Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 99 A sudden appearance, Obelisk’s giant divine weapon!

"...No one is willing to come forward? No one? Huh?"

After Pandora explained the conditions for promotion and waited patiently for a quarter of an hour, no one was still willing to take the initiative to take the stage and fight for this rare opportunity in front of everyone.

Looking at the people in the audience with their heads lowered, silent or whispering, Pandora, as a cadre, walked back and forth with her hands behind her back and scanned the crowd. He showed a look of disappointment.

Like Muto Yugi, Pandora, who also controls the highest level magician monster - [Black Magician], was originally a world-famous magician.

However, a certain magic show failed and half of his face was disfigured and he had to cover it with a mask.

To make matters worse, in this state, the lover who originally planned to marry him also chose to leave him.

Pandora, who lost everything and attempted suicide, was discovered by Malik and became his servant.

Unlike those low-level people who do nothing, Pandora has its own clear purpose.

The reason why he joined the evil Gurus organization was to restore his lost love with the help of Malik and the power of the thousand-year artifact he held.

Therefore, even if it was to realize his wish, he did not want Malik's plan to stop here and be defeated by the unknown Pharaoh.

However, what disappointed Pandora was that no one in the crowd was willing to stand up and challenge him.

These useless guys! Is it possible that success can only deceive good and fear evil?

"Tsk! A bunch of useless things..."

I also noticed the awkward situation that no one was on stage at this moment. The puppet that was behind Pandora, holding its arms and leaning against her body, looked extremely weird. What was shown in its eyes at this time was also An undisguised look that contained murderous intent.

snort! A bunch of useless trash!

With this kind of level, no wonder he would be robbed by others as an experience bag. Letting you idiots be my subordinates is simply an insult to me, Malik!

Yes, it's the same as the Grus member who was defeated by Muto Yugi before.

This doll, which looks extremely weird and has the "Eye of Truth" symbol engraved on its forehead, also contains the personal will exerted by Malick himself.

Malik, whose real body is not in Doshino City and is rushing here, uses this doll to convey the corresponding instructions on his behalf.

At this moment, he was observing the people in the audience from the perspective of this puppet.

After seeing his incompetent men getting more cowardly than the others and not daring to challenge Pandora, the puppet Malik felt a little embarrassed and at the same time felt a murderous intention in his heart.

After I destroy that Muto game, gather the three illusory gods, and ascend the throne of the Pharaoh, I will turn around and give you useless trash to Tongtong Earth Sharks!

"Well...since no one is willing to take the initiative to go on stage, then I will..."

"Huh?! What's going on?"

Feeling the resentment of Master Malik behind her, Pandora felt a chill behind her. She cleared her throat and planned to choose a lucky person to take the stage.

However, at the moment he spoke.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

The sky darkened in an instant, and the blue sky and white clouds where the sun could be seen just now suddenly transformed into a doomsday scene of black clouds covering the world.

Faintly, it seemed that the sound of rumbling thunder could be heard.

"...Thunder, thunder? Is it going to rain?"

"Look up quickly! What is that!"

Among the crowd, a thunderous exclamation suddenly sounded.

You Ling, who was wearing the same black robe as Gurus and mingling among the crowd, was puzzled by the abnormal scene that suddenly appeared in front of him. At the same time, he subconsciously raised his head following the exclamation and looked at it. He looked towards the sky above his head and towards the direction from which the thunder came.

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to the sky in the distance.

Then, in their field of vision, a scene of creation that seemed like the reappearance of a myth appeared at the same time.

The white lightning that suddenly appeared, and the clouds that turned into black, automatically gathered towards the end of the sky, and finally condensed into the figure of a giant blue god whose body stood tall against the sky.

This blue giant god with wings on his back, dense lightning wrapped around his body, a human-like appearance, infinite power in his body, and eyes that seemed to contain the power of the sun, moon and stars, appeared at the same time. Stretching the blue wings on his back, he lowered his head and looked at the man at his feet who called out to him.

Feeling a familiar aura from the proud man in a white windbreaker, the giant blue god raised his head toward the sky and let out an excited roar.

The next moment, he stretched his body wantonly, and immediately began to release his long-suppressed infinite pressure towards the entire space around him.

The roar of the giant god resounded through the sky like thunder,

The giant god's figure is as huge and unshakable as a mountain.

And on the face of the giant god, there is a majestic treasure like the Buddhist Fudo Mingwang...

Following his movements, a pressure from the super strong that almost covered the entire Tongshiye City also spread to the surroundings in the next moment, covering multiple areas including Gurus' port warehouse. Everything is covered.

Compared with this indescribably broad coverage of God's pressure, even the Gale Emperor, who had instantly killed the insect feather moth, could only lament his own powerlessness with a sigh.

"Obelisk's... black soles (giant weapon)?"

Looking up at the familiar giant figure that appeared inexplicably in the distance, You Ling, who was stuck in the crowd, subconsciously opened his mouth and softly called out the name of the God of Destruction.

Yes, according to You Ling's memory, the blue giant god appearing in his field of vision at this moment is one of the three illusory gods standing on top of thousands of duel monsters, the God of Destruction in the Obelisk, and the God of Destruction in the Obelisk. The second among the "Three Illusion Gods" is [Obelisk's Titan Soldier]! ! !

As for the person who summoned this god, if nothing else goes wrong, he should have gotten this card from Isis. As the organizer, he also personally participated in this game-- Seto Kaiba didn't run away.

