
On the street, Keqing quickly covered the old man's mouth and said urgently: "Don't say it!" What kind of fortune teller are you, how can you even calculate such a thing?

The old man grinned: "Confidential, no comment." "


Keqing lowered his voice: "In that case, you should have figured out who that person is, right?"

The old man smiled: "It has been said to this extent, and the identity of the other party is not difficult to guess."

"In that case, old sir, if I want to ask him some questions, is there any way?"

"Well, naturally, there is a way."

The old man rubbed his hands: "But..."

Keqing directly took out a bag of Mora and placed it in the old man's hand.

When the old man got the money, he couldn't help but smile, he stuck it to Keqing's ear and whispered a few words.

When Keqing listened, he was first shocked, and then suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be him! I see, thank you sir. When

the words fell, Keqing didn't eat lunch anymore, and hurriedly went in the direction of the Shengtang.


“OK! Close!

On the street, Ruo Ling's eyebrows smiled, beckoning Ning Guang to close the stall.

"Holy Monarch, I'm curious to ask, what you just said to Keqing is about the emperor, right."

"Yes!" Ruo Ling smiled and nodded.

Ning Guang suddenly became interested: "Sure enough, what did you say in the end next to Keqing's ear?" Can you tell me about it too?

"Of course."

Ruoling nodded: "But I told her that Keqing gave the money, if I don't accept your money, I will tell you about this, which is a little unfair to Keqing."

"In that case, how much are you going to cost?"

"200,000 mora, just mean it."

"It's easy."

"It's really simple."

Ruoling smiled funny, but don't forget: "You don't have any money today!" "


Condensing light was anxious, but soon smiled dumbly.

With a simple conversation, she already understood that Ruo Ling did not intend to tell her about the emperor.

And when the spirit saw this, he no longer spoke.

Ning Guang guessed correctly, she really didn't plan to tell her about Zhongli.

As a person who does not respect immortal gods, Keqing has always been appreciated by the emperor.

Therefore, Ruoling believed that if Keqing humbly asked for advice, Zhongli would definitely not hesitate to give advice.

As for the others, it is better to look at the creation, at least she does not want too many people to disturb her uncle's retirement life, and her uncle should also hope to have an easier life.

"Alright! Keqing gave me 40,000 mora!

"Condensing light, we have already saved more than 80,000 mora, and we are a little short of a full score of 100,000 mora."

"Let's go, let's go around again and see if we can make some more money."


On the commercial street of Liyue Port.

Ruo Ling and Ning Guang, who had changed their new appearance, were wandering around.

When you are away from home, it is inevitable to encounter salesmen.

But Ruoling had already dealt with this.

Sales: This young lady, would you like to try our rouge? Really, our rouge is made in ancient craftsmanship, which is very good.

Ruo Ling: Ancient craftsmanship? Got it! Make products whose processes are not iterated and optimized for a long time.

Sales: This young lady, take a look at our product, it is handmade, very good.

Ruo Ling: Pure handmade? Understand, products that cannot be industrially produced, so they can only be sold by hand.

Sales: Miss, would you like to take a look at our product, limited, especially rare.

Ruoling: Limited? Got it! There is no mature production line, so it can only be said that it is limited.

Salesman: Miss, do you want to see the house? Super green, pure residential community.

Ruoling: Super greenery means that there is a wasteland next to it, and a pure residential community means that there are no supporting facilities around the house, and you can only live in people, right?

Along the way, every sales pitch was speechless by Ruo Ling, and they all shook their heads and sighed that they had encountered an opponent today.

Seeing this, Ning Guang behind him was quite surprised.

She thought that this kind of routine could only be seen by a veteran businessman like her.

"I didn't expect that from the Holy Monarch Immortal Family, he actually knew these market routines."

"That's nature!"

Ruo Ling raised his chin: "On grabbing the money in your pocket and refusing marketing routines, we are confident that we will not lose to anyone!" Listening

to this, Ning Guang couldn't help but frown slightly, and secretly said in his heart what this holy monarch had experienced, and he would actually have such a sophisticated side.


On the other hand

, as the organization responsible for funeral rites, on weekdays, whether it is feng shui, auspicious days, or fate plates, etc., it is necessary to know.

Yesterday, Hu Tao, the hall master of the Past Life Hall, found an ancient book that taught fortune-telling when he was flipping through the ancient books in the hall.

Well, her personality has always been to do whatever she thinks.

Hu Tao, who got this book, is as excited as the protagonist who has picked up the secret code in a martial arts novel.

So I stayed up all night and studied hard.

At noon, on a whim, she pulled Zhongli and Bai Ruotuo and ran outside to set up a stall to tell fortunes, intending to try her skills.

But because the sign was a fortune-telling in the past life hall, her business was not good.

"Hmm... Hall Master..."

Zhong Li, who was standing by the stall, sighed helplessly.

"Fortune-telling and divination are not child's play."

"The matter of destiny is very important, and those who lack the level will be calculated for others, and I am afraid that they will harm others."

Bai Ruoda on the other side also sang and agreed with Zhong Li.

"Indeed, I agree with Zhongli's words."

"Those who are inexperienced, it is better not to interpret fate for others without permission, otherwise I am afraid that others will be led in the wrong direction."

"At that time, it is not worth it to harm others to go astray, but also to bear the cause and effect that affects the fate of others."

But the two men's persuasion did not work at all.

"Oh, you two don't talk so seriously!"

"Divination, it must be to give people an experience to calculate!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ruoda and Zhong Li both had a headache, obviously, both of them also had no way to take walnuts.

But right now.

A young girl wearing Liyue-style ordinary folk clothes passed by with a woman.

After the girl saw the fortune-telling stall set up by Walnut, her eyes immediately lit up.

"Yo, that's not a walnut!"

"Good friends set up stalls, I have to support them."

Saying that, he pulled the woman behind him to the booth of the walnut.


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