Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 305 Demonic Space Fits Together! The huge aerial fortress Holy Tower!

Chapter 305 Demonic Space Fits Together! The huge sky fortress, the Holy Tower!

Against the background of the dazzling light generated by the ritual magic card, the blue-eyed white dragon, wrapped in the power of chaos, after absorbing the energy of light and darkness, transformed into a new form different from the previous one.

What appeared on the seahorse field at this moment was a giant blue dragon with a whole new look inlaid with blue shining gems. The surface of its body showed shining special effects.

Under that beautiful figure, there is hidden a great power that can change the current situation of the war!


[Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon] (Attack: 3000)

"Ha, [Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon]...Kaiba, is this the new power you have mastered? But compared to the previous Blue Eyes, this monster doesn't seem to have any obvious changes!"

The attack power is still 3000 points that can be used as a "measurement unit" of combat power, and the level is still the same 8 stars as the previous [Blue Eyes White Dragon].

On the surface, this newly debuted ritual monster seems to be just the product of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] with a new skin, and has no special merits.

"Huh↑↓As a third-rate duelist, you can only have this level of vision... Whether my blue eyes have changed or not, you will know soon, Amaluda!"

With a disdainful sneer in his mouth, Kaiba, who was too lazy to continue fighting with Amaluda, waved his arms directly, using actions instead of words, and gave further instructions to the Chaos Dragon in front of him: "Fight! I will use my The [Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon] (Attack Power: 3000) on the field launches an attack on the [KC-1 Clayton Chariot] (Attack Power: 2000) on the opponent's field!"

"At the moment when the attack is launched, the special effect of [Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon] is activated! This card was ritually summoned with [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] as a sacrifice. When an attack is declared, all monsters on the opponent's field will be activated. The appearance of all monsters is changed... The attack power and defense power of the monster whose expression is changed by this effect will be permanently reduced to 0 points.

This turn, if this card attacks a monster in defense position, it can inflict penetrating damage to the opponent whose attack power exceeds the defense power value! "

Amaluda: "...What?!"

As Kaiba finished speaking, the [Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon] in front of him immediately stretched out the bright wings on its back and assumed a posture ready to attack.

At the same time, from the blue gems inlaid on the surface of the body of [Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon], countless guiding lights embodying the power of chaos immediately emitted. [KC- 1 Clayton Chariot], suddenly changed into a defense position uncontrollably, and the value of the defense power was reduced to 0 points at the same time.

[KC-1 Creighton Chariot] Defense: 1000→0 Representation: Offense→Defense

"Ahhh...Haiba, your true colors have been revealed by now, right?"

A dark green hexagram pattern flashed on his forehead, and the monsters on the field were in a "downtime" state with zero offense and defense due to the one-sided violence inflicted by Kaiba.

Amaluda, whose face gradually became distorted, seemed to be deliberately venting his depressed emotions, and loudly questioned the seahorse on the other side: "With such unreasonable and absolute violence, Come and make those who resist you fall one after another. This feeling of destroying everything must make you feel good, right?"

"Oh, you who behaved like this, why do you want to build seahorse parks around the world where children can play as much as they want? Don't make me laugh!"

"Kaiba! No matter how many beautiful words you say, it can't change the fact that you and Gosaburo are people carved from the same mold! It is absolutely impossible for a perpetrator like you to understand the true thoughts of victims like us. of……"

"Humph, that's ridiculous!"

Interrupting Amaluda who was about to say something else, Kaiba showed an unknown sneer on his face: "Amaluda, according to your statement, I am getting rid of those who hinder me. Before, you still needed to get the other party’s consent, right? If you really do this, just don’t do anything!”

Feeling a little amused by the hatred shown by Amalda, Kaiba shook his head in disappointment, and then once again gave further instructions to the monster in front of him: "The time for talking is over... [Blue Eyes Chaos" Dragon]'s attack continues! Destroy that obstructing chariot for me! The Chaos Wind Bullet of Destruction!!!"

--Roar! ! !

After receiving Kaiba's instructions and completing the energy accumulation at this moment, the Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon immediately aimed at the downed [KC-1 Creighton Chariot] and fired a light of chaos from its mouth that tore through the darkness. .

