming from all directions, Kaiba's face suddenly showed a look of uncontrollable shock.

Although it was the first time for him to see [Oliha Gang's Barrier] activated, his instinct as a duelist still reminded Kaiba that this thing was definitely not something that could be ignored casually.

This so-called [Oliha Gang's Barrier] is no less powerful than the [Pyramid of Light] that Anubis deployed earlier! .

"[Oliha Gang's Barrier] is a powerful power given to us believers by our great god. Those who are locked in this barrier cannot leave until the duel is over, no matter what happens... This special venue is the most suitable place for you and me to fight to the death!"

Amaluda took a deep breath and activated the field magic card. While his eyes glowed red, a green six-pointed star luminous pattern appeared on his forehead simultaneously.

Facing the opposite Kaiba who was turning his head to look around, and feeling the endless power pouring into his body, Ameruda raised his eyebrows and said with a proud smile: "By the way... I lost in this duel. The soul of the other party will also be sealed by the barrier! If it fails, it will lose everything."

"What did you say...stop joking?!"

The words coming from Yameruda's mouth echoed in his ears. As a materialist, Kaiba always kept a distance from monsters and monsters, and a questioning look appeared on his face.

After the dark duel that Malik caused earlier, he saw something similar again.

Will you die if you lose at cards? What the hell is this principle?

Is this kind of thing... really scientific?

"……elder brother?!"

On the other side, watching his brother who was confronting the mysterious red-haired young man who called himself Ameruda, was suddenly involved in a dark green barrier, Keipei Kaiba, who was originally watching the battle on the high platform, He quickly used his short legs to return to the corridor behind Kaiba.

Just when Kaiba Keppei tried to get closer to his brother, a sudden repulsive force suddenly knocked his body away.

He allowed Keihe Kaiba to get up from the ground and slap the transparent barrier wall unfolding in front of him. The currently unfolded [Oliha Gang's Barrier] did not waver in the slightest.

Just like what Ameluda said, no one can escape safely from the inside of the barrier until the winner of the duel is determined.

"Tsk...it looks like a well-prepared trick!"

Kaiba smacked his lips impatiently, and noticed that his younger brother who was watching the battle was forcibly isolated from the barrier, and turned his attention to where Amaluda was again: "You said your name is Amaluda, right? Those Are the abnormal phenomena caused by the Duel Monsters and the acquisition of Kaiba Company's shares all secretly carried out by your so-called Doma organization?"

"Who knows...that kind of thing."

Shrugging his shoulders and facing Kaiba's question, Amaluda gave a noncommittal answer.

"Humph, you don't want to say that? Then let me change the question...Ameruda, what are you planning to do by staged this farce here?"

Since the other party is unwilling to admit the key issue, then change it to a less critical issue.

With this thought in his mind, Kaiba began to ask Ameluda the motivation for doing this.

Why did he call himself here specifically?

"What are you doing!? Do you even need to say that? Of course I will defeat you in a duel and take away your soul, Seto Kaiba!"

Pointing to the seahorse opposite, Amalda, who was obviously interested in this topic, continued to smile and said: "Hey, do you know how long I have been waiting for this moment? Kaiba! Don't think you can escape from here easily. ah!"

"Take away the soul? Stop this boring joke!"

"Do you think what I said is a joke? Well, forget it, anyway, it is impossible for you to leave this [Oliha Gang's Barrier] now... Next, you and you Use your soul to pay for the sins committed by our company!"

"Sin? What nonsense have you been talking about since just now? When did I commit that inexplicable 'crime' against you?"

Kaiba was very sure that he had never seen or even heard of the existence of Amaluda before.

However, as soon as the other party came up, he showed undisguised hostility and hatred towards him.

Kaiba, who couldn't understand where America's resentment came from and felt as if he had been slapped with a hat for no reason, also looked extremely gloomy at this time.

Originally, Kaiba was not a good-tempered person. After realizing that he seemed to be inexplicably involved in a conspiracy, his mood now became even more irritable.

Amaluda planned to vent his hatred on Kaiba.

Seto Kaiba felt that what he said was incomprehensible.

The two people who did not agree with each other immediately ended the current greetings in a tacit agreement and continued the duel that had been paused just now.

"Heh, the duel continues... According to the effect of the field magic card I just activated - [Oliha Gang's Barrier], I can use my magic trap area as a monster area."

"So next, I will directly summon this monster card in my magic trap area!"

Inserting the face side of a card in his hand into the back of the duel plate, Amaluda spoke at the same time, declaring the name of the monster: "Come out! [KC-1 Clayton Chariot] (Machine Family/Earth/ 4 stars/attack power: 1500/defense power: 1000)!"

Following Yameluda's movement, a tank with the Kaiba Group's "KC" logo printed on its surface immediately appeared in front of Yameluda, turning the metal tracks on the bottom.

Relying on the special effect of the field magic card, this monster appeared in the magic trap area of ​​​​Ameruda. When it appeared, it pointed its attack barrel in the direction of Kaiba.

Of course, due to the buffing effect of [Olihagun's Barrier], the monster that appears on the field of Amelda at this moment has a small hexagram barrier mark on the surface of its body, and its attack power is also The value increased by 500 points simultaneously.

