
Chapter 44 Choice

As Zewu launched the intimidating roar, Jonouchi's duel disk emitted a data current, and with the activation of this card, Jonouchi was unable to issue an attack command.

When Zewu saw this scene, he showed a smile as if he had survived a disaster: "Hey, hey, Jonouchi, how could I be defeated by you so easily! The effect of the intimidating roar has been activated. In this round, you cannot attack. declaration!!"

Jonouchi was startled and couldn't believe it: "Unexpectedly. I didn't activate this trap when my meteor black dragon attacked. That would cause up to 3500 points of damage!"

Hearing this, Zewu was full of disdain: "In the city, do you think everyone only cares about immediate interests like you? As long as you can't OTK me, then I will never activate this card! After all, for me , there is no difference between 500 health points and 4000 health points, this is the difference between you and me, you mediocre person!"

"Damn it. It was so close, what a pity!" Jonouchi was a little annoyed, but he no longer had any means to attack.

Ye Feng frowned. There was indeed something about this Zewu, and his overall view was terrifying. While thinking, Ye Feng also looked at the few remaining card groups in the city, full of worry.

After only one big round, there are only 11 cards left in the Jounouchi deck!

Can the city still hold on?

never mind! The worst case scenario is to just print the card. We are planning to manifest the Red Eye deck in battle anyway, so it’s not a big deal to manifest it in this duel.

But isn’t this cheating method too shameless?

Thinking about it carefully, Zewu was about to win. The next moment, cards appeared out of nowhere.

Hiss. So terrifying!

I'm sorry. Ye Feng murmured in his heart. Of course, he said this to his own conscience.

After all, this is not a simple duel. Ye Feng does not represent himself alone... His own conscience may be so cheap.

If you want to deal with the corrupted duelist, you must first corrupt yourself. I will bear everything in the darkness, even if I lose my dignity as a duelist! Within the city, I hope you can shoulder a bright future

Just let me bear all this!

Ye Feng secretly made up his mind to seal the card immediately once he was defeated in the city.

Is it against the spirit of a duelist?

In the adult world, there are no dreams!

You can't even save your own life, you can't even protect the partners and relatives you care about most. It's so ridiculous to say these high-sounding words.

The person you are dueling with is not a "person" at all. This person refers to human nature.

While Ye Feng was thinking, the duel between Jonouchi and Zewu continued.

"I ambush three cards, the round is over!"

The three hidden cards flashed away one after another, which meant Jonouchi ended his turn.

Jonouchi's LP is still full, and there are three monsters on the field, two of which have strong attack power, but this is not Jonouchi's advantage, because there are only 11 cards left in Jonouchi's deck.

Seeing that Jonouchi had ended the round, Zewu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey Jonouchi, it's over like this. You are as incompetent as I thought!" Zewu was taunting him all the time, hurting Jonouchi's soul.

Jonouchi's eyes were equally disdainful, and he was not very angry, but said mockingly: "I saw the expression on your face after the disaster! Stop pretending to me, how embarrassed you were when I beat you just now, you You don’t know, right? You tell others all day long that you are incompetent, but you don’t know that you are the real clowns!”

"Hmph, only a mediocre person like you would think that you have an advantage." Zewu responded in words, while he had already drawn a card from the deck and added it to his hand, "I want to activate the magic card: Light Protect the Sealing Sword!"

Countless lightsabers appeared in front of Jonouchi, instantly blocking all his attacks. Seeing this, Jonouchi said coldly, "You want to block my attack? I won't let you succeed! I want to open the lid." Fu’s Trap Card: Big Tornado of Sand!”

When Ye Feng saw Jonouchi, he immediately opened the cover card and clenched his fists.

Because this is not the best time to use the big tornado of sand!

This card can be used at any time, Jonouchi is in a hurry! The anxious Ye Feng couldn't stop him at all.

Forget it, I hope there will be no consequences, Ye Feng comforted himself in his heart.

The card hidden in the city was opened under his command. The next moment, the card overflowed with mysterious light. After a while, a terrifying tornado appeared, rolling directly towards Zewu, and then sealed his light protection. The sword blows into annihilation.

"Oh? Didn't you expect to break my attack blockade?" Zewu murmured, and the next moment, his eyes flashed: "Thanks to you using the big tornado of sand and dust, you have no way to stop me. I activated this card. Then I will show you the most powerful life-saving magic card in my deck!"

Ye Feng's eyes became solemn when he heard Ze Wu's words.

As Zewu finished speaking, a magic card was activated by him.

A dark transparent tent appeared, covering both of them.

"What is this?" Jonouchi was stunned, because this was another card he had never seen before.

Zewu looked at Jonouchi as if he were looking at a country turtle, and then explained: "Magic card, temporary truce! After activation, both players need to draw a card each, and then, before the end of your next turn, both sides All damage taken by the player is zero!"

After hearing this, Jonouchi immediately felt something bad, and all the damage was zero! That also means that it will be difficult for him to defeat Zewu in the next round! Not only that, but he also needs to draw another card?

