In front of the booth.

Zhong Li and Bai Ruoda looked at the girl in front of them, and they were both stunned for a moment.

Fortunately, the girl blinked lightly, and they did not speak.

"Do you tell fortunes here?"

"That's nature!"

When Hu Tao saw the guest, he was overjoyed and hurriedly pulled the girl to sit down.

"It's not me blowing it to you, our Past Life Hall, that is a thousand-year-old brand, the divination method used by the hall master, that is an ancient method that has been passed down for thousands of years!"

"No matter who comes, as long as you look at the palmistry, the hall master can be counted as having missed nothing!"


The girl couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard this: "Then come and calculate it for me!" With

that, the girl put her hand on the table.

"Okay, wait a minute!"

Walnut sat up straight and carefully examined the girl's palm.

The more she looked at this, the deeper her brow furrowed.

"What's wrong? Did you see something bad? "


Hu Tao gasped: "You palm print... It's a rarity.

"Judging by palmistry, your life... Not very good.

"You see this line of fate, not only is it short, but it also has many forks, which proves that your fate is very bumpy."

"First of all, your parents are not very well-connected, and they may have been abandoned when they were one or two years old."

"Looking at your karma line again, there is a fate, but in the end, it is separated by heaven and man, and it is destined to not succeed."

"Secondly, your health line is very shallow, and your lifeline is also very short, I am afraid that you will not live to be 15 years old..."

"Finally, there is a source of wealth, and the palmistry shows that you will not have any financial resources in this life, and you are destined to live a poor life."

Hu Tao said a lot of things, which made Zhong Li and Bai Ruoda behind him look strange and look at each other.

And Condensing Guang's lips are also squirming uneasily, as if they can't help but laugh.

Bad parental relationship? Abandoned at the age of one or two? Just kidding, how much the Dragon King hurts this daughter, the world knows.

As for her body and longevity, she is a god!

There is also the source of wealth, saying that if the spirit will not have a source of wealth, it is destined to live a poor life?

Fortune telling to the God of Wealth, saying that the God of Wealth is destined to live a poor life? You're really....

There are too many slots, and when I think of Walnut's expression after reading the earth vein projection tomorrow, Ning Guang can't help but be a little handsome.

And just when everyone was laughing secretly in their hearts, Ruo Ling came to the spirit.

Her face instantly turned pale, and her face was full of disbelief.

"Nope! No way!

"I don't believe it! I definitely can't be such a life!

She stood up, as if she had received some huge blow, and her body subconsciously stepped back.

"It's okay, the number of fates can be changed."

Seeing that she couldn't accept it, Hu Tao comforted her.

But Ruo Ling didn't seem to hear it, shaking his head while thinking about himself.

"No, it can't be, I don't believe it!"

"I can't live a poor life!"

"I do not accept such a fate!"

In the next second, something that Hu Tao never expected happened.

Ruo Ling actually shouted maniacally: "I want to change my life against the sky!!" Then

I didn't know where to pull out a kitchen knife and cut it at my palm!

"Aaaah! I can't help it! "

Suddenly such a sudden out, directly scared Hu Tao stupid!

Her expression changed suddenly, and she slammed into the table and hugged Ruo Ling.

"Why don't you play cards according to the routine! Shouldn't a normal person ask me how to change my life, then I will charge, and then tell you how to change my life?

Ruo Ling was furious: "I don't! I'm going to do it myself! Let me go!

"I can't help it! Can't help it! You still have a great future, how can you do such a stupid thing! Walnut shouted.

"What a great future! I have been poor all my life! What future do I have to speak of!

Ruo Ling looked excited: "You let me go!" This damn palmistry, look I chopped it off! "


Walnut shouted: "If you chop it, I will be finished!"

She hugged Ruoling desperately: "I was wrong! Sisters! I was wrong! I'm just a charlatan!

"As good young people in the new era of Liyue, we must believe in science!" How can you be so superstitious!

"You open it for me!"

Ruo Ling struggled frantically: "Don't stop me from changing my life against the sky!"

"Don't, don't! Why don't you listen to advice! "

Walnut is dying.

Suddenly, she was in a hurry!

"By the way, didn't you say that you were poor all your life, I'll give you money!" You see, if you have money, won't the lives of this poor life be self-defeating?

As soon as these words came out, Ruo Ling suddenly quieted down.

Her face gradually calmed down: "Really?


Hu Tao carried a bag of 100,000 Mora and stuffed it directly to Ruo Ling.

"Look, aren't you rich now?"

"Yes... Yes! Ruo

Ling, who got the money, had an expression on his face like rain, and reached out and threw the kitchen knife.

"That's right!"

Seeing this, Hu Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much, I have money, I have money!"

"Thank you, Hall Master Hu, you are such a good person!"

"It's okay, it's okay! Remember not to think about it anymore.

"Don't go to fortune telling in the future, remember ha, these are superstitions, you must not believe it!"

Watching Ruoling leave, Hu Tao did not forget to tell thousands of instructions.

And Zhong Li behind him glanced at Bai Ruota strangely, and his meaning was obvious: "You taught her virtue?"

Bai Ruota couldn't bear to look directly, and covered his face with a headache.

But no matter what, the two also had to sigh, maybe only a person like Ruoling can cure the nature of Hu Tao.

"Hall Master, look, what I said is good, right?"

"The first fortune telling, it almost caused a disaster, fortunately this time it was just a small fortune, so don't count it again in the future."

"Got it, I won't count it anymore."

Hu Tao sighed helplessly and beckoned Zhong Li and Bai Ruoda to collect the stall and go home.

On the other side, Ruo Ling finally did not hold back after walking away, and he laughed while carrying the money bag.

This time, even Ning Guang didn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

"Holy Lord, you are really bad."


PS: It's almost played, tomorrow Ruo Ling should know about Inazuma's side, hahaha

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