The last time I saw her was when she was about to die.

[It's over]

[Sister]'s desperate voice rang in Yilan's mind.

The activity time was drastically reduced, and the duel time was even more tense, but at this time, a lazy dog ​​still wasted three hours.

"I'm sorry." Yilan knew he was wrong and pouted.

"Mee..." Pirri also stopped playing with the ball, lowered his head and apologized.

It was also willful. After losing to Tony, it was angry and didn't continue to rush for points, resulting in zero points after three hours. The TOP1 was almost 50,000 points, and even the TOP100 was almost 40,000 points.

The starting line was a bit different. [White Dragon] and [Pure Love Fairy] were not fast attack decks.

"Sister, do you want to use your deck?"

[My deck doesn't play fast either]

"It shouldn't be a problem to get into the top 100..."

Yilan was so weak that she didn't dare to speak loudly.

[One million is not enough]

[We must get into the top 10! ]

Bian Yuelong has not made the playoffs in the fourth-level league for 8 consecutive seasons, and has been given a [demotion mark] by the league. This is a warning.

Having this mark on a fortress is like having a [ST] mark on a stock. All evaluations are greatly reduced, risks increase, and various institutions such as land, colleges, and card stores will depreciate rapidly.

The two sisters took over Bian Yuelong's senior college at a low price and prepared to develop it into their own base.

But the college's expenses were much greater than the two had imagined, and there was also an ultimate foodie to support. After a few months, their savings were almost used up and they were on the verge of bankruptcy.

These tens of millions of gold points in the top ten must be won!

[Can't lose a single hand]

[Can't make any mistakes]


[You'll play cards all night to get points for me]

"Play cards all night?!"

Yilan looked up at the void, puffed up his lips, frowned slightly, twisted his forehead but didn't dare to talk back, his whole face was filled with visible grievances.

[Pack midnight snacks]

[Sister] sighed.

Money is not much, but those who should be spoiled should still be spoiled.

"Really?" Yilan's face suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny, his eyebrows were raised, and he smiled with narrowed eyes, "Sister is the best~"


Nine hours passed quickly.

Luo Bai woke up with the sound of the alarm clock.

Yes, it was too idle, it was impossible to brush questions, I could only sleep and prepare to rush for points all night.

Only one thought came up.

A strange wooden door appeared in his room.


Every time Luo Bai saw this scene, he was shocked. A wooden door appeared out of thin air, and it led to a strange place.

"Open the shop, open the shop."

He stepped into the wooden door, and then the wooden door disappeared, as if it had never appeared, without causing any waves.

Waters, dark night, white moonlight.

"Teacher Tony~"

Luo Bai pushed the door open with a bang.

"How many points?!"

The excited cat meowing that he imagined did not sound.

The big fat cat was sleeping on the table, its fluffy hair exuding a warm breath, its little head buried in its front paws, its eyes closed, entering a dreamlike world, with some cards scattered on the table, a familiar smell of housebreaking.

"Get up!!!"

Luo Bai shouted into its ear.


The store suddenly rang with hoarse and frantic cat meows, and panicked cat paws clapping.

"Hahaha——" Luo Bai laughed unkindly.

Turning over Tony's duel record, he laughed even more happily after losing five games in a row: "Hahaha, you can't even win with 30,000 points of source number, you are so weak, you are so weak."


"Are there a lot of [Whirlwind]?"

This [Source Number] deck is still very afraid of wind, and it will be finished if the field is blown.


"Three fields eat three winds?"


The picture is so beautiful that Luo Bai laughed even more happily.

Teacher Tony is not a card spirit or a human, but a cat who accidentally got involved in the afterlife store and lived too long and became a spirit.

For hundreds of years, he has received several [store managers].

Many times, if the [store manager] does not take care of himself, he will be more nervous than the [store manager].

[Reversal of Life and Death] is very dangerous, which is something that cats know, but the [store manager] does not understand.

If the shop owner is gone, it will be very boring and lonely. This order may last for hundreds of years.

