Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 502 Give the animated characters a little OCG shock!

It's an alliance monster again, and it's a cyber dragon...

Who is this guy You Ling? ? ?

Could it be that he is the descendant of the "electronic flow"? But even then, the monster appearing at this time should be a fusion, right?

What the hell is excess?

Watching the operation of You Ling opposite him, at this moment, many doubts flashed through the mind of Kamidao Lingya unconsciously.

However, Yu Ling, who pulled out [Electronic Dragon Nova], did not leave him enough time to think, but started a new round of development without stopping.

"Then, I use level 5 [Electronic Dragon Nova] to build a hyper network! Use it as a material to perform the second hyper summon this round!"

"Rank up XYZ change! Rank 6! Use infinite power to bring the world under the shadow of your wings! [Cyber ​​Dragon·Infinite]!!!"

In fact, the [Electronic Dragon Nova] that surprised Kamidai Lingya was just a springboard for the debut of a new monster.

As You Ling's words fell, the super network representing super summoning appeared on the field again, emitting bright light, and once again wrapped the body of [Electronic Dragon Nova] in it.

Using this super monster as the material, a stronger super monster appeared with the light, and appeared in the sight of the Kamishiro brothers and sisters.

The giant steel dragon named "Infinity" has a figure that matches its name.

At the moment of its appearance, this monster, surrounded by three super materials, also bent its tail into an "∞" shape.


【Electronic Dragon·Infinite】

(Machine type/Light/Level 6/Attack power: 2100/Defense power: 1600)


Machine type: Light attribute 6-star monster × 3

"Cyber ​​Dragon·Infinity" can be super summoned once per turn by overlaying on top of "Cyber ​​Dragon·Nova" on your field.

①: The attack power of this card increases by the number of super materials of this card x 200.

②: Once per turn, it can be activated by targeting 1 face-up attack position monster on the field. That monster is overlapped under this card as Xyz material.

③: Once per turn, when the card effect is activated, you can activate it by removing 1 super material from this card. That activation is invalid and destroyed.


"[Electronic Dragon·Infinity]...What are you doing? Why is this monster's pressure so powerful..."

"No! Compared to that, can super monsters be 'upgraded'???"

Looking up and staring at the brand new giant dragon in front of him, Jindai Lingya couldn't help but widen his eyes on the spot.

I don't know why, but Mingming Shendai Lingya has never seen the existence of this monster before, and it is indeed the first time he has seen the unique skill of "upgraded super summoning".

But at this moment, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart.

He always felt that he had seen the operations performed by You Ling at this moment somewhere before.

"Unlike ordinary Xyz monsters, the level 6 [Cyber ​​Dragon·Infinite] can be super summoned once per turn by overlapping on top of the [Cyber ​​Dragon·Nova] on my field. This is the so-called 'upgrade'."

He spoke calmly and answered Kamidai Lingya's doubts.

At this moment, You Ling also noticed the shocked look on Kamdai Lingya's face.

The reaction was indeed one of shock and disbelief, as well as a bit of inexplicable trance.

However, deep within these appearances, there is an indescribable sense of familiarity.


As the leader of the Seven Emperors, "Naxiu", the ace monster is the [NO.101 Ark Knight of Silent Honor].

As we all know, that monster, like [Cyber ​​Dragon·Infinite], also has the effect of bringing over the monsters on the opponent's field and using them as its own super material.

Therefore, it is understandable that the God Lingya, who has Naxiu-related memories sealed deep in his heart, would feel an inexplicable familiarity with You Ling's [Electronic Dragon: Infinity].

"[Electronic Dragon·Infinity]? That monster is..."

Similar to Kamdai Lingya, Kamdai Risu also felt an inexplicable feeling of familiarity in his heart at this moment.

However, when she tried to recall this, she could only get a sense of emptiness and nothing else.

"The attack power of [Electronic Dragon·Infinite] will change according to the number of super materials in it. Since [Electronic Dragon·Infinite] at this time has three super materials in its body, its attack power , and the value will also increase by 600 points."

[Electronic Dragon·Infinite] Attack power: 2100 → 2700

"Tsk...a monster with an attack power of 2,700? Is it just a little bit close to the level of the 'Legendary Dragon'? But if it's just this level, I can still handle it!"

He shook his head violently to expel all those messy thoughts from his mind.

Kamdai Lingya once again focused on the duel at hand.

Strictly speaking, Yu Zero only relied on the loss of two cards in his hand to pull out powerful monsters such as [Cyber ​​Dragon·Nova] and [Cyber ​​Dragon·Infinite] on the field.

This strength cannot be regarded as the level of ordinary people.

But, that’s all!

Just a monster can't stop him, Lingya, the Goddess!

"Haha, looking at your expression, it seems that you have made a mistake! You don't think that my expansion is over here, do you?"

From the expression on Kamdai Lingya's face, one could guess the general thoughts in his heart at the moment.

You Ling raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, then once again faced the front of his body and stretched out his right arm.

"It's not over yet! Now that I have gathered [A-Assault Core], [B-Destruction Dragon], and [C-Crush Pterosaur] in my graveyard, new fusion monsters will also appear on my field. .”

"Three bodies merge into one, show up! [ABC-Dragon Annihilator]!!!"

As Yu Ling shouted, the three alliance monsters in his graveyard rushed out of the graveyard one after another like the atmosphere team fighter jets in a special photo shoot, and rose into the sky in unison.

Those monsters are the same monsters that You Ling called out by name before.

Under the watchful eyes of the Kamidai brothers and sisters, the three alliance machines immediately separated and reorganized at a rapid speed.

With the sound of gears biting and the roar of machines, they finally transformed into a fusion monster and crashed onto You Ling's field.


