After that, Shin ordered something more, and Kujo and Kamisato Ayato took their leave and left.

Their task is very heavy, and it will take a long time to solve the matter of the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order.

What’s more, there are three things to pursue.

However, the two will not feel tired, and it is good to see that Inazuma’s situation will change completely.

Although I haven’t been with the truth for a long time, I really have that temperament.

As long as she is in the castle tower, it will always make people feel reliable and steady.

Today is a big sunny day, because it really returns, and the endless thunderstorms in the sky seem to disappear in an instant.

“Inazuma… It has been a long time since the weather was so bright. ”

Kujo looked at the sky in a relaxed mood.

It seems that, like the weather, the life of the Inamami people is getting better.

“The current Lord General is indeed a gentle god.”

Kamisato Ayato sighed with emotion, and Kujo Oro nodded.

“With the presence of the general, the people of Inamu will also live like the people of Liyue.”

“It’s just… The matter of the two lords of the generals… Are we really not going to spread the word? ”

“In the future, how should I address Lord Kage?”

Kujo Choro glanced back at the castle tower with some concern.

Kamisato Ayato smiled and shook his head:

“Since it is the meaning of Lord General, then we will act according to Lord General’s ideas.” “Five Eight Seven”

“As for the question of the two generals, Lord Zhen is a general, and Lord Kage-sama is also a general, why not?”

“This is also Inazuma’s luck, Ma-sama is good at management, considerate of the people’s hearts, gentle and kind.”

“Lord Kage is good at fighting, full of force, and his strength is profound.”

“One text and one martial arts cooperation, and the twin sisters, the power exerted can be far greater than the effect of one plus one.”

Kujo Luo bowed his head slightly.

“I don’t doubt that, I’m just thinking…”

Kujo Luo paused, and said a little sadly:

“After experiencing so many things, the wife and people may more or less criticize the general.”

“But… All this has nothing to do with Shin-sama, Shin-sama is a gentle and kind god, she shouldn’t carry this…”

“But Lord Kage…”

Kamisato Ayato smiled dumbly, shook his head and said:

“Are you worried about this?”

Kujo Oro frowned and looked at Kamisato Ayato.

Although it was not long before he dealt with the truth, Kujo Jura was glad that the first general had returned.

It is a gentle and kind god who listens to every voice of his people and leads Inazuma in a greater direction.

Kujo Yuluo has already been really impressed, and she is loyal, naturally she does not want to be really wronged.

Of course, this is not a betrayal of the shadow, Kujo Goro has sworn allegiance to Narugami and Inazuma.

It’s really also Naruto, or the first Naruto, if you don’t know the perspective of the Gemini Demon God in Kujo Choro.

In the beginning, the object of her oath of allegiance was true.

“In my opinion, although this matter is difficult, it is not without a turning point.”

Kamisato Ayato smiled meaningfully and said softly:

“Lord General has been seriously injured since the five hundred years of turmoil in Canrea, and he has been in retreat.”

“In order to prevent Inazuma from being destroyed like Canrea, Inazuma is required to temporarily avoid all external risks while she is in retreat.”

“And the Heavenly Leader pursued and surveyed the instructions of the general to misinterpret the instructions of the general, deceived the upper and lower, and later introduced the Eye Hunting Order and the Lock Country Order.”

“Now that Lord General has woken up and learned about it, he is extremely angry, and we have to strictly deal with the Heavenly Domain’s practice and survey practice.”

“General Kujo, righteous annihilation, what do you think of this process?”

Kamisato Ayato smiled and changed hands, and left the responsibility to the Heavenly Leader and the Survey Pursuit.

Kujo Oro took a deep look at Ayato Kamisato.

She understood that this kind of thing was difficult for others to do, but for Kamisato Ayato, it was easy for him to really transfer responsibility.

Although it seems a little out of place, but…

The Heavenly Leader Pursuit and Survey Pursuit are indeed rotten, and instead of directly catching them all, it is better to use them in the end.

Kamisato Ayato didn’t want to make his real reputation a problem, after all, he really had to manage Inazuma after that, and these things themselves were not her doing.

She can back the black pot for the shadow, and Ayato Kamisato and others also accept it, after all, the two sisters Makoto and Kage are the managers of Inazuma.

But if you can, you can’t really have a bad reputation, and you can’t make the people of Inazuma lose confidence.

If you lose your faith and build it again, it will be much more troublesome.

Kujo Iroh nodded slightly.

“You can do that, but I don’t think that Coral Palace Xinhai will believe it.”

“It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t believe it, just the people believe it.”

Kamisato Ayato chuckled and sorted out his thoughts.

“Now is not the time for small talk, it is imperative that we first solve the matter of pursuing and eye-hunting orders to lock the country.”

Saying that, Kamisato Ayato looked at Dashi who had been silent on the side, and said with a smile:

“Captain Dashi, I’m going to trouble you in the past three days.”

Dashi shook his head and said softly:

“By the way, Inazuma Thunder God signed a contract with our emperor and Lord Ningguang, and it is normal for alliances to help each other.”

“But you guys have to hurry, we only have three days.”

Three days……

Three days doesn’t seem like anything, but that depends on who is right.

For these two hundred dragon knights, in Inazuma, there is nothing that cannot be done in three days except fighting with the shadow.

