Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 98 Appear, the cadres of the villain organization appear!

"Is this the base of the Gurus organization? I always feel that it is a little different from what I imagined."

You Ling, who was wearing the same black robe as Guru and looked incompatible with the other members, followed the steps of the enthusiastic Guru Guru and entered the interior of the building unimpeded.

You Ling, who made a random excuse and left the old man to act alone, took a brief walk inside and then followed the flow of people around him to a vast open space deep in the warehouse.

At the end of the open space where many men in black robes gathered, a temporary high platform could be seen.

Looking at the dark and dilapidated scene around him, and imagining the magnificent "Overlord City" deep in his heart, what he actually saw was a scene as desolate as a university playground, and a look of confusion appeared on his face. A disappointed look.

Fortunately, because of the mask on his face, the people in black robes around him did not notice the expression on his face.

It will still take some time before Malik himself arrives here.

During the period when Malik Isildar, the leader of the Gurus organization, is not here, the cadres of the Gurus organization are temporarily responsible for handling various affairs in Tongshiye City.

"A cadre of Grus? Who could they be? I remember that in the Grus organization, there seemed to be two parallel import cadres who were instantly killed by Kaiba with a single blow from the Titan Soldier..."

Just as You Ling was thinking about these things, along with the sound of regular footsteps, two figures appeared on the stage one after another.

Walking in front was a tall man wearing a red top hat, a funny mask on his face, and a red suit, looking like a magician.

Behind him was a strange doll with the "Eye of Truth" symbol on its forehead, bowed at the waist, and expressionless.

The two people, who were completely opposite in appearance and temperament, had the only thing in common that they both wore the latest style of dueling disks on their arms.



After exchanging glances with each other, the strange-looking doll immediately stepped aside with its arms folded, silently looking at the black-robed people in the audience.

The magician in a red suit took the initiative to step up to the stage and display his image in the sight of the black-robed people, including You Ling, who gathered here and cast their gazes at him.

Not everyone has the opportunity to meet cadres.

There were many people in the crowd who knew this cadre, and there were also some people who had just seen with their own eyes for the first time today, the figure of the organization cadre who had never seen the beginning or end of the dragon.

"Quiet! Lord Pandora is about to speak!"

From time to time, noisy discussions could be heard among the crowd.

Seeing that the cadres were about to start speaking, some relevant personnel spoke and maintained order here.

After the surroundings gradually calmed down, the man named Pandora adjusted the mask on his face to cover the burns. Then in an unhurried tone, he addressed the crowd in black robes gathered in the audience. The Gurus members conveyed the purpose of the gathering: "Everyone, as you know, my name is Pandora, and I am currently serving as a Gurus cadre. Maybe some of you have seen me in person for the first time today."

"And I called you here today to announce something important...that matter is closely related to our great leader Malik."

"Lord Malik?"

"What does that kind of big shot thing have to do with us, the lower-level people?"

Listening to Pandora's story, the faces of the people in black robes couldn't help but have a look of confusion.

"That's a good question, Lord Malik. He has already made an agreement with the nameless Pharaoh King for a thousand years of war... However, his enemies are not only the nameless Pharaoh King."

Pandora, who was wearing half a mask with only the lower half of her face exposed, glanced at the people in black robes who looked puzzled, and then continued to speak: "In order to compete with that guy's helper, follow the horse's instructions. In accordance with Lord Leek's instructions, I will select a combat representative from among the people gathered here today to serve as the new cadre of our Gurus organization to assist Lord Malik in his great plan!"

As Pandora said these words, the audience suddenly burst into noise.

"Promoted to cadre?! Is it true?"

"How could such a good thing happen? How is it possible?"

"...Shh! Didn't you hear? This is Master Malik's instruction! Master Pandora is just the person in charge, just listen patiently!"


You Ling: "..."

Observing Pandora on the stage who kept silent after finishing her declaration, You Ling, who was mixed in the crowd, touched his chin and thought about Malik's intention.

It seems that the Gurus organization seems to lack high-end combat capabilities.

Based on his own strength, he probably has this qualification.


forget it.

Originally, pretending to be a member of the Gurus was just a whim. If the cadres found out that he was a fake, it would be embarrassing...

"The conditions for becoming a cadre are very simple!"

After a pause, he looked back at the expressionless puppet next to him, stretched out his finger to shake Pandora, and said to all the members in the audience: "If you defeat me in the duel, you will be personally received by Lord Malik. , when you obtain the cadre position, Lord Malik will personally give you a satisfactory reward!"

"A duel with a cadre?!"

"Fuck...are you kidding me?"

When they heard that there was an opportunity to be promoted to a cadre, everyone still had a look of great expectation on their faces, hoping that they would be the lucky one to be valued by Malik.

However, after hearing Pandora's words and the conditions he proposed, everyone in Gurus, who were somewhat confident about their own strength, suddenly became mute and could not speak for a long time.

Are you kidding, who is Pandora?

Those are powerful duelists who control the most powerful magicians - [Black Magician] and [Black Magician of Chaos]!

Compared with him, those guys outside who are dueling can be said to be relying on defense!

How easy is it to defeat this cadre in a duel?

Is the condition proposed by Mr. Malik deliberately funny and tormenting people?

If Malik's name hadn't been too loud, I think at this time, someone would have jumped out to refute, saying something like "If you don't want to give me a chance, don't give it. Why are you talking about your own nonsense here?"

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