
Chapter 45 Shocking Reversal (Additional Update)

Zewu LP500; 2 cards in hand; a hidden monster on the field; the temporary truce effect has been triggered.

Jonouchi LP4000; 5 cards in hand; Meteor Black Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Iron Knight, two Ambush Cards on the field; 7 cards left in the deck.

Under Jonouchi's instructions, the red-eyed black dragon had already launched an offensive.


Zewu's hidden card appeared. It was a large silver round pot. Like the deformation pot, its weird big eyes made people's hair stand on end.

[Electronic Pot (Future Pot), 3 stars, dark, rock type, attack power 900, defense power 900]

When Zewu saw that the electronic pot was destroyed, the smile on his face became even wider, "Jounouchi, you idiot! You are so eager to die! If you don't attack, I really won't be able to destroy your deck in the next round. Where is Er Jing...you brought this on yourself!"

Zewu laughed loudly, and then drew five cards from the top of the deck, "Thanks to you, the effect of the electronic pot has been activated! When reverse summoned, it can destroy all monsters on the field, and then turn over the top of the deck. The five cards above are added to the hand. If there are monsters with four stars or less among them, they must be hidden for defense summons or face-up attack summons!"

As Zewu spoke, the body of the electronic pot continued to expand, and finally exploded, blasting all the monsters in the city into powder.

As the three monsters were destroyed, Jonouchi couldn't help but close his eyes due to the dazzling light.

The light dissipated, and both sides were empty of monsters.

Immediately afterwards, Zewu once again secretly placed four monsters on the field.

"I'm so lucky...I drew so many monsters that are going to kill you all at once! Let me tell you Jonouchi, what I just secretly planted were two deformation pots, one electronic pot, and one needleworm! Hahaha!!"

While explaining, Zewu laughed and taunted: "You see, in the city, you don't have the next turn! As long as it's my turn, I only need to reverse summon a monster at random, and then there will be no more monsters in your deck. The remaining cards! And I have a temporary truce this round... There is no way you can beat me!"

Jonouchi's heartbeat accelerated and his right hand began to tremble.

"Sa, it's your turn, hurry up and draw five cards!" Zewu's face was full of madness, like a wild wolf that had been hungry for three days, with a fierce look in his eyes, and the city seemed to have become his prey.

Ye Feng sighed inwardly and shook his head silently, a little bitterly.

At this moment, Jonouchi turned over the five cards at the top of the deck, raised the corners of his mouth, and then, Jonouchi began to laugh disdainfully, like a villain.

"Huh...huh...ha, hahaha..."

Ye Feng frowned, confused and worried. What was going on in the city?

Seeing Jonouchi laughing, Zewu also laughed, "Jounouchi, you finally couldn't bear the pressure and went crazy?! Ridiculous, so ridiculous! Hahaha!"

After listening to Zewu's continuous taunts, Jonouchi finally stopped laughing.

"Zewu! The duel is not over yet! If I keep laughing, I can win this duel. Why are you laughing again?!"

Zewu was startled when he heard this, but the next moment, he was laughing even more crazily.

"Ignorance! Extremely stupid! You are really crazy, Jonouchi, and you are still thinking about defeating me?! Why do you dare to say such nonsense! You are so hopelessly stupid!!"

Ye Feng was also a little confused. The cards drawn in the city were the God-given card, the Pot of Desire, and three monsters. At least Ye Feng didn't think about how to win...

And just when Zewu was scolding and Ye Feng was confused, Jonouchi had already summoned three monsters in attack mode: the captain who cut into the enemy's formation, the command knight, and the warrior with the giant axe.

"Zewu, let me show you what my faith is! What I carry are my most important relatives and my most important partners! The power they give me will create endless possibilities! "

"Stop talking big words Jonouchi! You keep talking about your so-called beliefs all day long, but you don't know that you have no qualifications or ability to do it! Since you like daydreaming so much, then I will watch you step into despair!"

Jonouchi's eyes were extremely determined, and the next moment, he activated a magic card from his hand.

"I want to activate the magic card: God-given treasure card!"

Ye Feng was a little stunned when he heard that Cheng Nei used the God-given treasure card. The next moment, Ye Feng seemed to have thought of something.

Jonouchi laughed playfully, his face full of confidence: "Zewu, don't you like to draw cards? Then let me help you too! You have three cards in your hand now, come on, draw three cards for me!"

Zewu was puzzled and then drew three cards.

"Jounouchi, you are really crazy! You already have six cards in your hand, do you want to free up some cards? But the effect of your God-given card is exactly what I want!"

Jonouchi wiped the bottom of his nose with his right finger, which was a confident move on his part.

"Zawa, you wantonly destroy the duelist's favorite card, I will not let you go!" Jonouchi pointed at Zewu, with a very determined face, "I want to open my ambush card: Grave Robber (animated card) )!"

"Tomb robber?" Zewu was very confused. He was still a little confused now.

"The effect of Graverobber is that I can choose a card from your graveyard and add it to my hand!"