[ABC-Dragon Annihilator]

(Machine family/light/8 stars/attack power: 3000/defense power: 2800)


"A-Assault Core" + "B-Destroydramon" + "C-Crush Pteranodon"

You can special summon it from the Extra Deck (no "Fusion" required) by banishing the above cards from your field or graveyard.

①: Once per turn, discard 1 card from your hand and target 1 card on the field to activate. Except for that card. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn.

②: The opponent releases this card during the turn, and it can be activated by targeting the 3 types of excluded Machine-type and Light-attributed alliance monsters. Those monsters are specially summoned.


"What?! You actually removed the monsters in the graveyard to perform a combined summons???"

Looking at the second fusion monster that appeared on the field, Jindai Lingya couldn't help but fall into a state of shock again.

As a duelist with decent strength, Goddess Lingya had seen many cards. At this moment, he subconsciously thought of the ancient monster named [XYZ-Dragon Cannon].

However, compared with the "ABC" series displayed by You Ling at the moment, the "XYZ" series that requires the presence of three monsters on the field to be able to successfully appear on the stage was simply eliminated without even the scum left!

"Then, I will ambush two more cards at the end, so that my expansion is over. Damn, kid, it's your turn to perform next!"

With an awkward but polite smile on his face, Yu Ling ended the current round and made a "please start your performance" gesture to Jindai Lingya.

At this time, You Ling still had two cards left in his hand.

In the front field are [Cyber ​​Dragon·Infinite] with attack power (Attack power: 2100 → 2700), and [ABC-Dragon Annihilator] (Attack power: 3000).

In the backfield are two mysterious cover cards whose specific information is unknown.

In the area of ​​​​the field, there is also an alliance monster cooperation card named [Alliance Gnaku].

"Two monsters in the front field, two cover cards in the back field, two cards left in the hand, and one card in the field area... This guy has obviously carried out so many expansions, but the resources of the cards are not Decrease but increase!

And the two monsters on his field are not just 4-star or below miscellaneous fish... Gu! "

Patiently observing You Ling's ending, Kamidai Lingya's face showed a different solemn look than before.

After fully experiencing You Ling's storytelling and development abilities, he no longer had the idea of ​​looking down on this man.

Although I don't want to admit it in my heart, the person in front of me may be several times stronger than the professional duelists Kamidai Lingya has seen before!

"Hmph, although your strength is much stronger than I expected! But it is not invincible! Watch it for me, my turn, draw cards!"

Saying this, Kamdai Lingya waved his arm vigorously and pulled out the card at the top of the deck.

After that, he glanced at all the cards in his hand, and finally threw one of the cards on the deck of the duel plate.

"It's my turn, entering the main phase 1, I normally summon this monster from my hand! Come out, [Summon Monk] (Magician/Dark/4 stars/Attack: 800/Defense: 1600)! !!”


As the words of God Lingya fell, an old man wearing a black robe suddenly appeared in front of him with light.

Although this 4-star monster is neither "aquatic" nor water-attributed.

But his existence is one of the indispensable and important components for those decks that rely on level 4 super monsters.

after all……

"What a good guy? You actually came up with [Summoning Monk]? Are you going to start performing a 'big transformation into a living fish' scene next?"

Theoretically speaking, [Summoning Monk] is similar to the "Water Machine", both have special effects that generate all things within them to a certain extent.

Relying on the existence of this card, Goddess Lingya cannot collect enough materials in one turn to perform a super summon.

If you're lucky, you might even be able to pull off a very awesome ending.

Of course, the prerequisite is that no one interferes with him.

"The moment [Summoner Monk] appears, it must activate and change itself into a defense position."

In response to the call of God Lingya, the [Summoning Monk], which had been squatting in a squatting position, suddenly had a cover card pattern under its body, which meant that it had changed into a defensive position.

After that, Jindai Lingya once again faced the monster and stretched out his right arm.

"Then, another effect of [Summoning Monk] is activated. Once per round, a magic card is discarded from the hand. I can special summon a monster with a level below 4 from the deck..."

"Wait! At this moment, I chain the effect of [Summoning Monk] and simultaneously activate the effect of [Electronic Dragon·Infinite] on my field!"

At the moment when Jindai Lingya discarded the magic card in his hand and activated the [Summon Monk] effect, Yu Ling also waved his hand to activate the effect of the monster on his field.

"Once per turn, when the effect of a magic, trap, or monster card is activated, you must remove one of your own super materials to activate it. That activation is invalid and destroyed!"


[Cyber ​​Dragon·Infinite]'s "health card" effect is a two-speed effect that can be activated during the opponent's turn.

Kamdai Lingya, who had never seen this monster before, nor experienced its suppressive power, naturally did not understand the ins and outs of it, so he naturally stepped into the trap prepared by You Ling for him.

In fact, as early as when [Summoner Monk] turned into a defensive state due to its own sure-fire effect, You Ling could use the effect of [Electronic Dragon·Infinite] to kill it.

However, if it were activated at that time, there would be no way to use one more card from Kamdai Lingya's hand.


At this moment when Kamishiro Lingya was subconsciously stunned by Yu Ling's speech, the [Electronic Dragon Infinity] standing on the field also made a new move.

I saw it opening its huge mechanical mouth and swallowing a piece of super material surrounding it into its belly.

After that, circles of red light began to appear all over its body, and it fired a fierce jet at the location of Kamidai Lingya!

Bathed in this infinite jet of destruction, the body of [Summoner Monk] immediately dissolved into golden light spots all over the sky. While the effect was invalidated, all traces of its existence were completely lost.

Of course, due to the activation of its own effect [Electronic Dragon·Infinite], one of its own super materials has been removed.

Therefore, its attack power also dropped by 200 points.

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