The more you read, the more you will be exposed.


Warning before watching.

Do not build a deck based on this book.

The author is not responsible for any failures in the ladder.


Late at night, at two in the morning, the corridor of the card (tavern) was quiet and dim.

"Let's do it."

On the way back to the room, there were intermittent footsteps behind him.

Luo Bai was startled, turned his head and looked back, but there was no one, only the corridor lights at the end were flashing blue.


He murmured softly and slowly closed the door. As soon as he closed the door, there was a faint scratching outside, accompanied by a faint wind, as if someone was gently caressing his door.

"Click... click... click..."

A piece of paper was slowly stuffed into his room from under the door, rubbing against the rough ground, making a clicking sound.


Luo Bai felt cold all over.

Special service, or a female ghost?

At first it seemed impossible, but considering that this was Biantana, it seemed understandable.

He hesitated for a moment, then bent down to pick up the piece of paper.

The paper showed an old yellow color through the weak light, and the handwriting seemed to be written in a hurry, but it revealed an unusual sense of dignity.

"No matter what sound you hear, don't open the door."

Luo Bai stared at the words on the paper, and all kinds of terrifying scenes flashed in his mind. He tried to imagine what those sounds would be and why he was advised not to open the door.


A chill came in the middle of the night.

The temperature in the room seemed to drop by more than ten degrees in an instant.

He shuddered and said, "Make a card to calm down."

Luo Bai sat in front of the computer, took out the newly arrived card-making materials, and opened his usual card box.

Sense the Qi of each card.

Eliminate the ones that cannot be [spiritual] first.

Five minutes later.


"Why can't I communicate with the spirit..." Luo Bai held the [Pearl Tears Lamentation Tribe. Siren Mermaid] in his hand and complained towards the light.

It was as if the world owed him a wife.

Normally, as long as Yina is injected into the pattern to sense the Qi, the fingertips will have a numb and cool feeling, which is a precursor to spiritual communication.

But Luo Bai found that some cards did not have this feeling.

Shaddolls and Shaddoll Lizards are all OK, but [Shaddoll God. Midrash] is not OK, as well as the entire Pearl Tear family, [Double Dome], [God of Hades], [Sky Thunder], [Ice Water Emperor Neon Stone Spirit. Sea Goddess] and [Inherited Fiberglass], etc. These cards have no reaction when sensing Qi.

Just like ordinary cards.

Cannot communicate with spirits, which means that they cannot be made.

"Is it imprisoned..." Luo Bai looked at the card picture of [Pearl Tear Lament Tribe. Siren Mermaid], and thought of the card picture story inside, and a malicious speculation arose in his heart.

In the card picture story, Pearl Tear Mermaid seems to be a kind of slave.

"But why can't you do it either."

Luo Bai took out a [Pearl Tear Lament Tribe. Kaleidhart] and complained. If the plot in the card picture story really happened, then the slave owner should be Kaleidhart, the dead octopus.

But why can't he sense Qi either.

Squidward, are you in trouble too?

Who is so awesome that he locked you up too?

Thinking of his depression, Luo Bai unconsciously scratched his chest.

This is a bad habit he has had since he was a child. He would scratch his chest when he was upset.

But he scratched nothing.

Luo Bai seemed to finally remember something. A chill ran through his soul. He suddenly looked at his chest and touched his pocket.

"The card is gone!"

The broken half of the card he had worn since he was a child, printed with half of the word "Bai", the card that contained the only clue to his life experience, is gone. (See Chapter 1 for details)

Lost it after crossing over?

"Oh, forget it, I've crossed over anyway."

The world has changed, how can I find out my life experience.


Luo Bai slapped his cheeks twice to cheer himself up.

He picked up a blank card and prepared to start making cards.

The fingertips conveyed a familiar touch, and Luo Bai paused for a moment. He slowly turned his gaze and stared at the blank card in his hand, his eyes seemed to have traveled through time...

The more he thought about it, the deeper he got...

The material is very similar...

The material and touch of the blank card of Bienatta are very similar to the [Life Card] he had worn since he was a child on Earth, very similar...


The thought is terrifying.

Luo Bai let go of the blank card in his hand as if he had been electrocuted.

"Oh my god... What happened tonight?"

His breathing became disordered, and he shook his head frantically,

I want to get rid of those messy thoughts in my mind.

"Let's have a duel to brainwash myself!"

Luo Bai slapped his face twice again, put away the blank card, comforted himself, and prepared to brainwash himself.

Log in to the online duelist account!

"I'll sleep after one game."

"I'm tired enough today."

Thinking so, he opened the deck builder.

The initial deck to be used is the cheapest [Crystal Machine], just in time to test the wheelchair construction online.

Water machines usually have three constructions: [Scrap Iron] axis, [Sea Crystal Girl] axis and [Ice Water] axis, but [Ice Water Emperor Neon Stone Spirit. Sea Goddess] and [Ice Water Neon Stone Spirit] cannot be refined. [Sea Crystal Girl] has a lower-level average UR, so I can only choose [Scrap Iron] axis to play with first.

"UR cards go go go..."

"Hmm... go halfway."

"NR cards add add add..."

Hand pits, pick and choose main cards, and finally, in order to fill 40 cards, even [Magnetic Regeneration] is put into the construction, and even full 3.

Wheelchair is being constructed.

"Extra... uh..."

Luo Bai looked at the extra, and it was hard to describe.

[Flower Baroness], [Barrel Loading Mongoose Dragon], [Summoning Bow. Apollosa], [Double Sky Knight. Astram], [Magic Salvation Miracle. Dragon Crystal], [Crystal Machine-Central Orochi] are all epic cards...

For the rest of his life, I don't know if I can build a complete deck.

"Let's go, let's go..." Luo Bai removed these cards from the deck one by one, and suddenly, the movement of his hands stopped.

He looked at the handsome and beautiful card pictures, as if he was grabbed by an invisible hand, his eyes were deeply immersed in them, his sight seemed to travel through time and space, witnessing the stories that happened to the card spirits.


Luo Bai recovered, took a deep breath, and added these epic cards back to the extra.

Maybe they can't see the light again in the real world, but on the Internet, they must revive the epic glory!

A crystal mechanical card deck without a central snake is like eating screw noodles without sour bamboo shoots, it doesn't taste that good.

I can't stand it!

Nuclear-powered wheelchair, go!

Luo Bai clicked into the arena, this time he chose to play the ladder to rush for points.

It seems that the last time I played the random match, I would cross the level.

If the wheelchair water machine plays against a mature competitive deck like Xiangjian, if it can't get the first attack, it will basically be crushed by two counters.

Go to the ladder first to relax.

Practice the deck and modify the construction.

The main deck is built with a wheelchair, so it shouldn't be a problem to beat a novice.



[Matching successful]


[This round is a promotion match]

[This round is a promotion match]

Both matched parties will have a promotion match reminder pop up.

The new online duel method has only one stage, and you can be promoted to Bronze 5 by winning one.

This duel.

One person is destined to break away from the novice and move forward.

The other person can only look at his back and sink into the quagmire of the past.

"Eat grapes without spitting out the grape skins?" Luo Bai murmured as he looked at the other party's ID.

Heresy + tongue twister, must be beaten violently.

On the other side, Yilan looked at the opponent's ID and whispered: "Siren my wife?"


"Sister, could it be..."

[Impossible, just a coincidence]

[But no matter what, dare to give this nickname]

[Beat me to death]

"Oh——" Yilan shouted with his fist raised while wearing a helmet.

(Take a day off tomorrow, update twice the day after tomorrow)

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