Grandma Ping is actually not old.

For immortals like them, there is only one possibility of aging.

Wear and tear!

However, even if it is worn, it does not affect the appearance.

Wendy, who is more than 3,000 years old, is still like a bear child, and she has no shape every day.

Grandma Ping, who is about the same age, is still a teenager.

Even Narumi, who is older than Grandma Ping.

Isn’t he still a wandering young man?

On weekdays, Gan Yu called Grandma Ping, and most of them were Pingzi’s sisters.

It’s called Grandma Ping, but it will be shouted so in front of outsiders.

Age, for immortals, is not a necessary condition for aging.

But Grandma Ping is old.

In the past, she and the end, and Maxius, were good friends.

Grandma Ping has a good relationship and is also good friends with many immortals.

But then, in the end, he died, and Maxius ran out of strength, slept on his own, and forgot everything.

The other immortals were basically dead.

The last immortal who survived could not come out, and Grandma Ping saw the parting of life and death.

The mentality has completely disappeared from the lively and warlike Song Dust Lang True Monarch back then.

The mentality of immortals will be reflected in the incarnation of appearance.

But now, Grandma Ping has seen many old friends resurrected.

Now, right away, we see the final resurrection.

The youthfulness of her mentality will make her regain her youthful appearance.

Liuyun was also a little relieved.

“Ninety-three-three” perhaps…

Immediately, the once lively and warlike Song Dust Lang True Monarch is coming back.

Thinking of this, Liuyun raised his head proudly.

Everyone else looks at Grandma Ping’s old dragon bell, and she is kind and not like words.

But only she understood that Pingzi was a peerless beauty who surprised all the immortals.

Moreover, when fighting, it is also quite a strong person with visual impact.

Thinking about it, Liuyun couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Xuan.

“When Pingzi returns to her youthful appearance, you have to look at Jiang Xuan well, and you can’t let this guy harm Pingzi.”

The muttering in Liuyun’s heart was naturally not heard by Jiang Xuan.

But even if he heard it, Jiang Xuan would complain back.

This guy Liuyun himself is worried about Ying, and he has the leisure to manage the affairs of Pingzi.

What’s more, what kind of character is he Jiang Xuan?

Ganyu on the left, Condensation on the right, walnut in front and Lisa in the back.

With two good daughters, Kelly and Nasida, in her arms, and on her shoulders sat Paimon, a cute flying pet.

To enjoy the blessings of Qi people, what else should he deliberately pursue?

If he said it hard, it would be nothing more than that Jiang Xuan wanted the son of God very much now.

The Son of God is the last missing link in Jiang Xuan’s happy and beautiful life.

As long as Miko is willing to turn into a pink-haired fox, obediently let him stroke it every day.

Jiang Xuan’s happy life is completely perfect.

Right now, the only thing Jiang Xuan lacks is a furry pet!

Dadalia raised his elbow and poked Diluc and whispered:

“You lose, you owe me 100 million Mora, Zhongli this guy has been entangled for an hour.”

Diluc pouted unpleasantly.

“I’ll go back to you.”

Dadalia raised her eyebrows and smiled.

“Lord Diluc is atmospheric, do you want to gamble once? I’m betting that the clock will drag on for another hour! ”

Diluc snorted and did not take Dadalia.

Wendy crossed her waist a little helplessly, looking at Zhongli, who had been silent and stood like a large rock.

“Although I can understand the old man’s mentality, but… Isn’t that too anxious? ”

“Is it so difficult to resurrect?”

Zhongli glanced at Wendy and did not answer, and finally, in full view of everyone, took a deep breath and took out the resurrection totem.

But there was no response.

In the previous hour, Zhongli repeatedly took out the resurrection totem more than a dozen times, then looked at it for a while and put it away again.

This guy is not a little anxious.

Jiang Xuan rolled his eyes.

“I said, everyone is waiting for you, are you still resurrected or not?”

“Emperor Tangyan, there is no need to be so timid, right?”

This sentence, even Shaoyue and the others approved with a face.

Isn’t it just a matter of holding the resurrection totem and thinking about it?

Is it necessary to toss so much?

Zhongli pursed his lips and did not answer.

To be fair, he wished he got the resurrection totem for the first time to be resurrected.

The girl who clearly holds the authority of dust, but is dressed in a white robe, pure as a glazed lily.

The demon god girl who looks at the exuberant sea of flowers on the original and will bounce happily.

That one……

In the midst of a thousand flowers, give him the earthly lock and tell him that all her wisdom, all the words she wants to say, are in it.

To this day, Zhong Li still hasn’t opened the earthly lock.

It’s not that there is no ability, it is that there is no heart.

The atmosphere fell silent, and everyone was wondering when Zhongli would be resurrected.

Or, this guy is going to back down again today.

But the next moment, the resurrection totem in Zhong Li’s hand flashed with dazzling golden light.

Slowly, the golden light condensed in front of everyone.

“In the beginning, because of agriculture, it prospered, and gathered as a gathering.”

“There is God, the name is over, the dust is good, and the sky is not known for thousands of miles.”

“Tell the people four commandments.”

Zhong left his mouth and spoke something unknown.

Everyone quieted down and looked at the golden light expectantly.

I don’t know how long it took, the figure shrouded in golden light slowly came out with a crisp girlish voice.

“Later, there was a divine presence, using the rock as a tool, and moved the people of the Liyue tribe to gather and protect the people together.”

“Take the name of the two gods, call this episode a return…”

The corners of Zhong Li’s mouth raised slightly, and the anxiety, nervousness, and melancholy at that time suddenly disappeared.

