
Chapter 117 The Struggling Parasite

Ye Feng knows all the cards, and there are several decks that he likes very much and is very familiar with. Aroma Mage and Witch Magic are among them. As for why, he understands them all, (﹃).

If rosemary and marjoram are the two chief ladies of aroma magician, then witch magic also has its own core ladies.

The costume witch representing the royal sister is undoubtedly the core card; and another absolute core card, Loli represents: the famous witch craftsman and glass witch.

If Ye Feng's guess is correct, this is the only card in the Parasite deck that can help him regain some of his disadvantage.

The parasite looked at the two cards in his hand, breathed a sigh of relief, and then revealed a card.

"I attack to summon the witch craftsman and pottery witch!"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes when he saw this. Amidst the screams of the parasite, a loli... no, it should be said to be a young girl eighty centimeters tall. She was holding a pink magic wand in her hand and walking on short legs. With difficulty, he ran to the front of the parasite.

[Witch Artisan·Pottery Witch, 2 stars, earth, magician type, attack power 0, defense power 2000]

The parasite licked his lips and said excitedly: "I discard the magic card in my hand, "Scroll of Witchcraft", activate the effect of Pottery Witch, and remove 1 other than "Witchcraft Craftsman Pottery Witch" from the deck. The "Witch Magic" monster is specially summoned. "

"Come out, master witchcraft glass witch! Defense position!!"

The pottery witch closed her eyes. The next moment, her body turned into countless light spots, and then a huge light pillar rose.

The beam of light slowly dissipated, and a beautiful figure emerged.

She has long light blue hair, a white dress, and small blue cloth shoes. The most conspicuous thing is the huge magic wand. The one-meter-four tall Loli holds a two-meter magic wand and leans on the magic wand with lazy eyes. On the staff, he looked at Ye Feng with a smile.

[Famous witch craftsman: Glass Witch, 8 stars, light, magician type, attack power 1000, defense power 2800]

At this point, there is only one glass witch on the parasite field, and there are no hand cards or cover cards, but this is not a problem.

"I want to survive! If I can resist this round, I can start my chain again next round!" The parasite said confidently: "This is how my round ends! But at the end of my round, I have to activate Due to the effects of the two magic cards in the graveyard, as long as there is a "Witch" monster on my field, these two cards can remain face-up on my field! "

"Continuous Magic Card: Witch's Alley!"

"Perpetual Magic Card: Scroll of Witchcraft!"

This is how the horror of Witch Art unfolds. If it were someone else, or if it were not a fragrant deck, the Witch Art might return to the field in an instant. This is the difficulty of Witch Art.

The Glass Witch hid in the house in the alley, and behind the alley was a huge scroll.

The red light in the parasite's front field flickered and disappeared, and then, a red light appeared in Ye Jie's front field, which also meant that it was Ye Jie's turn.

"Your turn has begun. I want to activate the effect of "Witch Artisan Potter Witch" in the graveyard. If there are 0 cards in my hand, remove this card from the graveyard and use 1 "Witch Art" card in my graveyard. It can only be activated if it is the target. Add that card to your hand and return it to my hand, Costume Witch! "

The parasite chose the costume witch without hesitation, because he was extremely afraid that the costume witch would be eliminated. You must know that although his current situation has improved slightly, the cemetery is completely clean. If this wave is eliminated, it will be completely No chance.

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes. The main purpose of the witch's alley is to protect monsters from being destroyed by battle once per round.

The witch's scroll increases one's endurance. It can only be activated when a magician-type monster destroys a monster in battle, and you draw 1 card from the deck.

Similarly, the continuous magic cards in the Witchcraft series have a common effect, that is, they can be discarded instead of the magic cards in the hand, thereby activating monster effects.

Why Glass Witch is the core card in the core is because she has an overwhelming monster effect.

The first effect is to show the opponent the magic cards in your hand. For each magic card, you can choose one of your monsters and its attack power will increase by the number of magic cards you see x 1000 until the end of the round.

The second effect is to discard a magic card in your hand, and the effects of all face-up monsters on the opponent's field are invalid until the end of the turn.

Only one of these two effects can be activated per turn, and they are extremely powerful.

If he had used any other deck, he would really have been crushed by this card, but unfortunately, Ye Feng's deck was Fragrance Mage.

Marjoram removes cards from the graveyard.

Sweet marjoram, on the other hand, has a powerful effect that protects your own plant-type monsters from being affected by the effects.

In other words, Ye Feng's current situation perfectly restrained the Witchcraft deck.

This is also the reason why the parasite is uncomfortable. He must wait for the next round to completely solidify the witchcraft scene before he can fight Ye Feng.

Yes, it’s just a battle. Want to win? It's still difficult.

Ye Feng has no cards in his hand. Although the situation is suppressed now, the defense of the Glass Witch is as high as 2800. Ye Feng has no way to solve it for the time being. Although it doesn't matter if he can't solve it in one round, it is still uncomfortable.

Ye Feng looked at his deck and saw that half of the cards in his deck could kill the opposite Glazed Witch, and four or five cards could directly end the duel.

As for most of the remaining cards, Ye Jie can deal with the parasite in the next round.

