
Chapter 116 Unilateral Suppression

The parasite's turn is over, and there is only one thing he wants to do now, survive until his next turn.

There is a fragrant garden on the Ye Jie field, as well as the fragrant mage Jasmine and the fragrant mage Marjoram. The card in hand is the fragrant mage bay leaf that was just drawn. In this round, as long as you draw well, you can kill the parasite.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Ye Feng looked at the card he had just drawn. It was "Planet Transformation". To a certain extent, it was a ghost draw.

Just when Ye Feng was about to activate the effect of Fragrant Garden to restore 500 health points, the parasite loudly said: "I activate the effect of Costume Witch! Once per round, I will send the sabotage of the witch spell in my hand to the graveyard. Destroy a face-up card on your field!"

Ye Feng looked at the parasite expressionlessly, and the parasite was caught in a tangle.

The parasite has only two options. The first is to destroy the aroma mage Marjoram so that its own cemetery can be saved; the second is to destroy the field magic card: Fragrance Garden.

The monster effects of Aroma Mage need to be restored to activate, and Aroma Garden is the core of the entire deck.

Targeted destruction of marjoram will have great hidden dangers, because the linkage between jasmine and fragrant gardens is equally terrible.

But once the Fragrant Garden is destroyed, Ye Jie's linkage will completely collapse, so this choice is self-evident.

"I'm going to destroy the fragrant garden on your field!"

The parasite gave the order, and the next moment, the garden on Ye Jie Field shattered, and once again returned to the duel field full of data streams.

"Wise choice!" Rixi said in agreement.

And Ye Feng couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, "What a pity, I want to activate the magic card in my hand: Planet Transformation! The effect of this card is that I can add a field magic from the deck to my hand! Come back, Fragrant Garden!"

The venue once again changed to the previous scene, and the parasite turned pale when he saw this scene.

Next, it's time for Ye Feng's personal show.

If it is an old witch, she has already begun to surrender to the next one, but obviously the parasite cannot surrender and can only fight hard.

Unless the parasite has some weird cards to reverse the situation, it's just waiting to die.

"I summon in attack position, Aroma Mage Bayleaf!"

Amidst Ye Feng's shouts, a cute girl with light yellow hair and wearing dark green linen poked her head out of the garden, and then jumped up to Ye Feng's front court.

[Aroma Mage·Bay Leaf, 1 star, wind, plant family, attack power 800, defense power 0]

At this time, Ye Jiechang gathered lolita, girls, royal sisters, and the fragrant garden, and the linkage was fully launched.

"What a shame, the spirit is about to start a solo show~" Litong said with a grunt, as if he was complaining.

Ye Feng waved his right hand, and the garden was filled with fragrance. "I activate the effect of the fragrant garden and restore 500 health points!"

Ye Feng LP5750→6250

"Because my HP has increased, the effects of the monsters on my field have also been triggered!"

"First is Jasmine, the Aroma Mage. Depending on the effect, I can draw a card! Draw a card!!"

Ye Feng smiled when he saw the card he had just drawn, and he became more stable now.

"Then, I want to activate the effect of Aroma Mage Marjoram. Since I have three aroma monsters on the field, I can banish three cards in your graveyard. The cards I want to banish are: Witch's Sabotage, Witch's Creation and Witchcraft Artisan·Forging Witch!”

The parasite reluctantly took out three cards from the graveyard and put them into the removal area. At this time, his body was already shaking badly.

Litong covered his eyes, saying that he couldn't bear to look at it any more.

Ye Feng smiled and said: "I also want to activate the effect of Aroma Mage Bay Leaf. When I restore my health, I can choose a plant-type monster on my field to become an adjustment monster!"

"I choose to turn Aroma Mage Bayleaf into an Adjustment Monster!"

Seeing this scene, Li Xi shook his head helplessly: "Is the adjustment monster coming? This is your best summoning method, Li Tong."

Li Tong put his hands on his hips and said arrogantly: "The best in the world in Synchronic Summoning!!"

"It's about to happen!" Ye Feng shouted, and couldn't help but get excited in his heart. It had been a long time since he had synchronized a summons, and the long-lost passion made him excited.

"I want to star the Aroma Mage - Bay Leaf and the Aroma Mage - Marjoram on my field!"

1 star + 5 stars = 6 stars

"The guardian of purity hidden in the sacred garden, the proud spirit that supports nature, please show your presence here! Synchronic summons, Fragrant Seraph Sweet Marjoram!!"

In Ye Feng's loud shout, the aroma mage Marjoram jumped up, and the laurel leaves turned into countless light spots, filling Marjoram's body. Then, Marjoram's pure black robe faded away, replaced by a gorgeous The black and yellow clothes, even the original wavy curls, have become long and straight black.

Aroma Mage, also transformed into Aroma Seraph, Marjoram, evolved into Sweet Marjoram.

The former is a sexy royal sister, while the latter is a noble goddess.