It is the power that sweeps over everything, destroys the decay.

Kujo glanced enviously at the quiet dragoon army in the distance.

Now that she reacted, she began to think about this tough army.

If Inazuma also has such a legion …

What can’t be done?

Kamisato Ayato thought thoughtfully, and said softly:

“Captain Dashi, can you tell us about these dragon groups?”

Dashi frowned slightly.

“It’s about Liyue’s secrets, so I have no comment.”

Kamisato Ayato did not die, paused, and said: (Read violent novels, just go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Then, the contract that Lord General and the Three Kingdoms of Liyue are about to sign, is it about that magical world?”

“In the future, the place where General Kujo and Lord Kage are going to lead the team is also that world, right?”

Kujo Yuro was a little dazed, but Dashi’s expression instantly became serious.

Turning his head to stare at Ayato Kamisato quietly, the pistol on his waist was about to move.

“What are you talking about?”

Kamisato Ayato smiled dumbly, but he was also a little surprised in his heart.

How can he say that he is also one of Inazuma’s strongest original gods, and he still has a sense of crisis in the face of this dragon rider army commander who has no god’s eye.

Liyue, it has really made incredible progress.

Kamisato Ayato unhurriedly took out the immortal totem from his arms.

“I signed a contract with the three gods of the Rock King Emperor before, and Miss Ying explained the situation in that world to me.”

“But some details are not very clear.”

Seeing that Kamisato Ayato even took out the immortal totem, Dashi’s face eased a lot.

After a moment of silence, he said softly:

“The specific situation will not be clear until you go, and it is impossible to say it alone.”

Kamisato Ayato nodded thoughtfully, but did not force it, and chuckled:

“Then thank you Captain Dashi.”

Kujo Hora was a little concerned about the problems of the world that Kamisato Ayato said.

However, Kamisato Ayato gave her a look, and Kujo Sora temporarily resisted the intention of asking…….

She would know these things later.

After all, she wants to lead the team to Liyue.

Now say, it’s too messy.

“In that case, let’s act.”

Kujo Choro was silent for a moment, and said categorically:

“I’ll go to the rebel army first, and the matter of the lifting of the lockdown order and the eye hunting order will be handed over to you.”

“In addition, those who practice and survey the practice of Heavenly Leader must all be imprisoned as soon as possible and interrogated slowly.”

Kamisato Ayato waved his hand and walked towards the door.

“I know, I wish you a good journey.”

Kujo nodded, and immediately asked Daishi to take her to the rebel side.

If she went alone, Baoqi Coral Palace Xinhai felt that something was going to happen again and temporarily trapped her.

With Liyue as an intermediary, the situation would be better.


Inside the castle tower.

After Kujo and Kamisato Ayato left, Shinya was finally relieved.

Miko smiled and leaned over to Mako’s side and quipped:

“It’s worthy of our Lord General, just came back, and was busy cleaning up the mess for Ying.”

“It seems that you will be busy and dizzy during this time.”

Hearing this, the shadow on the side lowered his head a little guiltily.

Really looked at her and didn’t say anything more.

A lot has already been said just now.

There is no need to be so harsh on my sister who I haven’t seen for so long.

“We have limited time and must resolve Inazuma’s situation as soon as possible.”

“Within a month, whether it is peaceful or not, we will send people to Jiang Xuan’s world.”

“A month?”

Ayaka was a little melancholy.

“Lord General, is a month a little too long? For Jiang Xuan’s world, too many things can happen in a month. ”

Really sighed helplessly.

“I also know, but the resolution of Inazuma’s chaos is not something that can be achieved soon.”

“One month is ideal.”

“But it’s just that Inazuma’s army can’t enter for the time being, Ayaka, you can still go over there, and you can also be regarded as helping Inazuma be a pioneer.”

“Son of God, you go with you.”

For the real request, Miko naturally would not refuse, if it were not for the sake of really coming back to solve Inazuma’s situation.

In such an interesting world, the Son of God can not stay for a while at 0.0 bar.

“Is this a business trip? Is there any travel payment? ”

Miko looked at Mako, who shook his head a little helplessly.

“For you, it should be for you to play, are you still kind to ask me for any business trip payment?”

“There is still a lot to do after Inazuma, Mora spends more, and for the time being, it can’t give you any financial support.”

The Son of God suddenly waved his hand with interest.

“Forget it, since it’s really your request, I’ll reluctantly go there.”

Makoto nodded, and finally turned to look at the shadow.

In an instant, he had been secretly staring at the real shadow, and lowered his head weakly.

“Puppet prison country, eye hunting order, lock country order, frequent wars, people living in poverty… Shadow, it’s all yours to do. ”

The shadow lowered his eyes a little sadly, and did not say a word.

Zhen sighed, he wanted to say something more, but his heart softened.

In the end, she still can’t ignore the sadness of the movie.

Get up and walk to the shadow, your gaze softened.

“Long time no see, shadow…”

“Five hundred years, hard work for you, I’m back…”

The shadow raised his head in a daze and looked at the gentle sister in front of him just like five hundred years ago.

The shadow pursed his lips and instantly got up and hugged Zhen tightly.

“Really… Welcome home, I miss you so much…”.

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