The game was a big success, but the game was a big success.

"Really, really won?" Xia Yu said in a daze.

Everyone looked at each other, some lowered their heads to think, and they had not recovered from the sentence of the intelligent referee [the winner is the red team].

"BUG!" The man on the blue team roared unwillingly.

"It must be a bug!"

"Why can't my [Natural Wall] have an effect!"

He knew that the battle step of [Spherical Chestnut Ball] could not be effective, and he could understand it. He was just panicking just now, but [Natural Wall] was obviously destroyed and buried, why couldn't it have a last word effect to pull monsters from the deck?

A roar fell, attracting more onlookers.

Everyone cast a surprised look, waiting for an explanation.

Luo Bai took a deep breath.

Press the [Test Mode] on the smart card pad.

Start [Explanation Time].

"Let's do a simple test first." Luo Bai said lightly.

He put [Natural Wall] on the opponent's monster zone, and activated [Offerings to the Dead] in his hand again to destroy [Natural Wall].

"Try to activate the [Natural Wall] effect again."

Luo Bai said to the man on the blue side.

The man on the blue side frowned, found another [Natural Wall] from the deck and slapped it on the monster zone.

But this time, the smart referee no longer sounded the alarm.

The effect passed.

"Huh?" Everyone was confused again.

"How can this work again?"

Luo Bai ignored everyone's doubts and reviewed the cards again.

C1 activated [Offerings to the Dead] to destroy [Natural Wall], and chained C2 [Whirlwind] to destroy its own [Break Wind].

"Try to activate the [Natural Wall] effect again."

In everyone's surprised eyes,

The man on the blue side followed Luo Bai's instructions and found another [Natural Wall] from the deck and took it. The smart referee still did not sound the alarm.

The effect passed.

? ? ?

They were stunned. They were really stunned.

Direct death has a last word, C1 death and C2 cyclone also have a last word.

Only C1 cyclone and C2 death have no last words. What's the reason?

"Sister, come here, let's test it."

Xia Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he called Xia Yu to change a card mat to verify this conclusion.

Others who had the conditions also opened the mats and used [Test Mode] to quickly verify.

"Dah dah."

"Bang bang bang."

One minute passed.

Without exception, the conclusion was the same.

"As you can see, this is not a BUG." Luo Bai looked at everyone and said indifferently.

"This is part of the [rules]."

"Part of the rules?" Xia Sheng was a little confused, took out the Monster Duel Manual, and flipped through it quickly.

"Did I miss it?"

But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find a description that matched it.

He did find one that looked pretty similar...

"Could it be the legendary..." Xia Sheng seemed to have thought of something, his eyes widened.


After the exclamation, everyone suddenly realized, took a breath, and started to discuss among themselves.

"Timing? I've heard of it before..."

The manual's description of [Timing] was very concise, only saying that [using the chain to stagger the timing of the opponent's card effect], and no examples were given.

All along, everyone had only a vague understanding of this.

"Wow——" Luo Bai glanced at Xia Sheng in surprise.

This little brother was unexpectedly quick to react.

"Well, this is indeed a kind of timing." Luo Bai said.

"C1 whirlwind, C2 death supply, chain reverse processing, first C2 destroys [natural wall] and sends it to the graveyard, then C1 processes wind to destroy wind."

"C1's wind destroys wind, which will block the natural wall [when this card is sent to the graveyard]."

The explanation was a bit professional, and everyone seemed not to understand it completely. He thought for a while and then said:

"For example, you go to buy milk tea, and there is a buy one pay and get a coupon activity, but after you pay, when the robot orderer is about to operate the coupon giving interface, another customer comes to order pizza."

"Robot The order taker needs to prioritize another customer's pizza. "

"But in the smart food purchasing system, the coupon gift interface cannot pop up when buying pizza, and the robot order taker cannot open another chain to give you coupons."

"And C1 dead supply C2 whirlwind, when the chain is reversed, it is equivalent to processing the pizza first and then processing your milk tea order, and the system can also pop up the coupon gift interface normally. "

Luo Bai looked up at the dull and serious crowd and asked weakly: "Can you understand this?"

"What a great explanation. "Xia Yu was stunned.

"Even I can understand it."

"So..." Xia Sheng thought of something and suddenly asked, "Can we block the timing of [Black Forest Witch]?"

In the game just demonstrated, the blue team used the last words of [Black Forest Witch] to retrieve [Evil Emperor Gaius], which posed a threat to the red team. If it was blocked at the beginning, it should be easier later.

"This won't work." Luo Bai explained.

"The effect description of [Black Forest Witch] is [Send to the Graveyard]. This effect cannot be blocked according to the description of [Occasion]. It can be activated when the conditions are met, unless..."

Luo Bai hesitated.

Unless it encounters a situation where the four speeds cannot be chained, such as [Lost Brand].

In the group stage of the 2023 WCS World Championship on Earth, the brand player C1 fused C2 to bomb the Pearl Tears team's Kaleidhart. After the effect was processed, the characteristic that the four speeds of the lost brand cannot be chained was used to block Kaleidhart's last words.

However, thinking that this knowledge point was too much for them, he changed his mind and said:

"To use the analogy just now, it is equivalent to the order taker not being a robot but a real person. As long as you pay for the milk tea, even if someone cuts in line, after dealing with the queue cut-in, and the system does not pop up a window, the order taker will find a coupon for you."

After the explanation, Xia Shengyou opened his mouth in surprise and called Xia Yu to do a test in public.

As Luo Bai said, C1 Cyclone C2 Death Supply could not block the time point of the last words of [The Witch of the Black Forest].

"Who are you!" After seeing all this, Shu Yuer was completely shocked.

With this level of knowledge and skills, he is guaranteed to be a level 6 fortress coach.

She thought for a moment, took a deep breath, and ejected an electronic certificate from the super ring, saying in a cold voice: "[Supervisor]."

"We are going to verify your identity now, please cooperate."

Before Luo Bai could react, Xia Yu rushed forward first, put her hands on her hips and shouted unceremoniously: "What are you doing!"

"Supervisor is so great!"

It's so hard to find a teacher willing to teach them, how can they be disturbed.

Shu Yuer was not to be outdone, and shouted back: "Level 6 Fortress professional players or coaches come to the lower-level fortress to make a profit."

"It will seriously violate the [Alliance] regulations."

"In serious cases, the sentence will be a lifetime ban or revocation of the license."

Xia Yu was scared back half a step by this, she didn't want to cause trouble and let the teacher be banned or suspended.

At this time, Xia Sheng walked to his sister, looked at Shu Yuer, and said seriously: "The teacher did not collect our money."

"There is no so-called profiteering."

"Even if you are a [supervisor], you can't slander others at will."

"That's right, supervisors are great!" Others also shouted.

Shu Yuer was frightened by the momentum of the crowd and retreated half a step. She looked up at Luo Bai's calm face, her eyes were a little more fearful, and her thoughts were full of thoughts.

"So calm?"

"You really know how to win people's hearts."

Luo Bai looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was confused.



Level 6 Fortress professional player?


Ban? Revoked license?

What are they... talking about?

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