It is not very intelligent. It can understand human language. Its duel level is at the entry level of [Source Number]. Don't expect it to adjust the deck according to environmental changes.

(The worst time a Source Number player was hacked)

"I squeezed your account." Luo Bai said leisurely, logged out of Tony's account, and logged in to his own


It has more than 500 people, so they should have given up treatment.

However, just as he entered the KC duel arena, a rapid knock on the door sounded.

"No way, someone is coming at this time." Luo Bai muttered.

"Bang bang bang!"

The knock on the door became more and more rapid. Judging from the rhythm, it should be the guest he blocked last time when he was busy making cards.

Now he is busy playing KC, and it seems not good to block twice in a row...

"Teacher Tony, receive the guest."

Luo Bai said coldly without taking off his helmet.

Teacher Tony cast a reluctant and resentful look, but still walked out of the store obediently.


A few minutes ago.

Waters, dark night, white moonlight.

Biochemical transformation laboratory.

[Unbounded Domain-Death Prison Township].

In the biochemical laboratory, the lights are dim and soft. The wall is inlaid with a curved touch screen, showing all kinds of complex and fascinating experimental data. Various high-precision instruments are quietly arranged on the long laboratory table, and the test tubes emit a faint blue light.

The surrounding is filled with an active and dense atmosphere like microorganisms.

A researcher sits attentively in front of a large microscope and a computer screen. He is wearing a white lab coat and gloves, staring at the cell structure unfolding under the microscope with burning eyes, and constantly debugging the equipment to obtain higher resolution.

It is the reincarnation of the world-destroying Karin [Guide. Aluber of the Death Prison], named Carl. Sisleti.


Carl looked at the experimental body in the culture tank and said, his fingers unconsciously sliding on the touch screen, and the cutting-edge robot arm flexibly moved the reagent bottle and accurately injected the cell culture medium.


The dark space was torn apart.

A humanoid monster emerged from the void of another dimension. He had a deep red body, a magenta half armor, a spear in one hand, and a red and black mechanical box in the other.

[Kushe Nuwei Tribe. Unicorn]

Kushe Nuwei Tribe. Unicorn

"Confirm the transformation process." The unicorn said in a deep voice after entering the laboratory, with a bit of fear in his voice.

Death Prison Township is Alubo's home field, not his own [Demon World], but fortunately the cooperation between the two sides has always been good.

"Look for yourself."

Carl Sisleti pointed in a direction, not in a good mood, focusing on the research work at hand.

Looking in the direction he pointed, there was a two or three meter high culture tank, which contained a strange experimental subject, a deep red mermaid.

[Kushe Nuwei Tribe of Pearl Tears Lamentation Tribe]

Kushe Nuwei Tribe of Pearl Tears Lamentation Tribe

The transformation is progressing smoothly and has basically taken shape.

"Check other experimental subjects, and a bad fluctuation in this life is detected in the present life." The unicorn said.

"Wow——" Carl. Sisleti raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He stopped the work at hand and pressed the blue button under a precision instrument.

The huge mechanical arm pushed dozens of culture tanks out of the iron door, all of which were experimental subjects of the [Pearl Tears Elegy Tribe].

The unicorn glanced back and forth at each experimental subject, and suddenly noticed something strange, his whole body tensed up, and he threw the spear in his hand.


The spear pierced the experimental subject, the culture fluid splashed, but no blood flowed out of the tank.

The attacked experimental subject was a phantom bubble.


"A fish that slipped through the net, hehe..." Carl. Sisleti raised his eyebrows and laughed.

The unicorn next to him stared at the bubble, his whole body emitting a strange red gas, his fists clenched suddenly, his fingers became curved and sharp, and the blood vessels between the knuckles were exposed like a wriggling venomous snake.



"With everyone's hope..."

"Live on..."


"Sister? What's wrong?"

Yilan felt [Sister]'s mood swings and whispered with concern.

[It's okay, match quickly]

The voice in my mind is clear and ethereal, and full of the vicissitudes of time.

Everyone's hope (my first wife)

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