No matter what the future holds, at the very least, he has a clear conscience.

For him, the past, whether it is the past, or the past, is all gone today.

When friends return, congratulations!

Zhong Li spoke leisurely, and his words carried the charm of divine power.

“There are four commandments.”

“Teach with wisdom and discipline with virtue.”

The words fell, and the final voice in the golden light also sounded. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Strong, united.”

“The dream of red dust has been in the world for a thousand years…”

“Morax, old friends, I haven’t seen you for years…”

The golden light shone brightly, and the slightest sparkle collapsed into an endless golden stream.

Around the end, slowly disappearing.

The figure in the golden light finally stood in front of everyone.

She has long gray-white hair, a wide off-the-shoulder dress, and wide sleeves that flutter in the wind.

Like her gentle hair.

He was short and looked even shorter than Ying.

Standing barefoot on the grass, fine dust swirling around him.

Slowly opened his eyes, and in those eyes, they were as pure as the sky.

Jiang Xuan’s secret path creates and tricks people.

The demon god who is the best at raising smoke and dust is the purest girl who most resembles the sky and flowers.

Slowly scanned the crowd, and finally said softly:

“Now I Limin, can we all live and work in peace, but can we all prosper?”

Zhong Li nodded silently and said indifferently:

“The country is prosperous and the people are prosperous, and the rivers and mountains are prosperous.”


In the end, he nodded gratifyingly, was silent for a moment, and looked at Zhongli with some expectation.

“The lock of the earth, can it ever be opened?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone became excited.

Jiang Xuan looked at Zhong Li with expectant eyes, and his hand movements couldn’t help but get bigger.

Gan Yu quietly poked Jiang Xuan and muttered:

“Jiang Xuan, you scratched me…”

Jiang Xuan hurriedly rubbed Gan Yu’s hand.

“Sorry, it’s so exciting…”

Gan Yu shook his head helplessly.

His own man was as gossipy as his adoptive mother, which really made Gan Yu worry…….

Although Liuyun has always felt that there is definitely something between Zhongli and the end.

But Gan Yu, even waiting, knew it in his heart.

Between the end and Zhongli, there is more of a deep affection of confidants and fellow believers.

The only goal of the two is just for Liyue.

It is a confidant, a comrade-in-arms, and a family member.

As for the other affection…

The immortals can’t see it.

But Jiang Xuan and Liuyun didn’t mind considering it with this attitude.

To ask why…

Liuyun loves gossip, and Jiang Xuan simply finds it interesting.

Zhong Li looked at it for a while, and took out the long-collected earthly lock from his arms.

“Returns to its original owner.”

In the end, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he was silent for a moment and took the lock of the earthly world.

“By my wisdom and by your force, my people will be stronger and my kingdom more prosperous.”

“It seems that it is not feasible after all, and it is okay… Now that I have returned, I will open this earthly lock. ”

“However, the challenge of the covenant, you lost.”

The corners of Zhongli’s mouth raised slightly, and he nodded.

“Willing to gamble and lose.”

Just now, there were some god images at the end, and suddenly laughed happily.

Transformed into a lively girl.

“Hmph! After so many years, finally let this guy throw in the towel! It’s not easy! ”

“In other words, thousands of years have passed now, what is the situation now for the people who have returned to the assembly?”

The contrast between one after the other made everyone stunned in place.

But Zhongli apparently expected this.


“Time passes, the years are like a shuttle, and it has been thousands of years since the end of the Demon God War.”

“After you die, I will move my people to the vicinity of Tianheng Mountain.”

“Today, the people of Liyue live and work in peace and contentment, Liyue has been founded for more than 3,700 years, and the national capital is Liyue Port.”

“I have abdicated, and Liyue is still here.”

In the end, he was stunned for a moment and said in surprise:

“Has it been so long? I feel like a lot has happened, but Liyue Renzhi…”

“Then won’t my wisdom be unleashable?”

Zhong Li shook his head and pointed to the condensing light beside Jiang Xuan.

“Liyue, who is ruled by people, also needs your wisdom, but how to do it specifically, how to deal with yourself, you can talk with Quan Xing Condensing Light today.”

“Celestial Power Star?”

In the end, she became more and more confused, and when she died, the seven-star system had not yet appeared.

What’s more, 4.6 What’s more, in the end, I don’t know anything now.

Why the resurrection, the situation of Liyue, the current form, etc…

These take a lot of time to get used to.

At the moment, there is no hurry.

In the end, he secretly remembered these doubts in his heart, crossed Zhongli, and looked at the two people standing behind him.

One person is Liuyun, as for the other…

Even if you are dying of old age at this time, you can finally recognize it at a glance.

This is her best friend.

“Ping’er… How did you become like this…”

In the end, he crossed Zhongli and touched Grandma Ping’s face with distress.

Grandma Ping, who has always been kind and kind, has no mood swings even in the face of the attack of the demon god.

Feeling the breath that has been separated for thousands of years, my eyes turned red in an instant.

“In the end… You’re back…”

Grandma Ping held Grandma Ping’s hand tightly.

Finally, I checked Grandma Ping’s body and found that she was not a big deal, but her mentality was not quite right.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and wink:

“Is Ping’er like this because of me?”

“It really touches me, but it can damage the reputation of our beautiful girl trio.”

Looking at Pingzi, who was rejuvenated in her eyes, her voice finally softened.

“Ping’er, I’m back, you should come back too…”

Next, indigo streamers bloomed from Grandma Ping’s body, surrounding her, covering everything.

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