If this attack is successful, then Amaluda will simultaneously receive up to 3000 points of huge penetrating damage when the monster is destroyed, and will be reduced to a state of residual health in one breath!

Next, all he needs to do is let [Thousand-Armed God] give Amaluda another blow, and Kaiba can use this to directly win the duel.

"...Don't even think about succeeding! Kaiba, chain your monster's attacks. At this moment, I simultaneously open the Gaika in my backfield!"

Facing the attack of [Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon], Ameruda also made his counterattack at this time: "The trap card [Battle-hardened Chariot Troop] is activated! According to the effect of this card, when I When there is a [KC-1 Clayton Chariot] on my field, I can special summon three [Tank Creatures] with a defense power of 1200 points on my field in defense position!"


[Battle-hardened chariot troops (animated card)]

(Trap card)


Select one "KC-1 Clayton" on your field to activate. Special summon three "tank tokens" (Machine type, earth, star 3, attack 800/defense 1200) in defense position on your field.


"By the way, due to the effect of the field magic card - [Olihagun's Barrier], if there are monsters in my front field, the opponent will not be able to target the monsters in my back field. ...So the attack of the [Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon] that has lost its target will also be retracted at this moment!"

Three derivative monsters similar in appearance to Clayton's chariot fell from the sky one after another as the trap card was activated, and appeared in front of Amaluda's body, forming a tough protective wall together.

Under the influence of the magic card on the field, Kaiba, who lost his attack target, had to use these derivative monsters on the front of Amaluda as the new attack target of [Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon].

"Tsk! Because of the effect of [Oliha Gang's Barrier]... I can't target the [KC-1 Clayton Chariot] in the Magic Trap Zone as an attack target? In that case, I'll choose the one in your front field. Use a [tank token] as a new attack target, and take this penetrating damage for me!"

Kaiba, whose attack from the monster was blocked by the effect activated by Amalda, smacked his lips impatiently and was forced to change the target of his current attack.

Since the three [Tank Tokens] that just appeared through the effect of the Trap Card are brand new monsters that appeared after [Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon] activated the effect of reversing the field, their current attack power and defense power are not the same. was reduced to 0 points, but still maintained the previous value.

The next moment, the light beam carrying the aura of destruction successfully penetrated the body of a [Tank Derivative]. While destroying it, it also gave Yameruda 1800 points of defense damage.


(Ameruda LP: 4000→2200)

"It's not over yet, my attack is not over yet!"

After successfully inflicting damage to Amalda, Kaiba continued to issue attack instructions to another monster on the field: "The next is the attack of [Thousand-Armed God] (attack power: 1400). Let me destroy the second [tank token] for me!"

As Kaiba gave the order, the second monster on his field also raised the long staff he was holding tightly at this moment, made a throwing motion, and used the long staff in his hand to penetrate and destroy the second monster. [Tank derivatives].

As a result, there is only one [tank token] left on the field of Amaluda.

"Hmph...according to the effect of [KC-1 Clayton Chariot], the attack power of this card will be increased by the value of [Tank Derivatives] on my field x 500 points. Now there are still some remaining With the existence of the next token, the attack power of [KC-1 Clayton Chariot] will also change accordingly!"

[KC-1 Creighton Tank] Attack power: 0→500

After taking a look at his current hand of cards, Amaluda sneered and showed an unfazed expression.

Although due to the attack of [Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon], he had suffered a huge damage of nearly half of his health just now, but in the next round, he would completely recover this damage from Kaiba.

Stupid Kaiba, next I'm going to let you see the power of the monster born from my heart - the invincible Magic Sky Fortress!

"The effect of increasing the attack power by 500 points? But what's the point of this? The effect of [Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon] is a continuously activated effect. Even if the round ends, the changed value will not be restored... Yameruda, If you expect your monster’s attack power to return to its original state next, you will most likely be disappointed.”

Using a calm tone, explaining the effect of the Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon, Kaiba immediately ambush a card from his hand to the backcourt: "I ambush a card, turn..."

