The number can't be made public, but the truth is that it's not a good thing.

"Why can't the number be made public?" Shu Yuer rushed to the side of the intelligent investigator with a grudge.


After a closer look, her heart and lungs suddenly stopped.

Her body suddenly turned off the projection like a conditioned reflex.

A three-digit number!

This means that this is the first batch of super-calculation rings, and the super-calculation rings produced eight hundred years ago are even older.

A monster that is at least eight hundred years old!

Shu Yuer suppressed her inner fear, and her eyes turned strange when she looked at Luo Bai.

"Could it be... the ultimate evil spirit?"

For a true-level exorcist girl, this is a top test.

"Sorry." Shu Yuer took a deep breath, turned around, and said to everyone with a slow expression.

"Sorry to interrupt your duel."

"The company will compensate you 10,000 gold points each."

"I wish you a smooth assessment, thank you."

"Miss!" Manager Ou Jian rushed over to dissuade her, "There are more than 800 people here..."

"Why, can't I afford it?" Shu Yuer asked coldly.

Ou Jian hurriedly shrugged his head, not daring to say another word.

"We will see each other again." Shu Yuer adjusted her breathing, turned around and left resolutely, passing Luo Bai.

Ou Jian followed her out of the store, leaving the Jijiebing formation to transfer 10,000 gold points to everyone in the store.

Everyone accepted the 10,000 with tears in their eyes. If possible, they hope to make trouble a few more times.

"Miss..." Outside the store, Ou Jian hesitated to speak, his face bitter and depressed.

"It's just a gold point!" Shu Yuer said impatiently, opened the supercomputing ring, and transferred eight million to him.

Ou Jian's face suddenly turned from gloomy to bright, and he stood up and saluted and shouted: "What do you want, Miss!"

"Please contact the dean of the academy for me."

"Got it!"

After a while, in the dean's office of the Bian Yuelong Advanced Duelist Academy.

A dim room.

Cat, evening breeze, white moonlight

Blue-eyed silver-haired girl Yi Lan sat by the window, swinging her feet, holding potato chips in her hand, and looking up at the moon.


A bell rang in the office.


Yi Lan's eyebrows rose with a hint of displeasure, and the potato chips in her hand stopped at her mouth.

She put down the potato chips and picked up the cat.

After answering the call, he started to curse:

"Which big idiot?"

"It's scary to call at night."

"It's not good to disturb the flowers and plants!"

Shu Yu'er on the other side was obviously stunned for a moment. The dean's voice was much younger than she thought.

Moreover, it felt very...

[I, Shu Yu'er, want a position to take the examination]

Shu Yu'er said in a deep voice.

"I'll give it to you if you want it, idiot, ball, big idiot, lelele~"

[I, Shu Yu'er]

Shu Yu'er's tone rose by three points, and a breath was held in her chest.

"Who knows you?"

"You yo-yo."

"Still want to take the examination, I'll give you a stick!"

The earphones came with a series of irritable and pleasant female voices. Shu Yu'er was stunned, turned her head to look at Ou Jian, her eyes dull, and asked uncertainly: "That, I, I am out of date?"

Bian Tana, is there anyone who doesn't know me, Shu Yu'er?

"No, Miss." Ou Jian hurriedly comforted her, hesitating to find a reason, "But... maybe, she is the new dean, and she is still immature, yes, immature."

"She just wants to get some benefits."

Shu Yuer thought about it and turned to the headset and said in a deep voice:

[How much do you want? ]

"It's great to be rich!"

[What do you want? ]

"What do you want? Um..."

The idiot on the opposite side was stunned for a moment and fell into thought, and a dull voice came slowly:

"I want pudding, macarons, tiramisu, glutinous rice and..."


[Shirley? ]

The word Shirley has many meanings.

"A kind of wine, big idiot."

Hiss... Shu Yuer was furious.

I always feel that I can accept being called an idiot by anyone, except the one on the opposite side.

[Tomorrow I will give you two tons! 】


"Good man~"

Yilan cheered cheerfully through the headset.

"The examiner seat is reserved for you, hehe."


Shu Yuer turned to look at Ou Jian, patted his shoulder, and had a strange look of pity in her eyes: "Your Bian Yuelong Advanced Duelist Academy has such a dean."

"The future is worrying."

On the other side, Yilan hung up the call, and the smile on his face had not yet faded.

There are two tons of desserts tomorrow!

All worries are gone!


At this moment, a cold voice of consciousness sounded in her mind:

[You should practice dueling]

"No, the rules are so complicated."

[Don't be lazy, I can teach you]


Yilan drooped her lips and acted like a spoiled child, collapsed face down on the sofa, twisted her body back and forth, and made a big mess.

[Do you want to see Bailong?]

The voice in her mind changed the tactics.

"Yes!" Yilan's eyes flashed a sharpness, flashing a bright blue light in the dark night.

[Then you have to log in quickly]

"Log in!"


Yilan straightened up from the sofa and trotted to the computer in the office.

Follow the instructions of the "sister" in her mind.

Register and log in to the online duelist account. The next step is to get the card group from the super calculation ring.

Enter the card setter.

Scan and enter the magic card.


[Scan successful - Ancient White Stone]


[Scan successful - Blue-Eyes White Dragon]


[Scan successful - Blue-Eyes Elf Dragon]



During the scanning and input process, Yilan heard the voice of [Sister] nagging frantically in his mind:

[Play the ladder later]

[You will definitely be matched with a novice in the first game]

The ladder will not match across levels, and newbies will only match newbies.

[It doesn't matter if the deck is incomplete, it's just right for you]

[Try playing by yourself first, and I'll teach you if you don't understand]


"I know, I know, jiligua, guruda..."


On the other side, the card shop affiliated with the academy.

After Shu Yuer left, Luo Bai was surrounded by people.

It was like looking at a panda, with all kinds of strange highlights in his eyes, and all kinds of sounds came like waves.

"Are you really a newbie?"

"Teacher, how much do you charge per hour?"

"Do you have a live broadcast room?"

"Why do you know so much?"

"Can you help me look at the construction?"

"What is the number of the super calculation ring? Can I add a friend?"

"Are you single?"

"Are you dating?"

"Are you resistant?"


"I..." Luo Bai froze for a moment, not knowing how to respond to this enthusiasm.


There was a vibration on the wrist.

The ordered card-making materials arrived.

"Ah——I'm going to pick up something." Luo Bai tried his best to squeeze out of the crowd.

When everyone heard him say he was going to pick up something, they obediently made way.

"Don't stay up late, see you tomorrow."

"It's raining heavily, remember to collect your clothes~~"

Luo Bai's melodious shout came from the card shop, as if he was not going to come back.

When he came outside the store, Shu Yuer had already left.

In the rainy night, the rain was pouring down. The streets were empty and the lights were dim. A mechanical roar came from the sky, and a black drone appeared above the sky island.

The drone slowly landed and hovered at a height that Luo Bai could reach. Its fuselage was soaked by the rain and flickered with a faint light.

Luo Bai raised his hand and extended the super-computing ring, placing it in the scanning area of ​​the drone.


[Buyer's identity authentication was successful]

With a "click", a small black box slowly fell from it.

Twenty N-quality blank cards + water-attributed mechanical element beads, two tubes of Ena supplementary potions are complete.

"Initial deck, let's get started!"

Luo Bai thought excitedly, and ran up to the room on the third floor excitedly.

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