([KC-1 Creighton Tank] Attack power: 1500→2000)

"KC? This sign...?!"

Looking at the familiar tank that appeared in front of Amalda, Kaiba noticed the special symbol, narrowed his eyes slightly, and showed a complicated expression.

The Kaiba Group, which was controlled by Gozaburo Kaiba in the past, was once a world-famous large-scale arms company. Tanks like this one were also one of the research and development products at that time.

However, after Kaiba Gozaburo's death, Kaiba, who took over the power of the company, re-transformed the company into the entertainment industry, completely drawing a clear line between it and the military company in the past.

At this moment, looking at this monster that existed like an undead from the past, Kaiba couldn't help but think of the figure of his cheap adoptive father again.

"That's right, it's KC...it's the tank developed by your Kaiba Group!"

With an undisguised look of hatred on his face, Amaluda sneered and said, "Look! Kaiba, this abominable war weapon that makes you feel so familiar is proof of the sins your company has committed in the past. Ah! It is precisely because of the existence of these guys that my beautiful hometown has become a ruin!"

Venting his dissatisfaction with words, Amaluda immediately waved his arms again and inserted the two cards in his hand into the backfield of the duel plate: "Finally, I ambush two cards, and the round is over!"

"Hmph, I don't know what you want to express? Anyway, it's my turn next!"

Gazing at the KC tank on the Ameruda field, Kaiba suddenly waved his right arm and pulled out a brand new card from the top of the deck: "My turn, draw a card!"

Regarding the words from Amaluda's mouth, Kaiba actually had some rough guesses in his mind.

Before he seized control of Kaiba Corporation from his adoptive father, Gozaburo Kaiba, who was the boss of Kaiba Group at the time, had produced countless war props, including various tanks, aircraft, missiles, explosives and other such things. Countless.

At that time, Kaiba was just a little brat who was busy developing, unable to do anything about it, and had no ability to put his dream into practice.

Judging from the appearance of the Ameruda in front of him, he may have felt helpless against such war events just like Kaiba at that time...

So, is it because Amaluda was hurt by the arms sold by the Kaiba Group that he hates the existence of the Kaiba Group so much that he still misses it to this day?

However, there is one thing to say.

Even if such things really happened, those things were sins committed by Gosaburo and had nothing to do with the current Kaiba.

He had no interest in helping the adoptive father shoulder his responsibilities, and Kaiba, who had a proud personality, did not want to say any humble apology from his mouth.

In this case, there is only one choice left.

The opposite person, Amaluda, is a duelist just like him. If that's the case, let's use dueling to convey the true emotions in each other's hearts!

"Main Phase 1, I normally summon [Thousand-Handed God] from my hand (angel type/light/4 stars/attack power: 1400/defense power: 1000)!"

Placing the card in his hand on the deck of the duel plate, Kaiba also explained the monster's effect: "When this card is summoned or reverse summoned, I can add a ritual monster card from the deck to my hand. Card...According to this effect, I retrieved a brand new ritual monster from the deck - [Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon]!"

The Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara, holding two staffs, appeared in front of Kaiba with the light of the monster summons.

After that, countless pairs of arms appeared like flowers one after another behind the [Thousand-Armed God], and by the way, the ritual monster card that Kaiba had decided was handed to Kaiba's hand.

"Retrieve the effect of ritual monsters? I see... So you are also planning to make a different development than just now, right?"

Amalda narrowed his eyes slightly, noticing Kaiba's plan, and slightly turned his gaze to look at the two cards lurking in his backfield.

Unfortunately, among these cards, there is no card that can prevent Kaiba from unfolding next.

"Next, I activate the ritual magic card - [Higher Ritual] from my hand! According to the effect of this card, the levels are added up until it becomes the same as the monster summoned by the ritual. I can send the normal monster from the deck Go to the graveyard, then ritual summon 1 ritual monster from your hand."

"Here we go! I will send the 8-star [Blue Eyes White Dragon] in the deck as a ritual summoning sacrifice to the graveyard, and use the ritual monsters of the same level in my opponent's card to perform the ritual summons!"

After sending the ritual magic card in his hand to the graveyard along with his wife in the deck, Kaiba then slapped the ritual monster that he had retrieved through the effect of "Thousand-Armed God" on the duel plate. Above the deck: "Ritual summons! Come down! Bruaiskar Osdragon (Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon)!!!"

The dazzling light shoots straight into the sky, turning into the radiance of hope that connects the endless future and guides a new existence.

Amid Kaiba's almost roaring cry, the blue-eyed white dragon, wrapped in the power of chaos, was reincarnated in a new attitude and returned to the present world.


【Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon】

(Dragon/Dark/8 stars/Attack: 3000/Defense: 0)


"Chaos Form" arrives. This card cannot be Special Summoned without Ritual Summoning.

①: This card will not be the target of the opponent's effect and will not be destroyed by the opponent's effect.

②: This card can only be activated when the attack of this card ritually summoned by "Blue Eyes White Dragon" is declared. Change the position of all monsters on the opponent's field. This effect causes the monster's attack power and defense power to change to 0. This turn, when this card attacks a defense position monster, it inflicts battle damage equal to the amount of attack power exceeding that defense power.


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