The wind is stormy, the thunder is roaring.

Since the moment of the real appearance, the whole world has been quiet.

The power of the earth vein, since the true release of divine power, surged towards her.

Obviously, compared to Yu Ying, although his strength is really weak, his control over Inazuma Earth Vein is stronger!

The Raiden General on the opposite side seemed to be down, looking at Zhen blankly, stunned in place.

In the Pure Land, Kage’s previous confrontation with the general’s consciousness can’t beat her! Can only come back here first.

But in the dark, she heard the voice she had been missing for a long time.


The shadow opened his eyes and looked around a little blankly.

Calming down to probe his consciousness, through the gaze of the Raiden General, the shadow confirmed at a glance who the person on the other side was.

Is that……

She thought day and night about it.

There will be no fakes!

A smile, a smile, a demeanor…

These can be fake, but the kind of intimacy and call that makes her come from the heart, from the depths of her soul, from the roots of the twin demon gods.

That’s not deceptive!

It’s really true!

She’s back!

She’s resurrected!

My sister, who died five hundred years ago, has returned to herself!


Within the Pure Land, the shadow instantly burst out with unprecedented power.

The barrier set up by the Raiden General around him, the defense shadow was worn out, appeared.

Shadow’s eyes were full of anger.

“Get out of here!!”

Even more surging thunder emerged, and the barrier, without holding on for a second, was shattered.

The Pure Land of One Heart is shaken, and the shadow regains control of his body.

Breathe in the slightly salty air of the outlying islands and feel the moist rain.


The tenderness and intimacy that exudes from the opposite real body.

The shadow, who had never had red eyes, couldn’t hold back.

Slowly raised his hand and flew towards Zhen.

Standing in front of her, carefully and carefully, looking at Zhen inch by inch.

In the past five hundred years, she has been shrinking 600 in a pure land dream.

In the dream, it’s really okay, and they are okay in the Fox Palace.

The shadow is just a shadow behind her sister, enjoying the joy of being taken care of by Makoto.

This is the best way to combat wear and tear.

And now…

Everything seemed to come true.

Is it Liyue? Is it Ying?

It doesn’t matter anymore, now…

It’s really resurrected.

As long as Makoto is resurrected, Kage is willing to pay any price.


Kage pursed his lips, wanting to reach out and hug Makoto.

But Makoto took a step back and looked at her expressionlessly.

In an instant, the expression of anticipation and anticipation on Shadow’s face became a little helpless.

Like an abandoned kitten, pitiful.


This time, let the heart soften.

This expression has never appeared before.

I really understand how much it hurts her sister who has not seen her for five hundred years without a hug.


Shadow did too many wrong things.

There really must be a corresponding punishment.

Otherwise, what do Ayaka think?

Zhen gritted his teeth and forced himself to be ruthless in his heart.

For the gentle her, making the shadow sad is more painful than making her sad.

Zhen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

“Look what you’ve done!”

“When I gave Inazuma to you, did I want to see Inazuma people living in misery?”

“Shadow! You disappointed me so much! ”

Shadow took a step back with some fear, lowered his head, and after a moment of silence, whispered:

“I’m sorry, really…”

Zhen took a deep breath, didn’t say anything to the shadow, turned his head, and looked at the confused Kujo Yuro on the ground, his gaze became gentle.

“Kujo Iro, right?”

“Yes… Yes…”

Kujo was confused and didn’t know what exactly this was unfolding (cfee).

But the person in front of her gave her a very warm and intimate feeling, really and exactly like the shadow, Kujo Yuro was still willing to listen to her.

Kujo Luo pursed his lips and said curiously:

“You are…”

Shenzi flew out riding the dragon with a smile, circled around the nine robes, and said softly:

“The person in front of you is the sister of the current General Inazuma Raiden, and the first ruling of Inazuma five hundred years ago, the god of thunder.”

“Strictly speaking, if you don’t know, she has always been your general!”

Hearing this, Kujo Luo was shocked and looked at the shadow inquiringly.

Although Kage was a little sad, he nodded and approved of Miko’s words.

Kujo immediately knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice:

“I’ve seen Lord General!”

Zhen floated to the ground, looked at Kujo Oro gently, and gently patted her shoulder.

“During this time, you have worked hard… I know everyone in Inazuma has a hard time, and I’m sorry my sister has caused you trouble. ”

Such a gentle Thunder God, Kujo Hora has never experienced.

But I have to say that the real personality charm is really strong, and he instantly convinced Kujo Luo.

The latter said seriously:

“I swear allegiance to Inazuma and Lord Shogun, this is my duty!”

After a pause, looking at the truth in front of him who was gentle to the bone, Kujo Luo gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:

“Your Honor, may you… Can you change the situation of Inazuma, the life of Inazuma, really…”

“I understand.”

Mama sighed and glanced at Shadow again, his gaze full of reproach, making Shadow’s head lower.

“I came back this time to solve Inazuma’s situation.”

“I have reached an agreement with Liyue, and they will also help us restore stability to Inazuma as soon as possible.”

“The life of the people, I promise, will be restored within a month!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Now, let’s go back to the Heavenly Keep Pavilion first, the Devil Descent Great Sage, they are not only here to seek justice for the Liyue merchant.”