But there is nothing I can do, I have used the big tornado of sand dust too early!

Suddenly, Jonouchi remembered what Ye Feng said last night: "Jounouchi, you must remember that you should never be the first to reveal your trump card. Unless it is absolutely necessary, some cards cannot be used in a hurry. The fists that are not punched out are more deterrent. !”

Jonouchi recalled Ye Feng's words, his face felt like it was on fire, and he was extremely annoyed.

The difference between reality and preaching is that when this happens, you realize that someone has preached to you!

The Sealing Sword of Light has the opportunity to use a whirlwind to destroy it on its own turn, but the temporary truce has been successfully activated and the effect can no longer be negated!

"I'm sorry I didn't think it through completely." Jonouchi was not stupid. He knew that he had made a wrong operation just now and immediately apologized to Ye Fengchuan.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, then suppressed a smile and said: "It's only three things! The last time you faced off against Mi Lang, you relied on your luck. And this time, I can still help you... But if there is a next time... I I think you will know the consequences! That may be something that none of us can bear! Don’t forget Jonouchi, you still have a sister! You also have Kyoko and Yugi! Don’t be careless!”

"I'm sorry. I will think carefully. I will try to slow down the speed of my playing cards. If I have a problem, please point it out to me! Now, although I am very unwilling to not be able to protect myself, You... But I don’t want to lose!” Jonouchi’s eyes were firm, but mixed with a hint of request.

"In the city, turn every mistake into an opportunity for your own growth. With such a belief, you will be extremely powerful!"

"But remember, I can't guide you all my life. Maybe one day, I will leave and I won't be by your side. At that time, you will have to face all challenges alone."

"There is no chance to come back in life. I hope you can remember my words and become stronger little by little in the difficult situation, instead of immersing yourself in the mistakes you have made and falling into self-blame. This is what a coward would do! Make mistakes! It’s not scary. What’s scary is that you know your mistakes and don’t correct them. What’s scary is that you make mistakes again and again!”

Facing Ye Feng's heartfelt voice, Jonouchi clenched his fists.

"Thank you for teaching me so many principles of life! I must win! I swear as a duelist!"

While Ye Feng was guiding the city, Zewu concealed a monster card again, "I will continue to conceal a monster card, and then ambush a card. The round is over!"

Jonouchi took a deep breath, and it was his turn again, but this time, he had no powerful monsters, but no effective means of attack.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Remaining deck in the castle: 9!

"Jounouchi, does the pleasure of drawing cards make you want to stop?" Zewu laughed strangely. As he spoke, the cover card that Zewu ambushed had been opened, "Keep drawing cards, Jounouchi! I want to open my ambush. Card: The gift of lust! With the effect of this card, I can let my opponent draw two cards!"

"It's so vicious." Jonouchi's eyes seemed to be on fire, but he had no choice but to draw two more cards from the deck.

Remaining deck in the castle: 7!

"Hey, hey, Jonouchi, the deck that counts towards your destruction is getting closer and closer! Are you not willing to be defeated by your own deck?"

Faced with Zewu's repeated ridicule, Jonouchi was indeed unwilling, but now he really had no choice. Zewu's remaining 500 health points made Jonouchi unreachable.

Jonouchi looked at the cards in his hand and considered whether to attack the monster Zewu had hidden.

It's obvious that this hidden monster is similar to a needleworm.

But whether to attack this round or to hold back a little longer, Jonouchi was in a dilemma.

If it were Ye Feng, he would choose to endure it. After all, if the effect is triggered now, he may not even have a chance to draw the next move.

But if he endures a move this round, even if he chooses to reverse summon in Zewu's round, he will not be able to normal summon again after that! Maybe I can have another round!

A round is an opportunity.

Of course, this is Ye Feng's consideration, but now the duel is within the city!

With Jonouchi's character, he must have thought that it would be triggered sooner or later, so don't be cowardly and just be reckless.

Ye Feng knows Cheng Nei very well. Similarly, Cheng Nei's forward-moving momentum has both advantages and disadvantages. At the moment, it is obvious that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Ye Feng wanted to remind him, but he hesitated.

Do you really want to remind yourself?

Jonouchi's character is like this, and it is too difficult to change it. If his character is really changed, will he still be Jonouchi?

A perfect strategy? Calculating things may really not be suitable for the city. It was like this before, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future.

Ye Feng really wants to make Jonouchi stronger, but he doesn't want Jonouchi to become another person. The current Jonouchi is what Ye Feng agrees with.

Although Ye Feng really wants to turn Jonouchi into a perfect duelist who can make every move, but no one is perfect...

Just this time, let me deal with the aftermath for you. Even if I pay a price that I can't imagine, I am not willing to let you become a person I don't know in the city!

While Ye Feng was thinking, Jonouchi still issued the attack command as Ye Feng thought.

"Come on, true red-eyed black dragon, kill that monster for me, black flame bullet!!"

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