The game is under maintenance, but the game is still under construction.

"Maintenance?" Luo Bai and Melonika were both a little surprised.

The two walked towards the rioting crowd with doubts.

All kinds of curses and discussions came to their faces.

"What the hell is the alliance doing? I'm just finding the version answer and want to try it."

"Maintenance at such an important time?"

"Do you think someone is using a plug-in?"

"Don't say it, KC is so important, plug-ins should be checked carefully, I just heard that someone used the new card of [Electronic Dragon]."

"There is a new card for [Electronic Dragon]?!!"

Electronic Dragon fans were shocked and stood up.

"I went to see the card spirit atlas, it's a lie, there's no update."

"What kind of hack is so awesome that it can create new cards? Can you print me a new [Tri-shaped Pyramid] card? Alas, I've been using it for so long that there are only three lower levels. I don't know what card to put in to fill up 40 cards."

"Don't ask, just three [Whirlwinds]."

"Whirlwind, just go for it, I hate [Whirlwind] the most in my life."

The Tri-shaped Pyramid deck would be useless without field magic cards, so its lifelong enemy is being chained with two-speed whirlwinds.

"Damn it, the maintenance lasted until nine o'clock in the evening, and I lost nine hours of play. I feel like I lost nine hundred million."

"So awesome? Did it go smoothly to gain points?"

"That's right, I made it into the top ten million."

The speaker's voice was particularly proud. Among more than a billion people, the top ten million is one in a hundred.

"Fuck, awesome, you got 6,000 points now."

"I'm still stuck in the fish pond, I can't get past 3,000 points."

"How did you get to 6,000 points? Do you have any top-level understanding?"

"I'll tell you secretly, don't spread it..."

The three of them got together stealthily, covering their ears and mouths. If you didn't know, you might think they were discussing national affairs.

"Don't play [Whirlwind]?!"

"Play [Death Supply] and [Heart Change]?"

"Was the opponent's early game a big trap? Will the whirlwind get stuck?"

"Keep your voice down, don't spread it, this is my top-level understanding after 30 games."

"It seems to make sense."

"I'll trust you this time, I'll change the deck and try it on the ladder."

Luo Bai didn't interfere with the conversation of the few people, nor did he express his opinion.

Level 4 Fortress Duelists have their own joy and gameplay, which is even more pure and enviable.

The duel system only maintained the KC duel, while the ladder, matching, and shopping malls were running normally.

If the ladder and matching were suspended for nine hours, the [Alliance] headquarters would probably be bombarded by millions of people.

"It is expected to be maintained until nine o'clock... just in time for the store to open..." Luo Bai murmured in a low voice, thinking about something in his heart.

If the time is reduced by nine hours, the normal deck will not be able to play less than 300 games, and the fast attack deck will have a greater advantage.

But in the later stage, there will definitely be a gathering of masters, and the internal competition will be serious. The fast attack deck will not be able to rush away in one wave, and may be counter-killed, which is a bit unstable.

He is not worried about the final settlement points, and the gold head should not be a big problem.

He just doesn't want to lose the winning streak.

Once the winning streak starts, there will be strange sunk costs and obsessive-compulsive disorder. If dozens of winning streaks are ended by the players who are against the sky, it will be like the cabbage that has been planted with great effort being trampled by cattle and horses.

He will definitely not be able to sleep.

But if you want to keep winning streak, you need to use a [stable] deck, which will play slowly. If you play slowly, Jintou may fail...

"Ah, it would be better if it was doubles." Luo Bai sighed helplessly.

For doubles, generally 8000LP, winning is double points, using a stable deck can not only keep winning streak, but also quickly accumulate points.

"You can come back and practice questions with peace of mind."

A slightly immature boy's voice suddenly sounded.

Xia Sheng dragged his sister out of the crowd while talking.

"No!" Xia Yu shouted in a cute voice, "I must prove my [Mecha] deck!"