[Fragrant Seraph·Sweet Marjoram, 6 stars, light, plant family, attack power 2200, defense power 2000]

Ye Feng couldn't help but lick his lips. There are two goddesses in the Aroma Master series, Rosemary and Marjoram. The former is a cute girl, the latter is a mature lady, and Ye Feng obviously loves the latter.

"It's not over yet! I want to discard the adjustment monster in my hand, "Fragrance Seraph - Angelica". With this effect, I can activate it by targeting 1 "Fragrance" monster in my graveyard, and my life points will be restored. The numerical value of a monster’s attack power! "

Ye Feng waved his right hand, and the next moment, Marjoram's shadow appeared.

"The monster I chose is Aroma Mage Marjoram! Her attack power is 2000, and I can restore 2000 health points!"

Ye Feng LP6250→8250

The health value was completely overtaken at this moment.

At this moment, Li Tong turned his head away completely, and even Li and Li Xi couldn't stand it anymore.

Although the parasite's head is not bright, he also knows that he is completely at a disadvantage.

If Ye Feng's health value is lower than his own, then the parasite can still fight, but once the health value is higher than the opponent's, the effect of the aroma mage can be said to be doubled!

"Because my life points have increased, I want to activate the effect of Fragrant Seraph Sweet Marjoram, and I can destroy a card on your field! Destroy it for me, the alley of witchcraft!"

Sweet Marjoram raised her right hand high above her head. The next moment, countless flower stamens appeared on the ground, climbing into the alley of the witch's magic. Finally, the alley in front of the parasite was completely flooded with flowers.

"Bang!" The witch's alley was completely shattered, and the costumed witch hiding in the hut also had no cover.

At this point, the parasite only has an unknown card left in its hand, and a costumed witch naked on the table.

Ye Feng shouted excitedly: "Because of the effect of Fragrance Garden, before the end of your turn, my monster's offense and defense will be increased by 500 points! I'm going to turn Fragrance Mage Jasmine into defense mode and fight!!"

Aroma Mage·Jasmine’s defense power 1900 → 2400

Fragrant Seraph·Sweet Marjoram attack power 2200→2700

"Take some sweet marjoram and crush the witch in costume for me! Fragrance magic shock!!"

In Ye Feng's loud shout, Sweet Marjoram's momentum surged, and then a pure white magic shock wave blasted out. The costume witch raised her right hand to block, but it had no effect. Under the impact of Ziah's magic, the costume witch turned into Countless fragments dissipated.

Parasite LP8000→7700

"That's it, the round is over!" Ye Feng ended his round lightly.

At this point, the overall situation has been decided, and the probability of a comeback for the Witch Magic deck is extremely low.

Apart from an unknown card in the hand, the parasite has no usable cards. It is true that there are magic cards in the graveyard, but the magic cards cannot be recovered until the parasite's turn ends, and by then, the flowers have withered. .

"Damn it! If you let me, I won't be so passive! The parasite can't even predict and draw cards, how can it win?" Rixi seemed to have some mental problems. He glared at Li bitterly, and then used Scarlet eyes looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't care. Although up to now, Li, Litong, and Li Xi seemed to have differences of opinion, which looked like internal strife. But Ye Feng just didn't believe it. He felt that these three people were just acting in front of him.

Ye Feng chose to ignore it and wait until the duel was over before talking about anything else.

"You can let me go! Although my ability is auxiliary, my synchronization must be better than that of the spirit body! Fragrance mage, that's all!!" Li Tong also chimed in, belittling Ye Feng. His tone was unabashed.

"Okay!" Li yelled loudly: "The duel is not over yet? If you want to join, you can challenge the spirit body in the next one, and I will never stop you!"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows. Until now, he only knew that Li's deck was Galaxy Photon, and Li Tong's was an unknown synchro deck. Li Xi didn't know the deck at all. If there was a duel, Ye Feng was not sure of winning. After all, my deck is now transparent.

When Li Tong and Li Xi heard Li's scolding, they also closed their mouths and stood aside angrily.

Ye Feng was a little surprised. Among the three, he was completely rational. Secondly, it was true that the other party was afraid of him, but it seemed that he was too afraid.

Until now, Li has been sending parasites to duel with him, looking like a villain with low IQ.

But the key point is that Li is the kind of villain with no IQ?

If you really had no IQ, thank you for eating so much!

What went wrong?

While Ye Feng was thinking, the parasite finally pulled out the card.

"I'm going to bet everything on the next card, spirit body, I won't lose to you! Draw a card!!"

Ye Feng was a little surprised that the parasite had learned the rhetoric from somewhere.

The parasite looked at the card he drew, laughed, and said loudly: "I still have a chance!"

Ye Feng frowned. It seems that the parasite has drawn a good card, but he is not afraid. The linkage of the witch's magic has been destroyed. It is like a tiger without teeth and claws. You can still crush yourself to death by relying on your body. Can't?

I went out for dinner in the evening (a relative got married). When I got home at 8:30, I took a shower and started writing immediately. Sorry for the late update.

Keep fighting!

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