As Jonouchi explained, a card flew out of Zewu's graveyard, spinning at high speed towards Jonouchi. Jonouchi flicked his right hand and held the card between his index and middle fingers.

"What I choose is...hand card obliteration!"

At this moment, Zewu seemed to have thought of something.


"Hmph." Jonouchi snorted coldly, "According to the rules, a card drawing effect of a single nature will not directly cause me to lose, so naturally I can activate this hand card to erase it!"

Note: Don’t compare this rule to Malik’s duel with the game, because Malik must draw cards, he draws cards in a chain. Players who want to cheat can go and watch the 72nd episode of Yu-Gi-Oh GX, where Judai Yujo personally explained this rule.

As Jonouchi activated Hand Erase, all the cards in his hand were thrown into the graveyard, and the last two cards in the deck were added to his hand.

Remaining deck in the castle: 0!

Jonouchi said loudly: "Although I have no cards in my deck, it doesn't matter anymore! Zewu, draw cards quickly!!"

As for Zewu, at this moment, his right hand began to tremble.

Jonouchi shouted angrily: "Zewu! Destruction of the deck has always been relative! You made the duelist's cards cry, but you don't know that what is really crying is your own card!!"

"Then...so what?!" Zewu said very harshly, and finally sent the six cards in his hand to the graveyard and drew six more cards.

Zewu’s deck remaining: 13!

Zewu finally discovered the few cards he had left, and then he looked at the two sides. The next moment, his eyes became extremely frightened!

Zewu has four monsters hidden on the field, two transformation pots, one electronic pot, and one needleworm.

There are three monsters on the field in the castle.

Zewu exclaimed: "Impossible! Impossible! My monsters are all hidden. You must first defeat my two transformation pots and then defeat my electronic pot before my deck can return to 0! One But if your attack hits the needleworm or attacks the electronic pot in advance, you lose!"

Note: The electronic pot is destroyed directly, and there is no chance of reversal.

"How will you know if you don't try?" Jonouchi said with a half-smile, "Nothing is impossible! This is the truth my best friend told me, and now I will tell you too!"

Zewu went crazy, his face was deformed, "This probability is too low! How could you have such luck!"

When Ye Feng saw this scene, he felt a little dazed... because the last person who said this to Jonouchi was Mi Lang.

Ye Feng looked at Chengoui with complicated eyes.

It turns out that the city can already be independent...

It turns out that Jonouchi has become so strong...

It turns out that Jonouchi no longer needs him very much...

Since turning into a spirit body, Ye Jie has no need to sleep, eat, or feel the temperature... But at this moment, Ye Jie was a little tearful.

It was as if I had watched my rebellious child in middle school grow up overnight and be able to stand in front of me and protect myself from the wind and rain...

"I don't believe it! As long as you attack the wrong monster, you will lose! There is no way you can come back! You can't beat me by relying on luck!!" Zewu's face was crazy, looking at Chengoui, like It was like eating him alive.

"Hmph, let's fight! Command the knight and attack the second monster from the left!"

"Drink!" The commanding knight shouted and stabbed the hidden monster without hesitation.

Zewu's eyes were bloodshot and his whole body was trembling, because this one was exactly the transformation pot!

One in two probability! Get the first 10% in the city!

"Damn it!? I don't believe it! I don't believe it!! You are just lucky!"

Zewu comforted himself, but according to the effect of the transformation pot, he discarded all the cards in his hand and drew five cards again.

Zewu’s deck remaining: 8!

"That's it, I'm going to continue!" Jonouchi clenched his fists, and his face became bloodshot and red with excitement.

"Come on, captain, cut into the enemy formation and attack the monster in the middle!"

When Zewu heard this order from Jonouchi, he felt confused.

"How is it possible? What kind of luck are you doing?! This time there is only a one-third chance. You bet right again?!"

Yes, as the captain cut into the enemy formation and swung his sword, the second transformation pot was also chopped into pieces.

Zewu reluctantly drew five cards again.

Zewu’s deck remaining: 3!

Zewu looked ferocious: "Impossible! This is impossible! I don't believe you can be selected three times in a row!"

"Zewu! With the faith of my partners on my shoulders, I will never lose! I will give everything to this attack! I will use my identity as a duelist as a bet!!"

"Giant Ax Warrior, attack the monster on the far left!"

As the final instructions fell, despair appeared on Zewu's face.

"Why! Why don't you buy a lottery ticket! You gambling dog, you will die a happy death!!"

The warrior with the giant ax took two steps forward and struck down with one axe. The electronic pot turned into a huge ball of light and exploded!

Zewu’s deck remaining: 0!

"You who play with the cards wantonly will eventually be betrayed by the cards! Zewu, I won this duel!!"

And just when Jonouchi made a declaration of victory, Zewu's half-dead expression suddenly changed. He laughed, hey, and then said to Jonouchi: "I lied to you. You thought you won now?" What?"

As Zewu said these words, Ye Feng felt something bad, and the city also felt a chill.

Because many problems have been discovered in the previous article recently, I feel uneasy and will add an update.

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