I don't know if it was to show off his skills or to show his own strength. In short, President Kaiba, who had no intention of hiding himself, summoned the legendary phantom god into the space of this world in full view of everyone.

Even from a long distance, You Ling could sense the powerful pressure of the giant god soldiers, not to mention those who were closer.

At this time, President Kaiba's opponent must be scared to death and unable to speak, right?

Turning his head and looking around, looking at the chaotic scene around him, You Ling lowered his body slightly and couldn't help but think of this in his heart.

"Then...what is that?!"

"Ugh!!! Weird, monster!!!"

"No... it's not a monster. This familiar coercion is a god! It's the same legendary phantom god as Master Malik's Winged Dragon!!!"

Covered by the coercion of the Titan Soldiers, even though they were far away, the members of Gurus who were meeting here in the port warehouse were still sighing, like pieces of wheat being cut down. He knelt down before the divine power, showing an unseemly look of embarrassment.

Those with a better mentality, while being overwhelmed by the divine power and unable to move, still had the leisure to express heartfelt sighs.

Those with a worse mentality were so frightened that they became incontinent on the spot due to heat in their crotches. At the same time, they rolled their eyes and stood up, losing consciousness, and then suddenly fell down behind them.

Under the pressure of this true god, even strong duelists like Pandora and Malik could not help but lower their bodies, struggling to resist the spread of the aftermath from the God of Destruction.

"Hahahahahaha... Obelisk's Giant God Soldier!!! The last of the three God Cards! I found you! I finally found... the trace of you who was secretly taken away by my sister!!!"

Looking at the majestic giant figure and witnessing this unparalleled scene through the puppet's perspective, Malik couldn't help but burst into excited laughter.

In the deck of the duel disk worn on this doll's arm, there is [Sky Dragon of Osiris].

In Malik's own deck, he has [Wings of the Sun God Dragon].

In addition, the [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The existence of the Three Illusion Gods has been completely exposed.

The location of the Titan Soldier hidden by Isis was also known by Malik, the leader of the Gurus organization, which made him more determined to turn this duel city into a decisive battle place.

"...Shatter the jade and cheer loudly! Maximize the soul energy, all the miscellaneous fish should disappear for me! God Hand Smashing Fist!!!"

Following the shouts of an angry and arrogant man coming from the radio, the Titan Soldier raised his right fist high.

At this moment, endless lightning and the cause and effect of all things were wrapped around it, turning the fist of the blue giant god into a dazzling appearance like the sun.

The giant blue god covering the sky just followed the summoner's instructions and unleashed ruthless divine punishment on the foolish enemies who dared to stand in his way!

--boom! ! !

With this punch, everything temporarily lost its sound and color at this moment.

Whether it was Malick's wild laughter through the puppet, or You Ling's sigh, which was resisting the pressure, they were all cut off instantly and turned into nothingness at this moment.

After that, a violent roar suddenly sounded.

The earth beneath everyone's feet began to tremble violently with the giant god's blow...

Under this punch that carries the power of annihilation, no matter what kind of existence it is, it will only usher in a gloomy and withering ending.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Is this the power of Kami? President Kaiba's move is too coquettish, isn't it?"

After a second of silence for the poor duelist who was targeted by Kaiba and who was most likely dead on the spot, Yu Ling sighed slightly and quickly withdrew his gaze as his voice and color gradually recovered.

The Giant Divine Soldier's move "Magic Hand Smashing Fist" was so dazzling that just by looking at it for a little longer, You Ling's eyes felt dry and irritated.

The scene was like something out of a myth or legend. Even from such a long distance, it still made people feel heart palpitations.

If we were to get closer and face the pressure of God in person, would we be like the black-robed men around us, unable to raise our heads and lose consciousness on the spot?

At least now, You Ling doesn't think he can play cards normally under such pressure.

"Tsk...Is the Titan Soldier's attack so exaggerated?"

"According to this situation, it would be funny if I was given a classic [Death of Yu So-and-so] when I play cards with Kaiba later... Next, I have to find a way to deal with this kind of off-site It’s the factors.”

As the duel ended, the traces of the gigantic Titan Soldier gradually disappeared.

People who were liberated from the constraints of divine power regained the freedom of their bodies.

Thinking of this, You Ling decisively called up the system panel amidst the howls of ghosts and wolves around him, and looked at the reward column of the main mission.

Now, he can only place his hope on the system, hoping that it can give him a prop to effectively deal with such a scenario.

[Main mission: Entering the finals]

[Task description: Rank among the top eight in the Duel City Competition, collect 6 puzzle cards, and qualify to participate in the finals. 】

[Task reward: massive experience points, 10,000 diamonds, props related to Dark Duel, unknown card group]

[Task progress: 5/6]

"Props related to the Dark Duel... I hope you can give me a prop that is comparable to the Millennium Artifact? Otherwise, if this happens, I will most likely have to lie down and die."

Thinking back to the embarrassing situation where he couldn't run away and could only stay where he was and wait to die, You Ling couldn't help but have such expectations in his heart.

"Not bad, really good~ It seems that we still have decent talents in our organization!"


Just as You Ling was thinking about how to deal with the inevitable crisis in the future, a voice of unreserved approval suddenly echoed in his ears.

Following this voice, You Ling subconsciously raised his head and met the eyes of the puppet who was also looking in his direction.


After slowly typing a question mark, You Ling stretched out his hand uncertainly and pointed at himself.

Then, he saw the strange-looking doll standing behind Pandora before, and nodded slightly in his direction.

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