The game was a big success, but the opponent was still playing well.

"Teacher, can we really win with this?" Xia Yu came over and whispered, without any confidence in her voice.

She shouted louder, for fear that others would ask her to come to the table to operate.

"Not necessarily." Luo Bai said honestly.

"It depends on whether the opponent's hand and matching are coordinated."

What he thought was that if the opponent had a hand trap such as [Spherical Chestnut Ball] (Chestnut Dragon Spherical Body), he still couldn't win, but if the opponent was careless, he might not use a hand trap.

As soon as this was said, there was a constant booing.

"Humph, I thought you had some brilliant ideas, but you are treating the opponent as a fool." Shu Yuer snorted coldly.

"How could the opponent's evil emperor use an effect to exclude the backfield?"

She thought that what Luo Bai said about needing the opponent's cooperation was to cover the dead supply. In the next round, the opponent's evil emperor would not exclude the red fox and cover the card.

The blue man was relieved when he heard this.

Luo Bai rolled his eyes at Shu Yuer, as if he was caring for a mentally retarded child.

Then he turned to the blue man on the opposite side and asked, "So, can I play for you for one round?"

Intervention in the middle must require the consent of both duelists.



The duelists replied without thinking, and even the opponent was curious, how could they lose?

[Authorization passed]

The smart referee also issued a notice.

The red side officially switched to Luo Bai's operation.

Luo Bai took the three magic cards from the red woman's hand, subconsciously stared at the opposite side's scene, and habitually swiped the cards with both hands.

"Cover a card."

The swiping action stopped abruptly, and he said after covering a [Whirlwind].

When the blue side didn't light up, Luo Bai breathed a sigh of relief, at least he was sure that the opponent didn't have a life-saving hand trap [Bone Princess].

? ? ?

The people behind him were confused.

"Teacher, did you build it wrong?" Xia Yu came over and whispered.

"Hey! Don't interfere with the teacher's operation." Xia Sheng frowned and hurriedly pulled the restless little sister back.

"Advance to the battle stage." Luo Bai didn't care about the words of the two siblings, and spoke loudly.

The people behind him frowned even deeper, and they didn't understand what he was going to do.

"[Moonlight Red Fox, 1800/600] Attack [Natural Wall, 1500/1000]."

Just as Luo Bai finished speaking, the blue lighted up and clicked to react.

Luo Bai's heart tightened. The opponent really had a hand trap [Spherical Chestnut Ball]. This card can turn [Moonlight Red Fox] to defense, and the attack is invalid.

The blue side is thinking...

Press the card check key.

Confirm that there are no strange cards in the red side's graveyard, field, and exclusion zone.

He thought about it.

Cancel the activation of the [Spherical Chestnut Ball] in his hand. After all, he can pull another [Natural Wall] from the deck after [Natural Wall] is destroyed.

Attack announcement time point passed!

"Then the battle step." Luo Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

"C1 activates the fast-attack magic [Whirlwind], and the target is my own face-up card."

As soon as these words came out.

Various voices exploded.

"What are you doing?!"

The first one who couldn't hold it was the original duelist, the red side woman. In her opinion, this action was almost like giving up on herself.

How can [Whirlwind] destroy its own [Whirlwind]?

Isn't this a waste of two cards?

"If you are a duelist, then fight me well!" Shu Yuer was angry and her voice was a little aggressive.

She despised this kind of broken jar and broken jar behavior the most. Duelists should be decent and dignified even if they lose.

"Are you crazy?" Everyone was talking about it.

"Brother, what is the teacher doing?" Xia Yu whispered to Xia Sheng, not daring to speak loudly.

This move made Xia Sheng lose confidence, and he began to stammer: "Teacher... there must be a reason for doing this."

Even the blue man sitting opposite him widened his eyes in surprise.

Destroying your own card, unless you click the wrong card, is something that no novice can do.

Luo Bai ignored the noisy crowd and said lightly:

"C2 chain activates the fast attack magic card [Offerings to the Dead] to destroy your [Natural Wall]."

