Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 501 There are two monsters of the same level, they are going to fight!

The orange mechanical container, filled with a high-tech digital atmosphere, follows the mechanical track and moves back and forth on the ceiling of the venue.

On it, from time to time you can see the code names in capital letters representing different models of machines.

At the moment when You Ling made a choice.

One of the containers with the "A" symbol printed on it immediately opened on its own, sending the monster that looked like a yellow mechanical scorpion placed inside to the front of You Ling's body.

Aiming at the location of Kamishiro Ryuga, the monster named [A-Assault Core] raised the laser cannon on its tail high as it landed, ready to launch a fierce attack on the target at any time.

"Oh? It's actually a 4-star monster with an attack power of 1900?"

"Judging from the level of 'allied monsters', this monster is considered to be of a good level. However, today's duels are no longer just about attack power!

Ogissan (Uncle), are you too behind the times? What era are you in, and you still play alliance monsters? "

After taking a slightly higher look at the monsters on the playground, Jindai Lingya smiled disdainfully and sighed like this.

If it were placed in the distant ancient times, when duels were just emerging, this monster might still be considered a relatively powerful fighting force.

But now, that is no longer enough!

"Lingya, don't be careless!"

Seeing that his brother's attitude was still inflated, Kamishiro Risu raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but issued another reminder from his mouth.

However, even after hearing his sister's kind advice, Kamdai Lingya still had no intention of changing his mind.

It's just a trip to zero, but nothing.

If he shows his hands casually, he will win this duel.


You Ling just smiled slightly at Kamidai Lingya's comment and didn't make any refutation.

Now is just the beginning.

Immediately, the arrogant kid opposite will realize his mistake.

"At the moment when the monster appears, the effect of the field magic card - [Alliance Gnaku] is activated.

Once per turn, when I have a Light attribute or Machine-type alliance monster on the field and I summon or special summon it, I can target that monster and activate it.

Select a mechanical-type, light-attributed alliance monster with a different card name that can be equipped from the deck, and equip it to that monster.

However, allied monsters equipped from the deck with this effect cannot be Special Summoned during this turn. "

"That's it, I target the [A-Assault Core] on my field, and use the [Alliance Pilot] (Machine Type/Light/5 Stars/Attack Power: 2100/Defense Power: 1000) in the deck as equipment Card, give it equipment."

"What? You actually use the monsters in the deck...as equipment cards???"

Watching You Ling's unusual behavior at this moment, it was the first time that Ling Ya, the God of God, saw such a unique skill, and he couldn't help but show a shocked expression on his face.

The field magic card named [Alliance Gnaku] can not only accurately retrieve allied monsters from the deck, but also can pull another monster from the deck as equipment when the monster appears on the field. Card……

This effect is a bit too shameless, right?

Powerful field magic cards like this are not on the same level as those overflowing "sea" and "legendary city of Atlantis"!

——Boom, boom, boom!

The machinery factories scattered all around began to operate again, preparing to bring out new monsters on the field.

However, what appeared this time was not the machines with different codenames placed in the containers, but a robot wearing a white driver's uniform.

Under the gaze of Lingya the God, this 5-star new alliance monster just explained the appearance of the sports car, and then jumped out of the car with a big stride and rode on [A-Assault Core]. Became its equipment card.

"Then, when [Alliance Pilot] is used as an equipment card, you can remove yourself and equip the monster equipped with this card to a new monster of level 4 or lower that can be equipped from the deck!"

"According to this effect, I put the [B-Destruction Dragon] in the deck (Machine type/Light/4 stars/Attack: 1500/Defense: 1800) to the [A-Assault Core] on the field. equipment."

Monsters equipped with field magic cards cannot be Special Summoned during this turn.

Therefore, You Ling took advantage of the effect of [Allied Pilot] and used it as a springboard to find a way to avoid the self-suppressing effect brought by the field magic card.

In addition, the deck is somewhat compressed.

As the [Alliance Pilot] disappeared, a green mechanical dinosaur with a large cannon embedded on its back suddenly descended from the container on the ceiling, merged with the [A-Assault Core] on the field, and became entangled with each other. , became a brand new existence.

Although the attack power has not changed, the [A-Assault Core] that has changed its form must have undergone some changes unknown to the God Lingya.

"Hmm, did you use the characteristics of the allied monsters to combine them? In other words... this monster has a new effect that I don't know about? But what exactly is it?"

Observing the changed form of [A-Assault Core], Kamishiro Lingya narrowed his eyes slightly.

This guy named You Ling is actually so proficient in dueling techniques?

It seems that he is not a rookie who doesn't know anything.

However, even if this is the case, the final victory will definitely belong to his God Ling Ya!

"Next, I activate the magic card from my hand - [Upgrade Transformation].

Once per turn with a card with the same name, I can choose a monster on my field and send it to the graveyard, and then special summon a monster with the same attribute and race as the monster in the graveyard but one level higher than the one in the deck. "

It is worth mentioning that.

Although [A-Assault Core] equipped with [B-Destruction Dragon Beast], it will not be affected by the effect of the opponent's magic card.

But the effect activated here is the tomb-sending effect activated by Yu Zero himself, so it can also take effect on [A-Assault Core].

After sending the monsters on the field to the graveyard, Yu Zero then took out a brand new card from the deck.

"According to the effect of the magic card, at this time, I will special summon a brand-new monster of level 5, light attribute, and machine type from the deck!"

"Come out! [Metroid] (Attack: 2000)!!!"

