This time, without the need for Miko to explain, Kujo Hora immediately explained to Kamisato Ayato.

Kamisato Ayato didn’t expect this kind of story.

After sighing in his heart, he resolutely overturned all his original plans.

In this case, what else is planned?

Can’t see the shadow now looks like he has done something wrong, look down and think about it?

If there is a real presence, Inazuma is not a matter for Kage.

In terms of real character, Inazuma’s problem, she will solve it more urgently than anyone.

Next, he just had to wait for the real arrangement.

The Inazuma problem is solved, just ~ right in front of you!

Kamisato Ayato was overjoyed, but he also sat quietly next to Kujo Hora.

The prepared dessert was also served, and Ying and Paimon were not polite, and ate it themselves, only treating this place as a banquet.

It’s just that Ying lowered his head a little disappointed, and he didn’t dare to reach out and take the dango that he liked to eat the most in the past.

She was afraid to talk about her again.

Seeing his sister’s pitiful appearance, he really softened his heart.


“Kage, don’t you like eating Sancai dango now?”

The shadow was stunned for a moment and looked up at Zhen.

Five hundred years ago, that gentle smile hit Kage’s heart again.

I couldn’t help but make Ying a little red-eyed.


Or that sister.

It’s just that she understands better that before it is her sister, first of all, it really has to be Thor.

She did something wrong herself, and she really had to stand in Inazuma’s position and punish her.

But the shadow doesn’t care.

As long as she really comes back, let her do anything.

She has always been the sharpest knife in Zhen’s hand!

Even if he really said that he would let her cut Tianli, Ying Ye would go on without saying a word and carrying the knife.

Really dedicate his life to Inazuma, and Kage, is dedicated to Makoto.

This is the sisterhood of the twin demon gods.

Biting into the three-colored dango in small bites, the shadow lowered his head, not knowing what to think.

Mama turned to look at Kamisato Ayato and Kujo Oro.

“The people have arrived, let’s get down to business.”

After a pause, he said in a deep voice:

“First of all! The abolition of the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order, as well as all types of unreasonable taxes set by the Three Pursuers during the reign of Shadow! ”

Listening to the truth, it pointed to the root of Inazuma’s chaos, and Kujo Sora and Kamisato Ayato looked at each other and saw each other’s surprise.


Yes, everything is fine!

Kage frowned, she didn’t have any opinion on all the real decisions, Eye Hunter or something, it didn’t matter.

But Raiden General apparently didn’t think so.

Rebellion, once again appeared.

But Shadow doesn’t allow Raiden General to take up her time with her sister’s reunion.

Resolutely suppressed her with the greatest means.

“Shadow, do you have an opinion?”

Zhenpiao asked lightly.

Shadow said decisively:

“What you really say, what you want!”

Shin bowed his head slightly and looked at Kamisato Ayato Kujo.

“The matter of the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order is the highest priority, and Kamisato Ayato is responsible for the internal communication policy of Inazuma Island.”

“General Kujo, please go to the rebel side and tell them the news.”

Kamisato Ayato is not embarrassed, this is very easy to do.

However, Kujo Luo was a little embarrassed:

“Lord General, the leader of the rebel army, Coral Palace Xinhai, may not believe it…”

“It’s okay, let them choose the location, I’ll go and talk to her in person.”

Makoto shook his head, but Kage was a little angry.

“Let her come in person! Why put Zhen in danger? ”

Really not strong, although she is also a demon god, but even those two hundred dragons can threaten her.

Shadow lost Zhen once, and naturally didn’t want Zhen to get involved in any danger.

In Shadow’s thoughts, it is good to stay in the castle tower, safe and sound, and anything that comes forward, involving the possibility of fighting, she will do it.

This is also the old rule of 500 years ago.

Shadow now wants to follow Zhen twenty-four hours a day, for fear that she will have problems again.

Zhen glanced at the shadow calmly.

“This is Inazuma, the rebels are also our people, why should I worry that they will harm me?”

“But really…”

“No, there are nine generals to accompany me, and they act as intermediaries.”

Kage didn’t dare to say anything more, but just gave Kujo Oro a look.

Kujo Jura understood that True Eyes was the most perfect Thunder God, and she couldn’t let True Eye have an accident.

What’s more, no matter how people say it, they are also demon gods.

“Can the repeal of the Eye Hunting Order be implemented within three days?”

Shin looked at Kamisato Ayato, who nodded and said:

“No problem!”

“Okay, second thing.”

Really said softly:

“After the abolition of the lockdown order, commerce will be fully restored, and the merchants of Liyue and Mond will take the lead and be sent to trade with us in the name of the official.”

“It’s about reopening trade routes, and this matter is very important.”

“Kan Ding is corrupt and has done a lot of wrong things, which has made many businessmen have a bad impression of us Inazuma, and we must reverse this impression.”

“Ayato Kamisato will temporarily take over the outlying islands, be responsible for entertaining merchants, arrears of accounts, and double compensation for all stranded merchants.”

“Morah takes from the survey! Can it be done to entertain those businessmen? ”

Kamisato Ayato nodded flatly, and this matter was troublesome.

It will be busy, but Kamisato Ayato can also bear it.

As long as the trade route is reopened, Inazuma’s economy will soon recover, and he must do this.

“Rest assured, Lord General, I will do my best to entertain the businessman and ensure that the merchant restores his confidence in us.”