“It’s also to help us calm the situation in Inazuma, let them come with us to Narugami Island.”

Kujo Yuluo was stunned for a moment, looked at Wei and the others, and then looked at the eyeshadow.

A little embarrassed.

After all, this is the garrison of other countries.

But Kage was a little annoyed and stared at Kujo Luo.

“What you really say, what you want!”

Kujo Iroh hurriedly nodded.

“Yes! Lord General! ”

“I’m not a general! Really back, she is Thor! ”

Shadow said, no more words, just like back then, follow behind the truth, be her shadow.

Miko poked Ying’s face with a smile.

“Look, I didn’t say anything wrong, did I? As long as he really comes back, any problem can be solved, and the shadow guy will immediately remove the position of Thor. ”

Ying nodded thoughtfully and said in a low voice:

“What was still majestic just now, but now she has become a good sister who makes mistakes and is afraid of being scolded by her sister.”

“After all, Shadow really did a lot of things wrong! It’s also normal to worry. ”

The Son of God replied, without further ado.

There is really here, Inazuma Chimai obedient like a pet.

Just as soon as his heart moved, he immediately rushed to the castle tower with everyone.

After returning to Inazuma City after a long absence, I really felt comfortable in my heart.

But the environment in Inazuma Castle and the oppressive atmosphere made her dislike it very much.

She understood what the problem was.

Now is not the time to look at your hometown, you really have to clean up the mess for Ying.

Glaring at the shadow, he entered the castle tower with Kujo Yura, Ying and the others.

The Dragoon Army stayed quietly in the castle tower.

The castle tower, which has been silent for five hundred years, welcomes back its true owner.

At this time, it is also a lot lively.

Really sitting on the main throne, the shadow subconsciously wanted to sit behind her.

Zhen said coldly:

“Go over there and sit! I’ll talk about you later! ”

Ying was a little aggrieved, but he also knew that he had annoyed Zhen, so he could only obediently kneel and sit below.

Zhen sighed, sorted out his mood, and said softly:

“Ayato in the gods came to the castle tower.”

Kujo Luo subconsciously wanted to get up, but was really stopped.

“Let someone else go, I still have something to talk to you.”

Kujo Yuluo was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that if the castle tower was really controlled now, she wouldn’t have to do everything.

Nodding, he went out and called a shogunate to summon the message, and Kujo Jura returned to the castle tower.

Really looked at Ying, and said softly:

“Ying, it will take a while to deal with these things, if you are bored, go around Inazuma Castle first.”

Ying smiled and waved her hand.

“No need, really, let’s just sit here for a while, after all, we’ve just ridden a dragon for so long!”

Makoto pursed his lips and smiled.

“I was negligent, I asked you to serve you some dessert.”

Kujo Choro did not wait for Zhen to speak, and went out again and ordered.

After returning, he said softly:

“Lord General, Kamisato Ayato is in Inazuma Castle, normally speaking, it will take about ten minutes to arrive.”

Ten minutes?

Shadow suddenly became a little unhappy.

His sister came back to see Ayato Kamisato, and he still had to ink like this?

When even said:

“I’ll go bring him personally!”

“Sit down!”

Zhen said calmly, and the shadow lowered his head again and quieted down.

This is a little embarrassing to watch the Kujo Zoro.

The original general who said nothing, indifferent and cold.

Are you so afraid of your sister?

I always feel like I saw something amazing!

“General Kujo, while Kamisato Ayato has not yet arrived, I would like to know about Inazuma’s current situation first.”

“Mainly about the affairs of the rebels and the shogunate army, the problem of the three pursuits, and the people’s livelihood affected by Inazuma’s exorbitant taxes and war.”

Kujo Yuro breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Looking at the real thing in front of me, I also felt a little happy.

As soon as he returned, he hurriedly started his work and consulted people’s livelihood.

Linked to the record of Raiden General 500 years ago, he is a god who is extremely gentle and considerate of his people.

The big stone in Kujo Iro’s heart fell to the ground.

It seems that Inazuma is about to usher in a good day.

After organizing some language, Kujo said softly:

“The other day, the general… Kage-sama called for an end to the war between the shogunate and the rebels, but it was not resolved because of the Eye Hunting Order. ”

“The rebels did not disband, they were still famous for their soldiers, but they did not rush forward, and the front-line battle was suspended.”

“Three pursues… In addition to the social practice, both the Heavenly Leader and the survey practice were involved in the exploitation of the people, the indiscriminate collection of taxes, and even the alliance with foreign enemies. ”

“Sorry Lord General, this matter was also investigated by me in the past few days, and it was the information provided by Ayato Kamisato.”

“Besides, Inazuma’s livelihood…”

Kujo Choro was silent.


What other people’s livelihood!

Lingering is the only adjective.

Shinya understood what Kujo Oro meant, and glared at the shadow more and more angrily.

Just as he was about to say something, there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

After knocking on the door, Kamisato Ayato stepped in, saw Ayaka first, and was relieved to see that she was safe and sound.

But immediately, he noticed the two thunder gods, and Kamisato Ayato was also blinded.

After a long while, he raised the same doubts as Kujo Hiroshi.

“Two… Lord General?! “。

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