"My turn, draw a card!!"

Ye Feng was a little excited. He hadn't played in such a crushing game for a long time.


Ye Feng looked at the card he had just drawn and couldn't help but get excited.

The parasite's field, hand, and graveyard are all transparent. This card has declared the victory of this duel.

Ye Feng confidently pointed his right index finger at Li and said loudly: "Li, I don't know what your plan is, but I won this duel! All your plots and tricks will be eliminated in this duel." Disintegrated into nothing!”

Litong's face turned red and she couldn't help but chop her feet anxiously, as if she was really losing her temper.

Rixi's face was also a little ugly, and it looked like her plan had failed.

As for Li, he frowned, shook his head unconsciously and said: "Spirit, you win first and then talk about it. I admit that your level is very high and very powerful, and it is a stumbling block for us to resurrect my king. However, in the end, you have to win." , is the winner!"

Ye Feng snorted and said disdainfully: "Although you praise me so much, I will not let you go. Just let me completely crush your conspiracy!"

Ye Feng laughed openly, and then knocked down the card in his hand: "I attack to summon: Aroma Mage Rosemary!"

In the fragrant garden, a cute girl with long light blue hair was wearing a blue magic robe and holding a blue magic wand. Her light green pupils were shining with confidence. She jumped briskly into the air and spun around. Huan stretched his figure and then landed steadily in front of Ye Feng.

[Aroma Mage·Rosemary, 4 stars, water, plant family, attack power 1800, defense power 700]

Seeing this card, Rixi shook his head and said, "Lost."

After saying this, Rixi stood up and left, seemingly unwilling to look any further. A portal opened up in the dark world, and Rixi stepped directly into it.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Litong called to Lixi, and then left with him. Before leaving, she did not forget to turn to Li and say: "Li, you can play with the spirit by yourself, I will He Lixi will leave first, your plan failed this time, please reflect on it!"

For a moment, only Ye Jie, Li and the dying parasite were left in the dark world.

Li shrugged helplessly, seeming to have accepted his fate.

Ye Feng really felt that the other person was not acting, maybe he was really overthinking?

"Huh, sure enough, I won this duel, which completely shattered Li's plan. Although I don't know what Li's plan was, I still won!" Ye Feng thought in his heart, getting more and more excited. I am sure that what I think is right.

But what Ye Feng didn't know was that when Li Tong and Li Xi left with their backs to Ye Feng, they showed a smile that seemed to have succeeded.

At this time, Ye Feng had completely launched his chain.

"I activate the effect of "Fragrance Seraph - Angelica" in the graveyard. This card exists in the graveyard. When I have more life points than my opponent and there is a "Fragrance" monster on my field, I can put it on my side. Special summon from the graveyard! Resurrection, Angel of Fragrance Angelica dahurica! "

I saw a huge flower appearing in front of Ye Jie, and when the flower was in full bloom, Ou Bai Zhi flew out from the flower. With a pair of huge butterfly wings, matched with her palm-sized body, she flew in one after another. On top of Rosemary's shoulders.

Rosemary smiled and touched Angelica's cheek with her fingers, while Angelica rubbed her face against Rosemary.

[Aromatic Seraph·Angelica dahurica, 1 star, light, plant type, adjustment monster, attack power 0, defense power 0]

"Next, I will activate the effect of Fragrant Garden, once per round, to increase my health by 500 points! And before the start of the next round, the attack and defense of the monsters on my field will increase by 500!"

A strong floral fragrance burst out from the fragrant garden, and Ye Jie's health increased again.

Ye Feng LP8250→8750

"As you can see, because my health has increased, the effects of the monsters on my field have all been triggered!" Ye Feng clenched his fists, "First of all, the effect of Aroma Mage Jasmine, I can use it from the deck Draw a card, draw a card!!”

Next is the effect of Fragrant Seraph Sweet Marjoram. Once per turn, I can destroy a face-up card on your field. Destroy it for me, the alley of witchcraft!

The alley in front of the parasite was once again annihilated by a sea of ​​flowers, and the body of the glass witch hidden in it was revealed.

"It's not over yet! Continue to activate Rosemary's effect and change the glass witch on your field to attack position!"

While Ye Feng was speaking, the body of the Glass Witch lying on her side on the magic wand slowly stood upright, then she hugged the magic wand with both hands and made a fighting posture, her eyes a little confused.

[Master of witchcraft: Glass Witch, attack power 1000]

Ye Feng smiled arrogantly and shouted: "That's it, I'm going to mix the rosemary on my field with Angelica dahurica!!"

Thank you to [Insane02]’s helmsman for the reward. I’m glad that I have another helmsman.

The helmsman will reward you with an extra update. If it's quick, it will be in the evening, if it's slow, it will be tomorrow at noon.

Also, thank you to the smoke-free boss and [2017 Qing] for the reward.

Finally, thank you to [Insane02] and [(]^ω^[)meow] for their monthly votes.

(The ID of this emoji is really hard to pin down. It took me a lot of searching on Baidu to find it. It means happy)

The second chapter will be at night. If nothing else, the helmsman will add an update at night, so we will post it together then.

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