“I believe in your abilities.”

Mama smiled and nodded.

“The third thing is that the investigation and observance and the heavenly leader pursue deception and concealment, oppress the people, and rebel and violent.”

“Pass on the order, survey the Hiiragi family and the Tenling follow the Kujo family, all go to prison, confiscate the family property, and return the rice wife people.”

“General Kujo, I can only ask you about this, I know, it may be a little difficult for you, but… This is for Inazuma. ”

Kujo Luo nodded in a complicated mood.

“Lord Shogun don’t have to worry about it, this is the end they deserve, I am not loyal to the Kujo family, but to Inazuma and Lord Shogun.”

“It’s just that Lord General, the Kujo family and the Hiiragi family have been in business for a long time after all, and not all of them are heinous people.”

“Dealing with it all may affect the political situation in Inazuma.”

The main reason is the fear that the society will be monopolized. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course, Kujo Jura would not say it.

I really had an idea for a long time.

“For the Kujo family and the Hiiragi family, naturally it cannot be one-size-fits-all, General Kujo is responsible for interrogation, the punishment that should be punished, the release that should be released, in accordance with the Inazuma law.”

“As for the Survey Pursuit and the Heavenly Domain… General Kujo was henceforth in charge of all affairs of the Tenkaku. ”

“Survey and pursuit, Kamisato Aya and Kujo Sora are responsible for the selection and selection of suitable candidates as soon as possible.”

“During this time, I will work hard for you.”

The two nodded, this bit of luck, they are still fine.

After a period of fatigue, Inazuma’s situation will definitely get better with the naked eye.

“Fourth thing.”

Zhen paused and continued:

“With Liyue Mond to winter, sign a four-nation advance and retreat agreement to restore Inazuma’s prosperity as soon as possible.”

“After that, Jiujo Qiluo will select a thousand reliable manpower and bring them to Liyue, which is related to the plan of the four countries, and it must be as soon as possible.”

“Within a month, is that okay?”

Kujo Choro thought about it and nodded decisively.

“No problem, Lord General!”

I don’t know why I want to alliance, but having three more powerful allies is a good thing for Inazuma.

The economy and people’s livelihood will develop rapidly, and their strength will be stronger.

However, Kamisato Ayato knew the reason and was a little relieved.

“The fifth thing… Recruit rebels, those who are willing, join the shogunate army, and enjoy the same treatment as the shogunate army. ”

“Those who are not willing to continue the conquest will return to their hometowns to live, and the shogunate army will do the same.”

After saying that, Zhen paused and looked at the shadow.

“Kage, personally lead the team, calm the Inazuma monster chaos, and solve Inazuma’s environmental problems!”

“Understood, but really, your safety…”

Shadow is really a little bit of a traumatic stress sequelae.

Now as long as she can’t see the truth, she is worried that someone is going to hurt her.

“This is Inazuma.”

Zhen just calmly replied, looked at Kujo Luo, and said softly:

“The Thousand Rock Army will stay in Inazuma for three days, and during these three days, they can help us with something.”

“The specific situation, General Kujo, you talk to the Senyan army.”

Kujo Koro breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that cooperation is basically a stone, or it has already been carried out.

In any case, with an army so strong that it pushes Inazuma, many things can be easier.

Kujo Iroh nodded and looked at the big stone on the side.

“These three days, trouble everyone.”

Dashi shook his head and didn’t say anything.

“One last thing…”

Zhen sighed, looked at the shadow, and after a moment of silence, said softly:

“The second generation of rule, the god of thunder Balzeb, the prison country is unfavorable, resulting in constant wars in Inazuma, the people’s livelihood withered, the people’s lives were miserable, and the subordinates were decayed.”

“Remove Balzeb from the position of god, and when Inazuma is finished, Balzeb personally goes to Liyue to contribute to the cooperation of the four countries.”

It’s finally here…

Kujo Choro and the others were a little melancholy.

Although he knew that Yizhen was serious about his people, seeing Ying like this, he would definitely remove her.

However, when the time comes, there are still some feelings.

But this is more like a family matter, and it is not convenient for them to say anything.

Ying lowered his head with some loss and said in a low voice:

“I see…”

Zhen pursed his lips and said softly:

“The question about my identity and the shadow, don’t spread it out.”

The shadow was stunned for a moment, and clenched his fists a little reproachfully.

She understood that if the two Thunder Gods did not spread out, then all the people of Inama would feel that they were really done.

I really want to carry the black pot for her.

Or that sister…

Although angry, he will firmly protect her.

Even if the real power is not strong, but just like at the beginning, any powerful enemy is really willing to block in front of the shadow.

But Shadow didn’t want to really help her back the black pot.

No one understands better than her that she is really kind and gentle, and she should not suffer this wrong.

“The mistake is that I made it, it has nothing to do with Zhen, and I can’t let Zhen bear this kind of infamy for me!”

Hearing this, Zhen’s eyes softened and glanced at the shadow.

“I’m your sister, and I’m also wrong for letting you take over Inazuma in a hurry.”


Makoto shook his head and didn’t let Shadow continue.

“In any case, I am at fault for letting you take over Inazuma without preparation and not teaching you how to manage Inazuma well.”

“Inazuma is like this now, and I can’t blame it.”

“So be it, no need to say more Maru.”

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