"You have already proved yourself." Xia Sheng sighed helplessly, "Four thousand points, great, next time you reverse summon [Dendrites], don't blow yourself up."

"Woo woo woo - I always thought that blowing myself up could trigger the 2nd effect..."

The 2nd effect of the [Mecha] series monsters is very powerful, but it requires the opponent's player's effect to be destroyed to trigger. In the duel with a three-time limit for [Kacha], you can take advantage of the information gap.

"Stop woo, where do you get the confidence to think that you can get into the top 100,000 and be exempted from the exam? Come back and do the questions honestly. The exam is tomorrow morning!"

"Woo woo woo, stop it -"

"I've been doing it all day, let me play cards -


“Now that you’ve entered the academy, are you still afraid that you won’t have a fight? Come out!”

Xia Sheng struggled to drag Xia Yu, who was squeezed in the crowd, like pulling a slug stuck to the duel table, pulling it out little by little, but it couldn’t stop.

“What a funny brother and sister.” Luo Bai sighed.

I’m quite envious. He didn’t have many brothers since he was a child.

Except for the two [twins] in that weird time and space!

On the other side, Dean Bian Yuelong’s workroom and bedroom.

[Get up]

[Big lazy dog!]

[Get up]

No matter how [Sister] yelled in her mind, Yilan still slept like a dead pig.

It’s twelve o’clock, it’s time for dinner...

Thinking of something, [Sister] changed her words and shouted:

[Dinner is ready]

[Dinner is ready]


Yilan woke up suddenly.

“Dinner is ready?”

“Where is it? "

She looked around and saw the clock showed twelve o'clock, and her eyebrows were immediately brightened.

"Let's eat!"

While saying this, she quickly put on her clothes and prepared to rush to the college cafeteria.


Sleeping until dinner time is the happiest thing that Yilan can think of.

[Come back to me!]

[Sister] interrupted Yilan's momentum to rush out of the door with a cold shout.

"What are you doing?"

Yilan's mouth corners drooped, looking very aggrieved.

"We agreed not to play cards at dinner time..."

[Order takeout]


Yilan has just come to the human world, and this is the first time she has heard this word.

[It means to let the specialist or drone deliver the food, so you don't have to go out]

"What a sacred profession!"

[You have to hurry up and debug the deck, we are already three hours behind others]

"How can we lag behind? "

Yilan looked at Pierli, who was sleeping on the pillow, feeling depressed and unhappy. Realizing the seriousness of the problem, he asked with worry.

"How many points did you get?"

"Meow~" Pierli raised his head slightly and said dejectedly.

"Zero points? ! ! "


"Did you meet a cat with a headache? ! ! "

[Really disgusting]

[Really disgusting]

"Steamed goose heart? Steamed shrimp head? Where is it?"


[Stop playing tricks]

[Hurry up and go online]

"Okay, okay, don't be sad." Yilan stroked Pierli's head gently, took out a small blue silk ball from the supercomputing ring and threw it to it, saying, "Take it and play with it. "


Pierri shouted happily.

Playing ball

After a while, Yilan sat in front of the dean's computer desk and opened the takeaway ordering interface under the guidance of [Sister].

It felt like a new world had opened up!

Ice cream, double skin milk, fried rice noodles, curry, pizza, sushi rolls, fish-flavored pork shreds, shrimp dumplings, sweet and sour squirrel fish, steamed shrimp balls, spicy hot pot...

Yilan pressed [One-click ordering] fiercely.

[Your balance is insufficient, please recharge]

The ordering system popped up a ruthless reminder.

[Sister] followed up with another blow: "If you don't make some money by rushing points, the college can't hold on, and we will go bankrupt."

"Rush points!!!"

Yilan roared.

I have never had such a strong passion for duels!

As a result, after putting on the helmet and entering the KC activity interface, she only saw three ruthless words:


"Oh, it's sent. "Yilan said with despair.

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