In response to You Ling's call, a shining starlight flew from the end of the universe and crashed onto the duel field here.

Wrapped in endless shining light, a mechanical warrior covered in silver-white armor immediately appeared in front of You Ling in an attack posture.

"What? After going around in such a big circle, we finally pulled out such a useless monster? Its attack power is only 100 points higher than the alliance monster just now. , is that necessary?”

Two for one...

No, it should be said that it is three for one!

Using a magic card and two monster cards on the field, Yu Ling finally pulled out a 5-star monster that was not too outstanding.

Regarding this result, Jindai Lingya fell into a state of speechlessness for a while.

You unfolded it for a long time, and what did you unfold?

"Well, don't worry, my expansion is not over yet."

Waving his hand to the Kamishiro Lingya who was hesitant to speak, You Ling continued: "At the moment when he was sent to the graveyard, the effect of [B-Destruction Dragon Beast] was activated. I can use it from the deck. An allied monster is added to the hand.

Based on this effect, I searched for [C-Crushing Pterosaur] in the deck (Machine type/Light/4 stars/Attack: 1200/Defense: 2000). "

"Then, the effect of the specially summoned [Metroid] is activated. When this card is specially summoned, I can add a [Galactic] monster from the deck to my hand.

I chose to search for [Metroid Warrior] No. 2 in the deck! "

The effects of the two monsters were activated at the same time.

Saying this, You Ling waved his arms and retrieved two new cards from the deck in sequence.

"Ling Ya, have you noticed... the number of cards in that guy's hand doesn't seem to have changed..."

As a spectator, Kamishiro Risu tried to remind her brother.

"What? This guy still has 6 cards in his hand? There is no consumption???"

Hearing this, Jindai Lingya looked at You Ling's hand with wide eyes.

Despite many expansions, through the continuous activation of the retrieval effect, You Ling's hand still remained at the level of 6 cards.

Rounding it all off, he pulled out a series of monsters directly on the field without paying any price!

"Haha...Have you noticed this now? But don't worry, my hand will be reduced soon."

He glanced briefly at the sharp-eyed Kamishiro Risu.

You Ling smiled nonchalantly, and then took out the new card he had just retrieved from his hand: "The effect of [Metroid] is activated. By sending a light attribute monster other than yourself in the hand card to the graveyard, I can Special Summon it onto the field.

According to this effect, I discarded [C-Crushing Pteranodon] in my hand and specially summoned [Metroid] No. 2 to the field. "

A dazzling light emitted from the Galaxy Warrior's body.

Under the gaze of Ling Ya, the monster seemed to have used the "Shadow Clone Technique" to create another identical existence next to him.

There are two level 5 monsters on the field, so next...

"What? There are actually two level 5 monsters? So those allied monsters just now were just disguises? Ki~sa~ma~!"

Kamdai Lingya, who felt that he had been tricked by Yu Ling, immediately clenched his teeth hard.

After doing all the bells and whistles for a long time, he originally thought that You Ling was planning to summon some awesome and powerful combined alliance monster.

In the end, it was all a false shot...

Yu Ling's purpose from the very beginning was to bring out a level 5 super monster!

"So, there are two monsters of the same level on the field. I don't need to say more about what to do next, right? Kid?"

With a smile of pleasure on his lips, You Ling glanced at the two 5-star monsters standing side by side on the field, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Is it finally time to start?

The first ‘super summon’ in this world!

"Here we go! I stacked two level 5 [Metroids] on the field! Use these two monsters to build a super network!"

Stretching out his right arm towards the void in front of him, You Ling shouted the slogan of a new summoning method at this moment.

As his words fell, a dark vortex like the Milky Way suddenly appeared in the next moment and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Absorbs the energy of two level 5 monsters on the field and overlaps them top to bottom.

A brand new super monster will be born from the vortex!

"Super Summon, come out! Level 5 - [Electronic Dragon·Nova]!!!"

--boom! ! !

The crimson energy suddenly burst out from the super network, sweeping everything around it.

Under the wide-eyed gaze of the Jindai brothers and sisters, an electronic dragon made of steel with many red lines emerging on the surface of its body suddenly descended into the space of this world.

On the chest of this mechanical dragon, you can see a figure that is constantly beating with a red nuclear power furnace.

This is exactly the form of the new 'Sebadoragon' that was reborn in the 'extradimensional dimension'!


【Electronic Dragon·Nova】

(Machine type/Light/Level 5/Attack power: 2100/Defense power: 1600)


Mechanical 5-star monster x 2

①: Once per turn, remove 1 excess material from this card and target 1 "Electronic Dragon" in your graveyard to activate it. That monster is Special Summoned.

②: Once per turn, you can activate this by expelling 1 "Cyber ​​Dragon" from among the cards in your hand and the face-up monsters on your field. This card's attack power increases by 2100 until the end of the turn. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn.

③: This card can only be activated when this card is sent to the graveyard by the opponent's effect. Special Summon 1 Machine-Type Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck.


"What? It's actually a super summon of the 'Electronic Dragon'? Could it be that this guy is the descendant of the 'Electron Flow'? But why is it a super summon? Isn't it fusion?"

Looking at the monster summoned by You Ling at this moment, Jindai Lingya couldn't help but widen his eyes on the spot.

In his impression, the ace monster of the 'Electronic Flow' should be the fusion monster [Electronic Terminator Dragon]...

This electronic dragon, which is now a 'super monster', can be said to be something he has never heard of before, and has never heard of.

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