"Wait a minute, Kaiba, at the moment when you announce the end of the round, I open another cover card in the backfield and activate the permanent trap card - [Palace Announcement] first!"

After turning over the last cover card in the backfield and activating it at this moment, Amalda explained the effect of the continuous trap card: "As long as the continuous trap card——[Notice from the Royal Palace] is present The upper side indicates that it exists, and the effects of all trap cards except this card will be nullified! Kaiba, in this case, your confident 'deck virus' tactic will not work on me!"

Amalda, who has fully studied Kaiba's routines and knows that he likes to play trap cards that destroy the deck, deliberately fills the deck with corresponding counter cards.

The [Notice from the Royal Palace] at this moment is exactly the card that Ameluda specially prepared in the deck in order to deal with Kaiba's red pit.

As a result, Kaiba will no longer be able to use any trap card effects.

"Tsk, you damn bitch!"

Looking at the permanent trap card that Ameruda turned over at this time, Kaiba, who felt that he was being deliberately targeted, couldn't help but let out an impatient snort.

Although the card he covered just now was not the "cartoon destruction virus" that Amaluda guessed, it was also the restrained "noble power" - [Holy Protective Cover - Reflector Power -].

This normal trap card originally has the powerful effect of destroying all monsters in attack position on the opponent's field when the opponent declares an attack!

However, now that Ameluda has activated the [Notice from the Royal Palace] in advance, all these preparations can no longer be successfully implemented.

The trap card that Kaiba blocked just now will most likely become a piece of waste paper...

"Next is my turn, draw cards!"

When it came to his turn, Amaluda glanced at Keppei behind Kaiba, then reached out and pulled out a brand new card from the deck.

As a street child in the past, he had a younger brother like Keppei Kaiba who shared the joys and sorrows with him. Unfortunately, his younger brother died from the weapons developed by the Kaiba Group, leaving only a broken toy as a relic.

At this moment, when he noticed Kaiba Keppei's figure behind Kaiba who had been looking at him worriedly, Americaruda couldn't help but think of the things that happened to him in the past again.

If his younger brother was still alive, he would probably look similar to Keppei Kaiba now.

It's a pity that the lost time cannot be regained. No matter how hard he tries, his brother, who had already died in the gunfire, can no longer be resurrected.

What Amaluda needs to do most now is to hunt the soul of his enemy, Kaiba, in order to comfort his younger brother's spirit in heaven!

"Entering the main stage 1, I activate the magic card from my hand - [Pot of Desire]! Depending on the effect of this card, I can draw two brand new cards from the deck!"

A large dark green pot with big yellow teeth appeared in front of him as Amaluda moved.

After Amaluda waved his hand and pulled out two brand new cards from the deck, the big green pot that had completed its mission also shattered on its own in the next moment, turning into golden light spots all over the sky and disappearing from the field. traces of existence.

"Next, I normally summon the monster card in my hand - [Mechanical Soldier of the Demon World] (Machine type/Dark/4 stars/Attack: 1400/Defense: 1200)."

After completing the search, Amalda slapped a normal monster in his hand on the deck of the duel plate.

Following his movement, a cybernetic soldier covered in heavy armor suddenly appeared from the light and appeared in front of Amaluda.

This monster has an attack power of 1,400 points consistent with [Thousand-Armed God], but even with the blessing of 500 attack power points brought by the field magic card - [Oliha Gang's Barrier], it is far from enough. It is far from a match for the [Blue Eyes Chaos Dragon] with an attack power of 3000.

"Hmph, no matter how many monsters come, they are just trash! Amalda, with the monsters you have on the field now, there is absolutely no way you can break through my defense!"

"Really? In that case, let's have a big baby who is not a trash fish next!"

In response to Kaiba's mean taunt, Amaluda sneered and pulled out a brand new card from his hand, then raised it over his head: "At this moment, I pulled out a brand new card from my hand. Activate the magic card - [Magic and Sky Fit]!"

"Based on the effect of this card, I can liberate the three monsters on my field to special summon one [Magic Sky Fortress Jigrat (Holy Tower)] (Machine type) from the deck. /Wind/8 stars/attack power: 2500/defense power: 2000)!!!"

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