No chain, effect processed.

[Natural Wall] is destroyed and sent to the cemetery, [Whirlwind] destroys [Whirlwind].

"It's useless, the Natural Wall has a will when it is sent to the grave." Melonika was the first to question.

The blue man said indifferently: "Humph, when [Natural Wall] is sent from the field to the graveyard, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower [Natural] monster from the deck in Attack Position."

"I Special Summon the second [Natural Wall]."

But when he smiled and found the second [Natural Wall] from the deck and put it on the mechanical table.

The intelligent referee sounded an alarm:

[Wrong operation, the conditions for the activation of the Natural Wall effect are not met]


"What's going on?!!"

"Did I hear it right?"

Everyone exclaimed in surprise, looking at each other, their eyes widened, and they doubted their ears.

"It can't be a malfunction." The discussion gradually rose.


"Malfunction? I haven't heard that the intelligent referee will malfunction?"

A trace of embarrassment and embarrassment flashed across the face of the blue man.

"This... How is this possible? I can obviously special summon the second [Natural Wall] according to the rules." He muttered, feeling incredible about the alarm of the intelligent referee, and some of his worldviews collapsed.

He was angry and put the second [Natural Wall] on the mechanical table again.

The smart referee sounded the alarm again:

[Wrong operation, the conditions for the activation of the natural wall effect are not met]

[Warning, you have made this mistake for the second time]

"No fault!" Everyone exclaimed again.

Then, for some unknown reason, they all turned their eyes to Luo Bai.

He was the only one in the audience who looked calm.

As if he had expected this result.

"Did you know this would happen?" Shu Yuer asked first.

Her eyes were full of confusion. She really couldn't figure it out. It couldn't be a fault of the smart referee. She knew her own products very well.

"What is going on?!" The blue man sitting opposite also shouted at him in great confusion.

Luo Bai did not answer their questions, but said lightly: "Is there a chain, or do you need to [check] or [pause]?"

When these words came out, the onlookers suddenly remembered that they were still in a duel.

The time point was still jumping. It was not teaching time, and there was no obligation to explain such things.

Anyway, the smart referee did not indicate a violation.

The onlookers looked at him, confused and crazy.

Does this guy still remember that it is duel time?

"What a steady breath." Melonika said secretly, and her mind vaguely recalled the scene when she made cards in the Rebirth Shop...

Although she was not conscious at that time.

But she also heard a steady breath.

A bit similar...

"Attack rewind, [Moonlight Red Fox, 1800/600] attack directly." Luo Bai said indifferently.

The blue man was anxious, his eyes widened, and he quickly threw out a card and shouted: "I activate the effect of the hand card [Spherical Chestnut Ball], and turn the Moonlight Red Fox to defense!"


[Wrong operation]

Luo Bai raised his hand lightly, and said in unison with the smart referee:

"The effect of [Spherical Chestnut Ball] cannot be activated in the battle step."

[The effect of the spherical chestnut ball cannot be activated in the battle step]

The spherical chestnut ball can only be activated when the attack declaration is passed. After the attack declaration is passed, it cannot be activated during the battle step.

"What?" The blue man shouted, his eyes dull.

"Then, that doesn't mean..."

Under the gazes of the crowd, who were either enlightened or confused.

The mini projection of [Moonlight Red Fox] rushed to the duelist's image card - [Natural Sunflower], turned around and kicked, and with a bang, the attack passed.

The image card is only a mascot. In addition to being cute and handsome, it has no effect. You can find the company's [salesman] to buy and set it up. It is not expensive, ranging from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands.

"Ding ding ding... Da!"

Blue team LP: 1200-0.

The image card [Natural Sunflower] made a shrunken sound and gradually withered.

The blue card pad bloomed with a special effect of cracking and collapsing, and a loud mechanical sound rang in everyone's ears:

[Duel ends]

[The winner is the red team]

For a moment, the world seemed to be still, and the voices of doubt, noise and exclamation suddenly stopped.

Everything was silent.

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